Passenger List Names Por – Pres
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Name | Arrived | Ship | Page | Age | Country | Reel | Port | Notes |
Por?, illegible | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 039-000 | Norway | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Por?imus, Millie | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 012-008 | 48 | United States | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Por?imus, Olive | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 012-008 | 20 | United States | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Por?imus, Willis | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 012-008 | 53 | United States | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Por?stein, Z. | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 21 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porada, Jan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 012-011 | 11m | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porada, Kataryna | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 012-011 | 24 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porada, Paul | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 012-011 | 29 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porada, Sofia | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 012-011 | 2 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poradowski, Pietro | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 015-015 | 19 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poralski, Francesrek | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 027-026 | 18 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poralusz, Francizek | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 010-010 | 36 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poranen, Lydia | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 029-014 | 14 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poransky, Carl | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 008-00H | 4 | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poransky, Emma | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 008-00H | 26 | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poransky, Israel | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 008-00H | 3 | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poransky, Mathelde | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 008-00H | infant | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poransky, Wilhelm | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 008-00H | 29 | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porapaski, Dimitro | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 012-000 | 45 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porazil, Elisa | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 18 | Bohemia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porazil, Marie | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 36 | Bohemia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porbel, Francois | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 009-009 | 30 | France | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porbergsson, Erinkr | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 025-010 | 41 | Iceland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porbulka, Michaylo | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 020-018 | 26 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcasen, Bertiline | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 019-012 | 20 | Denmark | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcel, Jean Louis | 06 August,1909 | Corinthian | 007-004 | 15 | France | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcelay, Feige | 15 August,1904 | Montreal | 003-003 | 19 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcelay, Jacob | 15 August,1904 | Montreal | 002-002 | 17 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcele, Miss | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 015-000 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porcellaiv, Yankel | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 26 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcenaluk, Semen | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 019-019 | 43 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Doris | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 6 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Ernest | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Fannie Blanche | 09 September,1909 | Ottawa | 008-015 | 29 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porch, Harry | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 39 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Henry | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 008-007 | 19 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Herbert | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 7 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porch, Mrs. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 42 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porchan, Marcel | 17 August,1910 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 15 | France | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porche, Emile | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 014-013 | 35 | Switzerland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Amalie | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 45 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Elionova | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 9 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Gustav | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 56 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Rudolf | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 16 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Wilhelm | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 15 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcher, Wilhelm | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 19 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcherot, Victor | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 001-000 | 27 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porchila, Hawrylo | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 22 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porchinska, Olga | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 041-028 | 21 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcina, Dmytro | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 52 | Russian Pole | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porco, Giuseppe | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 50 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porco, Luigi | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 030-028 | 11 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porco, Pasqualina | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 23 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porco, Santo | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 030-028 | 30 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porcynaluk, Josef | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 018-018 | 28 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porczynaluk, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 027-025 | 25 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordaniuk, Stefan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 037-035 | 17 | Austria Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordardotter, Gudging | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 60 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordasdotter, Anna | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 007-007 | 11 | Iceland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Porder, George E. | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 019-020 | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordes, Israel | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 35 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordorson, Gudmundur | 13 July,1909 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 28 | Iceland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pordorsson, Magnus | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 026-017 | 34 | Iceland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poreau, Ferdinand | 27 May,1908 | Sicilian | 006-004 | 28 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porelli, Enrico | 14 November,1906 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | 56 | Italian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poremba, Maryanna | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 17 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pores F?, Henry | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 19 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porey, Geoffrey | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 012-001 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porez, Sister Madelaine | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 023-023 | 28 | T-484 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porforvicz, Dmitre | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 009-009 | 26 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porfyri, Woroszlo | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 017-017 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porgeault, Claud | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 018-018 | 32 | French | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porgerelis, Annie | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 008-008 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porgerelis, Millie | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 008-008 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porgiovannia, Nicola | 28 July,1906 | Carthaginian | 004-004 | 58 | Italy | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porgliare, Gaspare | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 023-023 | 38 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porhanen, Juke | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 014-008 | 27 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porhecary, H. | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 009-00I | 10 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Porhs, Herman | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 21 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pori?no, Gaetano | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 017-017 | 20 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pori?no, Serafino | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 017-017 | 28 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porieene?, Anna | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 2 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porieene?, Petronella | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 24 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porimo, Cassoni | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 035-035 | 20 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porin, Mandel | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 020-011 | 30 | Poland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poritt, Daniel | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 005-005 | 62 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porjhonen, Oscar | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 024-024 | 21 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pork, J | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 24 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pork, May E. | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-021 | 29 | America | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pork, Ruby E. | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-021 | 28 | America | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pork?howsky, Franz | 28 October,1907 | Pretorian | 006-006 | a | Russ Pole | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkalsdottir, J. | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 011-00K | 23 | Iceland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkellssonson, Gudmundur | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 026-017 | 78 | Iceland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkelson, Ingi Jan | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 002-00B | 2 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkelsson, Gudmunder | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 002-00B | 75 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkins, Fred | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 002-002 | a | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkka, Juho | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 003-003 | 21 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkka, Juho | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 040-018 | 25 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkka, Nanni | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 040-018 | 17 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkkens, Maria | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 006-007 | 20 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkkonen, Hendrik | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 026-012 | 45 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkkosam, Isak | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 001-001 | 32 | Finn | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porko, S. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 024-026 | 17 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkonen, W. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 008-008 | 25 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porkunski, Do? | 30 July,1909 | Mont Rose | 009-008 | 21 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlaksdottir, Sigfina | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 11 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlasson, Brajim | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 46 | Iceland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porleifsdottir, Egertina | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 4 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porleifsdottir, Gudbjorg | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 2 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porleifsdottir, Helga | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 3 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porleifsdottir, Ingibjorg | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 11 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porleifsson, Sveinn | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | infant | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porliefsdotter, Vigdis | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 025-016 | 56 | Iceland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porliefsson, Johannes | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 23 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlinsi, Autonis | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 30 | Italy | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlrici, Itzchok | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 006-006 | 22 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlrici, Malke | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 006-006 | 21 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porlufsson, Gunner | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 32 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porm, A. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 009-009 | 58 | Roumanian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porm, S. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 009-009 | 23 | Roumanian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porm, W. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 009-009 | 21 | Roumanian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pornbany, Georgi | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 27 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porncgnak, Teodor | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 012-011 | 28 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pornfret, Susannah | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 017-003 | 28 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pornfret, William | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 017-003 | 30 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pornia, Hrycko | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 21 | Galicia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poro, Hilda | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 027-013 | 15 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poro, Juho | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 028-028 | 34 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porocali, Carlo | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porocali, Emilie | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 20 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porocali, Giovani | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 17 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poroitt, Ethel Mary | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 003-002 | 36 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poropeski, Pawlo | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 027-000 | 29 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pororniuk, Dekica | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 007-006 | 23 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pororniuk, Katarina | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 007-006 | 18 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pororniuk, Marinka | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 007-006 | 50 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poroseczki, Itzek | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 014-007 | 27 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porosiuk, Stefan | 09 June,1908 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 23 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poroszak, Jan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 015-014 | 24 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porouf, Thomas | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-023 | 29 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porovitz, Rosa | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 014-016 | 31 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porozny, Kandrea | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 003-002 | 35 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porpa, Alice | 06 October,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 40 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porpa, Claude | 06 October,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 44 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porra, Wiktor | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 014-007 | 47 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrasmaki, Maria | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 014-013 | 28 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrazzi, Alfonso | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 50 | Italian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porre, Manuel | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 040-00D | 20 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porreca, Antonio | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 043-042 | 43 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porreca, Pietro | 03 May,1909 | Sicilian | 011-007 | 23 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrell, Chas. | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 011-010 | 26 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porri, Hilma | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 044-031 | 25 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porriatyszin, Michal | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 007-007 | 24 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porricky, Cyril | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 020-019 | 28 | Poland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrier, Jeanne | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 012-00F | France | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porries, child | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 008-008 | 3y6m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porries, R. P. ? | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 008-008 | 30 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrill, Jos. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 004-004 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrill, W. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 019-019 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrith, Emily | 08 September,1903 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 43 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Arthur W. | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 027-00Y | 25 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Caroline | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 001-000 | 35 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Francis | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 029-013 | 32 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Geo. Ambrose | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 034-015 | 4 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Ivy | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 028-009 | 7 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, J. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 023-000 | a | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Jno. Philip | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 034-015 | 2 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, John | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 023-000 | 29 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Joseph | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 029-013 | 21 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Joseph | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 003-00B | 30 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Kathleen | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 003-00B | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Miss E. M. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 032-00G | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Miss E. M. | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 030-028 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Rachael | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 006-013 | 51 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Rebecca | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 028-009 | 28 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Saml. | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 26 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Theophilus | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porritt, Walter | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 034-006 | 19 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrki, Giovanni | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 28 | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porroray, Elizth | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 004-004 | 10 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porrse, Josef | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 31 | Hungarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porry, Alfonse | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 003-00C | 10 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porry, Alphonaine | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 003-00C | 44 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porry, Aristide | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 003-00C | 10 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porry, Marie | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 003-00C | 10 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porry, Martha | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 003-00C | 10m | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porski, Georg | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 008-007 | 42 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porssaint, Mr. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 037-027 | a | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porssip, Alexander | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 023-013 | 34 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porssip, Alexandir | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 023-013 | 6 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porssip, Mrs. Lene | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 023-013 | 34 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsson, Anna | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 056-055 | 29 | Sweden | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porstardotter, Olavia | 16 June,1904 | Sardinian | 011-011 | 14 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinsdottir, Goodbjorg | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 011-00K | 31 | Iceland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinson, Porstein R. | 13 July,1909 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 19 | Iceland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinson, Sigurdur | 13 July,1909 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 11 | Iceland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinsson, Gudmundus | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 025-016 | 50 | Iceland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinsson, Guoj | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 010-010 | 37 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteinsson, Porvaldur | 16 June,1904 | Sardinian | 010-010 | 39 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porsteusson, Thorstein | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 012-012 | 50 | Iceland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Charles | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 019-003 | a | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Elizabeth | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 007-006 | 17 | Galacia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, James | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 017-00P | 22 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Katharina | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 17 | German | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Minnie | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 020-000 | 27 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Minnie | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 025-00X | 23 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Richard E. | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 013-013 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Samuel | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 016-011 | 36 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Port, Thos | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 009-008 | 38 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porta, Aurore | 22 October,1903 | Canada | 005-00E | 4 | Swiss | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porta, Salerta | 22 October,1903 | Canada | 005-00E | 1 | Swiss | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porta, Susanne | 22 October,1903 | Canada | 005-00E | 31 | Swiss | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portah, Leah | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 009-010 | 19 | Spain? | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portajan, Leon Alphone | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 011-005 | 32 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Arsenix | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 4 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Eugene | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 5m | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Josephine | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 7 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Louis | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 47 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Marcel | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 2 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portal, Monique | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 36 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portanen, Nrkv | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 061-00A | 4 | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Portanen, Olga | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 061-00A | 24 | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Portasyan, Marianna | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 010-010 | 27 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Portch?, Joseph | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 012-012 | 14 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Portcher, Frank E. | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 003-003 | 35 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porte, Claudini | 10 June,1908 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 38 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porte, Jean Claude | 10 June,1908 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 13 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porte, Jean Marie | 10 June,1908 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 59 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteau, Allan | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | ? | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteau, Mary | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 48 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Portecary, A. M. | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 009-00I | 9 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Portello, Luigi | 23 July,1907 | Sardinian | 009-008 | 19 | Italy | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portello, Pasquale | 28 July,1906 | Carthaginian | 004-004 | 22 | Italy | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Portenen, Osker | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 019-020 | 21 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteon, Harry | 02 August,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 005-006 | 40 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, A. Mr. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 022-018 | a | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, A.C. | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 004-004 | 45 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Alec | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 054-035 | 28 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Alex | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 4 | American | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Alexander | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 027-027 | 27 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Alexander | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 28 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Alexander | 26 April,1910 | Athenia | 018-016 | 52 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Andr. | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 004-00D | 52 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Annie | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 11 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Ara. | 17 August,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 16 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Carlyle | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 004-004 | 6 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Charles E. L. | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 031-031 | 57 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Chas E. L. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 61 | Canada | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Christina | 02 November,1908 | Cassandra | 001-000 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Dr. | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 020-020 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porteous, Duncan G. | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 014-015 | 22 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Effie | 02 November,1908 | Cassandra | 001-000 | 6 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Frances | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 031-031 | 49 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Geo. | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 010-002 | 19 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, George | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 001-001 | 6 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, George C. | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 23 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, George R. W. | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 006-006 | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, H. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 036-035 | a | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, H. W. | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 024-023 | 27 | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Helen | 17 August,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 18 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Henry M. | 03 August,1906 | Tunisian | 016-017 | 24 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Isabella | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 004-004 | 41 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Isobel | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 004-004 | 12 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, James | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 38 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, James | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 10 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, James | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 018-008 | 23 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, James | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 30 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, James | 26 April,1910 | Athenia | 018-016 | 26 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Jeanie | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 48 | American | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, John | 02 November,1908 | Cassandra | 001-000 | 4 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, John | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 19 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, John | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 19 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, John | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 006-006 | 26 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, John | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 001-001 | 33 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, K. | 31 July,1908 | Tunisian | 020-00G | a | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Lizzie | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Margt. | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 001-001 | 30 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mina | 23 October,1905 | Athenia | 009-008 | 18 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Miss M. | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | a | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mr. A. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 036-035 | a | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mrs. | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 006-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mrs. Annie | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 38 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mrs. Chas E. L. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 50 | Canada | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Mrs. R. | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 49 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Robert | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 28 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Robert | 22 August,1910 | Cassandra | 012-003 | 34 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Thomas | 02 November,1908 | Cassandra | 001-000 | 2 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Thomas | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 34 | Durham | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Thomas | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 001-001 | 9m | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Thos. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 005-004 | 28 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, W. | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 003-000 | Canadian | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porteous, William | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 45 | American | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, William H. | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 018-006 | 36 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous, Wm. | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 019-010 | 27 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous?, Dorothy | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 57 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteous?, George | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 63 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, ?ul?ney | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 35 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, A. | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 23 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Adam | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 003-002 | 37 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Adam | 10 November,1902 | Sicilian | 001-001 | 30 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Agnes | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 007-007 | 53 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Agnes | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 016-009 | 33 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Agnes | 08 August,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Agnes Jane | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 007-007 | 14 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 008-003 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 029-008 | 16 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert | 12 August,1906 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 9 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 22 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albert William | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 026-009 | 24 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Albt. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 017-000 | 38 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alex | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 14 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alex | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 023-021 | 17 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alex | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 47 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alex. | 12 May,1908 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alexander | 03 May,1909 | Ionian | 004-004 | 39 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alexander | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 3m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alexr. | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 030-010 | 38 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alf. | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 029-028 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alfred | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 030-024 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Alice | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 029-014 | 11m | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 029-014 | 29 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 024-012 | 45 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | illegible | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 017-001 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Alice | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 018-000 | 24 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 29 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 031-030 | 47 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice D. | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 023-013 | 55 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Alice Gertude | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 023-000 | 40 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Amy | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-037 | 50 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, And. | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 012-004 | 22 | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Andrew | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 030-010 | 3 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Anna | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 022-011 | 23 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Anna | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 44 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Anne | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Anne | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Annie | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 003-003 | 19 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Annie | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 40 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Annie | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 027-023 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Annie | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 023-013 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Annie A. | 22 June,1906 | Lake Champlain | 003-002 | 50 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Arthur | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 029-011 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 004-00A | 22 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 10 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 6 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 021-011 | 17 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 040-021 | 47 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Arthur B.G. | 22 June,1906 | Lake Champlain | 003-002 | 9 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Arthur Douglas | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 008-004 | 23 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, B. E. | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 022-019 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Beatrice D. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-016 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Bella | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 023-010 | 34 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Benjamin | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 18 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Bertha | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 029-011 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Bertha | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 1y4m | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Bertha | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 36 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Betty | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 009-009 | illegible | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, C. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 031-015 | 21 | Ret'd. Canadian Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, C. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 016-016 | 27 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Porter, Catherine | 07 August,1910 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 36 | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 008-003 | 41 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 029-00D | 31 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 37 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 012-000 | 25 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 034-018 | 21 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 023-010 | 34 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 018-018 | 20 | India | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles A. | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 43 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charles Wm. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charlotte | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 022-021 | 24 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charlotte | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 024-022 | 55 | Canadian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charlotte | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 018-009 | 42 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Charlotte | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 026-00A | 22 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Chas. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 50 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Chas. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 021-021 | 32 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Chas. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 7 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Chas. | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 6 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Cissie | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 7 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Clara | 03 August,1906 | Tunisian | 017-018 | 26 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Claude | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Constance | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 006-005 | 27 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Cornelius E. | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-019 | 63 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Cornelius E.A. | 22 June,1906 | Lake Champlain | 003-002 | 58 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Cyril C. | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 20 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, D. | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 004-005 | 18 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Daisy | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 009-009 | 9 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Porter, Daisy | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 029-014 | 4 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Daisy | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 13 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David | 11 July,1908 | Lake Champlain | 001-000 | 34 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 19 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 017-002 | 11m | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David | 24 September,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 29 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 038-000 | 60 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, David H. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 016-00E | 20 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Dorothy | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 027-009 | 10 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Douglas | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Douglas | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 009-00I | 31 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Dr. John | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 46 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, E | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 008-00B | 25 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, E. G. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 029-029 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Ed. | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 006-006 | 30 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Edith | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 27 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Edith | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 012-00C | a | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Edmund | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 030-030 | 57 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Edward | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 21 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eliz. | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 50 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eliz. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 026-00A | 24 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eliz. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 35 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Porter, Eliz. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 032-031 | 35 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eliza | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 39 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Elizabeth | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 022-021 | 26 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Elizabeth | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 003-00B | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Elizabeth | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 13 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ella | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 018-009 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Ellen | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 012-012 | 33 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ellen J. | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 042-019 | 19 | Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Elsie | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 25 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Emily | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 012-000 | 28 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Emily | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 23 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Emily | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 002-001 | 19 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Emma | 17 September,1904 | Dominion | 009-009 | 36 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Emma | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 014-004 | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ernest | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 33 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ethel | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 010-030 | 20 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ethel | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 003-00B | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Ethel | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 16 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ethel | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 38 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eva | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 008-008 | 11 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eva | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Eva | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 17 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, F. | 07 August,1905 | Sicilian | 008-008 | 32 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, F. M. | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 021-023 | 34 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Faith | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 2 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fannie | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 005-009 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fanny | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 022-021 | 30 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fanny | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 019-019 | 23 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Porter, Fanny | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 034-033 | 24 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Florence | 04 November,1907 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Florence | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 026-00A | 27 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Florence | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 014-00N | 22 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Florence C. | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 007-007 | 11 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Francis | 04 July,1909 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 21 | U.S.A. | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Frank | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 026-019 | 30 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Frank | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Frank | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 15 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Frank | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 015-011 | 21 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fred. W. | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 18 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Frederick | 24 July,1910 | Dominion | 016-015 | 31 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fredk | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-037 | 23 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Fredk. | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 008-00B | 19 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, G. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 001-00A | 39 | USA | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, G. L. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 017-018 | 19 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Geo | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 020-00D | 20 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Geo | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 023-021 | 33 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Geo. | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 006-005 | 36 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Geo. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 015-008 | 14 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Porter, Geo. | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 3 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Geo. R. | 23 July,1905 | Kensington | 001-000 | 20 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, George | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 019-023 | 59 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, George | 08 August,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 50 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, George | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 19 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, George | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 34 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, George E. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-016 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, H. | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 012-00D | 42 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, H. | 18 October,1909 | Ionian | 012-004 | 32 | Ireland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, H. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, H. A. | 18 October,1902 | Bavarian | 013-000 | 18 | Ireland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, H. J. | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Hance | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 10m | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harold E.L. | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 28 | Eng. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 24 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 023-00U | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 26 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry John | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 17 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Harry W. | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 023-000 | 40 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Hebert | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 023-010 | 8 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Helen | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 40 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Henrietta | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 013-00C | 19 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Henry | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 029-014 | 10 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Henry | 10 July,1908 | Victorian | 013-011 | 33 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Henry | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 011-002 | 35 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Henry Edward | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 029-011 | 17 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Herbt. | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Hilda | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 024-012 | 19 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Hy G. | 23 September,1910 | Virginian | 013-00C | 51 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Ida | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 004-00D | 9m | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, infant | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | infant | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, J. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 002-002 | 25 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Porter, J. A. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 24 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, J. C. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 40 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, J. E. | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 22 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, J. S. | 01 October,1908 | Canada | 007-007 | 27 | US Citizen | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, J. T. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 012-000 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 016-009 | 3 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 026-026 | 64 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 33 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 003-015 | 58 | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 026-017 | 23 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 32 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 004-003 | 22 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 007-00G | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 020-007 | 4 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 25 September,1908 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 50 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 62 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James A. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 019-017 | 38 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James B. | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 033-020 | 27 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James C. | 10 October,1909 | Hesperian | 014-014 | a | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, James H. | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 002-002 | 19 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jane | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 32 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jas. | 20 August,1906 | Athenia | 002-002 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jas. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 32 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jeanie | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-033 | 23 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jeanie | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-033 | 55 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jeannie | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 030-010 | 18 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jemima | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 043-042 | 36 | Canadian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jennie Ann | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 16 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jessie | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 005-009 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jim | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 3 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jno. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 018-00J | 32 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jno. | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 018-017 | 34 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 018-009 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, John | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 56 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 003-00B | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, John | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 004-003 | 52 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 17 September,1904 | Dominion | 009-009 | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 36 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 011-010 | 45 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 22 May,1906 | Sicilian | 013-011 | 26 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 039-036 | 24 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 010-001 | 38 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 49 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, John R. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 024-024 | 34 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jos. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 002-002 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jos. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Jos. Hy. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 010-001 | 18 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Joseph | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 034-034 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Joseph | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 005-005 | 25 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Kate | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Kate | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 003-000 | Canadian | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Kath | 02 August,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 005-006 | 27 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, L. O. | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 006-006 | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lawrence | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 004-004 | 19 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lawrence B. | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 013-013 | 23 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lewis | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 037-013 | 31 | West India | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lilian G. | 14 October,1907 | Sardinian | 003-003 | 31 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lilian Gertrude | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 004-004 | a | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lily | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 15 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lizzie | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 5 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lizzie | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 020-007 | 11m | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lottie | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 9 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lucy | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-025 | 30 | Irish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Lydia | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 031-031 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, M | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 004-000 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, M.P. E.Gus. | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Maggie | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 002-001 | 24 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Malcolm | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 046-043 | 25 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Margaret | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 38 | Ceylon | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Margaret | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 008-045 | 26 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Margaret | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 002-001 | 18 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Margt' G | 09 October,1910 | Hesperian | 017-005 | 23 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Maria | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 27 | Engd | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Marian | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 11 | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Marjory | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 3 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Martha | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 38 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Martha | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 020-007 | 24 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Martha | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 023-013 | 25 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 23 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 36 | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 007-002 | Canada | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Mary | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 013-004 | 23 | Canadian | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 040-021 | 37 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 27 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mary Ann | 07 August,1910 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 35 | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mathew | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 51 | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Maud | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 13 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, May | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 029-00D | 26 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, May | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 10m | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mina | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 22 | Irish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Minnie | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 004-004 | 22 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Minnie | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 017-002 | 26 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Minnie | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 011-006 | 25 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Miss | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 016-016 | 25 | Irish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Miss | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 031-022 | a | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Miss | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 005-005 | 20 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Miss H | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 012-013 | 22 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Miss S. H. M. | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | a | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mr. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 008-008 | 40 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs J. | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 36 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs M. A. | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 002-002 | 24 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 019-015 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Mrs. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 029-029 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Mrs. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 012-00D | 33 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | a | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 008-008 | 34 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 19 August,1907 | Pretorian | 009-000 | 34 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 005-005 | 40 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 39 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 038-000 | 60 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. A. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. Arthur | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 53 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. Geor. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 024-024 | 20 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. H. C. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 004-00D | 31 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. J. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 005-005 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. John | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. L. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 003-015 | 56 | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs. Wm. | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 009-003 | 27 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Mrs.A.H. | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 010-030 | 50 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Nellie | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 029-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Nellie | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 008-007 | 4 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Nellie | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 9 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Nelson | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Nesbit | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 029-00D | 18 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Paul | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 22 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Percy | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 19 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Percy | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 19 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Percy Hardiman | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 010-010 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Percy N. | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 046-021 | 25 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Percy T. | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 017-003 | 32 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Phyllis | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 014-009 | 8 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Prof. J. B. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 019-015 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, R. | 18 October,1903 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 25 | Lancashire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, R. Hy. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 52 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Rachel | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 002-001 | 23 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Raymond | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 5 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Reginald | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 037-035 | 18 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Rich. | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 014-004 | 2 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Richard | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 011-010 | 43 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robert | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 027-027 | 25 | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robert | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 006-006 | ? | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robert | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 002-001 | 38 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robert | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 8m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robert A. | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 30 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Robt | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 44 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, S. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 018-000 | 45 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, S. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 54 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, S. E. | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 003-001 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, S.C. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 032-024 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sam | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 034-033 | 4 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Saml. G. | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 013-00K | 22 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Samuel | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 029-014 | 29 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Samuel | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 017-002 | 1m | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sara | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 041-022 | 62 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sarah | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 004-004 | 68 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sarah | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-016 | 56 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sarah | 28 August,1909 | Dominion | 015-015 | 28 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sarah | 28 September,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 25 | Irish | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sidney | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 011-011 | 11 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sidney | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 11 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Stephen | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 006-00F | 27 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Stephen J. | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Susan | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 022-011 | 40 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Susan | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 013-012 | 21 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Susan | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 016-016 | 28 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Susanna | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 023-021 | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Sydney | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 011-011 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Tamar | 04 November,1907 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 50 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 004-000 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 21 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas G. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 009-002 | 35 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas H. | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas Harold | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thomas R. | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 009-003 | 28 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Thos. | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 010-007 | 31 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Vernon | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 015-011 | 23 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Vida | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 001-000 | 19 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Violet Rose | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 011-006 | 2 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, W. | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 011-013 | 30 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, W. A. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 003-002 | 21 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Walter | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wilfred | 30 October,1906 | Athenia | 006-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 11 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 009-003 | 5m | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 32 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 23 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 004-004 | 20 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 15 November, 1903 | Parisian | 001-00A | 34 | London, Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 18 July,1909 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 24 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 005-005 | 31 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 013-004 | 49 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-033 | 21 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 39 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William D? | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 034-034 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, William J. | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 13 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Willie E. | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 017-003 | 43 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porter, Wm | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 005-005 | 16 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 30 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 007-00G | 30 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 009-009 | 20 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 32 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 23 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 019-010 | 21 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 019-00R | 21 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 006-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. E. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 016-007 | 34 | Engd | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter, Wm. John | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 003-002 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porter?, Lily | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 10 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porterfield, Ellen | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 012-004 | 18 | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Porterfield, R. A. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 006-006 | 18 | American | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porterfield, Robt | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 001-001 | 20 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Porterfield, Wm. | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 028-033 | 19 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porters, William | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 017-016 | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portes, Alf | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 025-021 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Portes, Dwight E. | 30 August,1908 | Ionian | 009-007 | 28 | U.S.A. | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portes, Mrs. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 025-021 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Alex | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | 29 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Alexander | 06 October,1905 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 29 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Andr. S. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 006-00F | 22 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Arthur | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 6 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Emma | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | infant | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Geo | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | 4 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, James | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 018-000 | 38 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, James | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, John | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 008-009 | 39 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Mrs. | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | 30 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porteus, Mrs. L. | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 42 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porth, Mrs. J. | 6 June,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 54 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Porthouse, Fredk. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 015-014 | 19 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Porthway, Robt. B. | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 008-008 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Portier, Albert | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 018-002 | a | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Portier, George | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 018-002 | a | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Portig, Andre | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 005-005 | 30 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Portigal, Basie | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 7 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portigal, Ester | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 5 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portigal, male | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 2 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portigal, Schimdel | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 25 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portik?, C. | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 038-038 | 31 | Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Portilliys, Geman | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 021-00U | 17 | Spain | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portinai, Behr | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 036-15a | 52 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Porting, Harry | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 034-006 | 28 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Portlasdotter, Gustafa | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 012-012 | 61 | Iceland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portlett, George | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-005 | 26 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Portlock, Ellen | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 44 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portlock, Joseph | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 49 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portlock, William | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 009-008 | 40 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Portman, Gersche | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 30 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portman, Herbert William | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-016 | 32 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Portman, Maurice | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 023-021 | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Portman, Mordko H. | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 41 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portmann, Riroke | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 021-020 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Portmoi, Chaim | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 045-029 | 26 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnall, Nellie | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 015-011 | 28 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnay, Salman | 04 June,1904 | Quebec | 003-000 | 40 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnay, Scheindel | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Doris | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 30 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Ester | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 016-016 | 3 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Isaac | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 8 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Jacob | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 6 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Judith | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 016-016 | infant | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Neame | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 14 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Rebeca | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 28 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portner, Rosa | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 38 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnof, Feige | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 015-015 | 49 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnoi, H. | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 22 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnoi, M. | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 29 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnow, Joseph | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 006-006 | 34 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnoy, Beteil | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | 30 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnoy, Isac | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | 28 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Portnoy, John | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | 1 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Portog, Vincentz | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 040-040 | 32 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Alberte | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 16 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Atkula | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 11 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Filomena | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 46 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Juistina | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 19 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Maria | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 14 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portorelli, Vincenzo | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 42 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Portrey, Amy | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 24 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Portrey, Iris Olive | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 2m | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Portrid?, Elizabeth | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 016-014 | 58 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Portroi, Reib | 21 July,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 008-008 | 27 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Portrow, Bruce Edw. | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 38 | USA | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Portsmouh, Louisa | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 017-000 | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |||
Portsmouth, Louisa | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 016-00P | 31 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Porttanen, Leonard | 15 September,1906 | Ionian | 011-011 | 30 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Portuaj, Golda | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 27 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portuaj, Henne | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 3 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portuaj, Maria | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 7 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, Ellen | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 34 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, Ellen | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, Grace | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 036-036 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, Mabel | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-037 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, R. B. Mr. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 022-018 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Portway, R.B. | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 001-001 | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Portwood, Walter | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Portynik, Jan | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 005-005 | 18 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Porufil-Morosan, Anna | 04 May,1909 | Willehad | 010-009 | 2 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porufil-Morosan, Elena | 04 May,1909 | Willehad | 010-009 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porufil-Morosan, Tecla | 04 May,1909 | Willehad | 010-009 | 3 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Porusfess, Rachel | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-027 | 14 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pory, Bertha | 03 June,1905 | Sardinian | 002-002 | 14 | France | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poryracque, Tejkhely | 09 August,1908 | Montrose | 003-002 | 50 | Hungary | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Porzow, Chaim | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 38 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pos?and, Lily | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 004-004 | 10 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pos?azuk, Georg | 30 July,1909 | Mont Rose | 006-005 | 33 | Aust | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pos?ia, S. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 021-012 | 22 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Posali, Wiljo J. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 016-014 | 21 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Posanen, Oskar | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 22 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posazzi, Salvatore | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 011-009 | 40 | Italian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posch, George | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 28 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Posch, Theresia | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 015-014 | 33 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poscjik, Piotr | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 011-010 | 40 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poscjpat, Karol | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 009-008 | 22 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Posck, Harold | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 034-011 | 19 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Posck, Mrs | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 034-011 | 49 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poscon, Levi | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 010-00H | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Posczewski, Josef | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 014-013 | 25 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Posdinadoff, Martha | 20 October,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-003 | 30 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posdinadoff, V. | 20 October,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-003 | 36 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posel, Chas. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 017-016 | 22 | Germany | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posen, Abraham | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 26 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Posen, Hissil | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 015-015 | 26 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posena, H. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 019-008 | a | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posencky, Herman | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 23 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posener, W. | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 007-00B | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Posener, W. | 26 August,1903 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posenzueig, Iroel | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 011-000 | 36 | Russian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poser, Albein | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 26 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poser, Sarah | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 021-000 | 58 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posersla, Stanislaw | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 41 | Germany | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Posetti, Carmino | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 031-031 | 42 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Posey, Dr. L. P. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 040-031 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Posey, Fred | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 7 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | Dr Barnardo's Party |
Posey, Mrs. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 041-032 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Dorothy L. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 11 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Dorothy L. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 44 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Elsie | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 15 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Norman | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 8 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Robert Green | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 44 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Robert Nelson | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 10 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posgate, Samuel | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 016-015 | 45 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poshin, Frank | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 20 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poshin, Rosaline | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 23 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poshin, Rosaline S. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 48 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poshin, William F. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 13 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poshokalny, Petro | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 005-003 | 26 | Galacia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Posin, Chane | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 10 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Posin, Elie | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 11y9m | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Posin, Meyer | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 43 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Posinezuk, Teodis | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 009-007 | 39 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posio, Kalle | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 014-013 | 22 | Finnland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Positello, Vito | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 029-020 | 40 | Italy | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskal, Todori | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 19 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskaryk, Wasyl | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 18 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskathwaite?, Beatrice | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 014-009 | 18 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskathwaite?, Elizabeth | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 014-009 | 50 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskathwaite?, Elsie | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 014-009 | 11 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskocz, H. | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 016-016 | 40 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskowitz, Lisa | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 28 | Roumania | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskowitz, Peter | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 5 | Roumania | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poskowitz, Solomon | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 3 | Roumania | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poslosky, Milie | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 17 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posmilow, Jogreson H. | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 013-000 | 40 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Posmilow, Mrs. | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 013-000 | 38 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Posna, Leie | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 20 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnack, Louis | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 25 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Chaje | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 4 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Ester | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 38 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Hinde | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 6 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Israel | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 42 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Mandel | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 15 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Salmen | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 2 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnanski, Thaim | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 014-014 | 9 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnansky, Israel | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 035-015 | 46 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Posner, Abram | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 011-010 | 29 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Posner, Harris | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 030-009 | 21 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Posner, James | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 006-006 | 22 | Poland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Posner, Mr. M. | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 006-006 | 23 | Poland Russ | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posner, Siegmund | 10 October,1906 | Sicilian | 005-006 | 38 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnette, E. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 018-017 | 24 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Posniak, Hrynko | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-027 | 10 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Posniak, Noska | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-027 | 9 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Posniak, Polana | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-027 | 37 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnick, Josefa | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 005-005 | 47 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Posnick, Malwina | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 005-005 | 11 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Posock, Arthur | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 001-000 | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posock, Ed. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 15 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Posock, Ernest | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 001-000 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posohn?, Morsche | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 25 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pospergelio, F. | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | a | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pospiech, Jan | 07 October,1907 | Montrose | 004-004 | 24 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Posprick, Semen | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 20 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Posrch, Pawel | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 022-020 | 16 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Posriak, Rivke | 17 September,1910 | Montfort | 007-006 | 16 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poss?, Victor | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 35 | Belgium | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Possarment, Ignatz Leopold | 21 July,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 001-00A | 18 | Dutch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posse, Walter | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Posser, J. | 18 October,1902 | Bavarian | 009-000 | 20 | Wales | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Posser, Lewis | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 009-00I | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Possik, Audrej | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 003-002 | 24 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Possnett, Edward | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 029-029 | 29 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Possnett, John | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 029-029 | 4 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Possnett, Margt. | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 029-029 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Possobon, Noe | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 39 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Possy, Jas. A. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 010-010 | 7 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Post, Anna | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 031-031 | 27 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Bernard | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | infant | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Carl | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 014-014 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |||
Post, Charley | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 028-012 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Clara | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 022-020 | 23 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Emily | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 013-000 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, H. | 21 July,1906 | Ionian | 001-001 | 21 | USA | T-487 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Post, Heinrich | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 031-031 | 26 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Jan | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 016-00A | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Post, Kate C. W.? | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 003-000 | a | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Leslie | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | 3 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Margaret | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 022-020 | 58 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Mary | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Mary R. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 22 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, May | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 021-023 | 30 | American | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Mrs Willis | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 46 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Nathan | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 24 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Reginald | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 010-010 | 25 | N. America | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Post, Willis H. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 55 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Posta, Giacomo | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 018-018 | 50 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Postacaldi, Miss | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 011-010 | 28 | Italian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Postajalko, Elix | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 36 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Postan, Schije | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 013-012 | 35 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Postance, Annie | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 016-015 | 24 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Postance, Harry | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 006-005 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Postance, Lionel | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Postanetz, Isaac | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 004-004 | 36 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postans, Mary Jane | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 051-026 | 22 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Postariuk, Gregore | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 028-027 | 39 | Bukowina | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Postaus, Thomas | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 055-00D | 23 | English | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Postawsky, Iwan | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 35 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postch, Miss | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 020-019 | 27 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Alfred | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 11m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Ann | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 39 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Elizabeth | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 13y6m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Fanny | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 9y6m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, George | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 7y6m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, George | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 025-013 | 39 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Henry | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 11y6m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Henry | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 39 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poste, Ruth | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 6y6m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Postel, Chane | 10 September,1905 | Montreal | 005-004 | 22 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postell, H. | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 004-005 | 55 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Postell, K | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 004-005 | 15 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Posten, Hilda | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 010-010 | 22 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Posten, infant | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 010-010 | 1 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poster, Annie | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 039-018 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poster, Arthur | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 039-018 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poster, Chage | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 16 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poster, illegible | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 038-00K | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poster, Rose | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 45 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Posterek, Naomi | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 012-011 | 21 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Posterek, Pinkos | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 012-011 | 2 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postermak, Jacob | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-017 | 26 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Posterman, Moses | 20 August,1904 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 30 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posternak, George | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 013-012 | 18 | Russa | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Posternak, Philip | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 021-021 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Posterus, P. | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 008-006 | 27 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Posthlwaite, W. | 20 August,1904 | Vancouver | 009-009 | 50 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Posti, Amanda | 24 October,1908 | Tunisian | 007-006 | 49 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Posti, Henrikki | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 020-019 | 28 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Posti, Kalle Emil | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 025-024 | 28 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Postighone, Guiseppe | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 18 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Postill, Alfred | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 016-014 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Postin, Chas | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 017-00D | 19 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postinkov, Georg | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 008-007 | 26 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postins, Gert. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 008-002 | 11 | Engd | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Postins, Mrs. E. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 008-002 | 33 | Engd | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Postle, Chas. | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 024-024 | a | France | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postle, Daphier | 11 October,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 4 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Postle, Harry | 11 October,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 53 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Postle, Mrs. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 017-005 | 40 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Postle, Thos. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 017-005 | 45 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Postledurze, Pawel | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 18 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Postles, Edwin | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 007-00G | 14 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Postles, Grace M. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Postles, Wm. Hy. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Arthur | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 021-020 | 36 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Beatrice | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 025-024 | 28 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Frank | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 17 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Frank W. H. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 016-010 | 18 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, John | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 26 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Joseph | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 022-024 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Mildred | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 016-010 | 40 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Ralph | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 20 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Russell | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 016-010 | 11 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlethwaite, Thos. | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 009-009 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Postlpski, Josef | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 021-019 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Postma, Eliz. S. | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 30 | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postma, Henrietta | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 34 | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postman, Alida | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | infant | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postman, Hendrick | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 35 | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postman, Sietska | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 2 | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postna, T | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 23 | Netherland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Postna, T | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 27 | Netherland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Postojalka, Michael | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 23 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Postolloc, Joseph | 12 June,1909 | Sicilian | 006-002 | 40 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postolowska, Fed | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 017-017 | 16 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poston, Beatrice | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 2 | Quebec | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poston, James | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 33 | Derry | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poston, James | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poston, Louella | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 24 | Quebec | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poston, Mary | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 016-00C | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postula, Kathr. | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 015-014 | 23 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postula, Ludwig | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 015-014 | 3 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postula, Piotr | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 015-014 | 27 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postula, Wowrzyn | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 015-014 | 25 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Postusczzn?, Annfry? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 15 | Austria (Gal) | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postusczzn?, Grizigorz? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 16 | Austria (Gal) | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postusczzn?, Michelena | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 8 | Austria (Gal) | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postusczzn?, Zofia | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 43 | Austria (Gal) | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Postynon, Iwan | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 006-004 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poswcznick, Nykola | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 019-017 | 18 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poswolski, Abram | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 8 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poswolski, Chine | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 21 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poswolski, Icko | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 10 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poswolski, Josefa | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 48 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poswolski, Sore | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 47 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Posyczkowicz, Koust | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 017-018 | 25 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Posyk, Stefan | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 003-003 | 30 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Posyniak, Michal | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 17 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poszira, Antonas | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 005-004 | 26 | Russian P | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Posziu?I, Smiche | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 17 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poszniak, Stefan | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 033-033 | 19 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poszniak, Wasyl | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 033-033 | 19 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poszyhuny, Pawlo | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 003-000 | 35 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pot?, Sofia | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 24 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potahniuk, Moty | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 27 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potak, Ha? | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 012-011 | 28 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potakoff, Abra | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potana, Alma | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 004-004 | 16 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potana, Richard | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 046-023 | 20 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potapczuk, Wladimir | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potapozuk, Dimitri | May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 002-00G | 20 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Potaralski, Agnes | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 2 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaralski, Apolmia | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 11m | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaralski, Francyka | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 8 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaralski, Jan | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 4 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaralski, Kath | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 33 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaralski, Piotr | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 012-013 | 34 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potari, Johan | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 007-007 | 22 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potas, Josef | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 35 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaschuick, Ester | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 017-010 | 20 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaschuick, Izek | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 017-010 | 55 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potaschuick, Pinchos | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 017-010 | 18 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potash?er, Charles | 15 November, 1903 | Parisian | 002-002 | 22 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, C. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 4 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, E. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 28 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, F. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, J. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, P. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 27 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, S. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potashnik, S. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 6 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potasnik?, Wasyl? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 25 | Galician | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potasniuk, Scholma | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 29 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potbury, Charles W | 11 October,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 36 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potchejunky, Franko | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 015-013 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potchejunky, Muite | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 015-013 | 15 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potchejunky, Rachel | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 015-013 | 16 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potcoff, S | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 047-020 | 50 | Bulgaria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potczki, Johann | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 012-010 | 46 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potczz?ski, Petro | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 41 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potden, Abraham | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 28 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pote, Albert | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pote, Claude | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 27 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pote, Mrs. | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 27 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poteff, Georgi N. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 022-021 | 20 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potek, Efraim | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 25 | Galician | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potemper, Jan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 013-012 | 20 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potengiani, Angelo | 28 July,1906 | Carthaginian | 004-004 | 17 | Italy | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potentier, Albert | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 11 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potentier, Albert | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 35 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potentier, Edward | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 3 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potentier, Harold | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 9 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potentier, Louise | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 33 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potera, Dom. | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 026-026 | 18 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potera, Laverio | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 027-027 | 46 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poterctzky, Jacob | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 013-009 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothage, Chris | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 012-012 | 9 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Potham, Walter | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 18 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothecary, D. J. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 013-013 | 17 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Pother, Harold | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 030-029 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pother, Mrs. | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 030-029 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothie, Rev. Marcel | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 009-00J | 52 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothier, Jean | 04 August,1910 | Corinthian | 009-000 | 25 | France | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothier, Peroline | 04 August,1910 | Corinthian | 009-000 | 25 | France | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothine, Flora | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothine, infant | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | infant | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothine, Lillian | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | 3 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pothine, Mrs. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | 33 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poticha, Nykola | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 30 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Ada | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 36 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Chas. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 14 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Florrie | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 15 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Harriet | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 10 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Hy. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 41 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Miss | 12 October,1905 | Kastalia | 001-000 | a | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Mrs. | 12 October,1905 | Kastalia | 001-000 | a | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potier, Stan. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 5 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potijs, John | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 20 | Galicia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potka, Anna | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 045-026 | 11m | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potka, Hilda | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 045-026 | 24 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potka, Marie | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 25 | Finn | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potka, Tilda | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 014-00N | 18 | Finn | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potkins, Ernest | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 038-002 | 30 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potkins, Frank | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 006-006 | 40 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnek, Anton | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 020-020 | 35 | Pole | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Potnen, Annie | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 10 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnen, Harris | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 8 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnen, Hyman | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 4 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnen, Joseph | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 11 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnen, Mrs. Rachel | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 30 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potnen, Rosie | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 3 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potocki, Anabi | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 014-013 | 26 | Ruthena | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potocki, Wasyl | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 015-014 | 40 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Potojki, Franc | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 006-006 | 38 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potopyut, Stefan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 009-008 | 38 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potoroska, Maria | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 007-006 | 27 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potoskin, Oskar | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 005-004 | 22 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potoz, Ilko | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 008-007 | 19 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potpak, Wojciech | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 012-002 | 20 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potroff, Apostol | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 014-004 | 30 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potrowski, Theresa | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 38 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potrozek, Abram | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 38 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potryszuk, Wilian | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 020-019 | 23 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potschat, Alexander | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 012-004 | 20 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potsen, Damare | 12 November,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 23 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potsenik, Johann | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 004-004 | 25 | Austria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potsryz, Johann | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 006-000 | 25 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Potston, P. J. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 014-013 | 25 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Annie | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 33 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Arthur | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 023-000 | 27 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Chs. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 003-00C | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Frank | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 018-018 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pott, George | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 2 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Jessie | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 020-011 | 10 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, K. Goeman Mr. | 01 September,1905 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 45 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, M. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 003-002 | 25 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Miss B. | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 026-025 | 11 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Mr. G. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 019-003 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Mrs. | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 026-025 | 39 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, T. | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 003-002 | 14 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, T. M. | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 38 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pott, Thomas | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 005-005 | 20 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottage, Elizabeth | 01 October,1904 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 33 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottage, Lillian W. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 040-039 | 25 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottage, Richard | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 040-039 | 23 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottan, Ernest George | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 18 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottecary, Maud M. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 38 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potten?ell, Wm. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 006-006 | 32 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, ? Albert | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 11 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, A. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 024-024 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, A. | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, A. S. | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ada | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 29 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Agnes | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 016-014 | 33 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alb. R. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 17 | Warwickshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Albert | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 017-016 | 31 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Albert | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 7 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Albert | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 030-009 | 23 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Albert | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 022-021 | 22 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alex | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 046-019 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alex. | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 007-006 | 4 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alexander | 18 September,1910 | Ionian | 018-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alf A. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 7 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alf. | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 038-037 | 36 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alfred | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 008-007 | 32 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alfred | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 028-027 | 20 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alfred | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 030-026 | 22 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alice | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 9 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child | |
Potter, Alice | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 010-004 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Alice | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 004-00D | 23 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Amos | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Amy | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 013-012 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Amy | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 2 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Amy Harriett | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 30 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Annie | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 35 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Annie | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-032 | 37 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Annie | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 039-039 | 42 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Annie | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 043-043 | 42 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Archibald | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Arthur | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 8m | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Arthur | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 021-020 | 54 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Arthur H. | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 018-018 | 22 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Beatrice Ann | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 036-020 | 30 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Benj. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 019-019 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Carrie S | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 008-015 | 35 | USA | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Charles | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 009-008 | 23 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Charles | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 016-001 | 22 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Charlotte | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 40 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Chas | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 016-014 | 34 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Chas. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 002-002 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Chas. H. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 027-026 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Chas. J. | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Clara V. | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 022-020 | 60 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Cons. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 030-00A | 5 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Cyril | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 011-004 | 33 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Cyril G. | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 29 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, David | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 53 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Dexter D. Everardo | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 007-000 | 63 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Douglas | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 4 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, E. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 034-032 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, E. M. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 16 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Edith | 08 October,1904 | Parisian | 008-008 | 11 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Edith | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 007-006 | 18m | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Edith | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 3 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Edward | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 014-014 | 23 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Edwin | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 29 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Elina | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 010-011 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Eliz. | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 011-00C | 39 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Elizabeth | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 10 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child | |
Potter, Elizth. | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 024-024 | 53 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Elizth. | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 013-013 | 16 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ellen | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 009-028 | 32 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ellen | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 24 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ellen | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 024-023 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ellie | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 009-028 | 7 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Elsie | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 031-015 | 25 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emily | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 017-016 | 11 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emily | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 010-011 | 46 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emily | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 002-002 | 24 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emily R. | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 038-018 | 22 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emma | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 32 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emma | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 29 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Emma | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 006-002 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Ernest | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 16 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ernest | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 7 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child | |
Potter, Ernest | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 012-012 | 34 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ernest | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 11m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ethel | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 28 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ettie | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 029-014 | 21 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Eva | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-022 | 9 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Flo. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 030-00G | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Florence | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frances | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 008-007 | 32 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Francis J | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 009-00I | 24 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frank | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 37 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frank | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 4 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frank | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 019-019 | 32 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frank | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 034-032 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frank J. | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 30 | English | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Potter, Fred | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 009-009 | 18 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Fred | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Fred | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 32 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Fred | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 021-021 | 30 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frederick | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 008-003 | 26 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frederick | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 010-004 | 26 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Frederick Wm. | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-032 | 38 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Fredk | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 046-019 | 34 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Fredk. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 4 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, G. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 19 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Geo. | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 30 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Geo. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 011-011 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Geo. | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 009-009 | 25 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Geo. Hy. | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 43 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Geo. Wm. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, George | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 10 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, George | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 42 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, George | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 13 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, George | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 040-021 | 14 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Georgeana Maxwell | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-032 | 4y6m | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Gertrude | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 005-00B | 21 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, H. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 035-007 | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, H. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 034-032 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, H.C. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 014-00G | 25 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harold | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 018-019 | 11 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harold | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 037-012 | 24 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harriett | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 030-00A | 36 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harry | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 004-004 | 18 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harry | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 020-004 | 26 | Great Britian | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Harry | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 019-008 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 62 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 28 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 029-011 | 30 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 26 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 013-014 | 55 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Henry W. | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 007-007 | a | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Herbert | 22 September,1905 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 25 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Herbert A.G. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 9 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Herbert H. | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 046-021 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Hilda | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-022 | 11 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Hon. W. P. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 024-024 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Horace | 08 October,1904 | Parisian | 008-008 | 3 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Horace | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Horace Frk. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 021-002 | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, I. W. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 018-012 | 45 | U.S.A. | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, illegible | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-016 | 59 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Inf. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 019-008 | infant | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Infant | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 11m | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Infant | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 1 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ire? | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 039-039 | 12 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, J. F. | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 006-00F | 49 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, J. S. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 37 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jack | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 026-026 | 22 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 010-010 | 19 | Surrey | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 015-006 | 18m | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 006-006 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 11 | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Potter, James | 28 July,1909 | Ionian | 009-004 | 22 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 013-013 | 22 | South Africa | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, James G. | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 020-020 | 22 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jane | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 007-006 | 25 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Janet | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 015-006 | 7 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jeanie | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 015-006 | 35 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jeannie P. | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 007-007 | a | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jenny | 04 July,1907 | Mongolian | 010-010 | 27 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 002-00B | 27 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-027 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 11 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 08 November,1906 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 34 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 047-020 | 8 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 015-008 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 001-001 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 039-037 | 20 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, John Maxwell | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-032 | 7y6m | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Jos. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 22 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Joseph | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 20 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Joseph | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 21 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Joseph | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 028-008 | 33 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Joseph | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 012-010 | 28 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, K. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 35 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Kenneth | 03 October,1905 | Pretorian | 006-00E | 23 | U.S.A. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, L. E. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 10 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, L. P. | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 025-024 | 27 | America | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lilian | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 010-004 | 24 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lillian | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 26 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lizzie | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 015-006 | 4 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lizzie | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 006-00F | 49 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lucy | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 007-003 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lucy Maria | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 042-000 | 40 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lydia | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 005-00B | 46 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Lyne | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 010-010 | 19 | Surrey | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, M. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 13 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, M. A. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, M. J. | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 32 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Maggie | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 11 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Marcia | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 25 | USA | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Margaret | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Margaret | 11 June,1907 | Pretorian | 013-00C | 38 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Margt. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 032-013 | 20 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Marie Louise | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 003-00C | 8 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Martha | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 007-006 | 11 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mary | 05 July,1909 | Grampian | 004-003 | 26 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mary | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-022 | 39 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mary | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 017-011 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mary D. | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 005-000 | 28 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mary Louise | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 003-00C | 26 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Mathilda | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 53 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Maude | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 006-005 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, May | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 008-007 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, May | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 6 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Miss | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 026-026 | a | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Miss | 21 October,1903 | Monteagle | 001-000 | 1 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Miss C. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 11 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Miss E. | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 4 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Miss S. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 14 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mr. S. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 008-007 | 20 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mr. W. E. | 21 October,1903 | Monteagle | 001-000 | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs | 18 September,1910 | Ionian | 018-005 | 30 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 013-012 | 55 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 51 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 024-024 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Mrs. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 021-021 | 30 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 018-019 | 40 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 21 October,1903 | Monteagle | 001-000 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 41 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 034-032 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. A. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 019-008 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. B. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 53 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. Elen | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 28 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. F. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 35 | Surrey | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. L. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 030-00G | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. S. | 08 October,1904 | Parisian | 008-008 | 41 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Mrs. Wm. | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 007-006 | 26 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, N. | 03 October,1908 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 30 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Nan I. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 016-010 | 39 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Nellie | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 009-008 | 36 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Nellie | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | infant | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Pauline | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 011-00C | 10 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Percival | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 21 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Percy | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 25 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Philip | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Priscilla | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 023-021 | 45 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Rachael | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 9m | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ralph | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 16 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ralph | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 017-011 | 8 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Reginald | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 3 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Reginald | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 010-010 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Rhina | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 21 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Richd. | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 024-011 | 15 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Robert | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 004-004 | 20 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Robert | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 22 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Robt | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 034-014 | 29 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Robt. Geo. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 012-012 | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Rose | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 24 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Ruth | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 024-024 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, S. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 011-011 | 19 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Potter, Saml. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 020-019 | 14 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Sarah | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 017-016 | 49 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Sarah | 24 July,1908 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 68 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Sarah | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-025 | 8 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Sidney | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 008-007 | 6 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Sidney | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 4 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Stanley | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 2 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, T. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 46 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, T. Thomas | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 005-001 | a | USA | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Teresa | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 043-043 | 12 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thomas | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 012-012 | 28 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thomas | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 010-004 | 11 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 022-006 | 26 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 003-00C | 21 | Northumberland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 58 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 20 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 018-008 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Thos. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 006-006 | 27 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 004-004 | 59 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Thos. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 010-010 | 8 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Potter, Thos. Wm. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 017-011 | 14 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, V. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 6 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Violet | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 19 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Violet May | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, W.H. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 47 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Walter | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 014-014 | 19 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Walter | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 022-023 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Walter H. | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, William | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 29 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, William | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 008-008 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Potter, William | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 024-024 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, William | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 3 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, William | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 20 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, William | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 018-013 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, William F. | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 006-004 | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 022-007 | 40 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 010-004 | 34 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 007-006 | 6 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 015-00K | English | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potter, Wm. | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 011-010 | 34 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. | 31 May,1905 | Mongolian | 007-00F | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. H. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 005-005 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. H. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 1 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. Hy. | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 024-011 | 14 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter, Wm. Jno. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 032-011 | 35 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter?, James | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 38 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter?, Jno? Harold | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 034-034 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potter?, Miss | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 012-013 | 21? | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potterah?, Lucile | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 019-00B | 38 | Switzerland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potterson, John | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 002-030 | 36 | Canada | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potterton, Annie | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potterton, Emily | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-007 | 37 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potterton, Richd | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-007 | 67 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottes, C. J. | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 016-016 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottie, Albert | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottie, Mary D. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 049-033 | 23 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottier, Ferdinand | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 015-004 | 49 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottier, L'Abbe F. | 29 August,1910 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 55 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinemi, Otto | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 030-021 | 24 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Edward A. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 24 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Edward H. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 52 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Eldred | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 029-029 | 22 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Florence Eleanor | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 038-012 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Frank | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 015-013 | 40 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Geo. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 015-015 | 44 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Gladys V. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 11 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Hilda M. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 22 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Jas. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 014-013 | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Jessie Jane | 14 November,1909 | Ionian | 004-000 | 21 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, John | 13 July,1909 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, John S. | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 007-005 | 23 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Mary A. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 46 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Miriam | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 011-011 | 46 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Mrs. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 015-015 | 44 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Norah M. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 12 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Oswald R. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 18 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Robert A. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 8 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Samuel | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 010-005 | 20 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Sidney | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 011-011 | 18 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, William | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 23 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinger, Winifred H. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 008-008 | 15 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottinghome, Hon? B. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 016-010 | 16 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottle, Bell Jane | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 003-002 | 39 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottle, Everett T. | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 003-002 | 10 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pottle, F.C. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 10 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Potton, Joseph | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 014-013 | 27 | France | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Ada | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Anderson Mann | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 006-005 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Andrew | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 34 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Arthur | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 034-012 | 27 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Arthur | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 2 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Arthur | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 22 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Arthur | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 19 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Arthur C. | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 019-010 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Austin | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 026-019 | 19 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Benjamin | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 029-014 | 19 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, C. H. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 023-023 | a | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, C. Jane | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 002-00B | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Cedric | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 026-026 | 16 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Charles | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 7 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Chas. Hy. | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 002-00B | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Child | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 001-001 | 6 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Clara | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 024-011 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Clara | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 23 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, David | 22 May,1906 | Sicilian | 015-013 | 20 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, David | 27 July,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 40 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, David | 28 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 018-010 | 23 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, David | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 34 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Doris | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 3 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, E. | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 22 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Potts, Edith | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 003-003 | 16 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Edmond | 12 November,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Edward | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 21 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Eleanor | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 42 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Eliz. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 33 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Elizth | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-014 | 37 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Ellen | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-014 | 3 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Ellen | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 1 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Ellen | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 33 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Elsie | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 011-00G | 16 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Elsie | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 8 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Elsie | 15 November,1907 | Sicilian | 004-003 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Emma | 15 November,1907 | Sicilian | 004-003 | 52 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Florence | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 9m | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Florrie | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 029-00B | 23 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Francis | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 029-014 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Frank | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 016-016 | 4 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Fred | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 26 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Fred C. | 26 April,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potts, G. M. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 018-000 | 10 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Potts, G. N. | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 031-030 | 25 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Geo. David | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 008-00C | 46 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Geo. H. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Geo. Miller | 24 July,1910 | Dominion | 002-002 | 28 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, George | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-014 | 11 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, George | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 003-00B | 50 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, George | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 004-00C | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, George | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 9 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, George Hy | 01 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 013-008 | 28 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Gertrude Bunn | 10 November, 1903 | Montrose | 001-000 | 4 | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Grace | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 11 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Gwendoline Bunn | 10 November, 1903 | Montrose | 001-000 | 7 | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, H. A. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 006-006 | 19 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, H.C. | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Hannah M.C. | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 002-00B | a | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Harry | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Henry | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 21 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Henry John | 08 September,1906 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 39 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Hettie | 30 July,1910 | Sardinian | 003-003 | 24 | Eng | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, illegible | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, illegible | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Potts, illegible | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 017-011 | 23 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Infant | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 001-001 | infant | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Isabella | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 32 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, J. R. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, J. W. | 02 August,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 20 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jack | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 016-016 | 3 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 07 August,1910 | Pretorian | 011-003 | 30 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 3 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 32 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 024-024 | 38 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 22 May,1906 | Sicilian | 015-013 | 25 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, James | 23 May,1909 | Hesperian | 013-013 | 17 | Scottish | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jane | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 39 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jane | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | 15 | English | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jane | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 15 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jas. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 014-006 | 21 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jas. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 005-006 | 28 | Oldham | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jas. H. | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jessie Grace | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 010-004 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jno. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 017-000 | 25 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jno. | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 008-008 | 32 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Jno. W. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 032-027 | 18 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Potts, Joe H. | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 018-017 | 20 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | 19 | English | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 18 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 34 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 7 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 024-011 | 29 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 015-006 | 19 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 029-014 | 25 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 26 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 25 | Irish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, John Wm | 28 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 018-010 | 34 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Joseph | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 046-024 | 36 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Joseph C. | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 003-00C | 19 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Kate | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 006-002 | 20 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Katherine | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 010-009 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Lewis | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 003-003 | 35 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Lionel Bunn | 10 November, 1903 | Montrose | 001-000 | 9 | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Lizzie | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 016-016 | 36 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Lucy E. | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Margt' | 09 October,1910 | Hesperian | 018-006 | 15 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Maria | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 001-001 | 29 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mary | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-014 | 4y6m | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mary | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 25 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mary | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mary | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 013-015 | 3 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Milton | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 2m | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Minnie | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 28 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Miss | 12 September,1903 | Pretorian | 009-009 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Miss M. | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 023-023 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Miss M. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 023-023 | a | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Miss M. | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 028-028 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potts, Miss S. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 008-008 | 19 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Miss. E. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 023-023 | a | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | 42 | English | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 013-011 | 52 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 009-009 | 50 | Cumberland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. E. H. | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 010-00H | 32 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Mrs. G. Bunn | 10 November, 1903 | Montrose | 001-000 | 32 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Oswald P. | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 016-016 | 7 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, P. J. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 027-027 | 31 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Peter Wilson | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 026-00D | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Philip | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 010-009 | 33 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Rd. Hy. | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 005-002 | 45 | USA | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Robinson | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 26 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Robt. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 018-018 | 23 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Russell | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 009-00E | 25 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Samuel | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 012-011 | 23 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Sarah | 09 October,1910 | Hesperian | 018-006 | 26 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Sarah | 09 October,1910 | Hesperian | 018-006 | 50 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Sydney | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 026-011 | 20 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, T. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | 45 | English | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, T. M. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 027-027 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Tho. Arthur | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 23 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thomas | 02 October,1910 | Saturnia | 014-005 | 21 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thomas | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 28 | Eng | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thomas | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thos. | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 23 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thos. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 028-015 | 45 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Thos. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Tom | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 019-017 | 30 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, W. | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 27 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, W. C. T. | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 32 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, W. L. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 009-009 | 50 | Cumberland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, W.H. | 31 October,1908 | Grampian | 010-007 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potts, Walter | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Wesley | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 9 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, William | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, William | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 005-002 | 52 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, William | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 013-00B | 18 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, William | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 18 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, William | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 010-010 | 20 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Wm T. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-008 | 41 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Potts, Wm. | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 11 | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Potu?uk, George | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 26 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Potuchevitz, Bernard | 17 August,1906 | Southwark | 007-007 | 32 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potuik, Rosalia | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 015-014 | 19 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potulwiski, Jan | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 003-001 | 32 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potusses, Fransisas | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 009-00I | 19 | Italian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Potuzki, Jan | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 16 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Potvin, Clara | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 012-012 | 38 | USA | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Potvin, N. | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 033-032 | 30 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Potvinen, Junso | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 012-013 | 25 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Alexander | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 22 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Arthur | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 17 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Felix | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 019-000 | 20 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Hubert | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 65 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Jules | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 19 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poty, Rosalie | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 48 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potywansuk, Luflej | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 016-014 | 28 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Potzer, Emalia | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 009-009 | 23 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potzer, Mickael | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 009-009 | 29 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Potzer, Theodor | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 029-017 | 25 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Potzettny?, Nikolaj | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 013-012 | 27 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Potzezuk, Gabrielo | 30 September,1907 | Cassandra | 008-007 | 36 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pou?, F | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 046-0EE | 25 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pou?, Geo. | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 022-023 | 21 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poublon, Emma | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 25 | French | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouc?zuk, Ester | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 2 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouc?zuk, Malke | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 22 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poucelet, Jean | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 28 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouch, John | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 002-00B | 17 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchard, Germaine | 29 May,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-005 | 2 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchard, Jeanne | 29 May,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-005 | 30 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchard, Rene | 29 May,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-005 | 28 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchen, Geo. | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 021-003 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouchet, Edouard | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouchet, Edourd | 03 September,1908 | Corinthian | 010-010 | 39 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchet, Henri | 03 September,1908 | Corinthian | 010-010 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouchet, Marguerite | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouchet, Marie | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | 38 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poucheville, Charles | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 020-018 | 35 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchin, Helen B. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 017-00I | 63 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouchon, Jean | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 21 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poucin, Albert | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 030-030 | a | France | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poucite, Amy | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 006-000 | 23 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poudd, L. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 011-011 | 15 | USA | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouhais, Louis | 26 August,1905 | Sardinian | 003-003 | 33 | France | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouill, Miss J. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 007-007 | 30 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouillon, Desiree | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 017-018 | 22 | Belgium | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouillon, Esidore | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 017-018 | 29 | Belgium | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouillon, Eugene | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 017-018 | 26 | Belgium | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouillon, Jules Omand | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 017-018 | 8m | Belgium | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poujal, Charles | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 008-008 | 30 | France | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poukkala, Frans Oskar | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 020-021 | 31 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulain, Henrietta | 17 October,1908 | Sardinian | 003-000 | 3 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulain, Leon | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 018-016 | 28 | France | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulain, Louis | 04 September,1910 | Canada | 026-008 | 25 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulain, Rejina | 17 October,1908 | Sardinian | 003-000 | 30 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulet, Edouard | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 025-024 | 18 | France | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulet, J. C. | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 013-013 | 40 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulet, Jules | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 24 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulet, Mrs. | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 013-013 | 30 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulikowski, Anton | 06 August,1909 | Corinthian | 006-003 | 40 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulimatka, Mina | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 21 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulin, Mr. | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 031-029 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poulin, N | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 58 | Canadian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulin, Rev. J. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poulin, T. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 028-030 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulin, T. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 047-044 | a | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulin, Telesphore | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 59 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulin, Thomas | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 57 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulins, Thomas | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 008-000 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouliquen, Ives | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 032-023 | 34 | France | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouliquen, Jean | 15 July,1906 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | 27 | French | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouliuk, Pascio | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 026-026 | 18 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouliuk, Wasyl | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 026-026 | 27 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulizac, Catherine | 01 November,1909 | Corinthian | 005-002 | 15 | France | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulkis, Juzopas | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 043-042 | 22 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poull?, Barbara | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 021-012 | 16 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poull?, Catherine | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 021-012 | 12 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poull?, Walterina? | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 021-012 | 11 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouller, Albert | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulnovsky, Frede | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | 2 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulnovsky, Hana | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | 4 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulnovsky, Leah | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | 30 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulnovsky, Marke | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | infant | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulnovsky, Raise | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | 6 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulscz, E. | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 012-011 | 18 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulscz, Gidel | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 012-011 | 52 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulscz, Hara | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 012-011 | 16 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulscz, Hersch | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 012-011 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poulscz, Sara | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 012-011 | 15 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Andreas | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 040-027 | 22 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Axel | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 042-020 | 4 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, C. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 30 | Denmark | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Edward | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 15 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Elfrida | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 042-020 | 28 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Georgina | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 021-006 | infant | Denmark | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Hans G. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 025-025 | 32 | Scandinavian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Kaj | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 042-020 | 2 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Marie | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 21 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Poul | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 002-00B | 54 | Dane | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Sophie | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 021-006 | 29 | Denmark | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsen, Willy | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 20 | Denmark | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsom, A. | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 011-00L | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsom, C. | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 011-00L | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulsom, J. S. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 33 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Catherine | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 029-027 | 9 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Florence | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 024-000 | 37 | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poulson, H. | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 60 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Hans | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 003-003 | 27 | Denmark | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Hilda | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 007-008 | 14 | Norway | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Hilda | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 029-027 | 6 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, James | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 029-027 | 2 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, John Walden | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 017-004 | 40 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Mrs. | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 029-027 | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulson, Neils | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 031-000 | 27 | Denmark | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulston, G. W. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 017-017 | 69 | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultala, T?T | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 33 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, ? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 047-023 | 14 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, ? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 048-024 | 13 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, Constance | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 048-024 | 16 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, Harold | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 048-024 | 10 | India | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, K? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 047-023 | 54 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulte?, M? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 047-023 | 54 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Alice | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 016-014 | 40 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Amelia | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 008-008 | 44 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Arthur | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 18 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Catherine | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Charles | 04 August,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Chas. | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 016-014 | 7 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Chas. J. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 010-010 | 29 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Edith | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 016-014 | 17 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Edw. | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 24 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Florrie | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 22 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, George | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, George C. | 28 July,1909 | Ionian | 005-00E | 44 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Horatio | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 30 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Hubert | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-022 | 16 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, John | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 006-006 | 42 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Joseph H. | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 017-017 | 33 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Lucinda | 30 June,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 17 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Lucinda | 30 June,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 57 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Mary | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 008-00F | 30 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Minnie | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 25 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Miss J. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 002-00B | 10 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Mrs. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 016-015 | 49 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Nellie M. | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 21 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Robt. | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 016-014 | 40 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Sarah | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 54 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Selina | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 041-039 | 38 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Stanley | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 12 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Thomas | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 016-015 | 53 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Thos. L. | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, W. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 011-011 | 28 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, W. E. | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 008-008 | 20 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, W. G. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 014-00Q | 38 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, W.E. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 028-012 | 37 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, Walter | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 004-003 | 21 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulter, William | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 006-006 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultes, Charles S. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 009-00I | 18 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, ?. H | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 023-005 | 27 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, John | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 019-004 | 30 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, Miss B. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 025-00B | 57 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, Miss L. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 025-00B | 54 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, R. J. | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 011-011 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney, Robt. | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultney?, Catherine | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 017-017 | 21 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, A | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 009-000 | 45 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Albert | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 27 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Albt. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 3 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Alice | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 1 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Alice | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 34 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Alice | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | 29 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Alice | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | 7 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Amy | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 32 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Amy | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 8m | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Annie | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | infant | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Annie | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 006-001 | 24 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Arthur | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 016-006 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Chas. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 014-013 | 29 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Chas. | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 1 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Dorothy | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 9 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, E. | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 005-005 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Edward | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 29 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Edward | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 5 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Elsie | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 014-014 | 11 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, F. G. | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 001-000 | 35 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Florence | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 005-004 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Geo. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 34 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Geo. | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 033-012 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, George | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 37 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Harry | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 015-014 | 35 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Ivy | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 10 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, James | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 1 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, John | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 009-001 | 47 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, John | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | 30 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, John | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | 5 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, John | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 4 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Jos. Jno. | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 11 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Joseph | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 35 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Josiah | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 3 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Kate | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 032-031 | 4 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Lizzie | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 033-012 | 59 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Lizzie | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 014-014 | 48 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Mabel | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 7 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Maria | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Maria | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 35 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Maud | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 014-013 | 1 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Monica | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 005-004 | 5 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Mrs. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 014-013 | 29 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Reuben | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 7 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Stephen | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 029-029 | 22 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Walter | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 22 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Wm. | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 018-018 | 24 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Wm. | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 014-014 | 9 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poulton, Wm. H. | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 019-018 | 30 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poultor, Percy | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 23 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poumboulas, P. | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 24 | Greece | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounall, Robert | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 017-012 | 34 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouncy, B. D. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 039-038 | 20 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouncy, Frank H. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Charles | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 014-004 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Edwin | 28 August,1909 | Dominion | 014-014 | 18 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Eliz | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 013-00F | 31 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Francis | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 026-026 | c | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pound, Fred | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 016-009 | 9 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Pound, George | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 28 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, K. | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 021-00S | 22 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, M. A. B. Mrs. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 007-003 | 46 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Mrs. C. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 019-00C | 33 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Mrs. J. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 031-022 | a | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Nettie? | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 014-025 | 50 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Oivia | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 015-00K | English | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pound, Stephen | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 009-009 | 41 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, T. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 023-015 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pound, T. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 041-032 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Tone | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 39 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pound, Winifred | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 007-003 | 14 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poundall, Nora | 26 August,1904 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, A. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 040-040 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, Bella | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 28 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, Edith | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 004-003 | 27 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, F. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 040-040 | 30 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, Frances | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 009-005 | 62 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, George | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 042-000 | 34 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, George | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 30 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, Harris | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 54 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, J. W. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 040-040 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, James R. | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 009-005 | 54 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounder, Olivia? | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 012-00H | 25 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poundney, Mrs. M. | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 21 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, Emily | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 011-011 | 47 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, Frank | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 007-007 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, James | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 37 | Eng. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, Lily | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 011-011 | 2 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, Robert | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 011-011 | 49 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounds, Ruth | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 007-007 | 22 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounselt, Ellen | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 33 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pounselt, Frank | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 5 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountain, Frank | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 016-009 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountain, George | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 32 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountain, Minnie | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 30 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountain, Nellie | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 8 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountney, Ernest | 19 May,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 19 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountney, Frederick | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-027 | 39 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountney, Harry | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 030-012 | 19 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountney, Mr. J. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 015-015 | 50 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountney, Mrs. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 015-015 | 46 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountrey, Hannah | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 64 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pountrey, Mabel | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 26 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poupard, Miss | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 017-000 | a | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poupart, Martin | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 016-009 | 25 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poupe, Giuseppe | 09 May,1904 | Montreal | 009-009 | 31 | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Elsa | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 001-000 | 1 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, John | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 016-016 | 49 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Maurice | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 015-015 | 22 | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Maurice | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 001-000 | 25 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Mrs. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 015-015 | 25 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Mrs. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 016-016 | 45 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poure, Mrs. | 14 September,1908 | Athenia | 001-000 | 27 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourie, Mary | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 009-009 | 23 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourie, Mrs. | 02 September,1903 | Sardinian | 004-000 | 29 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourie?, Robert | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 013-006 | 26 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourneau, Louis | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 014-00N | 18 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourtary, Mrs. M. | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 027-009 | 35 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pourthie, Amans | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 012-00M | 43 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pousart, Edmond | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 027-019 | 19 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poushie, James | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 34 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pousillo, Francesco | 24 October, 1905 | Montreal | 003-002 | 26 | Italian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pousland, F.G. | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 015-005 | a | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouson, Augustin | 17 October,1908 | Sardinian | 002-000 | 42 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poussant, Mrs. H. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 013-014 | 36 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poussen, J.H. | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 006-00D | 65 | USA | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Poussen, John Hubert | 20 September,1905 | Mongolian | 007-00G | 18 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poussen, Joseph Hy. | 20 September,1905 | Mongolian | 007-00G | 58 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Andrew | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 26 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Ann G. | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 008-007 | 30 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Dorothy | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 2 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Geo. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 28 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Mary | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 30 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poustie, Wm. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 21 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouszek, Albert | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 008-008 | 19 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pout, Bert | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 024-017 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutala, Frans | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 017-017 | 23 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutala, Mikko | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 017-017 | 17 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutanen, Pakku | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 012-012 | 26 | Fin | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouteaux, Celestine | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 20 | Guernsey | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutefract, R | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 007-000 | 70 | illegible | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutiainen, Pekka | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 27 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutin, Armida | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 033-012 | 13 | Sweden | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Annie | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 4 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, G. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Jos. | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 32 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Joseph | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 2 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Mary | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 10 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Mrs. J. | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 29 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Veronica | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 8 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutney, Victoria | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 018-009 | 5w | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouton, Mrs. | 18 May,1904 | Pretorian | 012-011 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouton, Thomas | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 016-009 | 37 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Poutrat, Marie | 30 September,1908 | Sicilian | 003-00I | 32 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouvczak, Joan | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 006-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouvier, Ed. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 18 | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pouwiczy, Josef | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 20 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouyadoux, Augustine | 21 October,1906 | Sarmatian | 007-007 | 20 | French | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouysz, Jgnac | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 014-014 | 48 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouzache, Paul | 19 May,1905 | Pomeranian | 003-003 | 21 | French | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pouzol, Alexis | 27 September,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-007 | 24 | French | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pov?zecki, Nicloa | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 028-026 | 20 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Povaczuk, Nykolaj | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 037-037 | 24 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Povak, Ernest | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 014-007 | 27 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Povall, Moses | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 43 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Povczuk, Urynho | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pover, Alexander | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 018-008 | 27 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pover, August | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 013-000 | 29 | Belgian | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pover, Celina | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 013-000 | 28 | Belgian | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pover, J. | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 004-000 | 26 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pover, John | 17 September,1905 | Dominion | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poverinsdotter, Gudrun | 16 June,1904 | Sardinian | 010-010 | 10 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poverinsdotter, Louisa | 16 June,1904 | Sardinian | 010-010 | 3 | Iceland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Alice | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 003-002 | 11 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Bella | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Chas | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 009-008 | 20 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Ethel | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 003-002 | 12 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, F. | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 30 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, F. E. | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 019-019 | 18 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Frederick | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 4 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Jennie | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-036 | 32 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Lucy | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 003-002 | 35 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Mabel | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 003-002 | 7 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Mrs. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 29 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Saml. | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-017 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Stanley | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 001-000 | 20 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, T? | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 005-004 | 30 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Thomas | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 003-002 | 2 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, Thos. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 16 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, V. A. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 014-002 | 27 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Povey, William | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-036 | 31 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Povish, Ernest McF. | 19 September,1905 | Athenia | 003-003 | 22 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Povroznik, Tomaz | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 005-000 | 26 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Povtampaa, Koale | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 028-028 | 18 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Povtampaa, Mathilde | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 028-028 | 39 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Povtampaa, Varins | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 028-028 | 11 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Agnes A. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 035-019 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pow, Clara | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 018-008 | 1y6m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Dorothy | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 018-008 | 3 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Emma | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 018-008 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Geo | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 57 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Isabella | 10 October,1909 | Hesperian | 009-009 | 11 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Isabella Walker | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 025-006 | 19 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, James | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 009-007 | 21 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Mrs. Mary | 02 May,1907 | Athenia | 015-015 | 49 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, Robert | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 017-001 | 40 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow, William | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 010-000 | 19 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?, illegible | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 012-011 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pow?l, Alice | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?l, Alice | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 3 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?l, Emily | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 6 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?l, Herbert | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?l, Herbert | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | infant | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?sil, Alex | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 021-020 | 8 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?sil, Kate | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 021-020 | 32 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pow?sil, Mary | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 021-020 | 6 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powarl, Osep | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 015-015 | 23 | Russia Polish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powarzczuk, Josafat | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 014-012 | 29 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powasczak, Hericka | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 006-005 | 16 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powaszczuk, Wasyl | 06 June,1904 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 23 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powazka, Stanislaw | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-017 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powberley, Thos. P. H. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 012-012 | 31 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Annie | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 23 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Leslie | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | infant | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Mrs. | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 003-002 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powderhill, R. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Sidney | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Sidney | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 013-013 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderhill, Wm. | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 003-002 | 26 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powderley, John | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 029-014 | 35 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powdeswa, S. W. | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 006-007 | 34 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powe, Ethel | 04 June,1904 | Ionian | 001-000 | 7 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powe, Sarah | 04 June,1904 | Ionian | 001-000 | 36 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powel, Duply | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 017-00D | 43 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powel, Maurice | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 014-014 | 21 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powelesland, Charles | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 027-010 | 27 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Powelkis, Ane | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 4y6m | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powelkis, Catharyna | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 28 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powelkis, George | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 7 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell ?, Herbert | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 004-003 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-000 | 35 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A. | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 002-001 | 29 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A. H. | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 038-038 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A. P. | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 40 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A. W. F. | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 6 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, A.H. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 033-017 | 26 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ada | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 029-00D | 30 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ada | 12 July,1902 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 29 | England | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Adeline | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 7 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Agnes Isabel | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 011-00G | 29 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Agnes M. | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 24 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 025-018 | 36 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 33 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 015-015 | 22 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 20 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 74? | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-000 | 32 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Albert Edward | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 031-030 | 23 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alf. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 14 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alfd. | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 005-003 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alfred | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 009-008 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alfred | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 1 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alfred | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 028-006 | 20 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 019-007 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Alice | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 034-018 | 28 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 028-027 | 14 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 28 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 006-00C | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Alice May | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Amy | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 020-019 | 9 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Powell, Annie | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 004-004 | 27 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 029-011 | 22 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 18 November,1907 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 20 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 31 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 029-028 | 26 | Canadian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 19 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Annie L. | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, April | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 018-017 | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arch. Geo. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 014-00E | 19 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Archibald | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 029-028 | 10 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Powell, Archie | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Arthur | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 35 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 20 | Wales | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 30 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 30 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 029-013 | 28 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur C. | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 005-0AA | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Powell, Arthur E | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 035-012 | 25 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Arthur H. | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 032-031 | 15 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Athelstan | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 033-012 | 19 | Wales | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, B. O. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 011-014 | 23 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Barbara | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 3y6m | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Bella | 30 September,1902 | Sicilian | 002-000 | 25 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Bernard | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 1 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Bessie | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 010-010 | 2 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Bugler H. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 027-011 | 18 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 41 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 003-002 | 24 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. B. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 014-015 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. Berkeley | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 006-005 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. E. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 012-013 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, C. S. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 027-000 | a | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Capt. | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 36 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Caroline | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 52 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Caroline | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 46 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Caroline | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 002-001 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Caroline | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 029-027 | 32 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Catherine | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 027-024 | 3 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Charles | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 008-002 | 49 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Charles | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 12 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Charles Daniel | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 027-009 | 24 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 010-009 | 7 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 027-026 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 2 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 033-033 | 39 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas. | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 005-005 | 34 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Chas.L. | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 023-008 | 34 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Christopher | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 14 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Clara | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 030-029 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Clara | 24 October,1908 | Tunisian | 009-00B | 47 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Colin | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 017-003 | 34 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Constance | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 004-003 | 28 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Constance | 23 October,1905 | Athenia | 002-001 | 4 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Cyril G. | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 025-030 | 17 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, D. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 013-013 | 15 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Powell, Daisy | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 14 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Daisy | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 16 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, David | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, David | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 017-017 | 31 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, David | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 009-000 | 26 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, David | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 29 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, David | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 12 | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Powell, David H. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-000 | 4 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Donald | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 10 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dora | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 3 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dora L. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 010-004 | 23 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Doris | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 022-008 | 5 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dorothy | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 5 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dorothy | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 007-035 | 21 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dorothy | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 013-008 | 2y6m | USA | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Dorothy | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, E | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, E. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 022-022 | 39 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, E. | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 010-014 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, E. W. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 008-045 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, E? Sidney | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 019-019 | 38 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Powell, Ed | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 017-010 | 7 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Powell, Ed | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Edgar | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 9 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edith | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 024-023 | 27 | Welsh | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edith | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 010-009 | 2 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edith | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 031-030 | 19 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edith M. | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 010-010 | 6 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edna | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 023-008 | 4 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edward | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 012-006 | 26 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edward | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 50 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edwin | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 003-002 | 34 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edwin | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 4 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edwin | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 6 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Edwin | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 024-023 | 29 | Welsh | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Eleanor | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 031-013 | 29 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elenor Doris | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 3w | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elinor | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 013-007 | 54 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Eliz. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 010-00K | 62 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizabeth | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 30 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizabeth | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 033-012 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizabeth | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 034-013 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizabeth | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 018-019 | 56 | United States | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizabeth | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 31 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizth | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 014-014 | 25 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elizth | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 019-007 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Ellen | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 010-010 | 30 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ellen | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 011-010 | 35 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ellen | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 024-017 | 55 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elsie | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 017-015 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Elsie | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 009-009 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Elsie | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 007-00G | 23 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Emily | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 010-009 | 4 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Enid | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 14 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ernest | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ernest | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ernest | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 38 | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ernest | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 37 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Erward J? | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 024-024 | 12 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ethel | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 32 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ethel | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ethel M. | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 2 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Eva | 11 September,1904 | Kensington | 013-000 | 36 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Evelyn | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 030-031 | 30 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Evelyn | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 031-013 | 4 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, F. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 003-00C | 31 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, F. E. | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 011-00E | 27 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, F. Stephen | 31 July,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00D | 50 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fanny | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 013-013 | 10 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fitzhenry T. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 21 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Florence | 08 October,1904 | Parisian | 005-005 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Florence | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 018-017 | 26 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Florence | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Florence | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 010-010 | 39 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Flos. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 005-004 | 32 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Francis | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 017-002 | 27 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frank | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 4m | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frank | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 022-008 | 48 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frank Kent | 23 October,1905 | Athenia | 002-001 | 29 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frank R. | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 14 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frank W. | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 43 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fred | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 2 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fred | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 6 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fred | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 29 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fred | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 001-001 | 19 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fred | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 11m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frederick | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 33 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Frederick | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 010-010 | 40 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fredk. | 19 May,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 007-005 | 21 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Fredk. P. | 02 May,1907 | Athenia | 001-001 | 38 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Freida | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 022-008 | 8 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 32 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 4 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 006-006 | 33 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. A. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 028-019 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, G. C. | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | a | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. E. S. | 08 October,1905 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, G. T. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 019-012 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 009-009 | 4 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 004-005 | 28 | Warwickshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 010-009 | 27 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 010-009 | 7 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 005-005 | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. A. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 46 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. B. | 10 November,1902 | Sicilian | 003-003 | a | USA | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Geo. Ely | 12 July,1902 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 39 | England | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 24 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 026-026 | 41 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 012-00M | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 024-017 | 55 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 001-001 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 6 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 014-014 | 31 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 027-024 | 4 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 025-023 | 41 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 45 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George H. | 24 September,1906 | Sardinian | 002-002 | 32 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, George L. | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 029-028 | 11m | Canadian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gerald | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 11 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gertrude | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gertrude | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 006-005 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gertrude | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 022-008 | 34 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gladys | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 7 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Grace | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 10 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Graham | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 020-020 | a | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Gwendoline | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-031 | 29 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, H. | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 001-000 | 26 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, H. Jno. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 019-019 | 20 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, H. T. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 023-003 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Powell, Hanna | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 041-014 | 24 | Canadian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harold | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 018-018 | 22 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harold | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 8 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harold | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 2 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harold J. | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 030-028 | 24 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harrison | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 46 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harry | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Harvey Grafton | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 010-00D | 44 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Helen | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-014 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Helen B. | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 005-0AA | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Powell, Helena J. | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 9 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Henry | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Henry | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 24 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Henry | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 014-006 | 58 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Henry | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 49 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Herbert | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Herbert | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 006-006 | 8 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Herbert A. | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 7 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Herbt. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 028-027 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Hon. H. | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 50 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Hy | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 65 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Hy | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 003-003 | ? | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Hy. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 011-012 | 28 | Staffordshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ida | 28 August,1909 | Dominion | 011-011 | 26 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, illegible | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 019-020 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Infant | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 027-024 | 1 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Inft. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 025-00G | 2m | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Irene | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 11 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Isaac A. | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ivor | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 29 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 021-005 | 25 | Ireland Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. | 23 September,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. G. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 021-020 | 31 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. H. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 017-00Q | 30 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. M. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, J. S. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 012-005 | 26 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 017-012 | 19 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 023-011 | 26 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-022 | 35 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 008-008 | 38 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 010-010 | 28 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 027-024 | 9 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 26 May,1908 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 38 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James | 31 May,1909 | Ionian | 008-001 | 39 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, James S. | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 37 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jane | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 43 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jane | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 33 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jas | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 020-018 | 31 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jas Leslie | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 36 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jas. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 010-010 | 14 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Powell, Jas. Jno. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 033-012 | 26 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jeanie | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 4 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jennie | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 29 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jennie | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 041-041 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jessie | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 004-003 | 2 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jno. | 02 September,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 44 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jno. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 11 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jno. A. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 003-003 | 24 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 025-030 | 25 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 39 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 14 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, John | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 008-002 | 11 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 030-029 | 28 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 011-003 | 19 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 40 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 009-000 | 23 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 46 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 027-027 | 35 | U.S.Citizen | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 027-017 | 23 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 55 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 029-026 | 27 | Wales | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John F. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 40 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John F. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 003-003 | 27 | Glamorgan | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John G. | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 022-022 | 54 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, John H. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 028-00F | 18 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Jonathan S. | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 013-008 | 26 | USA | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Joseph | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 29 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Joseph H. | 01 June,1907 | Lake Erie | 019-018 | 33 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Joseph L. | 11 September,1904 | Kensington | 014-000 | 32 | Africa | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Laura | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 007-000 | 31 | illegible | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Laura | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 009-011 | 12 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child | |
Powell, Leonard | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 017-015 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Levi | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 003-002 | 30 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Lilian | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 8 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Lilian | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Lily Maud | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 014-006 | 32 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Lizzie | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 26 | Welsh | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Llewellyn | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Louisa | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 041-000 | 14 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Lucy W. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 001-001 | 13 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, M. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 47 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, M. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 018-017 | 33 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, M. Berkley | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 017-000 | a | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Mabel | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-008 | 1y3m | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Maclo | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 013-008 | 23 | USA | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Margt. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 32 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Marion | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 035-012 | 29 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Marjorie | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 034-011 | 10 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 015-017 | 23 | Welsh | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 003-001 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Mary | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 008-002 | 40 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 021-021 | 29 | Wales | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 13 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 017-017 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 027-025 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Mary Ann | 12 September,1909 | Hesperian | 008-008 | 18 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mary J. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-000 | 29 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Master Arthur | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 8 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Master S. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 4 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Master V. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 6 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Master W. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 7 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Maud H. | 11 September,1904 | Kensington | 013-000 | 29 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Maurice | 25 June,1909 | Sardinian | 001-001 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, May | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 009-009 | 6 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, May | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 004-003 | 29 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, May | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 002-001 | 4 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, May J. | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 012-012 | 28 | Irish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Minnie | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 25 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Miss I. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 2 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Miss M. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-018 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Powell, Miss M. | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 28 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Miss R. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 019-019 | 22 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Miss. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 027-017 | 18 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Miss. C. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 028-00E | 36 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mr. W. J. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 020-008 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 023-008 | 29 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 45 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 005-005 | 29 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 015-015 | 53 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 10 November,1902 | Sicilian | 003-003 | a | USA | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 006-00F | 39 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 005-005 | 34 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 37 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 31 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 027-024 | 31 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 009-000 | 25 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 29 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 60 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 011-00E | 27 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 006-005 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 033-030 | 45 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. Beatrice | 08 October,1905 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. J. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 43 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. L. | 23 October,1905 | Athenia | 002-001 | 28 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. Lizzie | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 31 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. M. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 009-009 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs. R. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 014-014 | 27 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Mrs., Maid to | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 006-005 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | 2 |
Powell, Muriel | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 16 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Nellie | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 013-014 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Nellie | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 012-011 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Nora | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Nora? A. | 18 November,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 11 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Olive | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 009-009 | infant | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, P. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 3 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, P. E. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 025-00G | 39 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, P.E. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 025-00G | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Pauline | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 39 | Ireland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Percy | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 3 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Percy | 20 May,1905 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 26 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Percy | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 024-022 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Percy Arnold | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 012-006 | 23 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Phyllis | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 17 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, R. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 021-005 | 23 | Ireland Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, R. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 1 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, R. C. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 31 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rees | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 25 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Reginald | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 1 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Reuben | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 010-009 | 32 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Richard | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 004-003 | 30 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Richard | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 010-010 | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Richard | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 39 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Richd. | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 016-015 | 28 | South Africa | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Robert | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 10m | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Robert W. | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 53 | Canadian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rosa | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-015 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rose | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 35 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rose | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 6 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rosetta | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Ruby | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 003-003 | 24 | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Rupert | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 022-019 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, S. Anne | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 43 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, S. J. | 01 November,1905 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 43 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, S.J. | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Samuel | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 035-013 | 33 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 23 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 37 | Wales | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 34 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 010-009 | 28 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 21 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sarah | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sidney | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 005-005 | 29 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Stanley Iver | 12 July,1902 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 2 | England | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Sydney | 01 October,1904 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 25 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, T. | 17 July,1908 | Corsican | 008-00A | 53 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, T. A. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 013-00P | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Teresa | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 21 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thomas | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 004-003 | infant | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thomas | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 018-017 | 26 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thomas | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 018-017 | 23 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thomas | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 039-019 | 46 | Wales | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thomas | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 006-00C | 24 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thos. | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 031-019 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thos. | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 018-018 | 23 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Thos. Edw. | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 016-00N | 28 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Tyndale M. O. Mr. | 11 November,1905 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 20 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, W. J. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 012-011 | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, W. T. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 022-022 | 39 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, W.J. | 01 October,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 50 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Walter | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 52 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Watkin D. | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 35 | Wales | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wilfred | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 022-019 | 17 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 008-003 | 28 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 027-010 | a | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 029-016 | 49 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-015 | 11m | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, William James | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Willie | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 015-017 | infant | Welsh | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Winifred | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 030-029 | 10m | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Winnifred | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 9 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Winnifred May | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 2 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm Herbt | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 033-013 | 24 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 015-017 | 26 | Welsh | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 006-005 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 024-024 | 44 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 034-018 | 32 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 005-005 | 44 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 009-009 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 014-008 | 40 | Wales | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 011-011 | 8 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. J. | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 010-010 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. P | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 037-019 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powell, Wm. Phillip | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 17 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. Richard | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 024-023 | 32 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell, Wm. Stephen | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 29 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell?, Ellis T. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 002-002 | 41 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell?, Harry | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 007-019 | 26 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell?, Mrs. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 002-002 | 44 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powells, Thos | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 008-008 | 23 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powell`, Tho. B. | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 009-001 | 25 | Engd | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powelo, Juho | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 024-024 | 26 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Powenscki, Endonius | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 28 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Alfred | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 015-015 | 9m | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Alice | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 32 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Alice | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 5 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Alice | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 015-015 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Ambrose | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 027-017 | 18 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Annie | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 2y6m | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Bridget | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 18 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Catherine | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Chas. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 012-012 | 54 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Chas. | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 32 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Dr. D.J. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 47 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, E. A. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 028-027 | 27 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Elizth. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Emily | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 2 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Francis | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 019-023 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Francis | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 003-003 | 29 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Fred W. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 013-012 | 21 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Fred. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 013-012 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Frederick | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 025-023 | 20 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, G. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 036-035 | a | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Garry | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-013 | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, George | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 038-017 | 35 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, George | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 021-020 | 7 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Haddie | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 004-004 | 28 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Harriet | 03 June, 1910 | Pomeranian | 002-00B | 27 | Ireland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Ida | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 24 | Wales | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, J.F. | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 017-017 | 37 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, James | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 007-007 | 43? | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, John | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 021-020 | 6 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, John | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 009-007 | 32 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, John | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 017-017 | 12 | Irish | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, John | 31 July,1908 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 31 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Jos. | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Joseph | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 022-00T | 27 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Julia | 30 May,1910 | Athenia | 008-021 | 35 | Ireland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Kate | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 009-009 | 12 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Power, Kath | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 001-001 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Kathleen | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 017-017 | 25 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Lillie | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 006-00F | 14 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Lizzie | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 028-027 | 21 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Louisa | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 003-003 | 29 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, M. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 020-022 | 49 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, M. | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 006-006 | 28 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Margaret | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-018 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Mary | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 11 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mary | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 021-020 | 38 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mary | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 008-008 | 22 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Master C. | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 004-004 | 11y6m | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mich | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 30 | Irish | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Michael | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-000 | 33 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Miss | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 026-026 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Miss M. | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 023-022 | 74 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Miss M. E. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 024-024 | 24 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Miss S. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 20 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mr. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 023-003 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Power, Mr. Wm. | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 018-00G | a | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 023-003 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Power, Mrs. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 026-026 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Mrs. | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 007-007 | 31 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 012-012 | 54 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 30 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 021-021 | a | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Mrs. Harold | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | a | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, N. J. | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 033-032 | 56 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Nellie | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 23 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Nicholas | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 11 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Nicolas | 08 August,1907 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 31 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, R. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 026-025 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Rev. Father | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 034-033 | a | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Richd. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 35 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Robert | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 015-015 | 10 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Rose | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Susan | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 001-001 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, T. P. B. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 021-021 | a | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Thos. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 036-032 | 28 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Thos. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 006-00F | 35 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, V. | 28 August,1905 | Pretorian | 005-00E | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Walter | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 023-023 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Walter | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 14 | Welsh | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Wm. | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 014-006 | 40 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Power, Wm. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 026-026 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Power, Zeda | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 021-021 | 8 | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Power?, John | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 037-014 | 22 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, C. H. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 038-012 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Daisy A. | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 015-015 | 25 | USA | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, E | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 010-003 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Fanny | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 004-00C | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powers, George | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 001-000 | 47 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Gert. E. | 28 August,1910 | Saturnia | 015-015 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powers, Inf | 14 November,1908 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | infant | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, J.S. | 14 November,1908 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powers, James | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 030-031 | 52 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Merrian | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 030-029 | 23 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Mrs. | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 030-031 | 49 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Mrs. | 14 November,1908 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powers, Mrs. E. W. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 034-034 | 60 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, S. F. | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 032-031 | 34 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, W. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 020-00B | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers, Wm. | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 015-015 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powers?, Carl Wm. | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 024-024 | 16 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powert?, Jules | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 017-017 | 42 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powes, Margaret | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 019-017 | 26 | US Citizen | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poweska, Marcim | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 011-003 | 32 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powfret, Mary | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 010-004 | 24 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powie, Alfred Ernest | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 027-018 | 30 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powie, David | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 004-004 | 42 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Powilajlis, Julianna | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 033-037 | 19 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, A. | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 21 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Arthur T. | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 49 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Chas. M. | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 006-00F | 33 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Florence | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Gordon | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 014-000 | 14 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, John E. | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 015-015 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Miss M. J. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 023-023 | a | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Mrs. C. | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 51 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Victor | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 020-00E | ? | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Victor B. | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 010-00E | 24 | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, W | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 020-00E | 18 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | (m) |
Powis, William | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 34 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powis, Wm. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 028-025 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powizenay, Mendel | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 27 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powl, Lawrence | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 018-018 | 26 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Powle, Alfred | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 017-017 | 3 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powle, Cole | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 013-013 | 27 | Macedonia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powle, James | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 017-017 | 29 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powle, Louisa | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 017-017 | 24 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Powles, E. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 003-00C | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powles, Edwin | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 018-005 | 26 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Powles, Geo | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 024-022 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powles, Miss M. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powles, Percival | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 003-003 | 23 | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Powles, Sarah Ann | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 011-010 | 30 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlesland, Christina Olive | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 035-014 | 6 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlesland, Emily Beatrice | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 035-014 | a | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlesland, Ernest | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 009-008 | 24 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powless, Mary Alice | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 005-00A | a | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlett, Armand | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 035-034 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlett, H. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 036-031 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Powley, E. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 020-020 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powley, Fred | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 020-018 | 17 | T-491 | Quebec Ports | ||
Powley, Herbert E. | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 009-008 | 11 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powley, L. R. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 010-010 | 8 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Powley, Mary A. | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 009-008 | 43 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powley, Nelly B. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 018-010 | 19 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Powlwzik, Stefan | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 013-005 | 25 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Alfred | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 7 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Assheton | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 31 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Ellen M. | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 009-009 | 31 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Florence | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 026-031 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Florence Helen | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 26 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Harry | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 11m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, James | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 13 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Pownall, Lily | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 10 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Margt. | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Mary | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 010-010 | 20 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Mary A. | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Miss R. | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 011-000 | 14 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Mr. G. H. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 023-00G | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, R. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 020-020 | 30 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Rose | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 13 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child | |
Pownall, Thomas | 11 October,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 38 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pownall, Wm. | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powney, Bertha | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 011-00B | a | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powney, John | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 25 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Powney, Mrs R.G. | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 011-00B | a | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Powney, William Benjamin | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 009-005 | 27 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Powniani, Labatino | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-001 | 34 | Italy | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poworicznik, Antonia | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 028-026 | 24 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, Archd. | 12 October,1908 | Pretorian | 004-III | 23 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, David | 12 October,1908 | Pretorian | 004-III | 53 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, Harry | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 009-003 | 24 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, Margt. | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 010-010 | 16 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, Mrs. Thos. | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 52 | Canada | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrie, Thomas | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 62 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrosznik, Luka | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 039-037 | 33 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powroziuk, Dmytro | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 029-029 | 21 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrozni, Zasharko | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 018-018 | 24 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Powroznik, Hilary | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 040-038 | 23 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Powroznik, Tamasz | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 017-017 | 36 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Powrozuik, Audrej | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 007-004 | 22 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Powsey, Florence | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-012 | 24 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Powsie, Mrs. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 003-003 | 56 | Canada | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powsie, Thomas | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 003-003 | 66 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Powtikawski, Johanna | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 13 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powtikawski, Josefina | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 35 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powtikawski, Ruddlf | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 7 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Powys, W. R. J. | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 020-020 | 30 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxen, Levi Jr. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 24 | Eng | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Alice | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 32 | Eng | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Elizth. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 4 | Eng | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Frank | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 005-00C | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Poxon, James | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 008-008 | 22 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, John | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 32 | Eng | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, John | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 034-018 | 24 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Kyla | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 012-011 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, L. | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 005-00C | 56 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Poxon, Levi | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 005-00C | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Poxon, Mary | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 011-011 | 22 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Saml P. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-033 | 25 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Winifred | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 1 | Eng | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poxon, Wm. J. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | 53 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyaikzmink, Jakim | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 014-012 | 25 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyaner, Ida | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 018-000 | 50 | Roumania | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhala, Sanna | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 022-014 | 18 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhauen, Emil | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 036-017 | 64 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhone, Willi | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 034-006 | 21 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhonen, Emil | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 024-015 | 21 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhonen, Isak | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 004-000 | 25 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyhonen, Otto | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 025-016 | 28 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyko, Jalmar | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 036-029 | 21 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyman, Jas. | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyner, Edward | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 012-00L | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyner, James | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 20 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynousky, Zelig | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 009-009 | 29 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyns, Harris | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 016-018 | 36 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Florence | 03 September,1908 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 24 | U.S. | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Frances | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 27 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Fred | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 21 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, H. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 30 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Hilda | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 1 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, James | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 038-012 | 36 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Major | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 35 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Major A. V. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 030-002 | a | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Oliver | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 023-022 | 29 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynter, Rose | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 36 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynting?, John Henry | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 56 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, A. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 27 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Amy E. | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 31 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, C. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 5 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Cecil A. | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 9 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, F. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 30 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Fred | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 052-033 | 13 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Frederick | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 34 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, J. W. | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 026-013 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 01 home child |
Poynton, S. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 012-003 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, S. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 2 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Stanley | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 6 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, W. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | infant | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynton, Winnifred | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 018-017 | 4 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyntz, John | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 21 | Wales | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyntz, John Michael | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 038-012 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poynur, C. R. | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 024-026 | American | T-488 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poyryla, Alfred | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 018-018 | 30 | Finn | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poysa, Juho | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 039-00C | 38 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Poysen, Anna | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Amy | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 028-008 | 31 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Archie | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 028-008 | 2 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Frances | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 007-007 | 8 | Switzerland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Fredk. V. | 27 July,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Grace | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Henry Percival | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 047-000 | 34 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Isaac | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 22 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Jno. H. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 012-012 | 20 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Mary | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 007-007 | 30 | Switzerland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyser, Thomas M. | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 24 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Poysner, Tziej | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 005-003 | 35 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyson, John W. | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 023-011 | 38 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Poysowijcz, Maksym | 23 May,1909 | Montreal | 004-004 | 35 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyssaint, H? | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | 36 | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Poyster, Henry | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 039-018 | 33 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyth, Rob. | 15 September,1907 | Athenia | 010-008 | 24 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Poyti, ?iner | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 043-00D | 30 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Poz?an, Johann | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 011-000 | 32 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poz?an, Rosalie | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 011-000 | 30 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozanysuik, Dmitra | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 011-009 | 17 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozanysuik, Johann | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 011-009 | 25 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozen, Meier | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 018-017 | 37 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozenta, H. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 35 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozer, Mrs.William J. | 19 May,1905 | Pomeranian | 001-000 | 38 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozer, William J. | 19 May,1905 | Pomeranian | 001-000 | 42 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozerinka, Marianne | 18 October,1905 | Mount Temple | 006-000 | 22 | Russia Lith. | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozernink, Jan | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 012-000 | 25 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozienska, Adela | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 014-002 | 25 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozienska, Josef | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 014-002 | 3 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Poznaczuk, Ivan | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 005-004 | 46 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Poznakow, Lonia | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 007-006 | 18 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Poznanski, Wasyl | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 013-012 | 35 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Poznawskey, Pyn | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 19 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozniczuk, Mastro | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 015-014 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozo, Lazaro | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 041-019 | 23 | Spain | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozo, Pedro | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 041-019 | 27 | Spain | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozot, Rene | 13 November,1909 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 24 | France | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozrobon, Noc | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 029-028 | 41 | Italian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozten, Leokie | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 006-005 | 24 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozten, Samz | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 006-005 | 6 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozurceyuk, Georg | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 020-020 | 31 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozydwajeski, Karol | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 005-005 | 19 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzi, Annie | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 010-00K | 24 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzi, Robert B. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzi, Stuart | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 010-00K | 16 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzobon, Alexandro | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 033-024 | 18 | Italy | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzobon, Arrigo | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 033-024 | 18 | Italy | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzobon, Giovanni | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 28 | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pozzobon, Pistro | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 009-009 | 20 | Italian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Augusta | 03 September,1909 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 9 | France | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Boris | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 013-012 | 24 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Jeanne | 03 September,1909 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 36 | France | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Marie | 03 September,1909 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 14 | France | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Paul | 03 September,1909 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 43 | France | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?, Tom | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 001-00A | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?ak, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 012-011 | 26 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?hold, G. D. | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 015-015 | 40 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?stley, Minnie | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 014-009 | 11 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?tman, George | 14 August,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 53 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?tman, Marion | 14 August,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?tman, Mary | 14 August,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 53 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Pr?wicz, Lowence | 19 July,1904 | Sardinian | 005-005 | 36 | Polish | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pra?ton, J. | 18 October,1903 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 52 | Yorkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pra?ton, Mrs. | 18 October,1903 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 50 | Yorkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Praat, Thirsa | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 013-00K | 24 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Prabit, illegible | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 019-019 | 45 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Prace, Ethel | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 9 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Prace, Mrs. A. | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 37 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Prace, Wm. | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 4 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pracek, Julia | 04 August,1908 | Montezuma | 003-002 | 25 | Galicia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pracente, Franco | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 026-026 | 17 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Prachkevof, Velitcho | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 018-018 | 21 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pract, Ellen | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 024-024 | infant | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pract, Ida. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 024-024 | 20 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pracy, Thos. R. | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 008-009 | 33 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pradaniuk, Semen | 01 June,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-008 | 41 | Austrian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pradel, Antoine | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 024-023 | 36 | French | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pradent, Huillard | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 012-011 | 17 | French | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prafeit, E. Burnett Grant | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 004-024 | 21 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, Fanny | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 007-007 | 22 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, Nathan | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 007-007 | 3 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, Philip | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 007-007 | 38 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, Taube | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 014-014 | 50 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, Tervel | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 014-014 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prager, W. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 21 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragh, Algormoaleor | 11 June,1904 | Southwark | 007-007 | 35 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragn, Heirde | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 9 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragn, Leib | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 11 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragn, Mayer | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 3 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragn, Solde | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 30 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragnall, D. | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | infant | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragnall, Laura | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 37 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragnell, Ethel | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 002-002 | 23 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pragnell, George | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 005-000 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pragnell, Richard | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 003-002 | 22 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Prahnisky, Aron | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 33 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Prahnisky, Moische | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 8 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Prahnisky, Schlume | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Praill, F. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 013-013 | 25 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Praill, Mrs. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 013-013 | 23 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prailowsky, Moische | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 008-006 | 37 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Prain, Alexander | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 031-031 | 44 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Prain, Alexander | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 038-000 | 44 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Prain, Edgar | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 026-026 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Prain, Gertrude | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 006-006 | 19 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Albert | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 6 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Benj. | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 10 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Eleanore | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 29 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Emil | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 3 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Ida | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 2 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Martha | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 9 | Russ Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prais, Wilhelm | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 007-007 | 35 | Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prait, Abram H. | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 005-003 | 19 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Prajsner, Jacob | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 021-021 | 49 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prajsuar, Kataryna | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 005-005 | 32 | Galicia/Polish | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Anton | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 3 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Josef | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | infant | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Ki?th | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 40 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Maria | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 20 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Sofia | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 16 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Wasyl | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 30 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prakow, Wasyl | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 8 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Praleskin, Peter | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 008-009 | 26 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall, Hilda | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 022-00D | 20 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall, infant | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | infant | America | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall, Mrs. | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 28 | America | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall, Wm. E. | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 58 | America | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall?, Frank | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 008-003 | 16 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall?, Hiram | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 008-003 | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall?, Maria | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 008-003 | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall?, Marjorie | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 008-003 | 11 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Prall?, Norman | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 008-003 | 5 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pralowski, Jan | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 29 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pramanen, S | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 040-033 | 27 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Prance, Florence | 20 August,1909 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 29 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Prance, Reginald | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 023-021 | 79 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranckami, J. | 23 May,1909 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 36 | Poland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Prand, Albert | 03 August,1904 | Halifax | 012-012 | 29 | Belgium | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, Albt. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 006-006 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, Chas. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 018-017 | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, S. J. | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 008-009 | 24 | Eng | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, Sidney | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 005-006 | 14 | Wiltshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, Thomas W. | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangley, Thos. C.W. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 028-012 | 34 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangnell, Harry William | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-026 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Prangsell, C. | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 011-004 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Prangsell, Edith | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 011-004 | 8 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranik, Anniele | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 009-00G | 30 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranik, Antoni | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 022-022 | 28 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranik, Jacob | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 009-00G | 43 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranik, Stefan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 004-003 | 18 | Galacia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Prankett, Alfred | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 007-005 | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Prankett, Alice | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 007-005 | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Prankett, John | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 005-00B | a | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prankett, John | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 007-005 | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranki, Thomas | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 036-024 | 50 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranki, Victor | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 036-024 | 35 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pranni, Pekka | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 039-00C | 18 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Prant?ei?, Arnold | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 025-009 | 24 | Germany | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prantsch, Charles O. | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 23 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Prantuer, Chas. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 037-024 | 22 | Hungary | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Praperi, Luigi | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 22 | Italy | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Prart, May | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 017-017 | 34 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasealsky, Annie | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 011-08B | infant | Poland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasealsky, Mrs. | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 011-08B | 20 | Poland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasher, Chas. | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 010-008 | 28 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasilokhey, Marit J. | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 005-000 | 22 | Norwegian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Praskino?, Pioti | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 20 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Praskuriak, Maria | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 027-027 | 22 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Praskuriak, Wasyl | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 027-027 | 26 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasskar, Alexr. | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 8 | Russia Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasskar, Anna | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 27 | Russia Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasskar, Josef | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 4 | Russia Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasson, Zamack | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 016-015 | 17 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Prast, Erik | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 017-018 | 27 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Prast, Ilak | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 026-026 | 40 | Sweden | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Prast, Matti | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 29 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasterud, Ingeborg | 10 July,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 32 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasthang, Ole | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 027-026 | 21 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Prasthus, O. T. | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 017-016 | 37 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Prastiken, Baird | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 22 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Prastlin, Mrs. M. | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 027-027 | 38 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Praston, Edward | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 016-016 | 6 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Praston, Elizabeth | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 016-016 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Praston, Elsie | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 016-016 | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Prastsaten, Anton | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 017-018 | 38 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Praszyk, Ceslow | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-009 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Praszyk, Jan | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-009 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Prat, Thomas | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratchett, Annie | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 25 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratchett, Constance | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 1 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratchett, Walter | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 36 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratcnlewitz, Puwil | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 016-015 | 18 | Poland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratents, Adrian W. | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 020-00D | 15 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Prater, Edwin C. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 32 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Prater, Francis | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 25 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Prater, Marie | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Prates, Charles | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 9 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Prates, Herbert | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Prates, Nora | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 7 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratgowski, Jonas | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 004-003 | 38 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratkowski, Iwan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 017-000 | 40 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratkowski, Jucko | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 037-035 | 41 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratlett, Emily | 18 November,1907 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 20 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratlett, William | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, C. W. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 31 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Daisy May | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Edwin | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Emily | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 23 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Fred. W. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, G.G. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 014-00G | 31 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Harold | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 015-014 | 17 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Harry Leslie | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 1 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Mary | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 015-014 | 49 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Mrs. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 31 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratley, Philip | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 011-00B | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Prato, Charles | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 014-010 | 24 | Spain | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratorhwitz, Anna | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 028-003 | 22 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratovero, Gillo | 21 October,1906 | Sarmatian | 004-004 | 25 | Italy | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt Moore, M. Geo. | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 45 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, A. J. | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 009-008 | 27 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, A. M. | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 011-011 | 36 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, A.K. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 011-004 | 20 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Ada E. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 014-013 | 36 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Agnes E. | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 9 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Albert William | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 010-010 | 17 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Albert Wm | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 016-015 | 46 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alexander | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 006-005 | 7 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alf. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 019-019 | 23 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alfred | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 10 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pratt, Alfred | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 011-010 | 23 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alfred | 21 May,1908 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 39 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alfred | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 40 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alice | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 038-00B | 46 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alice | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 006-005 | 11 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alice | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 030-029 | 49 | Eng. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Alice A. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 014-013 | 7 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Amelia | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 004-004 | 47 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Andrew | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 011-011 | 38 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Ann | 07 November,1905 | Pretorian | 004-00D | 56 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Anna | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 24 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Annie | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 26 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arch. | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 005-001 | 12 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arkleis | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 004-004 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 011-010 | 5 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 016-016 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 014-004 | 19 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur C.M. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 39 | Canada | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur D. | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 011-010 | 32 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Arthur W. | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 023-010 | 29 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Bartin | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 034-018 | 19 | Japan | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Bella | 25 October,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Bernard B. | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 015-014 | 6 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Bickerton | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 003-003 | Wales | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pratt, Blanche | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 013-014 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, C. J. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 023-022 | 22 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Caroline | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 018-017 | 37 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Caroline | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 031-013 | 45 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 028-018 | 13 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | Home children |
Pratt, Charles | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 19 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 018-017 | 3 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 007-007 | 49 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 041-016 | 24 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 26 May,1908 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 47 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 22 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Charles A. E. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 031-00G | 38 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Chas. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Chas. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 012-012 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Christopher | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 37 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Christopher | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 010-007 | 40 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Clara | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 005-001 | 22 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Claud | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 012-002 | 26 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, D. H. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 031-00G | 19 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, David | 02 July,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 2 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Dora | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 004-004 | USA | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pratt, Dorothy | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 011-010 | 9 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Dorothy E. | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 009-008 | 2 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Dudley F. | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 026-023 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, E. G. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 031-022 | a | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Earnest | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 038-020 | 14 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edgar G. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 014-013 | 12 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edith | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edith | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 004-016 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Pratt, Edith Mercy | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 009-008 | 35 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edmund? | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 52 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edward | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Edwd | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 022-006 | 27 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Eleanor | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 010-007 | 34 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Eliz. M. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 29 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Elizth. | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 035-034 | 31 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Ellen | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 014-013 | 6m | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Emily | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 005-004 | 28 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Emily | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 005-004 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Ernest | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 025-025 | 30 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Ernest A. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 014-013 | 13 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Eva. L. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 017-001 | 30 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Fanny | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 005-004 | 62 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Florence | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 24 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Florence | 21 May,1908 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 9 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Florence | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 006-005 | 16 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frances | 28 August,1909 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | 27 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frances | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 022-021 | 23 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frances Lena | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 009-007 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Francis | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 8m | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Francis G. | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 024-025 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 21 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 018-017 | 7 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 040-017 | 24 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank M. | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 015-014 | 39 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Pratt, Frank W. |