Passenger List Names Kofa – Kovg
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Name | Arrived | Ship | Page | Age | Country | Reel | Port | Notes |
Kofang, Ole H. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | 32 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofanny, Jocham | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 22 | Galicia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofenger, Joseph | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 24 | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofeod, Marie | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 062-022 | 31 | Norway | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofer?, Paul | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 27 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koff, Ferdinand | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 38 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koff, Jacob | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 9 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koff, Johann | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 7 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koff, Marie | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 34 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koff, William | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 27 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffen?, G. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 010-011 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffend, Carl | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 044-042 | 23 | Ger. Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffman, Blume | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 006-005 | 17 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffman, Jo | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 009-009 | 40 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffman, Laser | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 009-009 | 10 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffman, Miss B. M. | 21 August,1910 | Ionian | 008-008 | a | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koffmann, Asne | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 033-032 | 22 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofman, Morris | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 018-017 | 24 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofmann, Oschar | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 22 | Poland Russ | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koford, Chas. A. | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 44 | United States | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koford, Prudence | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 43 | United States | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kofris, Neykolaj | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 010-009 | 39 | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kofryrlynski, Stanislaw | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 030-029 | 17 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koft, Maxim | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 18 | Russ | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koftuk, Piotr | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 36 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Aron | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 30 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Chane | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 2y9m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Cipe | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 24 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Leib | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 007-007 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Moische | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 014-013 | 23 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Rachel | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 29 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Rachel | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 11m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Rachel | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 26 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Ruvin | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 19 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Schieje | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 3y9m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogan, Schlojine | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 006-005 | 6 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogarkowicz, Nikanor | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 013-012 | 44 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koginski, Valenti | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 012-011 | 32 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koglin, H. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 016-016 | 15 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koglovic, Stefan | 20 July,1910 | Sicilian | 006-001 | 25 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koglovic, Stefo | 20 July,1910 | Sicilian | 006-001 | 24 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koglund, M. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 021-021 | 20 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogman, Axel | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 025-025 | 23 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogman, Gustaf | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 046-045 | 35 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogneb, Harry | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 037-019 | 16 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogneb, Lizzie | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 037-019 | 18 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogowski, Michal | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 003-002 | 33 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogoyiz, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 31 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogsinsky, Anton | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 30 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogub, Katharina | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 7 | Rus Pole | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogub, Nikolay | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 1y6m | Rus Pole | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogub, Schtuia | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 26 | Rus Pole | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogunen, Kustaa | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 008-008 | 26 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogut, Dmytro | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 032-030 | 24 | Austria Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogut, Jan | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 007-007 | 27 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogut, Jan | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 019-017 | 33 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogut, Maria | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 034-018 | 30 | Sweden? | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kogut, Marya | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 024-023 | 26 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohal, Michal | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 002-002 | Austria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kohan, Anna | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 010-010 | 8 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Arteman | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 28 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Baruch | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 020-020 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Dawid | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 5 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, E?ie | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 6 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Eide F. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 38 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Elie | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 1 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Elir | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 7 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, F. | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 012-011 | 25 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Hymene | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | infant | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Israel | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 007-007 | 23 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Janko | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 45 | Galician | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, K. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 010-010 | 37 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Masha | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 19 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohan, Rachel | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 30 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Berte | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 7 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Israel | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 9 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Josef | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 4 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Marcus | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 40 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Mena | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 36 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohana, Schaie | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 022-021 | 3 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohancki, Jacia | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 015-015 | 29 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohansky, Riwka | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 009-008 | 16 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koharsky, Pearl | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 015-014 | 48 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koharv, Rachel | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 18 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohbaba, Anna | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 012-011 | 22 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohbaba, Arkedy | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 012-011 | 13 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohbaba, Ian | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 012-011 | 40 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohbaba, Maria | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 012-011 | 47 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohbaba, Peter | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 012-011 | 4y8m | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohderski, Justin | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 015-014 | 29 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koheit, Nascia | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 017-015 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohekmainen, Maria | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 031-022 | 18 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Eli | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 35 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Jacob | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 009-008 | 19 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, M. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 003-003 | 41 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Nathan | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 011-010 | 27 | Roumania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Philip | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 033-031 | 24 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Ushie | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 005-005 | 27 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohen, Veronica | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 033-031 | 22 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohetala, Samili | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 040-037 | 20 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohibridge, Theleria | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 20 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohilampi, Atti | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 026-025 | 22 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, Beile | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 38 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, David | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 9 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, Dobe | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 14 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, Josel | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 3 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, Mani | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 12 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohin, Mearna | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 016-014 | 6 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohink, Nikolej | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 005-004 | 29 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohiste, M. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 014-014 | 20 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, August | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 35 | Germany | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, August | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 29 | Russia Ger | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Charles | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 32 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Elisabeth | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 004-004 | 38 | Galacian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Eliza Madeline | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 21 | Canadian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Felix | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 004-004 | 6 | Galacian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Fredk. | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 31 | Russia Ger | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, J. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 006-006 | 38 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Jean | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 002-001 | 22 | Belgium | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, John | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 14 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Kohl, Leil | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 24 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Lisie | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 004-004 | 4 | Galacian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Margar | 17 October,1908 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 21 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohl, Reinhold | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 1 | Russia Ger | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohla, I.? | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 26 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlainen, Jacob | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | 19 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlander, Gustaf | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | 32 | Sweden | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlbeck, Valentine | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 028-027 | 36 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlei., Louisa | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 011-011 | 25 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, August C. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 021-0BB | 23 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Bertha | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 27 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Catharina | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 61 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Charles | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Charles | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 009-009 | 35 | Germany | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Christian | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 45 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Ernest | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 007-005 | 26 | Switzerland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Ethel | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 018-016 | 16 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Fredrich | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 024-023 | 21 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Karl | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 24 | Germany | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Magdalena | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 8 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Michael | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 41 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Norman | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 17 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Oscar | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 006-00F | 24 | Swiss | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Otto | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 019-017 | 39 | Germany | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Philipina | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 32 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Richard | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 1m | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Rosina | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 9 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, William | 14 October,1907 | Sardinian | 001-000 | 40 | Germany | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohler, Wm. | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 018-016 | 39 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlives, Fredk | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 038-014 | 6 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlives, Hy. | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 038-014 | 2 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlives, Mr. | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 037-013 | 30 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlives, Mrs | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 037-013 | 28 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlives, Thos. | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 038-014 | 4 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohlness, Ferdinand | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 32 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohls, G. | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 006-006 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Kohls, Louise | 09 November,1909 | Athenia | 006-006 | 20 | Romania | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohls, Maria | 09 November,1909 | Athenia | 006-006 | 22 | Romania | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohmen, Tovi | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 25 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Albert | 27 August,1910 | Willehad | 002-002 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kohn, Aram | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 15 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Auguste | 27 August,1910 | Willehad | 002-002 | 40 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Basji | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 034-003 | 16 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Berl | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 8 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Bernhardt | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 008-007 | 25 | Roumania | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Bertha | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 025-002 | 18 | Romania | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Blume | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 003-001 | 14 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Catarina | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 050-034 | 29 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Catherine | 08 October,1905 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 52 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Chaje | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 28 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Chajie | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 8 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Chas | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 059-032 | 52 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Elca | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 5 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Elias | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 003-001 | 18 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Emilian | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 006-006 | 18 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Ester | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 005-004 | 19 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Ester | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 7 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Esther | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 25 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Fani | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 008-008 | 50 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Ferdinand | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 050-034 | 31 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Fred | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 012-012 | 21 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Gedalje | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 034-003 | 19 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Gustav | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 4 | German | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Gustave | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 034-011 | 38 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Hanna | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 37 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Hinde | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 7 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Iancel | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 37 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Infant | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 1 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Ito | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 008-00H | 50 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Jennie | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Josef | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 030-030 | 25 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Jossel | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 5 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Julius | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 25 | German | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Leib | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 8 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Leon | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 003-001 | 16 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Lieb | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 3 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Louie | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 7 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Ma? | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 016-027 | 19 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Malke | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 7 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Marianna | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 050-034 | 5 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Marie | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 004-004 | 50 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Mayer | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 53 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Michael | 03 June, 1910 | Pomeranian | 006-00F | 20 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Mirke | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 10 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Mojocho | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 5 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Morris | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 025-025 | 17 | French | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Morsche | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 28 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Neshanne | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 008-00H | 19 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Olga | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 6 | German | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, P | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 16 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Phillipina | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 050-034 | 54 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, R. J. | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 42 | Russ | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rachel | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 11 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rebecca | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 059-032 | 51 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rebeka | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 50 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Reise | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 008-00H | 15 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rivce | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 3 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rosa | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 17 | Russ | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Rosa | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 007-005 | 15 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Sam | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 034-011 | 26 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Samuel | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 008-008 | 50 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Schumd | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 48 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Selda | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 9 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Sissel | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 037-022 | 20 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Slate | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 54 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Sore | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 021-014 | 30 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Toni | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 27 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Wilhelmina | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 32 | German | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohn, Zeinje | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 22 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohnar, Istvan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 011-009 | 18 | Hungary | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohner, Schoel | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 001-001 | 21 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohnstamm, Jacob | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 29 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohnusen, Antol | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 010-008 | 39 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohocz?, Diancaz | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-003 | 49 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohok, Abram | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 33 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohol, Gabriel | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 010-008 | 25 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohol, Iwan | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 010-008 | 39 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, D. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 027-017 | 15 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, Miss Malke | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 004-004 | 4 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, Mr. Joseph | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 004-004 | 22 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, Mr. Szoul | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 004-004 | 25 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, Mrs. Esphir | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 004-004 | 52 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, Mrs. Feiga | 27 September,1904 | Montrose | 004-004 | 22 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohon, T. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 027-017 | 36 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohoneu, Kalle | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 24 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohoneu, Marie | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 57 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohorian, Ara | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 016-014 | 19 | Armenia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohorudy, Iwan | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 010-000 | 49 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kohos, Liebe | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 16 | Roumania | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohos, Moses | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 18 | Roumania | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohre, Ellen | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 035-001 | 42 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohre, Joseph | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 035-001 | 61 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohrelertzik, Jock | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 009-010 | 18 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohrta, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 025-024 | 18 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koht, Adam | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 016-016 | 18 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohtainen, Johan | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 015-011 | 21 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohtamaki, Nikola | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 020-020 | 40 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohudresky, Petro | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 36 | Bukovina | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohul, Ivan | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 24 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohule, Fred | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 009-008 | 29 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kohus, Ilko | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 030-028 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kohusz, Oleksa | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 011-012 | 18 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Barbara | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 28 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Helena | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 6 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, illegible | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 038-038 | 28 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Iwan | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 024-025 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kohut, Iwan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 016-015 | 16 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Justyna | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 028-028 | 11m | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Kataryna | 21 July,1908 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 16 | Galician | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Knat | 02 July,1910 | Tortona | 002-001 | 18 | Galicia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Konstantin | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 021-020 | 19 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Ludnila | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 1m | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Maria | 21 July,1908 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 55 | Galician | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Mariz | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 3 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Marza | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 028-028 | 27 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Michail | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 016-00C | 46 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Michal | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 024-025 | 17 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Michal | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 013-012 | 45 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Nykola | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 028-028 | 3 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Prokop | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 020-020 | 30 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Stefan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 028-028 | 32 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Stefan | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 26 | Galician | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Stefan | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 28 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut, Wasylina | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 019-019 | 17 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohut?, Maryl. Michali? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 30 | Austria (Gal) | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohvakka, Tobias | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 054-053 | 19 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohvokka, H. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | 31 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kohvopka, Ulto | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 012-000 | 26 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Bela | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 14 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Ejala | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 9 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Ethel | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 4 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Geza | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 11 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Lousda | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 2 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Palma | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 35 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi, Pasla | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 6 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koi?, Tomas | 26 July,1904 | Mount Temple | 001-000 | 26 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koibanow, Hrych | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 032-032 | 32 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koican, Andrei | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 24 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koican, D. | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 016-016 | 66 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiffmann, Schlamge | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 014-013 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koifman, Chaugi | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 021-020 | 33 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koifman, Leib | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 021-020 | 6 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koifman, Roche | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 021-020 | 16 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koifman, Wayas | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 021-020 | 33 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koifmann, Majer | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 18 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiharnzuk, Tornko | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 003-000 | 41 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koihonen, Erik | 11 November,1906 | Ionian | 004-003 | 21 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiivumaa, Hanna | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 033-012 | 19 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koik, A. B. | 26 May,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 012-013 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koikunen, Isak | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 030-028 | 41 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koile, Ole Krispininssen | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 019-020 | 16 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koilu, E. O. | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 011-014 | 62 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koilu, J. A. | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 011-014 | 19 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinegg, Roman | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 008-007 | 31 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinel, Karl A. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 032-00A | 18 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koiner, Mr. | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 029-030 | 53 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Anastasia | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 2 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Andrew | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 5m | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Anna | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 3 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Georg | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 27 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Harry | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 23 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koing, Konrad | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 005-000 | 22 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koing, Lisbeth | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 23 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinigsberg, Jacob | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 50 | illegible | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinihaijn, Mikko | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 030-00A | 24 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinihaiju, Mikko | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 021-00A | 24 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinoff, Stayan | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 032-00B | 41 | Bulgaria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koinvula, Juho | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 010-010 | 19 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koirichargie, Eirak | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 054-051 | 22 | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koirists, W. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 054-051 | 23 | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koirnitz, David | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 23 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koirpuk, Kirli | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 029-029 | 23 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiruski, I. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 035-034 | 11 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiruski, M. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 035-034 | 16 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiruski, Maria | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 035-034 | 10 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisak, Mytio | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 005-004 | 23 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisbische, Moishe | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 006-006 | 26 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisel, Mina | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 010-011 | 23 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koishman, Annil | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 008-007 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koishman, J. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 008-007 | 18 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koishman, S. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 008-007 | 7 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koishman, Ys. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 008-007 | 10 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koistanan, Anna | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 009-009 | 23 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koistanan, Hilma | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 009-009 | 4 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koistenin, A. | 08 October,1904 | Parisian | 005-005 | 25 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koistensen, David | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 040-018 | 28 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koistila, Sameli | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 043-024 | 21 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisto, A | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 046-019 | 27 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisto, Gunnar | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 046-019 | 2 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koisto, Marie | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 046-019 | 3 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiszczuk, Onufry | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 006-004 | 18 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koit, August | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 20 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koitzan, Demeter | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 39 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiva, I. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 018-011 | 25 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivaako, Ella | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 3 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivaako, Hilda | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 6m | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivaako, Luna | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 26 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivalkoski, Helena | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 026-025 | 20 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivalkoski, Petter | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 026-025 | 19 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivaloski, Aini | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 041-041 | 18 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivawaara, Kaisa | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 018-018 | 25 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivawaara, Sara | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 018-018 | 20 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivermaki, Salmon | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 017-018 | 30 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiversalo, Walfrid | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 021-014 | 20 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiversata, Ida | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 014-014 | 19 | Sweden | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivikko, Hedvig | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 029-014 | 18 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koiviole, John | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 012-012 | 24 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivista, Maria | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 017-016 | 29 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Ak?eli | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 042-00E | 20 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Alex | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 44 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Antti | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 021-014 | 19 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Auguste | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 035-016 | 23 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Efrisuna | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 038-025 | 23 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Frans | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 002-08A | 35 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Frans | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 026-008 | 35 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Hilda | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 26 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Hjalmar | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 036-024 | 27 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Ida | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 042-040 | 19 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Josefina | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 027-012 | 28 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koivisto, Juho | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 016-014 | 32 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Juho | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 027-012 | 35 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koivisto, Kaarle | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 029-014 | 30 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koivisto, Makko | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 025-024 | 25 | Dutch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Maria | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 028-00C | 21 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Oskar | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 029-014 | 30 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koivisto, Stefanus | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 045-030 | 33 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivisto, Yohan | 12 September,1909 | Hesperian | 020-020 | 30 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivnen, Nestor | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 36 | Fin | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivnhangas, John A. | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 023-00C | 40 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivola, Werner | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 008-008 | 24 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivrsto, Ludwig | 25 September,1909 | Lake Champlain | 012-006 | 18 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivu, Frans | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 045-030 | 25 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivu, Laimi | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 027-012 | a | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koivukoski, Oscar | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 048-026 | 30 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivula, Johan | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 039-027 | 24 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivulamen, Albt. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 009-010 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivunen, Elin | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 028-002 | 31 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivunen, Lempi | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 021-020 | 20 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivuniami, Alma | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 037-00A | 24 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivuniami, Emil | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 037-00A | 3 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivuniami, Yojo | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 037-00A | infant | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivupalo, Filda | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 020-020 | 24 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koivusipila, Ruusr | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 16 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koiwista, Hulda | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 040-019 | 23 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koja, Simo | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 27 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojack, Jwan | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 005-005 | 26 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojala, Ester | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 005-005 | infant | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojala, Muna | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 005-005 | 3 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojala, Sanna | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 005-005 | 24 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojanowski, Martin | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 015-014 | 35 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kojczuk, Iwan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 009-008 | 46 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojdash, Peter | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 004-004 | 28 | Russian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojdrik, Antonia | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 008-001 | 25 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojisolgi?, Messof | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 025-024 | 30 | Armenia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojlur, Fritz | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 004-004 | 25 | Switzerld. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojo, Matti | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 056-000 | 25 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojoing, Jacobina | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 019-019 | 30 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojola, Ed | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 038-00A | 28 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojola, John | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 35 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojola, Juho | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 038-00A | 31 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojola, Kalle | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 038-00A | 38 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojonen, Jackko | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 039-00A | 32 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojs, Autti | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 021-012 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kojsev, Leib | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 037-036 | 20 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kojsev, Vechannie | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 037-036 | 45 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kok, Michael | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 019-019 | 21 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kok, Mikolay | 26 July,1909 | Athenia | 004-004 | 32 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kok, Yan Danl. | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 025-024 | 41 | Dutch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koka, Damian | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 26 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokaaka, Hjalmar | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 044-020 | 34 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokea, P. | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 43 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokendoffer, Abram | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 018-011 | 46 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koker, Michal | 26 July,1909 | Athenia | 003-003 | 35 | ? | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokerla, Domnika | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 002-0D2 | 23 | Bucovina | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokerla, Domnika | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 003-001 | 23 | Bucovina | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Michal | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 50 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Rosalie | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 54 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Sigmund | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 14 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Stanislaw | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 16 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Stanislawa | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokernach, Stefan | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 9 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokersch?d, Otto | 26 July,1904 | Mount Temple | 002-000 | 22 | German | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokhinen, B | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 027-000 | 30 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokinkoff, Infant | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 011-011 | infant | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokinkoff, Sara | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 011-011 | 24 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokinnson, Juho | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 35 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkala, Jacob | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 38 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkanen, Hilda | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 017-008 | 26 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokke, Isak | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 025-025 | 16 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkila, Juho | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 015-015 | 24 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkinen, H. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 009-009 | 22 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkinen, Maria | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 021-017 | 23 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, ?anta | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 10m | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Gusti | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 3 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Hilga | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 7 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Ida | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 10 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Jaako | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 21 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Jacob | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 5 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Juho | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 013-014 | 21 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Maria | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 38 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Maria | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 23 | Finn | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Matti | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 044-023 | 31 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Simon | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 031-022 | 27 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokko, Waino | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 046-031 | 11 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkonen ?, Aanne | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 039-022 | 8 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkonen ?, Robert | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 039-022 | 11 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkonen ?, Sofia | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 039-022 | 30 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkonen, Antti | 05 November,1904 | Parisian | 007-007 | 22 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokkonen, Oskar A. | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 19 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokks, S. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 010-010 | 30 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokleby, T. | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 001-000 | 37 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokles, Chas. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 20 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokmrcha, Iwan | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 006-006 | 33 | Galisy | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokmrcha, Katerzzna | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 006-006 | 25 | Galisy | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokneff, Demetri L. | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 009-008 | 34 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koknicki, Josef | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 017-017 | 25 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koko, Oskar | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 020-012 | 23 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Anna | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 3 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Anne | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 26 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Jakim | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 37 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Jewka | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 7 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Katarcyna | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 11m | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Klaudyna | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 3 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Marie | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 34 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Mikolej | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 48 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Onyerka | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokocki, Paranka | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 58 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokol, Johann | 22 October,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 38 | German? | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokol, Stanislaw | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 19 | Greece | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokolanof, Ivan | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 28 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokolski, Josef | 25 May,1909 | Mount Royal | 001-000 | 21 | Galacia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokonis, Haris | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 013-014 | 30 | Greece | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokonis, Marigo | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 013-014 | 25 | Greece | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokor, Karl | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 010-010 | 27 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokosch, Nikoi | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 012-011 | 18 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokoska, Nastasia | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 26 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokoster, Alex | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 22 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokosy, Georgi | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 036-034 | 33 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokoszka, Matentz | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokoszka, Nistor | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 18 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokotink, Oleksa | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 021-019 | 16 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokowitz, Maurn | 30 September,1907 | Cassandra | 009-008 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koksinsky, Anna | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 16 | Polish | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokura, Haunylo | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-000 | 35 | Galician | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokurski, Julian | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 46 | Rutheman | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokus, Macheus | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 012-004 | 30 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokyr, Miccal | 02 November,1906 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 32 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kokyr, Paulo | 02 November,1906 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 24 | Austrian German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kol, Antoni | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 33 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kol, Wawczymie | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 18 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kol?n, Karl | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 017-005 | 24 | Germany | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kol?val, Feodor | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 26 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolachkowsky, L. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 017-017 | 44 | Russ Pole | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolack, Anna | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 30 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolack, John | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 011-009 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolack, Levi | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 4 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolack, Sara | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 011-009 | 2 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolacki, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 046-044 | 31 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolacz, Jandruch | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 016-015 | 24 | Austria Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaczynsky, Marcin | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 32 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koladin, Isaak | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 018-017 | 16y6m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolak, Marie | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 005-003 | 17 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolak, Michal | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 45 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolakanzkerz, Ewa | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolakoni, Petar | 17 August,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-010 | 44 | Hungarian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolakowski, Itzik | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 016-015 | 16 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koland, Hendrika | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 010-010 | 25 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolander, John A. | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 24 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolanin, Wladislaw | 28 October,1907 | Pretorian | 008-008 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolar, Anton | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 020-020 | 70 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolar, Marie | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 020-020 | 35 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolar, Vido | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 26 | Crotian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaryczuk, Iwan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-005 | 32 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolarz, Alexander | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 36 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolasa, Dmytro | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 006-005 | 30 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolasa, Stefan | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 18 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolasa, Walenty | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 016-015 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolasik, Stefan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 25 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaska, Iwan | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 26 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaska, Metro | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 014-014 | 40 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaska, The | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 022-022 | 26 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaski, Stefan | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 24 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolassa, Katarszua | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 026-012 | 18 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolaszyk, Michayi | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 34 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolat, Jan | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 013-013 | 17 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolatka, Georgi | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 21 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolawakie, Georgi | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 35 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolawski, Makeyom | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-000 | 38 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolb, Julianna | 04 August,1908 | Montezuma | 002-000 | 18 | Hungary | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolb, Karolina | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 005-005 | 21 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolb, Karolina | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 005-005 | 49 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolb, Ludwig | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 005-005 | 24 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Anna | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 43 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Anna | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 54 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Danylo | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 15 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Fenner | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 10 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Iwan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 029-027 | 54 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Jurko | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 12 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Michalko | 14 June,1908 | Montfort | 004-004 | 30 | Austria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Nikolay | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 35 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Olna | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 17 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Paraska | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 7 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Stefan | 09 October,1910 | Willehad | 003-002 | 19 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Stefan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 19 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolba, Wasyl | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 19 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, Albertine | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 48 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, August | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 40 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, Elizabeth | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 4 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, Martha | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 29 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, Wilhelm | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 8 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbe, Wilhelm | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 11 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbei, Jan | 01 June,1909 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 33 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbeinsen, Helmuk | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 057-057 | 26 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolben, Dmtwenka | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 023-02A | 29 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolben, Maria | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 023-02A | 2 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbenan, Kornelius | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 061-039 | 20 | Norway | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbenison, Kalbern | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 057-030 | 23 | Norway | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbensen, Helene | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 013-013 | 23 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Christian | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 011-012 | 29 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Daniel | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 46 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Gital | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 006-007 | 27 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Jak | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 006-007 | 10m | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Karoline | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 45 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Louis | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 015-013 | 28 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Martin | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 029-029 | 22 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Michael | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 11 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Mrs. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 015-013 | 26 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolberg, Valentine | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 10 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbergue, Johannes | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 039-020 | 22 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbes, Antonina | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-001 | 23 | Russian | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbuck, Fransek | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 019-020 | 7 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbuck, Kasia | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 019-020 | 3 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbuck, Palaska | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 019-020 | 49 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbuck, Wladia | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 019-020 | 9 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolbus, Josef | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 40 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolcheff, Mahavey | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 013-013 | 23 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolchmainen, Abel | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 023-023 | 26 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolcziska, Katerine | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolczycki, Yozil | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 31 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koldal, Andreas | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-029 | 19 | Norway | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koldbeien, H. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 016-008 | 21 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolden, Ha (F) | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-026 | 21 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolden, Olia? (F) | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-026 | 19 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolder?, Alice | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 035-34E | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolder?, Walter | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 035-34E | 49 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolderin, Olof | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 016-015 | 4 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolderin, Rebecca | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 016-015 | 30 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolding, Anna | 14 June,1908 | Kensington | 011-011 | 30 | Scandinavian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolding, Jen Ald. | 14 June,1908 | Kensington | 011-011 | 4 | Scandinavian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolding, Ruth J. | 14 June,1908 | Kensington | 011-011 | 2 | Scandinavian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koldne, Myer | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 13 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koldobsky, Louis | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 015-014 | 19 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koldyj, Anton | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 011-011 | 26 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Gurcheff | 04 September,1910 | Canada | 027-009 | 38 | Bulgaria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Ilia | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 35 | Roumanian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, illegible | 01 September,1910 | Sicilian | 010-003 | 22 | Macedonia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Kisto | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 19 | Macedonia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Michal | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 001-001 | 19 | Turkey | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Miko | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 014-013 | 34 | Turkey | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kole, Vassil | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 004-003 | 16 | Armenian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolean, Marja | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 22 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleaska, Elias | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 27 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolebaba, Horst | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 016-016 | 18 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolechhoff, Christo | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 26 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koledmare, Ahmed | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 035-034 | 20 | Syria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koledmare, Mohamed | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 035-034 | 25 | Syria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolef, Rachko | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 015-015 | 38 | Bulgaria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolef, Stephan | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 015-015 | 24 | Bulgaria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Christo | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 009-008 | 31 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Dotcho | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 28 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, F. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 025-009 | 17 | Macedonia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Fini | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 022-022 | 32 | Bulgarian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Georgi | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 30 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Getcho | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 015-007 | 22 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Giorgi St. | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 013-013 | 35 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Ivan | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 032-012 | 28 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Ivan B. | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 012-011 | 25 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Iwan | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 022-022 | 26 | Bulgarian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Kristo | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 033-013 | 28 | Macedonia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Marko | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 009-008 | 24 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Menko | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 25 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Michal | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 25 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Milau | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 006-005 | 36 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Mitre | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 026-00A | 30 | Macedonia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Mitu | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 007-007 | 29 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Nedec | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 013-012 | 22 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Nedu | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 29 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Riti | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 022-021 | 23 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Rizo | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 30 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Rudi | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 015-014 | 31 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Rusti | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 023-013 | 25 | Bulgar | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Stojon | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 22 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Taole | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 011-010 | 30 | Bulgarian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Todor | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 32 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Trifon | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 45 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Vane | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 020-010 | 30 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Vane | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 029-010 | 30 | Russian | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleff, Zodor? | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 35 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolega, Anastasya | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 20 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleinska, Bruke | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleinska, Icib | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 7 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleinska, Mariom | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 28 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolek, Ivan | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 33 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolek, Mykola | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 002-000 | 18 | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolelainen, Leonard | 29 August,1903 | Dominion | 004-004 | 18 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolelmanien, Alhin | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 017-016 | 23 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolemaki?, Viktore | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 008-008 | 25 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolen, Stojan | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 008-008 | 24 | Bulgaria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolena, Petro | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 18 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolenda, Annie | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 28 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolenda, Sophie | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | infant | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleryaka, Tymlso | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 005-004 | 28 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolerycka, Anna | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 20 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koles, Jan | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 28 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolescha, Adam | 24 October, 1905 | Montreal | 005-000 | 19 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolesewitz, George | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 005-005 | 22 | Poland Russ | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolesiuk, Alexander | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 18 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleso, Pawel | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 44 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolesziuk, Sygmund | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 46 | Russian Pole | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koleuso, Josef | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 018-011 | 35 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolewa, Anna | 10 July,1909 | Cassandra | 006-005 | 20 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolewka, Simion | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 35 | Austria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolf, August | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 007-007 | 23 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolf, Magdalena | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 20 | German | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolfeld, Leia | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 11 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolfeld, Mollie | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 9 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolflunt, Axel | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 019-018 | 15 | Sweden | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolgate, John | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 040-039 | 29 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolgate, Mrs. | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 040-039 | 27 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolgate, Wm. | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 040-039 | 3 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolhein, Willihim | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 034-032 | 28 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolhi, Antton | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 045-030 | 27 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolhonen, Matto | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 17 | Finnland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koli, Massad | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 002-002 | 18 | Syrian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolianka, Iwan | 24 October, 1905 | Montreal | 003-002 | 21 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koliasha, Iwan | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 40 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolibaba, Ahafyz | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 30 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolibaba, Aleksander | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 6 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolibaba, Paraflenny | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 29 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolibaba, Turan | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 004-004 | 26 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolibaba, Wasyliva | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 9 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolici, Nikolay | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 31 | Buko | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolicnak, Jan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 14 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolicnak, Jan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 30 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolicnak, Sofia | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 3 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolicnak, Wojciech | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 11 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolifsky, Morris | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 004-004 | 28 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolika, Feige | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 009-002 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolika, Nykida | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 014-013 | 34 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolika, Reisel | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 009-002 | 54 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolin, I. | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 011-011 | 50 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolin, Slona? | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 018-017 | 24 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinanen, Pekka | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 048-026 | 36 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinczuk, Wasylina | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 043-042 | 15 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinden, Mary | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 028-00J | a | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koline, Georg | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-003 | 29 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koline, Johanna | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-003 | 22 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolininyk, Nijcola | 17 October,1908 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 25 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinoszka, Tlko | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 013-011 | 38 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinowksy, Marianna | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 11m | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinowksy, Marianna | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 23 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinsky, Harry | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 4 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolinsky, Jete | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 32 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolioff, R. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 019-019 | 48 | Bulgaria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolis, Stoyanoff | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 013-013 | 30 | Bulgaria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisch, Fritz | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 038-034 | 22 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolischciz, Trephin | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 013-012 | 40 | Russian | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolishini, illegible | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 30 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisiuk, Nazari | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 38 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnek, Iwan | 01 September,1910 | Sicilian | 009-002 | 24 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnik, Metro | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 005-004 | 31 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Fedor | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 003-003 | 42 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Hrynko | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 33 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Iwan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 18 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Pauline | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 001-001 | 17 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisnyk, Todor | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 005-005 | 40 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolisuyk, Anna | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 005-005 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolisyte, Metro | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 020-020 | 40 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolitsch, Adolf | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 007-006 | 24 | Austria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolitsch, V. | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 017-016 | 17 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koliuski, Jan | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 011-004 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolivar, illegible | 04 September,1910 | Montreal | 007-000 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolka, Anton | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-003 | 22 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolke, Docir | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 28 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Abram | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 11 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Chaje | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 21 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Chalzke | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 6 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Chaym | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 15 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, David | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 4 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Feige | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 39 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolken, Morsche | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 8 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, C. | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 029-029 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, David | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 032-00B | 51 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, Freide | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 012-012 | 4 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, illegible | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 004-003 | 30 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, Mulke | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 012-012 | 27 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolker, Pesach | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 012-012 | 11m | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolki, Aron | 06 September,1908 | Montfort | 003-003 | 38 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolkin, Nafhaki | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 016-016 | 17 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolkko, Aksel | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 007-007 | 27 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolkman, L. J. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 039-035 | 24 | Dutch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Abram | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 014-013 | 17 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Beincsch | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 7 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Braine | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 3 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Chaie | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 44 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Elia | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 9 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Isak | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 5 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Karf | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 017-016 | 26 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolko, Sender | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 014-013 | 17 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koll, Agnes | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 011-010 | 33 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koll, Gergely | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 011-010 | 10 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koll, Karl | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 008-008 | 36 | German Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koll, Maria | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 011-010 | 6m | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollanus, Fred | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 020-013 | 40 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollar, Beile | 18 May,1910 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 20 | Russian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollar, Hersch | 18 May,1910 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 8 | Russian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollar, Ilyik | 18 May,1910 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 17 | Russian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollar, Perl | 18 May,1910 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 15 | Russian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollaryk, Dmytro | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 008-000 | 30 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollarz, Stefan | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 42 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollbach, Johann | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 036-035 | 40 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollberg, Signe K. | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 029-00C | 18 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolle, August W | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 007-002 | 45 | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolle, C. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 031-000 | a | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolle, H. W. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 031-000 | a | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollen, Gottfried | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 033-011 | infant | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollen, Johan F. | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 033-011 | 29 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollen, Susanna | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 033-011 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollenbach, Oskar | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 002-001 | 17 | Norway | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollenberg, Beryl | 29 June,1908 | Montrose | 001-000 | 27 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollenczuk, Osip | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 028-028 | 35 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Annie | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 19 | Germany | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Annie | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 2m | Germany | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Anton | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 018-012 | 46 | Germany | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Mary | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 007-006 | 2 | Germany | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Mathias | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 001-001 | 25 | Hungarian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koller, Rudolph | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 20 | Austria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolles, Hyman | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolles, Nashama | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 25 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolles, Shera | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 016-016 | 4 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolliaja, Kalle | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 025-016 | 32 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollier, G | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 045-018 | 28 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollier, Gertrude | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 045-018 | 22 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollier, Marie | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 045-018 | infant | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolling, Wilhelm | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 004-004 | 23 | Russia German | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollinska, Josua | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 021-011 | 11 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollinska, Maria | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 021-011 | 26 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollinska, Pardina | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 021-011 | 9 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollion, Erling | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 2 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollion, Gertrude | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 4y6m | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollion, Harry | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 39 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollion, Mrs. | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 35 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolljornstrud, John | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 014-014 | 16 | Norse | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolljornstrud, Torkel | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 014-014 | 21 | Norse | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollker, Franz | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 001-000 | 32 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollmel, Katalin | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 23 | Hungarian Ger | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollmel, Tanos | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 11m | Hungarian Ger | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolln, Gottlieb | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 033-017 | 39 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollner, Johann | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 002-002 | 60 | Roumania | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollner, Magdalena | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 002-002 | 50 | Roumania | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kollner, Martin | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 002-002 | 23 | Roumania | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolm, Hersche | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolm, Wilhelmina | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 021-021 | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmaly, Andryz | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 020-019 | 45 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolman, Kath | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 010-000 | 40 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolman, Mathew | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 010-000 | 10 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolman, Regina | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 010-000 | 11 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Hania | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 4m | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 4 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Kasia | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 5 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Mychal | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 11 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Nykolaj | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 37 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Paska | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 36 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmatycki, Stefan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 027-027 | 9 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmet, Albert | 18 August,1908 | Sicilian | 006-000 | 20 | Luxembourg | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmin, Karl | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-005 | 25 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmlund, Olaf | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 025-018 | 19 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmodin, Hannah | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 019-018 | 26 | Sweden | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmonen, Finna | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 017-016 | 25 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolmonovich, Chaim | 03 June,1905 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 45 | Roumania | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koln, Gateff | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 019-019 | 38 | Bulgaria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolndrovic, Dragutin | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 013-014 | 17 | Austria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolnio?ska, Josef | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 003-002 | 40 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolny, Nykolaj | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 029-027 | 22 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolocziejczek, Amelia | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 008-006 | 23 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolocziejczek, Boleslaw | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 008-006 | 2 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolocziejczek, Wladislaw | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 008-006 | 31 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Hanin | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 30 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Juska | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 2 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Kataryn | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 7 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Maria | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 10 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Rosa | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 13 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodej, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 40 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodewski, Dmytro | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 002-000 | 23 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodij, Michal | 17 November,1909 | Montreal | 007-006 | 27 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodil, Iwan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 008-007 | 18 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodin, Bert | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 3 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodin, Chaje | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 24 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodiozny, Salvastor | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 009-008 | 26 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodliej, Maria | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 21 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodny, David | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 26 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodricz, Jasiko | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 012-004 | 20 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodrieg, Alexander | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 24 | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodrubski, Jakim | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 008-007 | 17 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodryge, Anna | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 028-027 | 32 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodryge, Tadens | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 028-027 | 10 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodryge, Tekena | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 028-027 | 8 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodscz, Karol | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 21 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodsicz, Iwan | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 26 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloduk, Tornasy | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 006-000 | 36 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kolodupski?, Antoni | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 005-005 | 18 | Galacia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolody, Franko | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 009-000 | 60 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolody, Jacke | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 005-004 | 44 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolody, Marya | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 009-000 | 10 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolody, Pawlo | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 009-000 | 14 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzcy, Konstant | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 047-045 | 25 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzejczuk, Josef | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 31 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzeyuk, Felixa | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 010-009 | 17 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzicy, Tomasz | 17 July,1910 | Cassandra | 011-005 | 34 | Galicia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziej, Jan | 04 September,1910 | Montreal | 002-001 | 40 | Galicia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziej, Stefan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 022-021 | 26 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziejak, J. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 012-011 | 36 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziew, Barbara | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 30 | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziew, Fransick | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 10m | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodziezczyk, Jan | 30 July,1909 | Mont Rose | 009-008 | 31 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzig, Jakob | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 27 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Eva | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 36 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Fessia | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 4 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Ivan | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 8 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Ksenia | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 6 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Marya | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolodzilf, Michal | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 2 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzilf, Stefan | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 010-009 | 39 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzinski, Franz | 25 June,1905 | Montrose | 002-002 | 45 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzinski, Wasyl | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 020-020 | 18 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzisj, Jan | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 32 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodzitz, Josefd | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 20 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolodznzuk, A. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 012-011 | 18 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloff, Hezan | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 019-019 | 35 | Bulgaria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloff, Nicolay | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 013-013 | 44 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloi, Ceclen | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 29 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolojaros, Ester | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 035-035 | 19 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolokavic, Pavl | 06 November,1909 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 40 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolokojlo, Tekla | May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 002-00G | 24 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koloman, Elesusra | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 007-007 | 31 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloman, Peter | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 007-007 | 36 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolometz, Ester | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 020-020 | 20 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolometz, Jehel | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 020-020 | 8m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomicz, Cidion | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 37 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomtz, Jehon | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-005 | 38 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyj, Eudocha | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 033-032 | 16 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyj, Marga | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 19 | Galacia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyj, Tessdocha | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 16 | Galacia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyja, Fedko | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 2 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyja, Kataryna | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 27 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyja, Macym | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 32 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolomyja, Maksym | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 005-003 | 32 | Austria Gal | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolonch, Dimitre | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 30 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolonch, Roni | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 39 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolonck, Mitche | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 020-020 | 35 | Macedonian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, A. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 13 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, C. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 14 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, C. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 1y6m | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, D. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 11 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, F. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 16 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, G. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 4 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, M. H. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 41 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloneer, P. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 38 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloniski, Felix | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 010-010 | 40 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolonka, Nikolaj | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-002 | 20 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloony, illegible | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 003-003 | 18 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolopansen, Arthur | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 031-011 | 24 | Sweden | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolopasa, Mr. | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 035-033 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kolor, Bloz | 30 July,1909 | Mont Rose | 005-004 | 43 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolor, Valintine | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 023-023 | 19 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloross, Ferdinand | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 013-012 | 31 | Russian German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koloross, Karl | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 013-012 | 3 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koloross, Ludwina | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 013-012 | 2 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koloross, Lukwika | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 013-012 | 24 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kolosenska, Alexander | 25 June,1905 | Montrose | 008-007 | 17 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosenska, Gesephs | 25 June,1905 | Montrose | 008-007 | 16 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Anastazia | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Anna | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 20 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, F. | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 6 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Josef | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 7 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Karola | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 25 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Katha | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 47 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Marcel | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 8 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Michal | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 2 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Osenia | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 4m | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Tila | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 3 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Wincentz | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 11 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolosowski, Wojeiech | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 55 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloszyn, Teodor | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 007-006 | 31 | Bucko | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolot, Annie | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 035-017 | 16 | Holland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolot, Eliz | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 035-017 | 46 | Holland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolot, Ivy | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 035-017 | 7 | Holland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolot, John | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 035-017 | 44 | Holland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolot, Lewis | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 035-017 | 9 | Holland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolotela, Nikolaj | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 016-016 | 21 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolotylo, Georg | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 018-016 | 21 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolotylo, Iwan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 031-029 | 16 | Galicia Buk | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolovski, France | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 001-000 | 35 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowctz, Olke | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 007-006 | 35 | Bucko? | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowilshuk, Anna | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 21 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowilshuk, Jawwka | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 4 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowilshuk, Makar | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 2 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowilshuk, Simon | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 18 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowistz, Leonti | 25 June,1909 | Megantic | 008-008 | 30 | Russian German | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowska, Henrich | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 5 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowska, Josef | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 3 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowska, Maria | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 28 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowski, Feler | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 036-036 | 18 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowsky, Meyer | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 003-003 | 50 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowsky, Nicheme | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 003-003 | 45 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowsky, Schmuel | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 003-003 | 23 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolowstz, Abram | 09 June,1908 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 47 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koloyluke, Heral | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 005-005 | 38 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolozanka, Nikolaj | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 012-012 | 30 | Poland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolozsvari, Andreas | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 24 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolozsvari, Eva | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 21 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolozsvary, Lajos | 17 November,1909 | Montreal | 007-006 | 37 | Hungary | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpaegewski, Jan | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 017-016 | 29 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpak, Josef | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 34 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpatchy, Chaie | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 28 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpatchy, Golde | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 4 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpatchy, Mosalta | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 5 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpatchy, T. | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | infant | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpernick, A. | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 2 | Russ Ger | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpernick, H. | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 21 | Russ Ger | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpernick, S. | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 4 | Russ Ger | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolpnias, Franas | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 18 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolrecz, Istvan | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 004-004 | 29 | Hungary German | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolrud, Lars B. | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 023-023 | 16 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolsch, Paul | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 004-002 | 40 | Austria German | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolsconiki, Chail | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 19 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolshaimen, A. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 022-024 | 3 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | died at Grosse Isle |
Kolshaimen, Anna | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 022-024 | 28 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Kolshaimen, K. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 022-024 | infant | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | died at Grosse Isle |
Kolshinen, Frias | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 35 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolskainen, Otto | 16 September,1906 | Dominion | 006-006 | 20 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolso, Isaak | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 22 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolsonas, Peter | 27 May,1908 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 19 | Greece | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolsoud, Johannes H. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 049-049 | 22 | Norway | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolstad, Bjane | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 20 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolstad, Christen | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 026-024 | 62 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolstad, Frithjof | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 33 | Norway | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolstad, Jorgen | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 021-020 | 27 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolstad, Ole | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 21 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolswdzian, Elias | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 25 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolsyn, Iguotz | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 016-015 | 34 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolt, Antoni | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolt, Antoni | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 30 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolt, Tomasz | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 23 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolta, Cominian | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 027-027 | 19 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltan, Autore | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 018-017 | 17 | Austrian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltani, Matti | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 18 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltarski, Chaim | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 015-007 | 17 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltcheff, Ravi | 05 November,1907 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 27 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltcheff, Storan | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 015-014 | 30 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltelbrink, H. W. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 039-035 | 29 | Dutch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolten, Shimen | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 31 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolteov, Hrikori | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 19 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolteov, Kerit | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 18 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolthonen, Anders | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 25 | Finnland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltin, Felix | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 31 | Russ Polish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltin, Stanislaw | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 37 | Russ Polish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltoiv, Wolf | 17 June,1904 | Halifax | 002-002 | 21 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolton, Feiga | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 002-002 | 19 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltowetz, Efrinsie | 03 November,1908 | Mount Rose | 005-004 | 23 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltowetz, Paraskewa | 03 November,1908 | Mount Rose | 005-004 | 9m | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltowsky, Stefan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 029-027 | 35 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltucka, Jan | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 029-029 | 48 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltucka, Josefa | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 30 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltucka, Justina | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | illegible | illegible | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltucki, Iko | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-026 | 25 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltun, Dweire | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 008-005 | 10 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltun, Fiega Loia | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 008-005 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koltun, Jenta | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 008-005 | 40 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltun, Les | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 015-014 | 24 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltun, Lucas | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 22 | Poland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltvedt, Martha | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 057-030 | 26 | Norway | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koltyk, Wasyl | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 021-020 | 18 | Canadian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolubaba, Stefan | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 17 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluct, Wasyl | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 003-000 | 25 | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koludzinski, Marya | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 005-005 | 18 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluit, Michal | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 014-012 | 18 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluk, Ewdocha | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 28 | Galacia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluk, Iwan | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 36 | Galacia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluk, Matanka | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 30 | Galacia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koluk, Wassyl | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 24 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolvci, Michal | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 38 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolvenliski, Waclaw | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 014-013 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolwisch, Walter | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 016-015 | 20 | Poland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolybaba, Iwan | 25 June,1905 | Montrose | 003-003 | 36 | Bukovenia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolybaba, Onofry | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 015-015 | 23 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolyk, Demitro | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 28 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolylanska, Iwan | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 4 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolylanska, Oluska | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 25 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolylanska, Tekla | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 3 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolylanska, Wasyl | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 6m | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolymartis, Infant | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 012-012 | infant | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolymartis, Lie | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 25 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolymartis, Rachel | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 2 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolynorysz, Josef | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 026-025 | 27 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolysnik, Danylo | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 025-023 | 25 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolytiuk, Michal | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 003-003 | 23 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolyuzan, Ilge | 04 May,1909 | Willehad | 004-003 | 31 | Galic | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolz, Heinrich | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 36 | Germany | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolzan, Nicola | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 022-021 | 15 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolzav, Jan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 009-007 | 19 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolzuck, K. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 025-004 | 27 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolzuck, M. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 025-004 | 2 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kolzuck, M. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 025-004 | 35 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kom?, Dawid | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 30 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kom?, Wasyl | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 23 | Buko | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koma?icki, L?ko | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 032-032 | 30 | Canada | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koma?witz, Feodor | 28 October,1907 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 34 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koma?witz, Nester | 28 October,1907 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 42 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Komacrart, Michael | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 28 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadina, Parvo | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 35 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowski, Emilia | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 3 | Galician | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowski, Jan | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 24 | Galician | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowski, Karolina | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 35 | Galician | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowski, Stanislaw | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 6 | Galician | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowsky, Frans?k | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 007-000 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadowsky, Paulina | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 007-000 | 20 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komadsen, Albertine | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-026 | 25 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Komakowska, Amilia | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 40 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komakowska, Damka | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 8 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komakowska, Hanna | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 4 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komakowska, Leon | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 16 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komakowska, Maria | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 19 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komalainlin, Augusta | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 024-023 | 26 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Komalozuk, Jan | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 29 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komalszyn, Ottanach | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 005-00F | 28 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, ?ilka | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 24 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, illegible | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koman, illegible | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 8 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, Justina | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 20 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, Katrina | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 40 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, Konrad | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 40 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koman, Wasyl | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koman, Wasyl | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 11 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komandant, Katarizyna | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 20 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniak, Georgi | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 29 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Anna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 28 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Hryn | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 2 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Koch | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 4 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Metria | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 028-027 | 45 | Russia Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Petro | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 8 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Sava | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 014-010 | 31 | Bucko? | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Stefan | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 33 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaniuk, Winistraz | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 004-004 | 40 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanko, Piotr | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Komann, Jan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 015-014 | 25 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanow, Pe?ie | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 007-006 | 11m | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanow, Refke | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 007-006 | 22 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanowska, Anna | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 037-035 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Anna | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 6m | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Dmytro | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 29 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Julia | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 53 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Maksyn | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 3 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Maria | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 26 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Nikolaj | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 5 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komanuik, Pauko | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 011-009 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Komanyszyn, Maryska | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 23 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Dmytr | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 015-014 | 19 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Hanna | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 015-015 | 24 | Hungary | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Iwan | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 27 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Katie | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 23 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Petre | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 013-012 | 17 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komar, Wasyl | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 011-012 | 26 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaranski, Michal | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 28 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarec, Andrej | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 011-010 | 30 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaresz, Iwan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 016-015 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarewicz, Jacob | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarewicz, Lukaseh | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 018-017 | 17 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarewicz, Tichan | 09 November,1908 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 30 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarinski, Iwan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 027-000 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Komariwker, Hane | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 018-010 | 20 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komariwker, Marian | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 018-010 | 48 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komariwker, Moses | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 018-010 | 55 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarniaki, Grzigorz | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 014-014 | 33 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarnicki, Michal | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 036-036 | 29 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarniki, Anna | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 24 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarniki, Anton | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 34 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarniki, Palko | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 3 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarnycky, Wasyl | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 014-014 | 19 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarowski, Fed | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 31 | Galician | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarowski, Stefan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 52 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarowsky, Christofer | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 17 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Komarweitz, Leonty | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 019-019 | 24 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Komasa, Maria | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 025-024 | 21 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Komaschinski, Stanislaw | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 40 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Komasniski, Wladislaw | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 031-029 | 43 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komatz, Matthias | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 012-011 | 13 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komatz, Therese | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 012-011 | 40 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kombezak, Feodor | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 005-004 | 34 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Komborski, Nicolaj | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 33 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Komeczen, Janos | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 022-001 | 24 | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Komen, Anna C. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 8 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, Catherine | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 41 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, Cornelis | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 13 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, David | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 18 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, G. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 6 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, Gerrit | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 42 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, Margareta | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 17 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komen, Peiter | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 013-012 | 10 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komenbergi, Alb. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 054-051 | 19 | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Komenda, Barbara | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 28 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komenda, Jan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 2 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komerhaus, Wasyl | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 24 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Komhyn, Mykolaj | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 18 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Komi, Autti | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 28 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kominilgky, David | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-006 | 18 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kominski, Lewis | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 45 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kominskz, Lea | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 45 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kominskz, Losri | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 20 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisar, Ilia | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-000 | 18 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Komisarck, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisarczuk, illegible | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 003-003 | 50 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisck, Michal | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-008 | 23 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Komiser, Bornch | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 009-002 | 27 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Komiser, Marcim | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 009-002 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisgo, Johan | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 24 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisisto, Juho | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 057-038 | 26 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisisto, Maria | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 057-038 | 25 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisniuk, Matei | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 41 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komissari, Metro | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 017-017 | 24 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komisto, Anton | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 023-023 | 20 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komitto, Martle | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 028-026 | 19 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Komitynia, Stefan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 015-014 | 29 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komkowski, Deniza | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 005-003 | 9 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komkowski, Warwara | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 005-003 | 30 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komkowski, Wojciech | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 005-003 | 22 | Russia Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Komluk, Georgi | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 012-012 | 27 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm, Malke | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 24 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm, Nochem | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm, Slatl | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 3 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm?, Harold | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-010 | 11m | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm?, Minnie | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-010 | 29 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm?, Walter | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-010 | 6 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komm?, William | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-010 | 4 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kommancruk, Petro | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 041-039 | 50 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kommensky, Bulie | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 012-011 | 28 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kommensky, Rowmi | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 012-011 | 29 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kommorkoski, Erland | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 009-010 | 25 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komodoweski, Josef | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 005-004 | 17 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Komomdis, Fernando | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 031-030 | 56 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komomdis, Michele | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 031-030 | 34 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komonuk, Alexander | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 010-010 | 29 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Komoonik, Jan | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 35 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Komor, Josef | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 013-013 | 36 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Komornik, Iwan | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 31 | Galacia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Komorof, David | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 045-026 | 24 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kompelski, Michal | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 011-011 | 43 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komplett, Johan | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 006-000 | 41 | Hungary | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Komplett, Margaret | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 006-000 | 43 | Hungary | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Komppanin, Jaare | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 040-037 | 34 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komsel, Prikoli | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 34 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komsi, Herman | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 011-007 | 29 | Finalnd | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Komsi, Johan | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 048-026 | 22 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Komtoff, Mitch | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 047-020 | 27 | Bulgaria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Komuch, Iwan | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 002-002 | 34 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Komulaina, Hilja | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 031-030 | 23 | Finn | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komulainen, Emil J. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 015-015 | 4 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komulainen, Jenni S. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 015-015 | 1 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komulainen, Ramie | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 026-019 | 37 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komulainen, Ulla K. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 015-015 | 25 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Komyn, Davezipico | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 28 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komyn, Iesca | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 2 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komyn, Josefa | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 4 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komyn, Mary A. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 5 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komyn, Nechailma | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 23 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komynicki, Pawlo | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 001-001 | 41 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Komysz, Kazim | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 25 | Buko | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Komz, Berachard | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 005-000 | 48 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kon, Anton | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 006-006 | 26 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon, Chong | 06 November,1906 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 32 | China | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon, Frederick | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 26 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon, Iwie | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 011-009 | 26 | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kon, Me?e | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 011-009 | 4 | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kon, Moischa | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 011-009 | 9 | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kon?, Silda | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 009-009 | 19 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon?a, L. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 24 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon?a, W. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 20 | Wales | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon?ied, Stefan | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-002 | 23 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kon?nik, Daniel | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 011-010 | 30 | Austria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konach, E. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 029-029 | 22 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konacz, Istvan | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 48 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konacz, Juli | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 34 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konacz, Maria | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 17 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konacz, Susana | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 008-008 | 4 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konad, Stefan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 039-037 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konakicki, Ilar | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 009-008 | 47 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konal, Magdalena | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 008-007 | 31 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Konal, Wledyslaw | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 008-007 | 8 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Konalkow, Mr | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 048-021 | 36 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konanic, Michel | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 006-005 | 20 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaniuk, Ewdokia | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 38 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Dmytro | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 4 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Iwan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 43 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Parania | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 7 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Pazia | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 30 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Stefan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 2 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konano, Vasil | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 014-013 | 1m | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konapska, Marcin | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 47 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konard, Colonel H. | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 39 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Konarienka, Pychan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 29 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konarski, Jan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 003-002 | 19 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Konarski, Sigismand | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 003-001 | 31 | Switzerland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Konarski, Stan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 021-020 | 17 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaszuwiez, Bronislaw | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 6 | Garcia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaszuwiez, Hofina | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 40 | Garcia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaszuwiez, Josef | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 16 | Garcia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaszuwiez, Julia | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 6m | Garcia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaszuwiez, Marta | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 14 | Garcia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konaw, Woltto | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 027-000 | 22 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Konazat, Hulyanka | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 011-011 | 19 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Konbatowitz, W. | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 005-004 | 34 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konbrzyun, Luka | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 032-014 | 35 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Konceuif, Josef | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 014-014 | 32 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konchmin, Florence | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 005-004 | 17 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koncknhis, Huyda | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 41 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koncyke, Teodor | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 020-018 | 29 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konczieue, Aprisona | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 011-011 | 3 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konczieue, Eva | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 011-011 | 24 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konczius, Anton | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 014-013 | 22 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondacheff, Prince N. | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 005-005 | 43 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas, Karolina | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 32 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas, Martin | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 010-008 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas, Wincienty | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 39 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas?, Ferencz | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 4 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas?, Ferenczas | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 26 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas?, Marget | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 4 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas?, Maria | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 6m | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondas?, Setran? | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 10 | Hungary | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konderski, Karf | 30 September,1907 | Cassandra | 009-008 | 38 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondoraki, Johann | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 26 | Roumanian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondra, Michal | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 026-024 | 21 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondra, Rosalia | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 22 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondra, Tenko | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 24 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrachis, Franz | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 012-011 | 39 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondracka, Josefa | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 049-047 | 18 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondracka, Paranka | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 026-026 | 20 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondracki, Jan | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 009-007 | 26 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondraczuk, Simon | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 019-012 | 30 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrakschuk, Iwan | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 009-009 | 30 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrakuk, Lawrenti | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 019-012 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrat, Jasko | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 30 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratink, Anastasia | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 11 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratink, Anna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 32 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratink, Pelagia | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 8 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratink, Prokop | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 40 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratink, Semen | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 3 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratow, Jakob | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 36 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratowitz, Felix | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 23 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratowitz, Jadwiga | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 027-005 | 18 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondratowitz, Wladislaw | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 027-005 | 28 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondraty, Babink | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 34 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrecki, Josef | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 019-019 | 29 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondriuk, Jusy | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 006-006 | 33 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrock, Josef | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrom, Olaf | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 025-018 | 16 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondrs, Iwan | 21 July,1908 | Mount Royal | 005-004 | 40 | Russian Pole | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondryayn, Paulo | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 29 | Galician | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondryszyn, Anastasia | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 028-000 | 26 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondsapuz, Konstantis | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 29 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kondzwiski, Jedrey | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 35 | Russ Pole | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kone, Henry | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 010-010 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konecki, Ignia | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 26 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konecny, John | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 006-004 | 18 | Hungary | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneczynski, Helena | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 22 | Hungary | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneczynski, Ulicz | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 17 | Hungary | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Konego, Fredrich | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 016-016 | 19 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Konelek, Todor | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 014-014 | 24 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konelinssen, Emma | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 023-024 | 20 | Scandinavia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konelinssen, Kornelin | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 023-024 | infant | Scandinavia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konelinssen, Ole | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 023-024 | 28 | Scandinavia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konemaki, Alfred | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 032-019 | 26 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konen, John T. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 035-012 | 20 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Konenuk, Alexander | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 006-005 | 26 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneozny?, Franz | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 21 | Austrian Germ. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneozny?, Rudolf | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 19 | Austrian Germ. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneschuoski, Anton | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 3 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneschuoski, Anton | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 43 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneschuoski, Franz | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 6 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneschuoski, Josef | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 2 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koneschuoski, Tadurga | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 33 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konewajlor, Abram | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 10 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Konewajlor, Bornch | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 9 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Konewajlor, Chaje | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 38 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Konewajlor, Chaje | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 7 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Konewajlor, Rosa | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 009-001 | 3 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koney?opp, Lippen | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 002-000 | 25 | Russian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konfisacker, Cake | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 009-008 | 35 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konfisacker, Jacob | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 009-008 | 3 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kong?, Stefan | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 002-000 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongagaardin, Maria | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 027-026 | 18 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongigaarden, Sverre | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 020-020 | 19 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongn, Alex | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 019-019 | 32 | Belgian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongn, Jeanette | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 019-019 | 24 | Belgian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongretzky, Isak | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 32 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongsrad, Aslang | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 011-011 | 4 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongsrad, Erik | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 011-011 | 1 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongsrad, Ole | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 011-011 | 29 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongsrad, Selma | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 011-011 | 26 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kongsvik, Kris | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 030-028 | 28 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniak, Iwan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 032-030 | 25 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniak, Uwya | 04 September,1906 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 21 | Buko | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniar, Agnieska | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 013-013 | 28 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniar, Alberia | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 013-013 | 1 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konici, Edvi | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-007 | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniciwiza, Jens | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 008-000 | 24 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konicki, Jan | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 020-016 | 49 | Poland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konicki, Kazimerz | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 26 | Germany | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniczna, Petronella | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 20 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konieczny, Daniel | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 37 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koniehousky, Allie | 17 August,1903 | Corinthian | 001-000 | 16 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Adolf | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 16 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Adolf | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 015-043 | 44 | Holland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Albena | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 30 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Alexander | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 33 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Amalia | 26 August,1904 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 27 | German | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Anna | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 9 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Ecke | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 031-031 | 11m | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Ella | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | illegible | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Emil | 26 August,1904 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 30 | German | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Frederic | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 11 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Frederic | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 6m | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Frederick | 26 August,1904 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 3 | German | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Friedck. | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 60 | German | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Gerardis | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 14 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Hendrik | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 16 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Jacob | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 012-000 | 28 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Jan | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 7 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Jarcob | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 001-001 | 30 | Austrian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Johann | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 50 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 023-021 | 20 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Joseph | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 001-001 | 22 | Germany | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Katarin | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 18 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Kath | 07 October,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 26 | Hungary | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Katha | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 4 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Magdalena | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 001-001 | 17 | Germany | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Rigna | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 006-006 | 19 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Victor | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 3 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Walter | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 49 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konig, Willo | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 030-030 | 25 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konignenburg, H. J. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 014-014 | 27 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, Albert | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 7 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, B | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 003-002 | 7 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, E | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 11 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, Eliza | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 42 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, Emily | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 11 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, Frederick | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 10 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, G. | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 003-002 | 2y6m | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, Gladys | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 2y6m | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, J | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 003-002 | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, John | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 4 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, Mr. F. | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, Mrs. | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 42 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, S | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Konigsfeld, Susan | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 26 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigsfeld, W | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 002-001 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Konigsfeld, Wilhelmina | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 006-005 | 15 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigslow, Mistress | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 004-00D | a | U.S.A. | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konigson, Olof Ed. | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 043-024 | 24 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Konilla?, R. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 025-018 | a | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konin, Ides | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 32 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konin, Nechame | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 6 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konin, Rifke | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 9 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konin, Sarah | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 8 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koning, Mrs. A. | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 004-003 | 52 | Holland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konitzen, Moses | 21 May,1909 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 22 | Russ-German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konizar?zuk, Petro | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 031-031 | 48 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konk, Jan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 17 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkanen, Oskar | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 022-000 | 22 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkel, Ludwig | 09 November,1909 | Athenia | 006-006 | 31 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkin, Ivan | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 007-006 | 40 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkin, Simeon | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 023-014 | 18 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkis, Ida | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-026 | 24 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkkari, Ida | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-007 | 19 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkol, Victoria | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 049-047 | 19 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konkop, Pantako | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 015-015 | 37 | Bulgaria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konleff, Ilia | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 022-022 | 26 | Bulgarian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konlekowski, Iwan | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 28 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konlekowski, Metro | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 29 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konlin, Levi | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 009-009 | 26 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konliskoski, Johann | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 28 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konlol, Helena | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 20 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konn, Beryl | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 025-025 | 7y6m | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Konn, Faria | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 025-025 | 7 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Konn, Lakan | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 032-019 | 23 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konn, Mickl | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 025-025 | 3 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Konn, S?ine | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 025-025 | 26 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Konne, Anad | 29 May,1904 | Malou | 006-006 | Syrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konne, Couma | 29 May,1904 | Malou | 006-006 | Syrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konne, Gerios | 29 May,1904 | Malou | 006-006 | Syrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konne, Lauri | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 025-011 | 17 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konne, Mariam | 29 May,1904 | Malou | 006-006 | Syrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konni, Johannes | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 032-019 | 27 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konnisburgh, David | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 008-008 | 30 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konnokko, Otto | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 042-040 | 20 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Konnyk, Teofil | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 010-009 | 31 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konocuk, Wasyl | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 17 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konoff, Todor | 10 November,1907 | Southwark | 007-007 | 28 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konofrazki, Vincenty | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 017-017 | 27 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konogli, Czaki | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 008-008 | 21 | Turkish | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Konogli, Czaki | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 023-014 | 21 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Konol, Iwan | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 20 | Russian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konolej, Iwan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 040-038 | 27 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konongut, Tidrok | 03 November,1906 | Canada | 014-014 | 26 | Russian Lith | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kononisch, Jacob | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 26 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kononowitsch, Elizabeth | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 25 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kononowitsch, Serge | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 27 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopacka, Aleanne | 19 September,1904 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 4 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopacka, Magd. | 19 September,1904 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 46 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopacka, Marie | 19 September,1904 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 16 | Galicia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Anna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 6m | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Jan | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 3 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Josef | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 36 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Maria | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 32 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Michal | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 23 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopecki, Tejodor | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 010-010 | 33 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopka, Teofila | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 21 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopniski, Maria | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 047-045 | 16 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopolski, Chain | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 017-017 | 21 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopski, ?nton | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 008-007 | 18 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopski, Francises | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 039-037 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopski, Jan | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 006-006 | 18 | Galician | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konopski, Josef | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 039-037 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konopski, Nikolaj | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 033-031 | 23 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konovitch, Leon | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 004-00D | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | ||
Konovitch, Leon | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 005-0AA | France | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konowalczuk, Iwan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 025-023 | 21 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Konowalczuk, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 17 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konowalski, Christina | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 019-019 | 23 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konowski, Meir | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 018-017 | 30 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Konowski, Pawlo | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 027-026 | 37 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konoyka, Iwan | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 004-000 | 18 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konpanan, Christian | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 009-002 | 25 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konpski, Josef | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 005-005 | 32 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konrad, Bronislava | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 22 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Konrad, Hoje P. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 019-00S | 20 | Norwegian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konrad, Katie | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 008-008 | 30 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konrad, Maria | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 011-009 | 3 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Konradsen, Anders | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 032-022 | 17 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Konradsen, Nick? | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 037-037 | 23 | Norway | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Konradsson, Halldor | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 027-015 | 31 | Iceland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konroth, Emma | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 014-014 | 2 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konroth, Laura | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 014-014 | 26 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konroth, Robert | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 014-014 | 3 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshavlyanuk, Iwan | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 18 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshuk, Alex | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 16 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshuk, Anne | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 50 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshuk, George | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 10 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshuk, Jakob | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 7 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshuk, Johanne | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 29 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshul, Conrad | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 008-000 | 30 | Russian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshul, Gyna | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 008-000 | infant | Russian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshul, Kate | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 008-000 | 32 | Russian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshul, Marie | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 008-000 | 7 | Russian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konshul, Milie | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 008-000 | 4 | Russian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsi, Nestor | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 021-020 | 27 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsisto, Kaisa | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | a | Austrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsisto, Viktor W. | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 1 | Austrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konski, Dymyko | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 24 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konslanz, Eliz. | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 19 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konspada, Maria | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 036-035 | 3 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konspada, Oleksa | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 036-035 | 30 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konspada, Terena | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 036-035 | 26 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konspada, Wladzic | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 036-035 | 11m | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstad, Ingeborg | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 032-000 | 27 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstandinoff, Belteko? | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 005-004 | 35 | Bulgaria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstandt?, Jozef | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 40 | Turkey | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanen, Andreas | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 047-047 | 32 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanowski, Abraham | 16 October,1904 | Kensington | 008-003 | 36 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanstinik, Demeter | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 32 | Austrian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstant, Krotck | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 28 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstant, Werbonyj | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 33 | Buko | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanten, Leissr | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 19 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanti, Gergod | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 004-003 | 20 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantikowsky, S. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 021-014 | 34 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantin, Dimiter | 05 November,1907 | Cassandra | 007-007 | 17 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantin, Goszul | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 037-035 | 24 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantin, Michael | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 014-000 | 20 | Italy | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantin, Teodor | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 007-006 | 25 | German | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantinen, Stoyan | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 18 | Macedonia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantinoff, Naki | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 034-034 | 19 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantinoski, F. | 23 October,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 15 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstants, Leonara | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 035-033 | 21 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstants, Vincent | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 035-033 | 33 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstanty, Andre? | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 005-000 | 25 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantym?, Wasyl | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 027-027 | illegible | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantymik, Georgi | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 36 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantynuk, Mytro | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 51 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstantz, Georg | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 038-003 | 31 | Germany | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstavo, Georgheif | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 013-013 | 27 | Bulgaria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstawicz, Jan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 019-018 | 19 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konstrup, Marine E. | 25 June,1909 | Megantic | 011-011 | 18 | Denmark | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsu, Ella | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 008-004 | 13 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsu, Sanna | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 008-004 | 58 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsu, Vera | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 008-004 | 18 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konsuch, Paraska | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 27 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Konszynski, Anna | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 1 | illegible | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Konszynski, Sofia | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 24 | illegible | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontalbt, B. | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 033-005 | 7 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontalbt, J. | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 033-005 | 30 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontalbt, M. | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 033-005 | 4 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontalo, Jenni | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 051-031 | 23 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontalo, M. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 012-008 | 19 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontant, Amela | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 016-016 | 21 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontazns, Vincent | 15 November,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 21 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontcheff, Petro | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 26 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontczuk, Michal | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 33 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontemer, Owan | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 012-012 | 28 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontiara, Harris | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 005-000 | 35 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontinen, Oskar | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 026-025 | 29 | Finn | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontink, Fanny | 15 August,1908 | Montreal | 002-000 | 4 | Bohemia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontink, Refy? | 15 August,1908 | Montreal | 002-000 | 28 | Bohemia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontio, Autti | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 042-00E | 28 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontis, Hilma | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 012-012 | 4 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontis, Sanna | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 012-012 | 43 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontis, Yoyo | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 012-012 | 3 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontliuen, Hjalmar | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 042-00Q | 24 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontola, Hilma | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 17 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontola, Juho | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 015-014 | 20 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontosalo, Lyydia | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 041-00E | 22 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontowicz, Wladyslaw | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 23 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontown?i, Anna | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 001-001 | 36 | Russ Pole | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontratow, Suka | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 016-016 | 38 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontti, Frans | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 042-040 | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Konttinen, Pekka | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 33 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konttinen?, Yrjo | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 025-024 | 16 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Konttrun, Tilta | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 012-012 | 19 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Konturi, Maria | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 021-021 | 23 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Catherine | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 6 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Johann | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 39 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Louisa | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 11 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Maria | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 39 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Maria | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 8 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Matilda | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | infant | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontz, Odela | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-025 | 14 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kontzi?s, Johann | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 28 | Silesia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konuza, Victoria | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 037-037 | 19 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyanskie, Maischer | 03 August,1904 | Halifax | 002-002 | 32 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyelman, Heinrich | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 037-036 | 36 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyhi, Stefan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 009-008 | 26 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyk, Anna | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 17 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyk, Anton | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 021-021 | 18 | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyk, Hryn | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 021-021 | 15 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyk, Nayn | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 021-021 | 12 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyk, Pauylo | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 37 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyn, Aron | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 006-006 | 322 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Konyozuk, Dmitro | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 004-002 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Konysfeld, Annie | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 010-009 | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Konza, Josef | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 25 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koo?nis, Berit | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 029-014 | 20 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koofman, Akiano | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 005-005 | 34 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooi, Vander H.P. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 062-022 | 22 | Holland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koojman, Willem | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 023-023 | 21 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kook, John | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 014-013 | 29 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kook, Mothel | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 22 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooker, Olive | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 051-050 | 4 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooker, Synneva | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 051-050 | 27 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kool, Maryanne | 17 September,1910 | Montfort | 005-004 | 27 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolbergen, Helena | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 019-019 | 69 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolbergen, Itram | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 018-018 | 33 | Holland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolbergen, Johannes | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 019-019 | 65 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolnes, Nilmar J. J. | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 058-036 | 24 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolnsky, Annie | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 008-007 | 22 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolnsky, Barnett | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 008-007 | 5 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolnsky, Morris | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 008-007 | 25 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolnsky, Soloman | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 008-007 | infant | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolowsky, Matwicj | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 18 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koolowsky, Ossip | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 19 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koon, B. | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 019-018 | 36 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooning, J. J. | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 033-00F | 23 | Dutch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koonriuk, K | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 33 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koontz, Flora | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 022-011 | 28 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopela, Kalle | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 011-012 | 3 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopela, M. | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 011-012 | 23 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooperavich, Rachel | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 023-014 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooperberg, Joseph | 27 October,1905 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 29 | Russian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooperman, Esna | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 012-007 | 31 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopi, Augusta | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 021-019 | 22 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopiso, Israel | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 040-039 | 31 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Albert | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 16 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, D. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 018-018 | 21 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koopman, Hile | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 42 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Jacqulina | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 11 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Johannes | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 43 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, John | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 005-005 | 20 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Mathilda | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 7 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Mrs. E. R. B. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 009-009 | 20 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopman, Willemena | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 17 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopokoski, Anna | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 001-00A | 25 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopokoski, Nieno | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 001-00A | 3 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koopokoski, Tyyna | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 001-00A | infant | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koops, Arie | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 019-019 | 27 | Holland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koorman, William Ybert | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 25 | Holland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koornisky, Surman | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 010-00K | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koory, Annisse | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 22 | Syria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koory, Barbara | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 15 | Syria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koory, Chaim | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 9 | Syria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koosenko, Paul | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 039-027 | 42 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koosick, If | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 003-002 | 34 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kootchef, Marko | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 032-00B | 16 | Bulgaria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooy, Adrian | 29 July,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-004 | 23 | Holland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooy, Jan | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 015-014 | 34 | Holland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooyman, Annie | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 017-007 | 24 | Holland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooyman, C. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 040-036 | 11 | Dutch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooyman, Cornelius | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 017-007 | infant | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooyman, Dina | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 017-007 | 2 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kooyman, Johanna | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 040-036 | 43 | Dutch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koozyn, Michal | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 34 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kop, Alfred | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 013-011 | 27 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopacz, Jan | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 26 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopan, Ilie | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 004-003 | 30 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopanoff, Nedelso | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 020-019 | 33 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopansky, Iwan | 27 August,1910 | Willehad | 004-004 | 43 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopasrynski, Michal | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 009-008 | 36 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopaus, Abraim | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 043-000 | 11 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopaus, Chain | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 043-000 | 3 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopaus, Jan | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 043-000 | 9 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopaus, Lifsche | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 043-000 | 33 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopcinski, Felix | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 031-031 | 22 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopck, Karol | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 24 | Gaucia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopczak, Katerjne | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 009-008 | 28 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kopczewnicki, Jan | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 007-006 | 40 | Russ Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopczyk, Jan | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 17 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopczysnki, Josef | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 018-018 | 32 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopec, Katurryna | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 028-019 | 30 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopecz?sky, I. | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 035-033 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kopeff, Auden | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 009-009 | 30 | Hebrew | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopeikes, Ioisep | 04 September,1906 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 47 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopel, Aron | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 012-010 | 31 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelewitz, E. | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 43 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelgan, Meyer | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 005-005 | 24 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinko, Berki | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 10 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinko, Chars | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 47 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinko, David | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 55 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinko, Pen | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 27 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinko, Rachael | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 9 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelinkov, Haftula | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 31 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelman, M. | 17 June,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-00D | 27 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelow, Janae | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 50 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelowitch, Isaac | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 034-022 | 35 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelowz, Bel | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 013-005 | 21 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelsohn, Golda | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 005-004 | 23 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelsohn, Jacob | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 005-004 | 6m | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelsohn, Moses | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 005-004 | 28 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelsohn, Sarah | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 005-004 | 2 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelson, Israel | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 012-010 | 25 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelusch, Genekel | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 13 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelusch, Israel | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 8 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelusch, Liwe | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 38 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelusch, Sure | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 10 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopelusch, Zoane | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 4m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Antoni | 25 October,1903 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 35 | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Bastraan | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 10 | Holland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Blime | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 1 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Chajke | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 6 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Etel | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 44 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Gerhard M. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 2 | Holland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, J. G. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 009-009 | 24 | Holland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Katarina | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 020-019 | 34 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Lilian | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 020-019 | 11 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Maria C. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 33 | Holland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Matel | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 9 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Refnel | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 3 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, S. G. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 31 | Holland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Sajl | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 15 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koper, Sure | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 14 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopesa, Barbera | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 30 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopesa, Sandor | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 33 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopeveik, Martin Olsen | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 052-029 | 23 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopewinc, Josef | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 016-015 | 23 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopezawsky, Petro | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 25 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopf, F | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 001-00a | a | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | (f) |
Kopf, Filip | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 16 | Germany | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopf, Jankel | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 44 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kophal, Wilhelm | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 025-024 | 29 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopick, Anton | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 014-014 | 21 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopiel, Tomasz | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 014-007 | 31 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopik, Janos | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 007-007 | 34 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopilowitch, Adela | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 1y6m | Romania | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopilowitch, Schlima | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 14 | Romania | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopilowotch, Henry | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 019-019 | 23 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopinak, P | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 25 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopincky, Stanislaw | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 18 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopinos, Iwan | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 45 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopinsky, Infant | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 014-013 | infant | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopinsky, Mayor | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 019-019 | 27 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopinsky, Mrs. D. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 014-013 | 24 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopischki, Robert | 21 August,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-003 | 19 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitka, ? | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 17 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitka, Gittel | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 20 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitka, Lelie | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 46 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitman, Simon | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 005-005 | 38 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitowiky, Morris | 21 May,1909 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 34 | Russ-German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopitowiky, Samuel | 21 May,1909 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 21 | Russ-German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopjerca, Jurko | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 37 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopkcz, Omifrig | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 043-041 | 24 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopke, Rudolf | 01 June,1909 | Lake Michigan | 004-003 | 14 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplan, Sosche | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 30 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplanski, ?ill | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-004 | 33 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplewitz, Sam | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 029-013 | 24 | illegible | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplim, Leib | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 21 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplim, Pawel | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 005-005 | 18 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplin, Chaie | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplin, Chima | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 8 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplin, Ester | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 20 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplin, Minnie | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 10 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplin, Samuel | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 4 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koplinski, K. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 26 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopman, Leiser | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 009-008 | 22 | Russia German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopniewsky, Wladyslaw | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 043-024 | 29 | Germany | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopoczyncki, Michal | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 45 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopolo, Edor | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 021-021 | 24 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopolon, Feige | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 52 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopolovici, Daniel | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 9 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopolovici, Eva | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 48 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopolovitz, Kalman | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 38 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koponen, Antte | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 033-000 | 18 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koponen, Kuitaava | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 28 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopoozys, Kala | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 012-003 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |||
Kopotka, Iwan | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-00D | 30 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopout, Frantisek | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 027-027 | 26 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopoycwski, Sachwry | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 013-012 | 18 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Anna | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 19 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Barbara | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 3 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Elizabeth | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 32 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Erick H | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 035-012 | 19 | Sweden | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Frank | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 026-025 | 26 | Germany | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, John | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 30 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Kath. | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 37 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Kazimir | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 9 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Lorenz | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 11 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Shelma | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 19 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Thomas | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 8 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Wandelin | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 013-011 | 29 | Pole | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopp, Witalis | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 035-012 | 27 | Sweden | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppang, A. C. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 016-016 | 62 | USA | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppel, Arid | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 21 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppel, Avram | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 19 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppel, Hersch | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 18 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppel, Rosa | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 20 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppel, Viggo | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 046-042 | 32 | Denmark | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppelim, Schoil | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 012-012 | 28 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppelmann, Welmel | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 22 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppelo, Salmon | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 035-028 | 26 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppelslann, Kristian | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 041-0EE | 28 | Norway | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppelwitch, Abraham | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 008-007 | 21 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppengud, Rische | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 33 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppenharger, Annie | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 11 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppenharger, Geroge | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 50 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppenharger, Mary | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 21 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppenharger, Mary | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 48 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppenharger, Rosina | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 18 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopper, Hermann | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 017-016 | 22 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppernd, Sigurds | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 037-035 | 20 | Scandinavian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppi, Isaac | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 028-027 | 35 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopplin, August | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 009-00I | 47 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopplin, Johann | 11 June,1909 | Laurentic | 013-012 | 27 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopplin, Maria | 11 June,1909 | Laurentic | 013-012 | 21 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppolo, Bertie | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 014-016 | 31 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppolo, Harry | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 014-016 | 4 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koppolo, Rosy | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 014-016 | 3 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopponen, Olga | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 21 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprasz, Stanislaw | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 030-030 | 18 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprera?, Helene | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 006-00F | 16 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprowska, Edward | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 1 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprowska, Josifa | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 3 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprowska, Mary | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 4 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koprowska, Stanislawa | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 27 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kops, Annie | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koptauski, Chaim | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 32 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopter, Simon | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 38 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopustas, O. | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 017-016 | 17 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Antoni | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 2m | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Hryc | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 32 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Maksym | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 7 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Mika | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 3 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Pawlo | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 9 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopuswak, Tekla | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 25 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Efiner | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 40 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Evedobia | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 8 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Peter | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | infant | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Robofig | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 4 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Semoroja | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 36 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koputinsky, Stefan | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 3 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyczanski, ?ensty | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 012-010 | 18 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyczanski, Iwan | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 012-010 | 39 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyczansky, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 019-018 | 31 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyczemski, Panteline | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 013-012 | 34 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyczynski, Georgi | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 021-021 | 18 | Buck | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyern, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 015-014 | 27 | Galician Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopyo, Marcin | 02 October,1910 | Montezuma | 008-006 | 20 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopysynski, Oleksy | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 021-020 | 41 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kopzila, Piotr | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 012-011 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kor?la, V. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 015-015 | 32 | Finn | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kor?onan, Hermann | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 026-015 | 58 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraala, Hilma | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 023-021 | 20 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraas, I? | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 007-006 | 43 | Hungary | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraces, illegible | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 30 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korach, Wilhelm | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 40 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korachow, Dade | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 016-018 | 3 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korachow, Dworja | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 016-018 | 7 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korachow, Gitl | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 016-018 | 8 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korachow, Sonja | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 016-018 | 32 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraczuk, Michal | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 010-010 | 23 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korafil, Vasindri | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 005-005 | 15 | Macedonia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraim, Antoni | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 003-002 | 55 | Galician | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korak, Andruch | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 27 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korak, Dmytro | 06 August,1905 | Montrose | 001-000 | 23 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korak, Gawrylo | 06 August,1905 | Montrose | 001-000 | 23 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korak, Juan | 09 June,1908 | Mount Royal | 005-004 | 17 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korakiewicz, Enfernia | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 30 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korakiewicz, Hawrylo | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 7 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korakiewicz, Jacob | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 49 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korakiewicz, Marie | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 8 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korakiewicz, Nascia | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 023-021 | 4 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koral, Tomas | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 014-014 | 26 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koralan, Ashafy | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 001-000 | illegible | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koralezuk, Wasyl | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 29 | Galician | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koralici, Jozef | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 008-007 | 24 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraliewticz, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 018-016 | 24 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraliseyis, Gregor | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 004-004 | 26 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koran, Johannes | 07 October,1907 | Montrose | 004-004 | 56 | German | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koranen, Anselm | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 012-012 | 20 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koranen, Johan | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 33 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koranowitz, Eute | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 012-005 | 25 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraricruk, Stefan | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 30 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraricruk, Wasyl | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koraschalk, Wolff. | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 28 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korasicken, A. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 019-019 | 27 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korathkin, Sache | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 004-004 | 19 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koratzn, Kazmish | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 25 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korauth, Helene Irene | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 014-014 | 25 | Germany | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korb, David | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 013-012 | 38 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korb, Jacob | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 013-012 | 11 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korb, Marie | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 013-012 | 11 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korb, Solomon | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 013-012 | 6 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbas, Oleksa | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 012-011 | 17 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbaszewsky, Iwan | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 029-005 | 16 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbe, Emma | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 023-023 | 22 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbecki, Jedrej? | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 24 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbecki, Pawl | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 026-025 | 20 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korber, Lipe | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 23 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korber, Michel | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 004-002 | 16 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korber, Perl | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 45 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korber, Srul | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 004-002 | c | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbi, Nanni | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 022-024 | 19 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korboezik, Anna | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 008-008 | 22 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korboyzinsky, Raelmiel | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 36 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbuliak, Katha | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 015-015 | 22 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbut, Elisar | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 013-012 | 40 | Austria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbut, Iwan | 29 June,1908 | Montrose | 002-002 | 22 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbut, Mytro | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 024-023 | 17 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbuth, Kostan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Anna | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 010-010 | 28 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Eudike | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 026-026 | 1 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Helena | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 026-026 | 27 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Iwan | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 3 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Juzy | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 026-026 | 34 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Marcin | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 010-010 | 4y6m | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Maria | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 3m | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Marie | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 026-026 | 3 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Michajlo | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Oleksa | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 23 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Olena | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 28 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Petro | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 32 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korbutiak, Petro | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 010-010 | 2 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korby, Marianna | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | a | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korchman, Jordoki | 04 August,1910 | Corinthian | 010-004 | 25 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korcszusi, Michal | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 011-010 | 40 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korcz, Pairer | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 26 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczak, Pawlo | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 17 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczak, Petro | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 30 | Rutheman | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczak, Wasyl | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 022-018 | 18 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korczowska, Michalina | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 012-011 | 18 | Austra | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczozska, Maria | 02 November,1906 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 18 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczyk, Teresa | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 036-034 | 23 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczynski, Jozef | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 007-006 | 35 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczynski, Prokop | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 006-006 | 42 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korczynski, Wasyl | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 029-029 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordack, Josef | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 017-016 | 45 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordal, Joseph M. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 38 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Chaje | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 16 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Chane | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Elke | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 7 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Jurte | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 10 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Mindel | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 24 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Mordche | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 11 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Rifke | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 44 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordas, Sure | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 016-016 | 9 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korde, Sofia | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 027-025 | 21 | Norway | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korde, Tevan | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 003-000 | 29 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Anna | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 44 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Fedir | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 3 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Mascia | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 4 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Matjo | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 8 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Nykol | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 7 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordelzuk, Wasyl | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 9 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korden, Nils | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 021-011 | 36 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordenonyn, Pawlo | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 013-012 | 15 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korderlian, Deroflis | 18 October,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-000 | 44 | Buko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, George | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 6 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Katti | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 3 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Maria | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 11 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Metro | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 2 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Oksania | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 30 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Stefan | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 9 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordianczuk, Wasyl | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 008-009 | 13 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordlund, Albin | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 021-014 | 32 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordon, Jewdocha | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 020-020 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordonovy, Maria | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00H | 10 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordonovy, Nassia | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00H | 48 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordonovy, Stefan | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00H | 15 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordonowicz, Dymtro | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 31 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordorkios, Matthan | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 002-00B | 24 | Russian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korduban, Demitric | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 028-027 | 24 | Bukowina | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordubul, Jan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 011-010 | 22 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kordyczuk, Michal | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-003 | 44 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korebky, Basse | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 001-001 | 22 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korebky, Leib | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 001-001 | 8m | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korecz?, On?ai | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 027-027 | illegible | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koreczka, Karoline | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koreczka, Maria | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 3 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koreczka, Michail | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 11m | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koreczka, Stanislaw | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 6 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korella, Yro J. | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 047-0BB | 11 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | (m) |
Korelonok, Justin | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 024-023 | 26 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korelyki, Wasyl | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 005-005 | 37 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koremiewiez, Nicklaj | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 40 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koren, M. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 015-017 | 26 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koren, M. | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 018-019 | 18 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koren, Sa? | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 018-018 | 39 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korenberg, Joseph | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 26 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korenic, Walenty | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 008-006 | 27 | Slavonie | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Korenkiewicz, Marcin | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 046-024 | 19 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korer, Dinah | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 031-009 | 24 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korer, Jack | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 031-009 | 25 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korer, Maurice | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 031-009 | 19 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korero, Kaarle | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 028-028 | 16 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korescil, Oleksa | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 003-002 | 17 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koreskiel, Michal | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 024-002 | 15 | Roumania | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretsky, Gdalie | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 36 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretz, Alter | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 020-022 | 2 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretz, Feige | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 020-022 | 25 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretz, Riwe | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 020-022 | infant | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretzki, Bule | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 014-014 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koretzki, Hersck | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 014-014 | 3 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korez, Anna | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 20 | Hungary | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korez, Marizka | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 024-014 | 11m | Hungary | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezek, Fransizik | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 004-004 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Karoline | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 8 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Madimmie? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 2 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Maria | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 34 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Michal | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 10 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Michal | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 4 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Nicolaj? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | inf | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Nicolans? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 38 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Pauline | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | 23 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korezynki?, Rita? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 012-000 | inf | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfinen, Justina | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 010-010 | 25 | Fin | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfinen, Marno | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 010-010 | infant | Fin | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfman, Crwje | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 014-007 | 22 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfman, Karl | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 65 | German | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfman, Olga | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 14 | German | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfman, Sore | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 014-007 | 24 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfmann, Choleur | 03 November,1908 | Mount Rose | 005-004 | 38 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfmann, Getel | 03 November,1908 | Mount Rose | 005-004 | 10 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfust, Ele. | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 22 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korfust, Oga | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 11m | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgarski, Harrietandrea | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 026-025 | 22 | India | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korger, Antoine | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 012-001 | 38 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korger, Armandm | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 012-001 | 35 | France | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgev, Fredrich | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 54 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgev, Heinrich | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 16 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgev, Josefa | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 48 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgodski?, Feoin? | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 012-011 | 9m | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgodski?, Merdche? | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 012-011 | 3 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korgodski?, Schendel | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 012-011 | 24 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhalainen, Janne | 14 November,1909 | Dominion | 015-015 | 33 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Alexander | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 054-053 | 20 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, David | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 25 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Edward | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 023-014 | 22 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Hanna | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 006-005 | 21 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Kalle | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 025-016 | 34 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Otto | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 017-019 | 21 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Simo | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 013-013 | 21 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhanen, Sofia | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 19 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Anne | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 38 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Docia | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Hrycko | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 6m | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Ilko | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 7 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Iwan | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 9 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Maria | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 14 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Pawlo | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 16 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhczczuk, Pytyp | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 005-005 | 44 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korheasaari, Emma | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 026-004 | 30 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhitoski, Mina | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 021-019 | 25 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhoiven, Kalle | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 024-00D | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Anarius | 27 July,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 018-018 | 18 | Russian Finn | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Anitti | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 042-040 | 39 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Anna | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 021-021 | infant | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Augusta | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 025-024 | 18 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Eiva | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 024-00D | 21 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Eiva | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 033-00D | 21 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Emmil | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 021-021 | 4 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Erik | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 062-022 | 28 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Esko | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 024-015 | 28 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Helina | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 021-021 | 8 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Ida | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 021-021 | 30 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Mikko | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 013-012 | 23 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Otto | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 026-017 | 22 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Rikhard | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 045-030 | 25 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Tilda | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 019-018 | 25 | Finnish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonen, Wilho | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 012-012 | 26 | Fin | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhonin, Hilma | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 045-021 | 19 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhoven, Hermann | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 025-011 | 24 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korhoven, Maria | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 025-011 | 25 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koriajarvi, Maria | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 021-014 | 29 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korialt, Gottleib | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 027-000 | 24 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koricki, Hryn | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 31 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koricki, Makcym | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 010-010 | 19 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korico, Daniel | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 003-003 | 21 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koriluk, Demeter | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 002-000 | 36 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korin, Kalmann | 29 October,1907 | Parisian | 003-003 | 22 | France | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinba, Jakow | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 033-032 | 27 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinfert, Ida | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 025-024 | 18 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinin, Miril | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 045-032 | 7 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinin, Miril | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 045-032 | 9 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinin, Nechame | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 045-032 | 40 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korinin, T B. | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 045-032 | 11 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korirupera, Elina | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 020-020 | 15 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koritka, Joseph | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 47 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koritzky, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 37 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koriwenko, Rodian | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 014-014 | 21 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korjacakti, Wallten | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 033-003 | 25 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korjalainen, Anna | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 011-011 | 31 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korjinen, Matti | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 060-041 | 37 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kork?akoskin, Otto | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 015-008 | 19 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkack, Martin | 18 October,1905 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 19 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkaczuk, Greg | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 028-028 | 18 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkako, An?t? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 045-021 | 19 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkala, Felix | 04 June,1904 | Ionian | 008-008 | 16 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkala, Hiekki | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 033-003 | 27 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkala, Sakkari | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 028-028 | 21 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkanen, Fred. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | 18 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkanen, Johan | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 006-006 | 17 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkastuama, Johan | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 021-019 | 30 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkbeck, Julia | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 043-019 | 9 | Sweden | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkcache, Hendrik | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 045-044 | 19 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkcache, Matti | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 045-044 | 36 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Browislaw | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | infant | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Erdmand | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | 3 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Gustav | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | 16 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Ludvig | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | 45 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Lydia | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | 9 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korke, Ottilie | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 010-009 | 36 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkeakangus, Leuart | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 025-023 | 24 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkeamaki, G | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-029 | 23 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkeamaki, L | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 050-029 | 3 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkeaskoski, Nikko | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 27 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkela, Johannes | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 012-00L | 19 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkela, Lisa | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 012-00L | 27 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkela, Samuel | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 012-00L | 17 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkewauki, Nestor | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 017-018 | 23 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkhainen, John | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | 25 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkhonen, K. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 23 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Korkiakangas, John | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 012-00L | 30 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkiakargas, Lydia | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 042-041 | 18 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkiamaki, Hedvig | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 033-012 | a | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkiamaki, Kusti | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 045-030 | 20 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkiamaki, Maria | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 037-00A | 18 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkiamaki, Saimi | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 033-012 | 4 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkin, Olmrza | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 011-011 | 20 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkinen, Ivan | 18 October,1902 | Bavarian | 011-000 | 20 | Finland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkari, Lizzie | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 021-019 | 16 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkki, Hugo | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 18 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkko, T. | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 021-008 | 20 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkonen, Anna L. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 026-019 | 64 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkonen, Eina | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 026-019 | 3 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkonen, Kaaren | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 026-019 | 4 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkonen, Oscar | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 026-019 | 7 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkkonen, Waffer | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 026-019 | 28 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, Charity | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 34 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, Edward | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 10m | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, John | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 3 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, Mary | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 4 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, Peter | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 3 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkman, Thomas | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 10 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korko, Jaakko | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 025-025 | 30 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkola, Malvina | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 010-009 | 35 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkola, Mno | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 010-009 | 4 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkola, Olka | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 010-009 | 3 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkola, Theodor | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 010-009 | 9 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkola, Wilma | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 010-009 | 11 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonan, Adam | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 021-020 | 20 | Finlander | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Erik | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 20 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Heikki | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 022-022 | 28 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Katri | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 22 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Kusti | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 013-00C | 28 | Sweden | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Leona | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 31 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Lyjfie | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 4 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkonen, Sjle | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 1 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korkrakoski, Aati | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 22 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korksaho, John | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 051-050 | 24 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korl, Abraham | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 24 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korl, Jacob | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 31 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlawska, Bronislaw | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 8 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlawska, Franciszka | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 6 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlawska, Helena | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 3 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlawska, Josef | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 16 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlawska, Teofila | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 45 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlehieto, Juho | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 009-002 | 18 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlie, Andrew | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 035-012 | 41 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korliu, Gustav | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 27 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korlonen, Taavetti | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 008-008 | 25 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Anna | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 26 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Barnet | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 010-008 | 21 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Daniel | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 42 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Esnich | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 020-016 | 20 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Golde | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | 30 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, H. J. | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 012-000 | 42 | Eng | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Israel | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 023-022 | 42 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Israel | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 010-000 | 36 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Iwan | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 30 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Kadish | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 40 | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Line | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 024-012 | 22 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Mary | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 24 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Rachniel | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 011-000 | 25 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Risse | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | 3 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Simon | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 013-013 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korman, Wallzimir | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 10 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormann, Joisi | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 048-046 | 39 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormarniski, Anna | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormarniski, Fedor | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 34 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormarniski, Wasylym | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | infant | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormylo, Juliana | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 039-018 | 20 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormylo, Nikolaj | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 016-016 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kormylo, Warwara | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 007-000 | 18 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Amelia | 27 September,1907 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 54 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Chaim | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 2 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Cham | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 9 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, David | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Esther | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 025-016 | 5 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Feschel | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 004-003 | 20 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Franz | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 25 | Prussia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Harry | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 32 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Hirsch | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 16 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Huide | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 004-003 | 23 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Isidore | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 034-014 | 30 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, James | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 15 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Jankel | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 37 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Jankel | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 14 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Keile M. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 025-016 | 30 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Koppal | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 3 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Lei | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 35 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Matilda R. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 24 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Mord. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 025-016 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Mosche | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 7 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Nochem | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 16 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Reile | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 26 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Rivka | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 025-016 | 4 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korn, Tennis | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 001-001 | 30 | Holland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornaga, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 031-029 | 28 | Austria Gal | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornaga, Stefan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 032-030 | 24 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornager, Anton | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 001-001 | 24 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornakowski, Jozef | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 40 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornakowski, Wasyl | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 18 | Galicia Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornarec, Myo | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 018-010 | 17 | Hungary | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornat, Jan | 17 November,1909 | Montreal | 006-005 | 42 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornat, Michal | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 016-015 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornatyki, Johan | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 29 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornblath, Schmuel | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 20 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornblonn, Herzko | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 002-000 | 19 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Kornblum, Yankle | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 018-017 | 21 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornbur, Ewka | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 20 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korndman, Isaac | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 008-007 | 26 | Russia? | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornecki, Johan | 20 September,1909 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 23 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korneczna, Agata | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 18 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornega, Maciej | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 019-019 | 19 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornega, Marein | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 30 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornej, Hrynko | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 18 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Christian | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 11 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Clara | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 9 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Ingvald | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 4 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Karen | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 37 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Konrad | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 42 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Laura | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 2 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornel?ussen, Olga | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 7 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornela, Wojeiech | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 35 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornelberg, Karl | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 74 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korneliussen, Kornelius | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 025-010 | 23 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korner, Selig | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 18 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korneycroft, Hy. G. | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 002-002 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornfeld, A. | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 19 | Russ | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornfeld, T. | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 26 | Russ | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornfield, Maurice | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 008-001 | 28 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornfielt, Saul | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 010-010 | 15 | Austria | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korniak, Ilko | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 024-024 | 25 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korniak, Jacob | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 008-008 | 20 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korniak, Stefanie | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 011-011 | 27 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornig?, Herman? | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 019-021 | 21 | Austrian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korniuk, Georgi | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 019-019 | 17 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornkvist, Agnes | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 025-011 | 18 | Sweden | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornor, Ludwig | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 24 | Poland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornstein, Joe | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 018-017 | 25 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornty, Sarah | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 004-00C | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kornuki, Jusko | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 019-019 | 3? | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornuki, Michaljo | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 019-019 | 40 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Anna | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 38 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Dmitro | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 2 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Fedko | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 60 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Johann | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 44 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Ksenia | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 9 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Maria | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 17 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Mikolaj | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 4 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornyecki, Naska | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 020-020 | 11 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kornysz, Iwan | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 010-000 | 43 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Korobecki, Feigel | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 015-014 | 16 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroby, Ilko | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 005-005 | 19 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroby, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 25 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korodozyk, Pioter | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 014-009 | 24 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korodyski, Antonina | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 009-007 | 31 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korodyski, Jan | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 009-007 | 31 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroff, Malk | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 006-006 | 19 | Russ Pole | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korogolski, Mindel | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 26 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korogolski, Osric | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | infant | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroisto, Foretti | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 007-005 | 36 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Haska | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 11 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Hust | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 45 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Kykita | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 3 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Maryann | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 8 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Michal | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 6 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Nestor | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 13 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Paraska | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 16 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Taras | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 16 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korokusz, Tekla | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 46 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Elias | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 36 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, George | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 001-000 | 32 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Handlea | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 13 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Harnia? | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 020-006 | 3 | Galina | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Ilena | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 001-000 | 2 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Inytro | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 020-006 | 1 | Galina | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Iwan | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 012-011 | 42 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Kath | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 001-000 | 3 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Leo | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 18 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Marie | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 001-000 | 30 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Marya | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 8 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Michal | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 021-020 | 19 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Michal | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 001-000 | infant | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Michal | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 007-007 | 28 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Nasta | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 15 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Nikolaj | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 45 | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Olena | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 020-006 | 28 | Galina | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Petro | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 020-006 | 6 | Galina | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korol, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 36 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolainen, Hilga | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 025-024 | 19 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolak, Marcin | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 003-002 | 32 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolanczuk, Hyhyr | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 005-003 | 40 | Austrian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolay, Oleska | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 004-002 | 19 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolbo?, illegible | 15 November,1907 | Sicilian | 008-007 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |||
Korolek, Moische | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 31 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolenko, Matry | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-003 | 28 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolenko, Nykola | 16 September,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-003 | 42 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroliak, Anna | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 3 | Russia Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroliak, Elena | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 27 | Russia Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroliak, Georgi | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 9 | Russia Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroliak, Ivan | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 5 | Russia Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolianczuk, Iwan | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 040-027 | 18 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolik, Kusma | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 019-000 | 25 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroluk, Iwan | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 004-000 | 46 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Koroluk, Petro | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 003-002 | 22 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroluk, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 020-019 | 26 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolyk, Ivan | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 007-006 | ? | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korolyk, Stefan | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 007-006 | 24 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koromister, Hermine | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 27 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koromister, Johann | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 40 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koromister, Johann | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 7m | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koronaner, Silvio | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 031-031 | 28 | Switzerland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koronazki, Piotr | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 033-002 | 32 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korop, Prokop | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 015-014 | 28 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropacka, Katarina | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-009 | Galician | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koropak, Joseph | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 004-002 | 23 | Galacia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropatnicki, Wasil | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 017-017 | 34 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropczuk, Dmytro | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 023-02A | 18 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropczuk, Ilia | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 031-029 | 17 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koropecki, Michal | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 031-031 | 58 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropichi, Todor | 09 June,1909 | Cassandra | 008-008 | 38 | Bucko | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropotnicki, Audry | 10 June,1910 | Sicilian | 007-001 | 17 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koropozuk, Dionizin | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 009-007 | 17 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kororecuik, Todor | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 017-000 | 41 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koroschko, Stanislaw | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 006-006 | 26 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Aron | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 34 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Bruinu | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 24 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Brune | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 22 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Hanna | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 2 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Kunna | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 22 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Moses | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 3 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Muissi | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | infant | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koroschoff, Rubin | 26 June, 1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 24 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korosinsky, Sarah | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 002-002 | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korostacholsky, Isaac | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 26 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korostic, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 014-013 | 32 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korostyn, Marya | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 021-022 | 17 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korot, Jan | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 18 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korotay, Stefan | 02 July,1910 | Tortona | 006-005 | 28 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korotkin, Eidle | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 13 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korotkin, Wolf | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 52 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korotyk, Proc | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 38 | Galician | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korotyk, Teodor | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 29 | Bocko | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korouleos, Otto | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 021-014 | 21 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowitch, Hyman | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 017-016 | 22 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowsky, Bertha | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 012-011 | 20 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowsky, Etti | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 012-011 | 3 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowsky, Leah | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 012-011 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowtzul, Nicolai | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 039-017 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korowyj, Fed | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 32 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korp, Andreas | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 007-006 | 68 | Swede | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korp, Grigak | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 21 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korp, Maria | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 007-006 | 20 | Swede | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korp, Marta | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 007-006 | 67 | Swede | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpa, Josef | 24 October, 1905 | Montreal | 003-002 | 35 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpacz, Anastazya | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 16 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpacz, Eujania | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 4y6m | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpacz, Marya | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 30 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpacz, Marya | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 001-000 | 49 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpala, Johan | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 010-011 | 20 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Alexander | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 003-003 | 46 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Anna | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 15 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Kathyna | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 46 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Kocuka | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 18 | Galacia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Kuttsia | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 11 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Nikolaj | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 038-038 | 42 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Olea | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 3 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Tekla | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 21 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Warwara | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 013-011 | 14 | Galacian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpan, Wasyl | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 018-018 | 38 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpecki, Audczy | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 026-002 | 21 | Galicia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpekagu, Herman | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 024-023 | 24 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, A. | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 032-004 | 6 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Eiro | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 20 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Elna | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 8 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Emma | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 011-007 | 19 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Hanna | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 11 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Hilda | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 021-00A | 14 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Juhan | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 023-023 | 40 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Juho | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 015-011 | 23 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Kusta | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 028-027 | 22 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Maria | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 34 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Maria | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 4 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Martha | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 9 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Mikael | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 10m | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Mikki | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 42 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Niklas | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 052-029 | 25 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Ruta | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 022-022 | 31 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpela, Waino | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 038-018 | 22 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpeli, Tekla | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 049-026 | 17 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpeln, Oskar | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 056-00F | 20 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpencmi, Josef | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 029-004 | 21 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpeneu, Wamia | 01 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 019-013 | 22 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpenski, Fredrick | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 037-16a | 23 | Germany | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpenski, Gottiel | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 037-16a | 23 | Germany | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korphi, Tivari | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 060-041 | 19 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, A. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 039-0Z2 | 19 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Aksel | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 022-015 | 31 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Anna | 22 August,1910 | Cassandra | 015-005 | 19 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, F. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 024-003 | 22 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Hilda | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 007-007 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korpi, Iaho | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 029-027 | 18 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Ivan | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 049-033 | 25 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Jacob | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 013-011 | 42 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Johs | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 11 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Juho | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 011-012 | 31 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Juho | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 007-007 | 28 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Lydia | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 33 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Muna | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 014-013 | 20 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Uno | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 014-012 | 19 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpi, Walter | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 010-004 | 7 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpii, Anna | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 010-010 | 28 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpikki, Matti | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 022-016 | 19 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpinen, Elsa | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 023-025 | 20 | Sweden | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpinen, John | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 043-041 | 39 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpinen, Karl | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 051-00B | 19 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpinen, Tiivo | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 043-041 | 13 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpineu, Sigrid | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 047-0BB | 20 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpiniemi, Alma | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 022-022 | 18 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpinnanni, Timdrus | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 013-012 | 17 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpipan?, Alina | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 006-00F | 25 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpipan?, Ester | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 006-00F | infant | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korpmen, Matti | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 060-041 | 29 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korppila, John | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 013-013 | 18 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korppila, Titta | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 21 | Finland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korralowsky, P. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 034-033 | 26 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korralsky, Michael | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 017-016 | 35 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korrenskin, Molke | 17 August,1904 | Quebec | 003-003 | 18 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Korrensowski, Josef | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 35 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korri, Eriki | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 025-025 | 42 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korrichard, Hippolyte | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 009-009 | 27 | France | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korrinlann, Wains | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 014-014 | 20 | Sweden | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korrista, Krista | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 019-019 | 24 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsak, Stanislaw | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 011-011 | 21 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korschiefs, Benedekt | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 009-002 | 40 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korschin, Wolf | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 34 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korschten, Peodor | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 015-014 | 21 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Korseka, A? T. | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 016-016 | 16 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korseka, Yosef | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 016-016 | 33 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsgaavit, Holger | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 052-029 | 22 | Denmark | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsgrin, Josefina | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 008-008 | 24 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korshun, Konstantine | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 010-010 | 30 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsiczuk, Temg? | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 010-010 | 26 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsimiowsky, Weadislaw | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 004-00C | 18 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsinski, Bewzen | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 005-005 | 11 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsinski, Riwke | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 005-005 | 51 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korskela, Alba | 29 August,1903 | Dominion | 004-004 | 23 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korslek, Anna | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 28 | Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korslek, Wasylyna | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 3y6m | Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korslik, Michol | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 003-003 | 40 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korslund, Enoch | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 032-004 | 17 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korslund, Marthin | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 032-004 | 25 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsman, Robt. | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 061-00A | 30 | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korsmo, Johan | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 046-030 | 24 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsmoln, Christian | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 30 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsmoln, Kristine | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 2y6m | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsmoln, Polbein | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 2y6m | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsmoln, Tuleborg | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 28 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, Antonie | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 8 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, Karoline | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 42 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, Klara | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 4 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, L | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 3 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, Ludvig | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 33 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnaes, Valborg | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 11 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsnas, Syvold | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 22 | Norwegian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Blume | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 16 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Chaje | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 38 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Elhe | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 14 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Meische | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 8 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Schumlke | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 3 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korson, Wolfel | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 009-010 | 3m | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Ille | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 16 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Jankel | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 23 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Jides | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 50 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Jossel | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Juppe | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 17 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Lye | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Masche | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 17 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Meyer | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 9 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsower, Michel | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 21 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsowski, Metro | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 009-009 | 32 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korst, Gottfreid | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 008-007 | 11m | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Korst, Gottfreid | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 008-007 | 27 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korst, Katha | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 008-007 | 26 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsta, Menstra | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 032-031 | 30 | Macedonian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korstad, Edward M. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 034-00C | 29 | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korstad, Jens | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 025-025 | 18 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korstak, Peter | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 013-013 | 18 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korstiskn, Krista | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 027-005 | 21 | Denmark | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsvik, Petter | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 25 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsvold, Henrik | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 052-051 | 21 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsvold, Nils A. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 052-051 | 21 | Norway | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korswell, Beatrice | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsynsky, David | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 020-018 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsynsky, Lieb | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 020-018 | 26 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsynsky, Pessie | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 020-018 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korsynsky, Rachel | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 020-018 | 14 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korszinowski, Stefan | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 018-016 | 18 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korszinski, Gora | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 002-000 | 23 | Bukowinia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Adel | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 10 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Arram | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 11 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Cecilia | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 33 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Divere | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 3 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Hausiuk | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 029-028 | 19 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Herman | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 1 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Isaak | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 58 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Jewe Barre | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 22 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Leib | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 8 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Pruckes | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 1 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Rane | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 30 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Reise | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 5 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Roche | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 55 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort, Shahtin | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 7 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kort., Samuel | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 32 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortalainen, Antte | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 029-028 | 19 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortan, Schloine | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 008-008 | 30 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortchainen, August | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 008-008 | 22 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortchenuk, ?Augestra | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-005 | 22 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korte, Heicki | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 017-018 | 30 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortelaines, Matti | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 28 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortelernin, Juho | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 30 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortelewitz, Alex | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 004-004 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortem, Wanda | 24 September,1906 | Sardinian | 003-003 | 42 | T-488 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Korten, Hugo H. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 18 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortesjarvi, Oskar | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 030-028 | 23 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortesmaa, Onni | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 014-015 | 24 | Fin | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortesojn, Isakki | 22 October,1908 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 22 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korth, Einar | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 040-017 | 21 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korth, Henry | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 040-017 | 19 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korth, Per Erik | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 040-017 | 48 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kortia, C. Golde | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 015-043 | 17 | Holland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortiman, Yrho | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 021-020 | 20 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortink, Dymytro | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-003 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortiomaki, Walpuri | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 55 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortissarvi, Hilda | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 022-023 | 19 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortoberg, Abraham | 17 June,1904 | Halifax | 003-003 | 35 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortowski, Lorenz | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 044-042 | 26 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortright, Percy | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 037-035 | 34 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortseaja, Samuel | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 023-022 | 21 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortsiuk, Iwan | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 003-002 | 44 | Illegible | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortuschan, Nirdai | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 29 | Roumania | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortusckan ?, Nicolai | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 004-003 | 29 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortusova, Maria | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 30 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortyniak, Chena | 01 November,1905 | Montrose | 002-002 | 47 | Buko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kortyniak, Kortan | 01 November,1905 | Montrose | 002-002 | 23 | Buko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruak, Iwan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 32 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korublut, Ethel | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 17 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korublut, Hersch | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 22 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korublut, Josef | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 47 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruk, Alexdr. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 35 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korumoyeff, Dino H. | 28 October,1907 | Dominion | 014-013 | 23 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruniak, Kataryna | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 049-048 | 25 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruniak, Michalina | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 049-048 | 3 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruniak, Simon | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 049-048 | 39 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruniak, Wladymir | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 049-048 | 1y6m | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korus, Aroid | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 4 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korus, Thea | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 25 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korusiak, Onnfraj | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 035-035 | 18 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korustil, Michail | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 016-00C | 26 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruya, Josef | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 030-029 | 38 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koruylo, Dmytro | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 014-013 | 26 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvaharja, Edla | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 013-012 | 30 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvaharja, Jacob | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 013-012 | 34 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korval, Oleksa | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 008-008 | 24 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvala, Jem | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 017-018 | 22 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvala, Juho | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 038-025 | 33 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvala, Oskar | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 018-017 | 32 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvalammi, H. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 40 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvalizyk, Paul | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 006-004 | 20 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvamaki, Karl | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 015-015 | 19 | Finn | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvenpaa, Kalle | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 041-00C | 24 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvgunks, Iwan | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 076-051 | 26 | Russian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvido, Autti | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 009-009 | 35 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvie, Martha | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 006-006 | 37 | Syrian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvieniemi, Johan V. | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 23 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korviesto, Johan | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 058-036 | 23 | Norway | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvisto, ? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 044-020 | 21 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvisto, F. A. | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 008-009 | 24 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvisto, Hilda | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 21 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvisto, Kalle | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 033-013 | 21 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvists, Isakki | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 007-000 | 31 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korviszewski, Stefan | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 001-001 | 16 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvola, Rigar | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 054-054 | 18 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvomaki, Nestor | 23 October,1905 | Dominion | 007-007 | 19 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvscki, Jan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 030-028 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korvukoma, Johan | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 010-010 | 39 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvumaa, Mikkn | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 050-027 | 35 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvunienn, V. Kustan | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 010-010 | 25 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Korvyn, Bertha | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | 25 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Anna | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 009-009 | 4 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Jan | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 009-009 | 16 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Johann | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 009-009 | 50 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Johann | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 013-012 | 19 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Julie | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 009-009 | 11 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwelt, Mina | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 009-009 | 8 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwiecz, Metro | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 017-000 | 31 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Korwosky, Timsfsi | 18 October,1909 | Ionian | 012-004 | 32 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryahanen, Greta | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 006-006 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koryak, Jefun | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 005-005 | 45 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryczuk, Alex | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 15 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryczuk, Ivan | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 10 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryianowski, Ignacy | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 26 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryk, Wasyl | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 013-012 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Korylak, Ilko | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 28 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Korylinski, Jan | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 005-004 | 25 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Korylo, Petro | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 017-000 | 29 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Anastaseia | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 35 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Audrey | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 11m | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Demytro | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 14 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Domina | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 6 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Gregory | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 3 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Ivan | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 4 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Michael | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 16 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Nikolas | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 40 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Onyca | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 10 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluck, Wasyls | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 001-000 | 8 | Greek | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Anycia | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 10 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Audrej | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 11m | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Dmytro | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 14 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Donina | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 6 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Hryhoryj | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 3 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Iwan | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 4 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Michajlo | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 16 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Nasta | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 35 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Nykolaj | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 40 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryluk, Telena | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koryluk, Wasyl | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 014-013 | 8 | Bukowina | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korymanski, Jan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 32 | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Korynowski, Jan | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 002-002 | 25 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Korysko, Stanislaw | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | ?4 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Korytko, Stefan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 28 | Galicia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korytkowski, Franz | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 018-017 | 42 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korytkowski, Maria | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 018-017 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koryuk, Ivan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 28 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Anna | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 9 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Jurleo | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 15 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Justina | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 41 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Kosti | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 7 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Noman | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 1y6m | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Paraska | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 5 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Proe | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 3 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Sleus | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 40 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzak, Tlko | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 001-000 | 12 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzanowski, Petro | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 009-008 | 15 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Korzelman, Martin | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 031-029 | 40 | Gal. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzeniacoski, Michal | 19 June,1909 | Willehad | 011-010 | 25 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzeniowski, Ignacy | 02 October,1910 | Montezuma | 008-006 | 40 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzeniowski, Terenty | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 017-017 | 33 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzeniuk, Kalstrat | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 19 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzennowski, Jacob | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 040-038 | 40 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Adele | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 38 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Adele | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 38 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Amela | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 11 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Amelia | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 11 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, F. | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 14 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Frans | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 14 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Harol | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 10 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Harold | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 10 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Johan | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 6 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Johan | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 6 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Paulina | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 005-010 | 8 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenowski, Paulina | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 028-010 | 8 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzenski, Adolf | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 003-002 | 20 | Poland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzewinski, Karol | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 015-013 | 18 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzon, Chane | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 20 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzon, Geneshe | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 45 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzon, Mere | 27 August,1906 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 9 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Korztowinak, Andryj | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 031-029 | 43 | Pole Russ | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Korzystka, Jan | 25 May,1909 | Mount Royal | 003-003 | 18 | Galacia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Andrzy | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 9 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Justyna | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 013-011 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Maksyn | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 013-011 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kos, Marya | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 36 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, NIkieta | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Piotr | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 17 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Valenti | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 37 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos, Walenty | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-009 | 42 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos?, Andrj Wassyl | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 019-019 | 23 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos?cz?, Danielo | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 009-008 | 36 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kos?uck, Petro | 27 June,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 014-005 | 38 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosa, Jacob | 24 September,1906 | Sardinian | 005-005 | 44 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosa, Jan | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosa, Jan | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 020-00D | 32 | Poland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosa, Peter | 09 May,1904 | Montreal | 005-005 | 27 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosacic, Marks | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 015-015 | 27 | Croatia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosacovitz, Felix | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 006-000 | 25 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczck, Johann | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 005-003 | 19 | Austria | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Antoni | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 46 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Jan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 16 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 15 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Josefa | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 2 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Karolina | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 9 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Katarina | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 46 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Petruna | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 5y6m | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaczenko, Stanislaw | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 7 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaiokowski, Selde | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 013-005 | 20 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, ? | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 009-004 | 28 | Germany | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, ? | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 009-004 | 30 | Bohemia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Adam | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 039-027 | 29 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Feodor | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 024-023 | 20 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Filix | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 049-022 | 40 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Georg | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 019-018 | 18 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Joseph | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 004-002 | 28 | Galacia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Josepka | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 039-027 | 17 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Kasian | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 028-016 | 18 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Michl | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 017-016 | 38 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Olecksa | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 019-018 | 43 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosak, Sigmund | 16 May,1910 | Montfort | 005-005 | 18 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakiwicz, Andrej | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 27 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakiwicz, Josef | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 20 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakiwicz, Marya | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 58 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakiwicz, Paw | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 60 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakiwicz, Piotr | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 044-043 | 18 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Anna | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 2 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Benjamin | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 6m | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Cecilie | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 6 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Elizabeth | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 11 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Friedrich | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 17 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Georg | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 15 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Helena | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 43 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Johann | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 4 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Johann | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 47 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Malurins | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 9 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakonitz, Monika | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 016-016 | 7 | Russ German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakoski, C. | 07 May,1904 | Sardinian | 007-007 | 43 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakouski, Kune | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 032-031 | 44 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakow, Wasily | 04 July,1907 | Mongolian | 011-011 | 32 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakowski, Alex | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 011-011 | 18 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakowski, Franc | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 004-004 | 38 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosakowski, Zidel | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosala, Johan | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 017-011 | 20 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosalczuk, Ilko | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 30 | Galician | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosalowski, Freide | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 21 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosalowski, Mendel | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 005-000 | 19 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosan?, illegible | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 036-019 | 42 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosan?, Leib | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 036-019 | 16 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosanen, Jaako | 22 October,1903 | Canada | 003-00D | 40 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosanovic, Mauda | 28 October,1909 | Montezuma | 014-013 | 28 | Hungary | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosanovich, M. | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 009-000 | 23 | Hungary | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosar, Iwan | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 20 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosar, Panko | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 010-009 | 25 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosari?skaja, E. | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 31 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosari?skaja, M. | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 26 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosaris, Ivan | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 29 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosarizczuk, Fodor | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 016-016 | 38 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosawasky, Chaje | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosawasky, Hersch | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | 11 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosawasky, Rosel | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | 37 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosawasky, Ruben | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | 7 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosbonsky, Anton | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 003-003 | 36 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosbonsky, Antonina | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 003-003 | 30 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Anna | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 4y9m | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Enforczina | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 9 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Jan | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 37 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Jendozy | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 3 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Lypa | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 027-025 | 27 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosc, Maria | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 36 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscelak, Albert | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 36 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosceli, Joseph | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 31 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscelniuk, Iwan | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 30 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscenko, Andrej | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 30 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosch?im, Wasily | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 019-019 | 18 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschawsky, Senie | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 037-035 | 11 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschekstich, Mayer | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 009-009 | 30 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschen, Berta | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 026-026 | 17 | Bukovina | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschen, Wonysko | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 021-020 | 28 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschewei, Conrad | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 009-009 | 34 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschewei, Feodor | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 009-009 | 41 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschewei, Maher | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 009-009 | 47 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschikowski, Alexander | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 018-017 | 34 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschin?n, Wasyl | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 010-010 | 28 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschka, Iwan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 017-000 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koschman, Georgi | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 021-020 | 39 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschman, Semion | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 012-011 | 25 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschmann, Jelena | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 014-013 | 28 | Ruthena | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschol, Piotr | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 20 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschowas, Sergey | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 013-012 | 19 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschuk, Korz | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 003-003 | 20 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschuk, Ruth | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 003-003 | 25 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschvam, Schlorme | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 005-003 | 20 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschyenko, Michal | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 016-018 | 27 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koschyenko, Shepamola | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 016-018 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciaw, Peter | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 046-044 | 25 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscielmy, Antoni | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 041-039 | 28 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscielny, Josef | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 031-031 | 27 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscielory, Marcis | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 006-005 | 34 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscielski, Francziszek | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 015-014 | 36 | Galetia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscielski, Milian | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 005-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscieluik, Michalina | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 003-003 | 35 | Russia Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscienko, Sarwa | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 45 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscier, Fed. | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 013-013 | 40 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscink, Anna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 026-026 | 12 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscink, Fedor | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 026-026 | 43 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscink, Maryna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 026-026 | 31 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscink, Mychaylo | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 026-026 | 2 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscink, Pylyp | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 026-026 | 3m | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscinki, Hrynko | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 025-025 | 29 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciow, Teodor | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 005-005 | 46 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Feodora | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 8 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Hrinko | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 10 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Oleksa | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 57 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Semka | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 24 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Telka | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 45 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciuk, Wasyl | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 14 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciw, Jan | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 004-003 | 32 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosciw, Vlad | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 027-026 | 17 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koscriuk, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 023-022 | 30 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosctyniuk, Hania | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 014-013 | 18 | Galetia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosczniski, Veronika | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 044-042 | 23 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosczuk, Tymofy | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 027-025 | 33 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kose, Allan | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 21 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosebecki, Hrye | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 003-000 | 24 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosec?, Naftul | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 002-001 | 22 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koseff, Atanas | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 019-019 | 28 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koseff, Deim | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 006-006 | 27 | Bulgaria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koseisluiak, Szenpan | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 003-003 | 17 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koseiuk, Ivan | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 18 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosek, Wasyl | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 30 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosel, Philip | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 017-017 | 18 | Austrian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselbach, Martin | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 014-014 | 25 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselinnena, H. | 08 September,1906 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 22 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselinnena, Johan | 08 September,1906 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 24 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselofsky, Louis | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 020-019 | 31 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselowski, Alexander | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 28 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselunskaga, Golde | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 1 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koselunskaga, K. | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 26 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenberg, M. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 29 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenfant, Ilik | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 028-000 | 18 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenholm, Henrick | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 031-019 | 11 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenholm, Wilma | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 031-019 | 34 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenijnka, Wasyl | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 007-006 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenilevitz, Bromislava | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 22 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosenilevitz, Wladislov | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 19 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koser, Adolf | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 025-025 | 17 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koser, Gustav | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 20 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koserspa, Stefan | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 28 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosetzky, Sundel | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 014-013 | 27 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosew?, Wladyslaw | 01 October,1907 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 24 | Buko | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosey, Ivan | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 014-00N | 28 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosezle, Ilie | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 010-009 | 31 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosgalute, Rosa | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 016-015 | 22 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosh, Anna | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 020-020 | 19 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosh, Iwanczuk | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 015-015 | 37 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshalte, Miko | 23 October,1904 | Dominion | 001-001 | 27 | Russia Pole | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosham, Abraham | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 004-000 | 21 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshela, Matti | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 056-000 | 31 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshenmaa, Otto | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 021-00A | 23 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshenmaa, Otto | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 030-00A | 23 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshenmaa, Saino Maria | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 021-00A | 26 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshenmaa, Saino Maria | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 030-00A | 26 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Christian | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 11 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Erwin | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 29 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Katarina | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 27 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Magdalena | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 1 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Marjaretha | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 3 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosher, Usibetha | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 56 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshi, Arvit | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 033-012 | 23 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshi, Walborg | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 023-00C | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshi, Walborg | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 032-00C | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshiak, Wasyl | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 023-023 | 41 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshimaki, F. | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 011-000 | 21 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshinen, Frans | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 037-00A | 24 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshinen, Hilma | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 042-00E | 16 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshinen, Matti | 21 July,1906 | Ionian | 010-010 | 25 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshinen?, Hjalmar | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 033-010 | 24 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshiner, Emil | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 016-017 | 20 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshlokis, Pawelis | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 29 | Russian Pole | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshner, Barnet | 23 October,1904 | Dominion | 003-003 | 35 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshulan, Salomon | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 18 | Roumania | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koshyow, Nykola | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 18 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosi, Bojuk | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 016-00C | 44 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiak, Dmytro | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-003 | 27 | Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosianczuk, Michal | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-003 | 25 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiaz, Aleksander | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 32 | Gaucia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiczuk, Iwan | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 005-004 | 33 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosie, Kristo | 30 July,1910 | Sardinian | 002-002 | 24 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiecki, Bursch | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 003-003 | 45 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiegka, Anton | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 042-040 | 36 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosier, Julian | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 4 | Aust Ger | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosier, Kataryua | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 29 | Aust Ger | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosih, Wincenty | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 033-005 | 28 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosijanczuk, Semion | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 17 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Bolek | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 11m | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Bronislaw | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 2y6m | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Ewa | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 25 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Harris | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 015-018 | 22 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Nicola | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 027-00a | 18 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosik, Wojciech | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 34 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosim?sky, Victor | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 026-009 | 23 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosimans, J. H. | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 31 | Holland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosin, Emil | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 5 | German | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosin, Mathilde | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 46 | German | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Alois | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | 50 | German | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Betti | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | 49 | German | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Emilia | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 015-00O | 18 | German Bohemian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Hebna | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 015-00O | 1 | German Bohemian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Karl | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 015-00O | 4 | German Bohemian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Maria | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 015-00O | 26 | German Bohemian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosina, Simon | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 038-037 | 18 | Austria Buko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinetz, Golde | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 14 | Russian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Anna | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 4 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Iwan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 1y6m | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Jan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 2m | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Michal | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 3 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Palanca | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 30 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosinski, Stefan | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 004-003 | 33 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosior, Francezek | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 37 | Galicia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosior, Pawel | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 018-017 | 23 | Galicia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosirl, Trofim | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-010 | 26 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kositzky, Abram | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 2 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kositzky, Hige | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 3 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kositzky, Ode | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 28 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosiw, Anna | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 007-007 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |||
Kosiw, Oleksa | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 007-007 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |||
Kosiw, Paulina | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 007-007 | 16 | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Kosjai, Moishe | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 022-012 | 31 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosjlak, Daniel | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 028-019 | 18 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosk?, Johan | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 030-030 | 33 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosk?, Selea | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 003-002 | 20 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskainen, John | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 025-023 | 22 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskala, Hutta | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 022-013 | 19 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskala, Isak | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 020-020 | 19 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskala, Moat | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 40 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskala, Soloman | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 029-021 | 35 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskalainen, Alexander | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 18 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskanen, A. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 024-015 | 38 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koske, Karl | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 29 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Aappa | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 007-007 | 19 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Aida | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 034-011 | 38 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Akseli | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 031-015 | 29 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Anton | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 025-025 | 26 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Autti | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 025-025 | 29 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Eeli | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 027-026 | 23 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Eli M. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 20 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Eric | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 22 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Ero A. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 11m | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Frans | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 051-031 | 23 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Frans | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 031-031 | 21 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Hilda | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 022-012 | 19 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Inna J. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 4 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Johan | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 041-041 | 17 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Juho | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 028-028 | 28 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Juho | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 030-028 | 24 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Kalle | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 053-00D | 22 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Konsta | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 049-049 | 22 | Finland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Maria | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 026-028 | 20 | Swedish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Maria | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 015-011 | 18 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Maria E. A. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 30 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Matte | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 009-000 | 31 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Nikolas | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 013-013 | 21 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Remo | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 013-013 | 20 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, Sanja | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 020-010 | 17 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskela, V. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 013-013 | 19 | Finland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskelainen, Abot | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 026-026 | 36 | Finland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskenan, A. | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 008-009 | 24 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskenen, Arthur | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 022-020 | 20 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskeniami, Les. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 018-017 | 23 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskenniska, Lyvte | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 17 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskenseva, Sirva | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 22 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskenski, Josef | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 002-002 | 29 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Kosketamien, Aleski | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 016-014 | 27 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskey, K. M. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 007-00G | 28 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskey, Morris | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 015-015 | 44 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskey, Mrs. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 007-00G | 26 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, A. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 018-011 | 2 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Aina | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 030-028 | 19 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Alex | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 005-000 | 20 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Alexandra | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 011-011 | 20 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Alli Elizabeth | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 015-0CC | 20 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Alma | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 004-00D | 19 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Alma | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 043-028 | 26 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Amanda | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 40 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Anna | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-025 | 4 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Augusti | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 043-019 | 25 | Sweden | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Aus. | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 041-00A | 27 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Eeti | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 061-00A | 20 | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koski, Eliva | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 29 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Emil | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 022-006 | 30 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Erkki Kells | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 023-016 | 21 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Frans | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 004-000 | 25 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Hanna | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 10m | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Heikki | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 053-00D | 29 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Hilma | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 018-011 | 32 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Ida | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-025 | 24 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, illegible | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 004-000 | 7 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Impi | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-025 | 2 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Jaakob | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 011-007 | 38 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Jash | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 034-000 | 23 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Johan | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 032-020 | 30 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Juho | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 029-020 | 23 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Juka | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 002-00B | 25 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Kalle | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 22 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Lemki | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 4 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Maria | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 11 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Maria | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 44 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Maria | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 011-009 | 22 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, O. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 018-011 | 4 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Oskar | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 008-008 | 31 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Ruka | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 029-028 | infant | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Ruteen | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 029-028 | 29 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Sandra | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 027-027 | 21 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Sara | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 4 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Selma | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 5 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, T. | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 016-009 | 22 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Walfred | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 011-009 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Koski, Wester | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 041-027 | 20 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koski, Zenia | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 8m | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskicki, Ilko | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 006-005 | 28 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskie, Pawlik | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 005-005 | 20 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskila?, ? | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 030-007 | 38 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Alli | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 7 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Esther | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 2 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Gabriel | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 20 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Herman | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 042-040 | 27 | Finland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Lusa | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 40 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Marju | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 031-015 | 20 | Finland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Niels | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 5 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimaki, Sonna | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 037-035 | 18 | Finland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimemi, Thomas | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 053-00B | 34 | Finnish | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskimo, Johan | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 007-005 | 21 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskin, Berek | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 024-024 | 24 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinan, Kalu | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 26 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskineaa, August | 18 September,1910 | Ionian | 021-008 | 22 | Norway | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Amanda | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 050-000 | 25 | Sweden | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Antti | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 043-028 | 23 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Ella | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 051-049 | 27 | Finland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Emil | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 045-045 | 20 | Sweden | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Heikki | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 024-08a | 26 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Hilda | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 004-004 | 30 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Hilja | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 046-027 | 18 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Hilma | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 044-023 | 19 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Holmar R. | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 044-020 | 23 | Finland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Ida | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 011-011 | 16 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Joho | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 019-018 | 20 | Finn | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Juho | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 39 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Koskinen, Kadel? |