Meeting dates and other special events for both Nanaimo Family History Society and other family history societies are included in this calendar. Our meetings are normally held on the third Monday of each month (except July and August).
If you hover over the event date, a pop-up will provide more information. Click on the date and a new screen will open, again with more information. To go back to the main calendar, click on “all events”.
Genealogy Book Club
We’re working through the book called The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy, Second Edition, by Blaine Bettinger. Blaine writes about DNA in easily understandable terms, making this the ideal book for those beginning their DNA journey, while still tackling complex subjects that are of benefit to more advanced practitioners. You can […]
NFHS General Meeting
Beban Park Social Centre, Room 7 2300 Bowen Road, Nanaimo,, BC, CanadaLIANNE KRUGER HOME ON THE RANGE Lianne will speak on understanding homestead records in western Canada.
Writer’s Group
The writing/editing group will move into some more complex strategies to consider when editing our work. These strategies will include character development, pace and momentum, plot and structure, and suspense and tension. We will also review showing and telling and have a look at transitions, both between paragraphs and chapters. We will discuss how these editing skills are all […]
Brick Wall Busting
Do you have a dead-end on your tree that you’re trying to break through? Please bring your problem to this session along with the ideas you’ve already tried. Donna MacIver will facilitate a discussion amongst the participants to brainstorm potential solutions.
The Genealogical Proof Standard
What do you do when you have conflicting evidence? How do you know when you have enough information to satisfy your research question? Join Bronwyn in a review of the process for ‘weighing’/evaluating evidence and the 3 linkages required to establish genealogical proof.
Genealogy Book Club
We’re working through the book called The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy, Second Edition, by Blaine Bettinger. Blaine writes about DNA in easily understandable terms, making this the ideal book for those beginning their DNA journey, while still tackling complex subjects that are of benefit to more advanced practitioners. You can […]
Writer’s Group
The writing/editing group will move into some more complex strategies to consider when editing our work. These strategies will include character development, pace and momentum, plot and structure, and suspense and tension. We will also review showing and telling and have a look at transitions, both between paragraphs and chapters. We will discuss how these editing skills are all […]
NFHS General Meeting
Beban Park Social Centre, Room 7 2300 Bowen Road, Nanaimo,, BC, CanadaMALI BAIN JEDEDIAH ISLAND FAMILIES and FAMILY HISTORY PUBLISHING Mali will share what she learned from her book, and a bit about what she has learned from her current work helping people publish their own life stories and/or family histories. First, she will share the process she went through starting with family history research "rabbit […]
Beginning Genealogy: Where Did I Find That
This session will cover why it is important to keep records and note sources. It will outline some general considerations in deciding how and where to store your work, whether you are just starting out or already have a filing cabinet full of material.