Passenger List Names Blaq – Boma
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Name | Arrived | Ship | Page | Age | Country | Reel | Port | Notes |
Blaquire, Frederick J. M. | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 033-032 | 30 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Blaquire, Maurice | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 18 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarabasz, Nicholaj | 23 May,1909 | Montreal | 001-000 | 36 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaraj, Pinc? | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 32 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarcric, Donjislar | 09 May,1904 | Montreal | 003-000 | 17 | Croatia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarkie, Charles | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 011-00A | 6 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarkie, Euphemia H. | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 011-00A | 4 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarkie, Janet | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 011-00A | 8 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarkie, Sarah | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 011-00A | 33 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarmro?, Edla J. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 038-0BB | 22 | Finland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarne, Arthur | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 24 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarne, Jas. | 25 June,1909 | Megantic | 001-000 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blarney, J. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 024-008 | 58 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarney, Jas | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 021-019 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blartwell, R.George | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 006-026 | 48 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarzey, Alfred | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 005-004 | 37 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blarzey, Margaret | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 005-004 | 29 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blas, Emile | 29 July,1908 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 30 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blas, Emilie | 29 July,1908 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 1 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blas, Mathilde | 29 July,1908 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 21 | French | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blas, Victor | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 30 | France | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasant, Doris | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 4 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasant, Jessie | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasciol, Luigi | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 032-023 | 18 | Italy | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blase, Alfred E.H. | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 009-002 | 18m | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blase, Ane | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 009-002 | 36 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blase, Wasyl | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 003-003 | 23 | Bulgaria/Bulgaria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasepwski, Audry | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 014-013 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaser, Wm. | 12 November,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 001-000 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasevicz, Sylvester | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 020-002 | 26 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasewitz, Bronislawa | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 008-008 | 11m | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasewitz, Eleonara | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 008-008 | 28 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasewitz, Elizabetha | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 008-008 | 3 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasewitz, Moisch | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 038-038 | 26 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasewitz, Stanislawa | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 008-008 | 5 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasgkow, Jan | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 003-002 | 36 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasham, Wm. Hy. | 31 May,1908 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 37 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasiak, Marya | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 043-041 | 27 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasiak, Wincentz | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 011-001 | 20 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasilio, Nicolangelo | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 030-029 | 54 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasinsky, Stefan | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 17 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasioli, Nicolo | 03 May,1909 | Sicilian | 010-006 | 38 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasko, Petro | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 029-005 | 24 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasman, Genia | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 001-000 | 19 | Russian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Blasman, Genia | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 006-005 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blass, Anna | 24 October, 1905 | Montreal | 004-003 | 32 | German | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blass, P. C. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 020-019 | 30 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blass, Paul | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 011-011 | 29 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Blass, Paul | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 014-014 | 29 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blassanckas, Martin | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 021-021 | 30 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blassman, Hannah | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 32 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blassman, Samuel | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 32 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasson, Bertie | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 002-00B | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasson, Walter | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 030-030 | 28 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaste, Charles | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 60 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaste, Mary Ann | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 60 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blastein, Abraham | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 020-010 | 28 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blastock, Thos | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 012-010 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaston, Amy | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 30 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasyczak, Jozef | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 25 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszcryk, ?erge | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszcryk, Slawko | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 1 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszczak, Jacenty | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 002-002 | 25 | Russia/Polish | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszczak, M?olensz | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 014-007 | 40 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszczyk, Wojeiceh | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 013-012 | 37 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszczyna, Jacob | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 20 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blasziak, Wladislaw | 03 October,1909 | Montreal | 013-006 | 21 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszka, Groc | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 017-016 | 18 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszkis, Mateus | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 20 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszko, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 26 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszko, Michal | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 013-013 | 25 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszko, Panko | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 26 | Polish | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaszkow, Ivan | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 10m | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaszkow, Michal | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 4 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaszkow, Nascia | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 30 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaszkow, Nickola | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 3 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaszkow, Petro | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 2 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaszkow, Prokop | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 008-007 | 10 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blat?, Jitel | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 030-001 | 15 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatch, B. R. M. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatch, Elizabeth | 24 September,1909 | Sardinian | 003-001 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | line thru name | ||
Blatch, Elizabeth | 24 September,1909 | Sardinian | 003-001 | 21 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatch, Fredk C. | 25 September,1909 | Grampian | 012-009 | 25 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blatch, Fredk. | 10 July,1909 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 21 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchely, E. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 012-012 | 22 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Blatchford, Daisy | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 009-010 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Frank | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 004-003 | 39 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, James | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 013-001 | 22 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Lewis G. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 008-008 | 23 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, O. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 22 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Robt. | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 038-011 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Thomas | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 025-024 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Thos. | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchford, Wm. | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 26 | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Frank | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 012-002 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Frederick H. | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, G. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 027-023 | 7 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, H. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 027-023 | infant | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, K. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 027-023 | 3 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Miss | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 009-008 | 38 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Miss Josie | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 009-008 | 29 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Miss May | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 009-008 | 36 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, Mrs. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 027-023 | 34 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatchley, W. J. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 044-041 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blatchley, Walter C. | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 36 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blater, Mr. Walter | 06 October,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 40 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Alice | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Frederick | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 021-020 | 26 | India | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, H. W. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 025-00A | 18 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Harold | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, J. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 025-00A | 19 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Joseph | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Mabel | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 011-000 | 23 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Mary | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 025-00A | 44 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Rene | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 025-00A | 9 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Susan | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 025-00A | 46 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, Walter | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 020-021 | 42 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, William | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 017-016 | 39 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatherwick, William A. | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 11m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blathew, Mrs. | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 036-035 | a | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blathwayt, Rev. H. J. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 036-035 | 48 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blathwayt, William | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 001-000 | 26 | Ontario | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatt, David | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 018-018 | 26 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatt, Harry | 15 July,1906 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 23 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatt, Moses | 04 June,1904 | Quebec | 004-004 | 40 | Austrian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatter, Ann Marie | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 59 | France | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatter, Frederic Georges | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 71 | France | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blattner, C. | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 004-003 | 40 | Swiss | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blattner, Dora | 02 October,1909 | Dominion | 007-007 | 40 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blattner, Dorothy | 02 October,1909 | Dominion | 007-007 | 14 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blattner, Enid | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 004-003 | 12 | Swiss | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatue, Albert | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 009-009 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatue, Wm. | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 009-009 | 9 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaturchewsky, Abram | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 007-007 | 19 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blatzczuk, Franko | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 30 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blauchflower, Herbert | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 007-002 | 27 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaudel, Mathunn | 18 August,1908 | Sicilian | 001-001 | 18 | France | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaujean, F. | 14 October,1907 | Sardinian | 008-008 | 31 | France | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaukopf, Leiser | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 017-017 | 24 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaur, Annie | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 12 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaur, Jessie | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 10 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaur, Mary | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 4 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaurie, Maggie | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 013-012 | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blauville, M. | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 008-008 | 24 | French | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaw, Anna | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 4 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaw, Edith | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 1 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaw, Erika | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 32 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaw, Esther | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 4m | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaw, Wilfred | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 002-007 | 25 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blawat, Jakob | 23 July,1910 | Saturnia | 006-006 | 24 | Poland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blawaysz, Wasyl | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 008-007 | 19 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blawki, Anton | 14 August,1910 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 35 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxell, Walter | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 021-020 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxfield, Emma | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 25 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxhall, Fred | 18 August,1908 | Sicilian | 008-002 | 19 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxill, Charlotte | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxlanf, Bernard | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 035-013 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaxter, Marie | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 002-001 | 27 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Arthur | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 008-007 | 29 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Arthur | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Edith | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 22 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Emma | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 018-017 | 35 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Florence | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 018-017 | 36 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Geo | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 002-000 | 35 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Gertrude | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 014-014 | 40 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Harriet | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 027-000 | 50 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, J. W. | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 017-017 | 31 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Lottie | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 028-026 | 19 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Richd. | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 014-013 | 8 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Blay, Wilhelm | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 22 | Germany | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blay, Wm. | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 8 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Blayall, Annie | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 45 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayall, Clarance | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 11 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayall, Morris | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 19 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayall, Morris | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 46 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaydon, A. | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 005-005 | 35 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaydon, Ada Mary | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 023-013 | 23 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaydon, Lewis Gallard | 19 June,1910 | Sardinian | 005-005 | 23 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayen, Sosie | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 009-009 | 18 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayer, Abraham | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayer, Moses | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 45 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayiut, Anna | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 24 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Ada | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 025-024 | 3 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Agnes | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 004-004 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Annie | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 025-024 | 30 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Georgina | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 002-001 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blaylock, Harry | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 004-004 | 32 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Harry | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 036-038 | 30 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Harry W. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 004-003 | 30 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, John W. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 027-024 | 18 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Lizzie | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 001-001 | 21 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Mary Agnes | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 025-024 | 5 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylock, Mr. H. W. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 029-022 | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |||
Blaylock, Thomas | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaylook, Bessie | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 003-003 | 26 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaymires, Geo. | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 010-010 | 40 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaynay, William | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 011-001 | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayney, Arthur Rich | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 030-007 | 34 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayney, Beatrice | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 27 | English | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Blayney, Dorothy | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 4 | English | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Blayney, Fred C. | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 31 | English | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Blayney, Jane | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 030-007 | 34 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blayrovica, Jan | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 17 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Bartovian | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 29 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Kanceline | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 50 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Keza | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 17 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Mary | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 014-013 | 22 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Michal | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 027-026 | 40 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaz, Micike | 21 September,1908 | Montrose | 004-003 | 15 | Austrian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaza, Silica | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 033-032 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazajowski, Wincenty | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 004-004 | 39 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazanow?, Iwan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 013-012 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazeg, Rosy | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 003-002 | 19 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Blazejneuski, August | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 34 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazejneuski, Eliz. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 34 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazejneuski, Eliz. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 7m | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazejneuski, Franz | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 18 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazejneuski, Hedvig | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 13 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazejneuski, Wilhelm | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 4 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blazel, Amelia | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 9 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazevic, Nicola | 10 June,1910 | Sicilian | 021-000 | 23 | Hungary | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazey, M. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 001-00A | 34 | Russ | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazey, Thos. | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 012-011 | 17 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazeyowski, Michal | 09 October,1910 | Willehad | 004-003 | 45 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazicek, Iekla? | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 008-008 | 40 | Illegible | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazicek, Iguae | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 008-008 | 16 | Illegible | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazicek, Victor? | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 008-008 | 40 | Illegible | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazier, H. | 20 May,1905 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 27 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaziyka?, Demitrie? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 3 | Galacian? | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaziyka?, Hanka | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 008-008 | inf | Galacian? | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaziyka?, Knut? | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 31 | Galacian? | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blaziyka?, Ksemia | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 29 | Galacian? | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazkov, Petro | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 011-011 | 22 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazowska, Olana | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 021-022 | 26 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazy, Antoni | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 029-028 | 33 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blazzard, William | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 007-007 | 29 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleach, Daisy | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 012-011 | 39 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleach, Dorothy | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 012-011 | infant | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleach, George | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 012-011 | 46 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleach, William | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 004-003 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackley, Alice | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 58 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackley, Arthur | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 29 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackley, Beatrice | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 31 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackley, Thomas | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 45 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackmaster, Hersch | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 34 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleackmaster, Israel | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 11 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleak Jr., Thos. N. | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 012-008 | 25 | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bleakhorn?, E. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 027-00D | 9 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakhorn?, M. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 027-00D | 7 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Albert | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 010-009 | 27 | Irish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Alice M. | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 012-002 | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Annie | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 26 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Annie | 24 September,1907 | Pretorian | 008-008 | 31 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Geo. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 009-009 | 25 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, George W. | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-001 | 29 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, John Frederick | 06 May,1910 | Manchester Mariner | 001-000 | English | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bleakley, Joseph | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 012-002 | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, M. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 001-00A | 22 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Mary | 24 September,1907 | Pretorian | 008-008 | 38 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleakley, Wilfred Delve | 06 May,1910 | Manchester Mariner | 001-000 | English | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blean, George | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 002-002 | 22 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blean, Marcha | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 002-002 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blean, Mary | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 002-002 | 9m | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleaney, Leonard | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 012-001 | 21 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blears, John A. | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 005-005 | 30 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blears, Stanley | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 012-012 | 13 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, Charles Robert | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 023-00A | 38 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, Gilbert | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | infant | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, J. | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00I | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, M. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 014-014 | 32 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, Mrs. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 35 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, Mrs. | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00I | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, P. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 33 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleasdale, W. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 014-014 | 32 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, A. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 013-011 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Amy | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Aury | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 007-001 | 7 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Charles | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 007-001 | infant | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Florence | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 007-001 | 26 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Florence | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, G. | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 025-007 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, George | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 007-001 | 5 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, George | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 10m | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Harry | 10 November,1908 | Pretorian | 002-00B | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, Harry | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 003-003 | 27 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, J. | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 025-007 | 1 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blease, May | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 007-001 | 4 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleatley, Herbert | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 004-003 | 21 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleay, Fred | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 020-011 | 15 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Annie | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 9 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Arthur | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 13 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Harry | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 17 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, James | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 19 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Mina | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 41 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Moira | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 20 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Ruben | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 3 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazard, Tom | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 001-001 | 11 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazley, Dorothy C. | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 005-004 | 30 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazley, Lizzie | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 035-034 | 42 | Australian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleazley, Mary | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 035-034 | 9 | Australian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blebois, Therese | 31 July,1908 | Tunisian | 018-0E2 | 34 | France | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blech, Ziwie | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 16 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleche?, Harris | 11 September,1904 | Kensington | 003-002 | 20 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Beile | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 023-022 | infant | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Ellie | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 009-005 | 20 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Fannie | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 009-005 | 20 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Jacob | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 009-009 | 38 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Mala | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 023-022 | 33 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Rive | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 023-022 | 6 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Schlome | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 023-022 | 33 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecher, Yser | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 009-005 | 24 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechert, Christof | 03 November,1906 | Canada | 006-006 | 52 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechert, E. Alf. | 03 November,1906 | Canada | 006-006 | 11 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechfeldt, Dr. H. T. | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 024-024 | 33 | U.S.A. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechman, Meishe | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 38 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechova, Anton | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 001-000 | 6 | Austrian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Blechova, Anton | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 009-007 | 6 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechova, Buzeora | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 009-007 | 2 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechova, Orma | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 001-000 | 25 | Austrian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Blechova, Orma | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 009-007 | 25 | Austria | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechova, Ruzessa | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 001-000 | 2 | Austrian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | Grosse Isle |
Blechowitz, Autonina | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 030-004 | 3 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechowitz, Barbara | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 030-004 | 1 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechowitz, Helene | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 030-004 | 31 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechstein, Freida? | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 044-00S | 8 | Poland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechstein, Rina | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 044-00S | 10 | Poland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechstein, Yitta | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 044-00S | 44 | Poland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blechuer, Stefan | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 25 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleckchmidt, S. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 014-010 | 39 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blecker, Rachel | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 016-015 | 17 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleckschmidt, Otto | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 32 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleek, Bertha | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 028-026 | 36 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleek, Rosalind | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 028-026 | 34 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blees, John | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 014-002 | 21 | India | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleesby, Kate | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 002-001 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blefair, Ferdinando | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 55 | Italy | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blefair, Vincenzo | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 29 | Italy | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blegen, L. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 42 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blegen, Laura | 08 August,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 22 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blegen, Pauline | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 19 | Norway | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blegg, Mary | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 007-005 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleifer, Simon | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 009-009 | 30 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleihman, Blume | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 30 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleihman, Rifke, Basili | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 3 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleihman, Sori | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 9m | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleik Jensen, Martin | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 049-033 | 31 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleiknas, Peder | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 022-024 | 37 | Norway | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Elizabeth | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 027-018 | 20 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Elizabeth | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 26 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Eva | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 6m | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Johanne | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 2 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Johannes | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 30 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleile, Marianne | 23 November,1905 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 3y6m | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleineiss, Schomke | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 26 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleit, Anton | May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 001-00F | 44 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Bleiuiss, Yankel | 23 July,1907 | Sardinian | 004-003 | 28 | Russia Pole | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleiweiss, Blume | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 027-018 | 35 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleiweiss, Herry | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 027-018 | 5 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleiweiss, Lifsche | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 027-018 | 7 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blejdowick, Michal | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 026-024 | 36 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blekeborough, Harold | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 001-002 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blekken, Andreas | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 37 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blekken, Elsie | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 19 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blekken, Konrad | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 10 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleliwyez?, Touna | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 033-032 | 42 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blemquist, Arvid | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 026-026 | 19 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blemus, Jan | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 40 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blen?, illegible | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 013-012 | 35 | Galacia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blench, George | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blench, John | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 004-002 | 26 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencoe, George | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 50 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencoe, Georgina | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 39 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencow, Bridget | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencow, James | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 9m | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencow, William | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 3 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencowe, Chas. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 012-012 | 18 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencowe, Clement | 23 September,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 46 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blencows, W.G. | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 23 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenczut, Grigori | 31 August,1907 | Mount Royal | 007-007 | 24 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blendell, Eleanor M. | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 006-000 | 28 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blendman, N. | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 029-029 | 28 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenk, Paul | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 002-000 | 34 | Roumania | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenk, Paul | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 008-008 | 31 | German | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, Alexd. | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 3 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, Alice | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 41 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, Emily | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 015-001 | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, George | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 37 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, Gordon | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 10 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkarn, Wm. Thos. | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 015-001 | a | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkensey, Michael | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 21 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkharm, Tom | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 26 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkhorn, Harry | 22 October,1904 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 4 | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkhorn, Mary | 22 October,1904 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkin, Mrs. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 031-00F | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinson, G. | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 031-031 | a | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Edward | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 016-003 | 36 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Edward | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 017-016 | 35 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Elizabeth | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 5 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Frances Ann | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 34 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, H.W. | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 012-008 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blenkinsop, James George | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 58 | India | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, John | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 020-00A | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Lawson | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 019-00D | 40 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsop, Thomas James | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 9 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsopp, John | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 024-024 | 28 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsopp, Richard | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 050-025 | 24 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenkinsopp, William | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 011-010 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenna, Aleksi | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 050-00A | 21 | Finland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blennerhasset, Thos. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 003-031 | 20 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blenrea, Anton | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 31 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blerings, Sarah | 24 October,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 013-002 | 20 | Ireland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blerkley, George | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 011-006 | 10 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blesckke, Herbert | 03 August,1906 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 14 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blesckke, John | 03 August,1906 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 12 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blesher, Nachman | 21 July,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 009-000 | 30 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleshinger, Julia | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 26 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blessey, Liley | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 008-007 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blessington, Patk | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 26 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blessjawisce, ?G. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 002-001 | 25 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blest, Alice | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 026-000 | 48 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blest, Alice | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 026-000 | 7 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blest, Ernest | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 026-000 | 9 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blest, Valentine | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 026-000 | 50 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blest, Wm | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 026-000 | 11 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleszank, Marie | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 020-022 | 18 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bletcher, Norman | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 015-00E | 18 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bletchitch, Sliga | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 031-00A | 22 | Servia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bletstein, Nose | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 021-022 | 25 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blette, Aas | 27 September,1905 | Corinthian | 012-00L | 17 | Norwegian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleu?thal, Hy? | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 002-001 | 27 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleue, David | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 015-00R | 21 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleue, Thos. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 015-00R | 19 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleukhorn, Bert | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 027-008 | 21 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleukiusop, Sarah | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 023-023 | 59 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleuse, Geo | 10 November,1908 | Pretorian | 002-00B | 24 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleusery, K. E. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 021-012 | 33 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleuven, Jeanne | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 008-008 | 29 | French | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleuven, Prigent | 30 August,1907 | Sardinian | 008-008 | 29 | French | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blevin, Bella | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 005-012 | 28 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blevin, F.L. | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 002-00B | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blevin, Mrs. | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 002-00B | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blevins, John | 11 October,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 013-013 | 19 | Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blew, E. W. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 26 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blew, Mary | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 26 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blew, Mrs. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewcis, Isak | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 010-010 | 39 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewer, Doris | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 5 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewer, James | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 11 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewer, James | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 39 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewer, Lilly | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 33 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewer, Lily | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Albert | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 014-017 | 33 | illegible | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Alice | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 32 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Clara | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 010-008 | 32 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Ernest | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 29 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Frances A. | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 10 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, G. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 35 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, George | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, George J. | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 010-008 | 29 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, J.H. | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 005-001 | 29 | English | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Jean | 02 September,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 014-014 | a | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Maud | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 6 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Richd. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 003-002 | 23 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Violet M. | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 018-018 | 11 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewett, Wm. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Ernest | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Ethel | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 016-016 | 31 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Harold | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 36 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Henry | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 029-027 | 27 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, J.H. | 17 September,1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Jas. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 3 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Josephine | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 5m | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Kathleen H. | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 026-027 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Mrs. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Mrs. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 28 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Walter | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 029-027 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Winifred | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blewitt, Wm. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 018-018 | 6 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blews, A. | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 012-012 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blews, Marion | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 26 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blex, Alex | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 007-008 | 19 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bley, Julius | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 004-003 | 26 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bleyer, Robert | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 031-031 | 35 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blezard, Geo. | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 016-015 | 8 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blezard, Isabella | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 004-00D | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blezard, Janet | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 016-015 | 13 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blezard, John | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 016-015 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blezard, Kate | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 016-015 | 27 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bli?, illegible | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 021-022 | 26 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bli?, Johanna | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 35 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bli?, Julia | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 11 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bli?, Peter | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 42 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bli?, Phillip | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 5 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliachman, Nochian | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 35 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliasky, Ocher | 23 May,1908 | Southwark | 014-013 | 28 | Russia Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blicher, Mrs. R. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 012-011 | 38 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Chas. | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 40 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Chas. H. | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Dorothy M. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 8 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Ernest A. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 11 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, George | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 017-016 | 35 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Marion | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 42 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blick, Walter J. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 41 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blickfeldt, Edwin | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 018-019 | 25 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blickfeldt, Petra | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 018-019 | 21 | Norway | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blidberg, Gustaf A. | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 19 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blidberg, Gustaf A. | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 019-017 | 19 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blif, Arnodus J. | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 019-019 | 23 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Elizth. | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 020-020 | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Ellen | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 020-020 | 49 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, H. H. | 20 August,1904 | Vancouver | 007-007 | 62 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Howard | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 027-021 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Bligh, Howard | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 33 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, K. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 010-009 | 29 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Katherine | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Lillian | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 020-020 | 23 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, Mrs. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 027-021 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Bligh, Mrs. | 20 August,1904 | Vancouver | 007-007 | 55 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, S. J. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 030-002 | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, William | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 001-001 | 31 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, William | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 62 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bligh, William | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 020-020 | 63 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, ? | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 012-012 | 14 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Albert | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 22 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Alfred | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 10 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Annie | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 012-012 | 55 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Arthur | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 32 | Wales | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Bertram | 01 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 007-002 | 22 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Caroline | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 33 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Claude | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 017-002 | 24 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Edith B. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 021-000 | 32 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Eva | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 32 | Wales | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Eva | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 012-012 | 19 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, James | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 004-005 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, James | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 012-012 | 55 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, James | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 030-029 | 36 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, James | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 40 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Matilda | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-000 | 40 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Philip H. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 26 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Russell T. | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 023-023 | 21 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Sarah Ann | 09 September,1909 | Ottawa | 004-011 | 35 | Gt. Britain | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Selma | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 52 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Stanley P. | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-000 | 40 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, W. C. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 009-009 | 11 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Blight, William | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 026-004 | 32 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, William | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 18 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blight, Wm. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 37 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliking, Kristian Konrad | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 020-020 | 27 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blikronis, Costas | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 36 | Greece | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blikshavin, Sigurd | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 047-024 | 18 | Norway | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blikstad, Einar J. | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 039-037 | 17 | Norway | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinch, Wm. C. | 26 April,1908 | Dominion | 001-000 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinco, John | 23 September,1906 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 33 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blincoe, Eleanor | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 7 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blincoe, Harriet | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 31 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blincoe, Jas. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 29 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Chane | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 48 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Gersch | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 51 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Golde | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 20 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Morische | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 7 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Paul | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 11 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Salwon | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinder, Yankel | 05 September,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 004-00D | 35 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blink?, Graham | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 17 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinke, Gustav | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 030-001 | 18 | Germany | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinkho, Miss C. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 29 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinkhorn, Eliz. | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 033-010 | 53 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinkhorn, L? | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 014-007 | 37 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinkhorn, Richd | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 025-004 | 31 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinkhorn, Wm. | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 014-001 | 34 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Grace | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 11 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Percy | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 004-004 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Sarah | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 37 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Walter | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 1 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Wm. | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 51 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinks, Wm. | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 9 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinktock, John B. | 16 May,1910 | Devona | 001-000 | 22 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinman, Harry | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 004-003 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinston, Harold | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 026-004 | 25 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinston, Thomas | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 021-001 | 31 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinston, Wm. | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 009-009 | 33 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blinston?, Alf. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 031-012 | 35 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliortzn, Ilu | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 24 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blirnfield, Gertrude | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blish, Ma? | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 009-000 | 33 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisher, Fanny | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 37 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisher, Joseph | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 16 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisher, Leah | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 9 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisher, Max | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 11 | Hebrew | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, A. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 036-031 | 31 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Bliss, Agnes | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 15 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Albert | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 019-019 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Alf. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 026-016 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Alice | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 1m | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Arthur | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 20 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Arthur C. | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 021-021 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, B. Maud | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 021-021 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Charlotte | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 006-005 | 29 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Dolly | 02 October,1909 | Dominion | 001-001 | 20 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Eric R. | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 021-021 | 2m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, F.C. | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 002-002 | 28 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Florence | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 40 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Frances | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 002-000 | 45 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Frances B. | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 009-000 | 46 | U.S. Citizen | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Frank | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 012-012 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Frederick James | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 009-005 | 34 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Fredk. | 08 October,1905 | Sardinian | 001-000 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, G. W. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 028-023 | 25 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Bliss, George | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 025-015 | 21 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, George | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 006-005 | 31 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, George R. | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 019-019 | 23 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Gwendoline | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 25 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, H. | 17 September,1904 | Dominion | 011-011 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, H.B. | 06 September,1908 | Vancouver | 012-012 | 30 | U.S. Citz | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, H.W. | 10 October,1909 | Hesperian | 003-003 | a | USA | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Harold | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 31 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Harriet A. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 013-011 | 30 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Henry | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 023-022 | 10 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Mabel L. | 20 May,1909 | Tunisian | 013-011 | 5 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Mary | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 29 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, Maud | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliss, W.R.C. | 10 October,1909 | Hesperian | 003-003 | a | USA | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissell?, William | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 006-000 | 31 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Clara | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 45 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Eliz. | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 25 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Frank | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 008-007 | 27 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, infant | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 008-007 | infant | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Mary | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 018-002 | 26 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Mrs. | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 008-007 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Richard | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 42 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissett, Wm. H. | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 003-003 | 21 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisshord, Alice | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 002-000 | 33 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissington, M. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 25 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blissington, P. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 24 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blisterholm, Marit | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-018 | 19 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bliszczuk, Nikolaj | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 008-000 | 32 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitch, Bertie | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 014-002 | 16 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitch, Wm. | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blithiny, Geo. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 006-006 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitshlea, M. | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 004-003 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitstein, David | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 039-039 | 23 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitstein, Isak | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 005-005 | 38 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitstein, Rochen | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 009-009 | 26 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Albert | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blitz, Frederic E. | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Isaac | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 11 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Jeka | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 9 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Moses G. | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 47 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Riowke | 15 November,1903 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 15 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Rosa | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 40 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitz, Talu | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 4 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blitzman, J. J. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 001-001 | 23 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blivens?, Maggie | 11 October,1906 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 19 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blivim, Lilly | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 23 | Eng. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blix, Augustine | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 17 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blixt, Betty Emilie | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 26 | Swede | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blixt, Ingeborg | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 4m | Swede | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blixt, Karl Wilh. | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 28 | Swede | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizard, Clara | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 003-002 | 22 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizard, John | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 027-021 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blizard, John | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizard, Letitia | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 27 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizard?, C. F. | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 021-021 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizir?, Jons | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 008-007 | 23 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizzard, Albert | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 009-005 | a | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizzard, Fanny | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 009-005 | a | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blizzard, Harry | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 17 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bllkham, H. J. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 012-012 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Alexander | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 21 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Charlotte | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 45 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Chas. | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 18 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Dorothy | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 11 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Edward | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 43 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Ernest | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 10 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?, Grace | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 9 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?d, P. A. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 39 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blo?k, W. Lenny | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 015-00A | 22 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bload, G. M. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Alvine | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 034-021 | 17 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Aron | 19 September,1904 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 21 | illegible | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Fedor | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 034-021 | 19 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Freide | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 015-015 | 18 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, George | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 27 | Germany | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Ludwig | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 38 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Peter | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 20 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloch, Tlzke? | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 006-006 | 53 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blocher, A | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 009-008 | 21 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blocher, Andrew | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 012-011 | 27 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blocher, Domia | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 009-008 | 3 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blocher, Maria | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 009-008 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |||
Blocher, Paraska | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 009-008 | 4 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blocher, Sofia | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 009-008 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |||
Blochermann, Karl | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 27 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blochi, Solomon? | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 003-002 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Block, ? | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 006-006 | infant | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Abraham | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 006-005 | 4 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Albert J. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 013-012 | 26 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Anna | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 018-009 | 22 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Annie | 21 September,1908 | Hesperian | 010-011 | 28 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Anton | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 018-009 | 26 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Cha. S. | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 005-003 | 19 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Chaja | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 002-001 | 19 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Elias | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 006-005 | 27 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, F. N. A. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 004-005 | 21 | Denmark | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Feize | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 17 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Fred | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-016 | 53 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Henia | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 002-001 | 46 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Isaac | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 011-009 | 27 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Israel | 16 October,1906 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 36 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, J. | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 009-010 | 27 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Jane | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 006-005 | 28 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Jane E. | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 58 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Julius | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 61 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, L. J. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 018-000 | 50 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Lewis | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 20 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Max. | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 21 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Meer | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 002-001 | 13 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Minnie | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 31 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Mrs. | 16 October,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 49 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Mrs. John | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 018-000 | 40 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Nellie | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 006-005 | 6 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Pessie | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 19 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Rhoda | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 002-001 | a | USA | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Salmon | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Simon | 13 May,1907 | Kensington | 032-031 | 49 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Block, Suki | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 006-005 | 3 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blocka, Tekla | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 036-035 | 24 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockbury, Fred | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 015-015 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockczinsky, Wazyl | 05 November,1907 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 37 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockey, Mrs. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 40 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockey, Thos. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 40 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, Cecil | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 022-001 | 16 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, F. A. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 18 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, J. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 001-000 | 29 | Leicestershire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, J. M. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 015-003 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, John | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 021-019 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, Walter | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 018-017 | 28 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, Walter B. | 11 June,1909 | Laurentic | 017-016 | 28 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockley, William | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 002-002 | 26 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockman, Ernest John | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blocko, Hryn | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 023-022 | 17 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockridyr, Mary | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 012-013 | 25 | Wales | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blockwell, Walter | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodger, Grace | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-000 | 17 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodger, Mrs. Tilden | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-000 | 40 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodger, Tilden | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-000 | 56 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodgett, Gertrude H. | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 002-000 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodgett, Miss C. A. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 026-025 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blodgett, Mrs. | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 005-005 | a | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodgett, Rev. F. B. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 036-027 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blodgett, William | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 005-005 | a | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloem, Morris | 17 September,1907 | Lake Michigan | 004-003 | 30 | Roumania | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloemer, Fradel | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 028-028 | 4 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloemer, Rose | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 028-028 | 9 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloemer, Sarah | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 028-028 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloemgarten, Mr. | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 006-004 | 28 | Belgium | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloffstein, Lazarus | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 007-006 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blofield, George | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 004-004 | 41 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Albert | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 001-000 | 19 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Arthur | 10 July,1908 | Victorian | 002-001 | 22 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Cecil | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 032-031 | 50 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Chas. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 004-004 | 31 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Ernest | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 001-001 | 24 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Geo. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 34 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Geoffrey H. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 025-000 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, Gilbert | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 029-028 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blogg, John | 09 September,1910 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blohenberger, Louise | 18 October,1904 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 26 | Bohemia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloice, Arthur | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 012-012 | 41 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blojikowsky, Wlad | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 009-008 | 32 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blok, Tsrael | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 31 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloke, Annie | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-16A | 54 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokhaus, Jacob Klaas | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 003-000 | 19 | Holland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokhus, Ana | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 047-027 | 22 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokkes, Runnie | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 047-027 | 61 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokland, C. A. | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 006-00F | 44 | Holland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokland, J. | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 37 | Holland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blokowski, John | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 011-001 | 28 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloleker, Simon | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 013-013 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Agnes | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 014-006 | 19 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Anna | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 024-014 | 19 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Anna | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 77 | Swede | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Anna | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 60 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Aron | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 005-000 | 26 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Arvo | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-018 | 4 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Brita | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 27 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Catherina M. | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 013-008 | 24 | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blom, Ehid | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 028-028 | 14 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Elsie | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-023 | 16 | Sweden | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Hannes | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 033-000 | 19 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Hilma | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-018 | 21 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Ida | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 20 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Jacob | 23 July,1905 | Kensington | 012-012 | 27 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Johan | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 012-012 | 17 | Fin | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Johan | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 60 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Jonas | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 024-014 | 36 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Jonas Jonson | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 033-026 | 21 | Sweden | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Karl | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 048-048 | 19 | Sweden | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Karl | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 006-006 | 16 | Sweden | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Lisbel | 27 July,1905 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 36 | Swede | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Marius | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 22 | Denmark | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Mary E. | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 048-024 | 18 | Sweden | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Mrs. B.C. | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 039-032 | 55 | Norway | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Nikolai | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 012-011 | 23 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Pe?rit? | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 035-016 | 19 | Sweden | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Per | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 34 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Sanna | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 028-028 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Sarah | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 024-014 | 2 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Silga | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-018 | 2 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Svend | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 036-023 | 18 | Sweden | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blom, Theodore | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 008-000 | 72 | Holland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, A. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 006-006 | 29 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Adolf S. | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 007-007 | 22 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Agnes | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Alf. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 029-028 | 19 | Finland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Anders | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 008-009 | 17 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Andrew | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 033-020 | 24 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, C. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 010-010 | 9 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Blomberg, David | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 025-025 | 21 | Norway | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, E. A. H. | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 009-00I | 19 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Gustav A. V. | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 44 | Sweden | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Jens | 03 September,1904 | Southwark | 001-000 | 28 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Juko | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 020-012 | 24 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, K. A. | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 19 | Swede | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomberg, Kuna | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 020-012 | 24 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomby, Jalke | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 009-009 | 19 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomdal, Johan | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 42 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomeley, E. | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 013-012 | 83 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomeley, E. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 015-014 | 60 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomeley, Edwin | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 006-000 | 85 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomeley, Joseph | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 003-013 | 28 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomely, Edwin | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 81 | Lancashire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomen?ock, Miss | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomer, John | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 38 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfeld, Elisabeth | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 2 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfeld, Niedorda | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 30 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfiel, John | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 013-014 | 3 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfiel, Karl | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 013-014 | 22 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfiel, Karoline | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 013-014 | 22 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfiel, Sven | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 013-014 | 2m | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfield, Edwd. A. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 009-00I | 30 | Engd. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfield, G. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 009-009 | 23 | Eng | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomfield, Myles A. | 06 November,1906 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Blomfield, Regnd. | 18 October,1907 | Virginian | 009-009 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgarst, Anna S. | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 29 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgren, Carl Johan | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 024-004 | 32 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgren, Hjalmar | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 28 | illegible | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgren, Jako | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 039-020 | 22 | Finland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgren, Johan G. | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 034-000 | 24 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Blomgren, P. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 015-015 | 20 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Blomgren, Thor J. | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 017-017 | 22 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgren, Victoria | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 014-000 | 21 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgresh, Henrik | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 019-00S | 17 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgrist, Bergel | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 007-007 | 21 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgrist, Elis Wilhelm | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 031-00A | 14 | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blomgrist, Matkum | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 035-035 | 23 | Sweden | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgvist, Carl | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 25 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgvist, Henning | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 044-029 | 18 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgvist, Lisa | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 018-018 | 27 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgvist, Olaf | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 018-018 | 4 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomgvit, Signe | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 012-012 | 13 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomkvist, Selma B.O. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 038-0BB | 32 | Sweden | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomkvist, Signe | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 038-0BB | 3 | Sweden | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomkvist, Tekla | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 026-026 | 25 | Swede | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, E. | 12 September,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 84 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, E. | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 008-008 | 60 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, Mrs. | 12 September,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 52 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, R. | 12 September,1908 | Dominion | 007-007 | ? | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, Saml | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 022-008 | 36 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomley, Samuel | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 031-006 | 26 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomlid, Lars | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 049-048 | 24 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Alphonse | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 46 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, August | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 26 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Bertha | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 023-023 | 10m | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Bertha | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 10 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Carmil | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 22 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Celestien | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 023-023 | 27 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Ed | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 023-023 | 27 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Emila | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 17 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Jules | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 15 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, M | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 11 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Robert | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 032-00J | 24 | Belgium | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomme, Theo | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 19 | Belgium | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blommgren, Alf. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 029-002 | 22 | Sweden | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqirst, Adolf | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 007-007 | 20 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, ? | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 011-006 | 58 | Sweden | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Alfrida | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 016-015 | 26 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Amalia | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 015-009 | 51 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Anders | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 028-026 | 20 | Finland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Anna | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | 24 | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Anna | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 009-008 | 21 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Augusta | 08 October,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 25 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Bricken | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 13 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Carl | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 017-001 | 34 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Carolina S. | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 51 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, David | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 015-009 | 18 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Eben R. T. | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 016-015 | 18 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Einer | 25 October,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 22 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Emma | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 42 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Ethel | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 017-001 | 7 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, G. Helmer | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 031-030 | 22 | Swede | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Greta | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 4 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Hanna | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 16 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Helga | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 9 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Herman | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 001-000 | 50 | Finland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Hjalmer | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 12 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Ida | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 16 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Infant | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | infant | Finland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Isakke | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 014-014 | 25 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, J. A. | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 016-016 | 19 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Johan | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 13 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Johan A. | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 48 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, John | 17 September,1908 | Ottawa | 011-011 | 17 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Josef A. | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 7 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Joseph | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 015-009 | 4 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Karl | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 50 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Karl | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 019-011 | 20 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Karl B. | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 018-017 | 20 | Swedish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Karl J. | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 44 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Lily | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 015-009 | 16 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Margureta | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 41 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Marion | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | infant | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Mrs. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 017-001 | 28 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Sven | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 2 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Tikla | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 14 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomquist, Vera | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 017-001 | 6 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Agda | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 15 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Alma | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 53 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Carl Gustaf | 23 September,1905 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 19 | Sweden | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, E. | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 017-015 | 20 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Erhard | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 7 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Fanni | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 24 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Fredrick | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 56 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Fritz | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 11 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, John | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 9 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Oskar | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 011-011 | 18 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, Ragnhild | 05 September,1903 | Kensington | 003-003 | 2 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomqvist, W. | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 18 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomsley, Edwin | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 011-000 | 81 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomst?p?son, Halvor | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 031-000 | 22 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomstein, Feiga | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 16 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomsten, Emil | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 018-010 | 26 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomsten, Matti | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 018-010 | 48 | Finland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomster, Artir | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 047-027 | 19 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomster, Karl Otto | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 34 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomster, Karl Sigfrid | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 2 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomstrom, Johan | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 033-024 | 18 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomstrom, M. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 033-024 | 26 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomstrom, Zorka | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 033-024 | 29 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blomviet, Jacob | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 026-026 | 28 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blon, John | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 015-020 | 22 | Polish | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blon?qvist, W. | 13 September,1904 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 26 | Finland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blond, Hatski | 17 June,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-00D | 2m | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blond, Jossel | 17 June,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-00D | 4 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blond, Raphael | 17 June,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-00D | 2 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blond, Rose | 17 June,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-00D | 28 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondal, John A. | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 43 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondal, Lara | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 18 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondal, Thorhalles | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 012-013 | 23 | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondeau, Auguste Eugene | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 003-003 | 23 | French | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondel, Mr. Percy C. | 06 August,1909 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 31 | France | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondel, Pere | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 033-032 | 49 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondel, Pierre Gustev | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 015-004 | 39 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondell, Mrs. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 007-007 | 34 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blondell, W. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 007-007 | 33 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonden, Chaim | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 003-000 | 33 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonden, Isak | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 004-000 | 11 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonden, Scheindel | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 003-000 | 40 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonder, Chaien | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 32 | Austria | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonder, Jehel | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 002-00B | 23 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blong, Christopher | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 015-005 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonginst, Aliva | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 26 | Finland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blongren, Petrius | 23 September,1910 | Virginian | 036-016 | 26 | Sweden | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonguish, Arthur | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 004-004 | 30 | Finland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonk, Thos | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 030-003 | 23 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonqvist, Johan | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 012-012 | 17 | Sweden | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonqvist, Matilda | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 017-017 | 18 | Finland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonski, Adam | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 007-006 | 28 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonski, Anton | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 26 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonski, Charles | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 011-011 | 21 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonski, Franz | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 003-001 | 24 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonski, On?frg | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 002-001 | 43 | Galicia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonsky, Anna | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 014-012 | 38 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonsky, Nastia | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 014-012 | 17 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonsky, Stefan | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 014-012 | 45 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blonstem, Chaim | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 007-000 | 44 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Alban E. | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 011-000 | 25 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Alfred | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 002-00B | 19 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Ellen | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 025-024 | 29 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Harry | 24 July,1908 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 20 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Henry | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 36 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Hy. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 020-020 | 25 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Joseph | 24 July,1908 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | infant | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Mary | 24 July,1908 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 20 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Maurice P. | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 012-012 | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Nellie | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 021-023 | 37 | American | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Thomas | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 013-013 | 22 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, William | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 001-001 | 27 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blood, Wm. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 007-00G | 25 | Engd. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloodsworth, Wm. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 006-006 | 40 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloodworth, Fredrick | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloodworth, Mrs. Eliz. N. | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 001-001 | 61 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, A. | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 021-021 | 42 | Hebrew | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Abraham | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 002-00B | 28 | illegible | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Arthur | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 11 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Augusta | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 024-023 | 50 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Bali | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 013-013 | 21 | Roumania | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, C | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 001-001 | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |||
Bloom, Charles | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 15 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Edith | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 35 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Emma M. | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 009-08a | 42 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Evie | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 006-00F | 3 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Fred | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 022-012 | 16 | Engd | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Bloom, Hodea | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 19 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Hy. | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 006-00F | infant | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Hyman | 07 November,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 23 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Hyman | 12 September,1903 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 22 | London | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Hyman | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 004-004 | 23 | Engl. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Isaac | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 27 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Isaac | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 021-021 | 4 | Hebrew | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Jacob | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 017-016 | 31 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Johanna | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 018-022 | 4 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, John | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 26 | Swede | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Julius | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 012-011 | 20 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Kate | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 004-004 | 23 | Hebrew | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Lena | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 022-00G | 18 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Lewis | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 010-010 | 40 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Mary | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 002-001 | 40 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Max | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 044-043 | 16 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Melie | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 24 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Minnie | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 22 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Miss | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 014-002 | 28 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Morris | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 006-000 | 30 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Mrs. F. | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 006-00F | 24 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Peter | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 017-014 | 36 | Sweden | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, R. | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 021-021 | 26 | Hebrew | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, R. R. | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 031-011 | 24 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Sarah | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 021-021 | 2 | Hebrew | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Saul | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 26 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Valerie | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 018-022 | 26 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Wm. K. | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 009-08a | 42 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloom, Wm. K. | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 009-08a | 4y6m | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Barney | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 038-00B | 20 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, David | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 004-004 | 9 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Dorah | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 004-004 | 11 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Ellen | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 025-025 | 18 | Norway | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Leah | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 004-004 | 40 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Lipman | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 004-004 | 50 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Maurice | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 014-013 | 24 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomberg, Rebecca | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 014-013 | 15 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloome, Alfred | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 017-003 | 13 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloome, Ernest | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 017-003 | 15 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomenthal, Hiram | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 23 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Arthur | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 002-000 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, C.E. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 019-011 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bloomer, Clara | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 26 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Cyril | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 030-030 | 17 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Ethel | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 2 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Fred | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 31 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, J. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 008-008 | 51 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, John | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 016-016 | 38 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Major L. | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 019-003 | 35 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Mary | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 014-013 | 61 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Thomas | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 50 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomer, Thomas | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 32 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomers, T.G. | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 013-008 | ? | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Albert | 01 July,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 6m | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Albert | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 007-006 | 39 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Albert | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 020-020 | 39 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Albert | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 009-002 | 11 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Albert Edward | 01 July,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 24 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Alice | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Arthur J. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 009-009 | 22 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Augustus | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Beatrice | 01 July,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Beatrice | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 017-016 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Bert H. | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Bridget | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 018-016 | 20 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Chas A. | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 006-002 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Chas. | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 025-007 | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Chas. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 023-005 | 34 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Clara | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 14 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Doris | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 009-002 | 10 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Dr. J. | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 38 | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bloomfield, E. | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 52 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Edgar | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 041-041 | 40 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Edward | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 1 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Elizth. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Ethel | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 014-001 | 34 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Florence | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 8 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Fred | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 41 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Frederick | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 001-001 | 27 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Fredk. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 028-018 | 18 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, G. I. | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 001-00A | 23 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, George | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 009-010 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, George | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 015-014 | 19 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Gertrude | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 28 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Gertrude | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 009-002 | 5 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Graham | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, H. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 013-011 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Harold | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 2 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Harold R. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 21 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Helen | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 26 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Helen B. | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 010-010 | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Henry | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 022-008 | 37 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Henry | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Henry J. | 07 July,1910 | Lake Erie | 007-006 | 14 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Herbert | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 029-028 | 18 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Hilda | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 17 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Hy. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 18 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Jno. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 036-00G | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, John | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 017-016 | 27 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Lilly | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 058-018 | 24 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Madge | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 31 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Margaret | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 40 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Mary | 01 July,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 30 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Mona | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 036-034 | 11 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Mrs. Margt. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 36 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Natan | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 019-012 | 21 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Norman | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 014-013 | 16 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Olive D. | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 010-010 | 16 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, P. G. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 013-011 | 29 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Perny | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 020-013 | 18 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Phoebe | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 40 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Bloomfield, Ralph | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 014-001 | 2y6m | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Reginald A. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Rose | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 010-010 | 40 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Sam. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 019-012 | 20 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Sidney | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Walter | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 003-003 | 25 | Suffolk | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloomfield, Wm. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloone, Mrs | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 031-011 | 22 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Arthur | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 049-048 | 27 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Bertie | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 9 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Charles | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 037-037 | 41 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Clara | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 41 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Claudid | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 002-00A | 44 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Edith | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Edward | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 013-013 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Florence | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 12 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Frank | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 049-048 | 18 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Frank W. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, George | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 42 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, George | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 015-014 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, J. A. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 1 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, John | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 030-003 | 59 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, John H. | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 001-001 | 38 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Joseph | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Moses | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 37 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Saml. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 019-010 | 65 | Engd | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Sarah | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 35 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloor, Thomas | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloore, N. M. | 15 September,1910 | Monmouth | 002-000 | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |||
Bloore, Norman Margetts | 15 September,1910 | Monmouth | 001-000 | 31 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorci, Emily | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 004-002 | 34 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Arthur | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 011-010 | 27 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Chas. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 010-009 | 14 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blore, Eva | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Fredk. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 014-014 | 15 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, G. C. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 003-00C | 21 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Geo. | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 4 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Henry | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-015 | 20 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Marsha | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 001-020 | 68 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Maurice | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 11m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, Sarah | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 23 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blore, William | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 27 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorham, Hilda | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 022-022 | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorham, Norman | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 022-022 | infant | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorn, Daniel | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | infant | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorn, Milski | 25 September,1903 | Ionian | 003-003 | 40 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blorn, Wm. A. | 25 September,1903 | Ionian | 003-003 | 19 | Finland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blornqvist, Robert | 01 September,1905 | Bavarian | 028-028 | 26 | Sweden | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blornseht, Karl J. | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 017-017 | 20 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloschik, Josefa | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 023-009 | 22 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blose, Fred | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | ? | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blose, Frederick | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blosky, Abraham | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloss, Henry R. | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 052-051 | 36 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloss, Lionel Herbert | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 004-002 | 21 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloszka, Nykola | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 013-013 | 37 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blotam, Chas Regd | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 013-00B | 35 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blott, Beruch | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 018-011 | 19 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blott, Miss. N. | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 041-040 | a | Canada | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blott, W. G. | 29 July,1905 | Sarmatian | 001-001 | 21 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blouche, Amalia | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 21 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blouche, Eliz. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 21 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blouche, Maria | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 25 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blouers, Henry | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 030-003 | 18 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloum, Lizzie | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 005-000 | 8 | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloum, Myer | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 005-000 | 3 | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloum, Selie | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 005-000 | 23 | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Albert | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 020-018 | 38 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Alice | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 034-33D | 26 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Chas. R. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 008-007 | 29 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Florence | 11 June,1909 | Laurentic | 017-016 | 30 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, John | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 006-005 | 41 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Miss | 17 September,1904 | Dominion | 009-009 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Mrs. C. M. | 17 September,1904 | Dominion | 009-009 | 42 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Mrs. H. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 020-018 | 27 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blount, Ruby | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 020-018 | 1 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Albert F. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 3 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Alfred G. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 7 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Clara | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 004-002 | 24 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Edith E. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 5 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Eliza | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 44 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Fdk. Robt. | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 018-0B2 | 8 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Blow, Fred | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 44 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Fredk | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 17 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Fredk. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | infant | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, George W. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 29 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Helen | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 33 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Herbert | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 002-001 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, James | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 56 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Jane | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 001-013 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blow, Jas | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 011-000 | 24 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, John | 10 September,1909 | Victorian | 001-013 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blow, Leonard | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | 2y6m | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Leslie | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | 4 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Leslie W. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 1 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Lewis | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | 30 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Master | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | 7 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Maud | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 23 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Mrs. Lewis | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 011-010 | 28 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Reg. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 017-III | 15 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Sydney | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 23 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, William | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 021-0B5 | 11 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Blow, Wm. | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 001-001 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blow, Wm. | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 003-00C | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowar, Yoca | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 006-004 | 26 | Hungary | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowberg, Paavo | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 033-005 | 18 | Finland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Alfred | 02 November,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 29 | Lancs | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Ben | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 017-001 | 40 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Edith | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Edwin | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 024-003 | 42 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Eliza | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 46 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Emily | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 009-001 | 22 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Florence | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 21 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Geo | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 024-003 | 30 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, George | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 009-002 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Lydia | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 017-001 | 35 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Mary | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 013-011 | 49 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Nellie | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 15 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Robert | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 2 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Stanley | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 1 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Stephen | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 26 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Thomas | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 19 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blower, Wm. | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 004-00D | 23 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, D. H. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 022-025 | 15 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, Edith H. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 022-025 | 36 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, Emily | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 49 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, Emily G. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 47 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, Frank E. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 022-025 | 38 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, H. D. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 013-00M | 37 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, J. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 022-025 | 11 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowers, R. D. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 022-025 | 6 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowes, Alfred | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 27 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowes, Alfred C. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 25 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowes, Ernest | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 23 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowey | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 014-013 | 31 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowey, C. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 011-012 | 19 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowey, John | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 014-013 | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowey, John G. | 19 June,1909 | Victorian | 014-013 | 6 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Daisy E. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 13 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Elsie M. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 7 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Frank A. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 8 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, George H. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 5 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Joseph | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 47 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Mrs. A. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 43 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Stanley P. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 11 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Thomas B. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 10 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, Walter E. | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 004-004 | 3 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowing, William | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 15 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blown, Anna | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 24 | Swede | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blown, John | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 32 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blowocka, Antoni | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 004-004 | 22 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Alb. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 8 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Albert | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 015-015 | 16 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Arthur | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 004-003 | 29 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Arthur | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 004-003 | 3 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Daisy | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 32 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Edith | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 006-00C | 9 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Edith M. | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 004-003 | 25 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Frederick | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 015-015 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, Jas. | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 007-007 | 38 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blows, William | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 004-003 | 1 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxam, Emily | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 003-003 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxam, Reginald | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 003-003 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxam, Reginald L. | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 003-003 | infant | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, A. B. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 012-000 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Alf. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 013-014 | 31 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Arthur Hy. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 14 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Emily | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 42 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Rowland | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 009-008 | 27 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Victor J. | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 34 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxham, Winifred M. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 8 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxkam, Miss E. D. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00C | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxsom, Annie | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 011-012 | 25 | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloxwich, Arthur | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 38 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloye, Ernest | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 023-024 | 35 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bloys, A. W. | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 013-13½ | 21 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluam, Morris | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 001-000 | 25 | Poland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluch, Beatrice | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluche, Lucien | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 004-003 | 26 | French | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blucher, Rebecca | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 38 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blucher, Simon | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 41 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluck, H. | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 005-005 | 23 | Austria | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluck, Harry | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 008-001 | 31 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluck, Henry | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 025-025 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blucker, Marie | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 008-009 | 4 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluckstein, B. | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | infant | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluckstein, Golde | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 27 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluckstein, H. | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 4 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluckstein, Sura | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 2 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bludan, Carl | 14 August,1908 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 46 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bludan, Pauline | 14 August,1908 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 50 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bludnyj, Iwan | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 030-006 | 29 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Alex | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 009-001 | 38 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Alice | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 024-024 | 29 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Allie | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 29 | T-492 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Blue, Bella | 10 August,1908 | Athenia | 003-004 | 26 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, C. S. | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 020-010 | 36 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Catherine | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 021-021 | 27 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Dugald | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 003-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, John | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 018-018 | 63 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, John | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 008-00H | 42 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Margt. P. | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 018-018 | 43 | Canada | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Michael | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 021-021 | 29? | Holland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blue, Susan W. | 02 June,1907 | Athenia | 018-018 | 31 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blueit, Lionel | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 40 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blues, Jessie | 02 October,1910 | Saturnia | 001-009 | 20 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluestein, Aron | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 024-00H | 60 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluestein, Chana | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 002-001 | 3y6m | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluestein, Rosa | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 002-001 | 35 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluestein, Schloune | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 002-001 | 4y6m | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluesti?, Annie | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 019-010 | 26 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluett, Claude | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 014-003 | 29 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluett, Herbert | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 021-021 | 19y6m | Irish | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluett, Ida | 27 July,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 021-021 | 30 | Australian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluett, Richard | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 021-021 | 28 | Irish | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blugd, Jakol | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 004-002 | 20 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluher, Rebecca | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 070-045 | 42 | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bluiston, Clarence | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 031-00H | 4 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluiston, Edith | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 031-00H | 7 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluiston, Mrs. M. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 031-00H | 30 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Aron | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 006-004 | 26 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Arthur N. | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 042-038 | 31 | Austria | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, B. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 016-016 | 3 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Bertha | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 17 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Emma | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 009-007 | 1 | Switzerland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, F. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 016-016 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Geo. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 017-017 | 33 | France | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Henry | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 023-00N | 45 | USA | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Husch | 27 August,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 10 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Irene | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 009-007 | 21 | Switzerland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, J. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 016-016 | 10 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, J. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 016-016 | 8 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Jeche | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 21 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Joseph | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 040-039 | 27 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Jozef | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 006-004 | 32 | Roumania | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Julie | 05 June,1909 | Virginian | 036-018 | Switzerland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blum, Max | 07 July,1907 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 27 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Menicha | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 040-039 | 20 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Nona | 27 August,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 17 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Otto | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 009-007 | 22 | Switzerland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Peter | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-009 | 44 | German | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Rachel | 05 August,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 004-004 | 21 | Roumania | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Rosa | 30 September,1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 18 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, S. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 016-016 | 35 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Sali | 27 August,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 30 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Schim | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-000 | 19 | Roumania | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Taube | 27 August,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 7 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Uscher | 27 August,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 11 | Roumania | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blum, Y. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 009-009 | 45 | Romania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumas, Welvil | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 019-018 | 2 | Belgium | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumb, Alf. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 031-00H | 25 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumb, Mrs. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 031-00H | 33 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Barnet | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 36 | German | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Chaie | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 16 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Ferdinand | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 009-00J | 34 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Freide | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 010-010 | 21 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Jack | 04 November,1905 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 18 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Miss Alexa. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 009-00I | 35 | British England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Moses | 22 October,1903 | Canada | 001-00A | 20 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumberg, Reuben | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 013-024 | 34 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumbey, Abraham | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-010 | 34 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blume, C. A. | 02 October,1903 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 62 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blume, Jacobson | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 40 | Roumanian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blume, Marcel | 05 June,1904 | Dominion | 007-007 | 28 | France | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blume, Possa | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 9 | Roumanian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumeberg, Anny | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 14 | Poland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumeberg, Esther | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 4 | Poland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumeberg, Fanny | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 40 | Poland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumeberg, Goldie | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 016-015 | 6 | Poland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumeet?, ?ylok | 16 July,1907 | Mount Royal | 006-006 | 15 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumell, William | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 028-001 | 50 | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blumen, Nathan | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 021-00S | 33 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenbaum, C. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 13 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenbaum, S. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 10 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenbaum, S. | 24 June,1907 | Ionian | 023-022 | 45 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Beruet | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 7 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Chaie | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 002-002 | 2 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, D. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 30 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Easter | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 40 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Frida | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 016-014 | 20 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, H. | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 012-010 | 19 | Roumania | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Herman | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 10 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Janca | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 016-014 | 18 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Jankel | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 002-002 | 4 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Malke | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 004-002 | 9 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Marian | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 002-002 | 27 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Mariom | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 6m | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Michajlina | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 002-002 | 20 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Moritz | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 008-007 | 17 | Roumania | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Rifca | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 008-007 | 11 | Roumania | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Rosala | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 4 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Sabinow | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 002-002 | 7 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Sara | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 004-002 | 45 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Solomon | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 008-007 | 15 | Roumania | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Srul | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 008-007 | 42 | Roumania | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Thona | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 006-004 | 13 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfeld, Tsash | 26 April,1910 | Athenia | 023-021 | 26 | Romania | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfield, Bernd. | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 025-006 | 26 | Romania | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenfield, Rosa | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 025-006 | 22 | Poland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumengart, David | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 12 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumengart, Moishe | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 14 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Anna | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 6m | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, C | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 002-000 | 31 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Esther | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 9 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Joseph | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 001-000 | 21 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Lea | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 15 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Marie | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 48 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Pula | 17 September,1905 | Montrose | 003-003 | 19 | Roumanian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Rachel | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 17 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Rebecca | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 001-000 | 23 | Russian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Samuel | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 2 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstein, Sara | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 002-002 | 11 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstock, Chaja | 10 July,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 20 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenstock, infant | 10 July,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 4m | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumentgar, Schine | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 001-000 | 16 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Basha | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 003-003 | 19 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Bert | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 31 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Birtel | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 003-003 | 55 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, David | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 029-028 | 27 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Gitel | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 003-003 | 6 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Harry | 17 June,1904 | Halifax | 001-00A | 23 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Hermann | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 28 | Russ Polish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Hyman | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 013-013 | 18 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, J. | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 007-007 | a | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, J. Mr. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 034-034 | 28 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, M. | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 007-007 | a | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Regina | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 23 | Russ Polish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Saml. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 30 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthal, Simon | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 3 | Russ Polish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumenthol, J. | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 005-001 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumer, Caro | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 006-006 | 18 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumer, George | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 036-035 | 35 | Sa. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumer, George | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 038-037 | 35 | Eng. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumer, Rochel | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 006-006 | 17 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumes, Yacob | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 009-009 | 28 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Chave | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 10m | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Leah | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 29 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Leye | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 18 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Moische | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 4 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Samuel | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 18 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumi, Teze | 29 July,1905 | Montreal | 003-003 | 1 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumin, Judan | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 022-021 | 55 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blummtscher, Anton | 14 November,1906 | Montrose | 013-012 | 42 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumowiz, Sore | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 013-005 | 19 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumqvist, Therese | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 20 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumrich, Kate | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 2 | German | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumrich, Kate | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 1 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumrich, Marareta | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 25 | Germany | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumrich, Margaret | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 001-000 | 25 | German | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumson, Esther F. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 009-009 | 33 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumson, Esther H. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 009-009 | 1 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumson, Sidney A. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 009-009 | 3 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumstein, Harry | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 002-000 | infant | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumstein, Leah | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 002-000 | 22 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumstein, Morris | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 15 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumstrom, John | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 017-015 | 17 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blumtum, William | 24 July,1904 | Canada | 012-012 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell Jr., Mr. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blundell, A. E. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 017-016 | 22 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, A.S. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 003-031 | 26 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Alice | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 031-30A | 23 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Anne D. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Annie M. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 003-031 | 25 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Arabella | 02 August,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 56 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Arthur | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 003-003 | 29 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Arthur | 13 August,1909 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 16 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Charles | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 001-001 | 7 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Christina | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 001-001 | 36 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Clara | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | ? | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Cornelius | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 18 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Edward | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 9 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Emily | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 012-00E | 29 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Emma B. | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 017-00C | 36 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Florrie | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 026-003 | 7 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, George | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 002-002 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Harry | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 17 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Ida | 18 July,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-001 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, illegible | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 008-002 | 27 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Ivy | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 1 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, J. E. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 006-00F | 33 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, James | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, John | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 023-023 | 36 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, John | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 57 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, John | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 22 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, John | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 022-005 | 39 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, John | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 17 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Joseph | 13 August,1909 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, L. N. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 020-020 | 27 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Leonard | 19 May,1905 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 25 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Leslie | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 2 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, M. A. W. | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 008-008 | 30 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Mabel | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Mabel | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 5 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Mary | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 18 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Maud | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Mels. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 48 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Miss | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blundell, Miss | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 030-030 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blundell, Mr. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blundell, Mrs. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blundell, Mrs. E. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 57 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, R. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 018-017 | 39 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Richard | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 011-011 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Richard | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 006-005 | 36 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Richard | 18 September,1910 | Dominion | 001-001 | 40 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Rosina | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 27 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Samuel | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 002-001 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Sarah | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 024-003 | 44 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Thomas | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 030-002 | 26 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Thomas | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 002-000 | 23 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Thos. | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 005-002 | 29 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Thos. | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 008-00C | 61 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundell, Wm. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 026-025 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Alice | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 31 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Annie | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 41 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Bertha | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Catherine | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 4 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Doris | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 9 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Dorothy | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 9 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Elizabt. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 001-001 | 42 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Elizth. Ann | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 44 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Elsie | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 13 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Frederick | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 1y3m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Godfrey | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 11 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Grace | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 031-033 | 20 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Grace | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Ivy | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 004-003 | 13 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, James | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 39 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, James W. | 17 June,1904 | Canada | 014-014 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Lilian Constance | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Mabel | 11 September,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 34 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Mary Jane Barbara | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 56 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Mrs. | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 004-003 | 41 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Olive | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 3 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Percy G. | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 001-001 | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, R. | 14 October,1905 | Southwark | 004-003 | 4 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Richard | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 47 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Royston | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | 7 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Violet | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 008-008 | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunden, Winnifred | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 007-006 | infant | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunder, Edith R. | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-008 | 23 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunder, George | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunderfield, Percy | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-025 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundler, Jno. Jas. | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 047-026 | 21 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundon, Elizabeth | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 007-00D | 54 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundon, Lilian | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 007-00D | 19 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundon, Walter | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 007-00D | 11 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundun, G. P. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 018-011 | 22 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, Jessie? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 10 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, Kate | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, Minnie? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 12 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, Norma? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 38 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, Oliver | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 018-017 | 21 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blundy, William | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 38 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunn, Boleslaw | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunson, Chas. | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 32 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Albert | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 001-001 | 28 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Albert | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 9 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Alfred | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 001-000 | 42 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Annie | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 001-001 | 27 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Annie | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 30 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Annie | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 8 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Arthur | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 21 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Arthur | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 3 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Benjm. | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Charles | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 014-011 | 22 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Charles | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 43 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Charles | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 007-006 | 52 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Clara | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 25 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, E.C. | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 030-030 | a | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Edith | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 29 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Elizabeth | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 005-004 | 53 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Elizabeth | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 75 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Ernest | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 001-001 | 1y6m | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Ernest | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 24 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Fanny | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 38 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Florence | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Florrie | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 15 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Francis | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 014-002 | 31 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Francis | 30 September,1908 | Sicilian | 001-000 | 30 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, George | 29 October,1908 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 42 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Henry | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 2 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Henry | 15 September,1906 | Ionian | 002-002 | 50 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, James | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 36 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, James | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 019-002 | 38? | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, James | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 023-003 | 31 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Jas | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 012-002 | 38 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Jessie | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 4 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, John | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 4 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Louis | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 005-004 | 50 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Margt. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 005-004 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Mary | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 11 | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Blunt, Mary | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 005-005 | 48 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Minnie | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-019 | 2 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Rhoda E. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 005-004 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Rose | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 001-000 | 36 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, S. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 019-012 | 30 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Stanley | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 012-011 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Thomas | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Thos. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 004-002 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, W. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 003-002 | 29 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, William | 23 May,1908 | Southwark | 007-006 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, William E. | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 017-017 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Wm. | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 003-003 | 26 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunt, Wm. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 29 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blunus, Josef | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 016-012 | 30 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurson, Miss E. | 18 May, 1906 | Victorian | 028-024 | 23 | Eng | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurstone, Mrs. E. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 016-016 | 56 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Annie | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 020-019 | 4 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Doris | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 020-019 | 2 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Harriet | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 020-019 | 34 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Mrs. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 035-032 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Oliver | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Richard | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 035-032 | 6 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, Richd. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 020-019 | 31 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blurton, William | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 035-032 | 16 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blus, Betkis | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 23 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Blusgus, Ka? | 31 May,1905 | Mongolian | 001-00A | 29 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blusmann, Hirsch | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 028-028 | 23 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluss, B. Abraham | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 007-006 | 26 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, Abraham | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 30 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, Alex? | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 008-001 | 2y6m | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, Blunia | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 25 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, Calley | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 008-001 | 27 | Germany | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, David | 30 October,1909 | Tunisian | 008-001 | 4y6m | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blustein, Jette | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 6m | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blusuisty, Sineir | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 38 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blutcher, Daniel | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 32 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blutstein, Michel | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 008-007 | 21 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blutstein, Schmuel | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 008-006 | 24 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluuck, Fritzof | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 46 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bluwal, Peisah | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 007-006 | 30 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blwronza, Jacob | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 029-029 | 40 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, Charles H. | 23 September,1905 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, Figel R. | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 007-000 | 21 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, Herman | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 012-012 | 4 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, Jacob | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 007-000 | 23 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, Mrs. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 012-012 | 50 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bly, N. M. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 012-012 | 46 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyda, Dymtro | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 011-005 | ? | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyda, Iwan | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 025-016 | 30 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyda, Tzydor | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 025-016 | 18 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blydyk, Nikolaj | 11 July,1910 | Montezuma | 001-001 | 33 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyke, Gertrude | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 22 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyleven, Franciscus | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 008-008 | Holland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blylthe, Ethel | 06 September,1909 | Pretorian | 009-08½ | 29 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyoub, George John | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-006 | 27 | Syria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyoub, Mikael | 01 October,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-006 | 20 | Syria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Blysaik, Hychok | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 30 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, A. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 024-024 | a | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Agnes | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 008-000 | 32 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alex. | 15 August,1904 | Corinthian | 002-000 | 69 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alexr. | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 011-00A | 22 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alexr. | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 009-005 | 48 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alf G. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00C | 30 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alfred H. | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 017-017 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alice | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 024-001 | 28 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alice | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 001-001 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Alice | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | infant | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Annie | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 013-014 | 35 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Arthur | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 029-028 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, B. C. | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 016-001 | a | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Bella | 03 May,1909 | Ionian | 007-00A | 21 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, C. H. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 36 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, C. Henry | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 011-001 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, C. P. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 27 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Cecil Thomas | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-016 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Charles | 15 August,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 19 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Chas. | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 001-001 | 1 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Chas. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 1 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Christina | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 15 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Clara | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 006-00C | 48 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Constance | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 009-005 | 5 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Daisey | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 020-00E | 12 | Scots | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Daisy | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 19 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Dav. S. | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 001-001 | 22 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, David | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 27 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Dorothy A. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 028-027 | 1 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, E. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 024-024 | a | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, E. E. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 29 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, E. W. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 019-018 | 17 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, E.J. | 11 July,1908 | Lake Champlain | 008-007 | 22 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Ethel | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 013-014 | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Ethel J. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 004-004 | 29 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, G. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 024-024 | 4 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, George | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 17 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Herbert | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 42 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Honor | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Hy. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 54 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Isaac | 11 November,1906 | Ionian | 002-000 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Isaac | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 006-00C | 32 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Jennie | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 26 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Joannie | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 4 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, John | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 010-001 | 31 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, John | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 024-001 | 30 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, John | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 30 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, John | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 11 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Lizzie | 21 August,1910 | Ionian | 005-005 | 30 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Louisa | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 009-005 | 36 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Margt. | 09 September,1909 | Ottawa | 004-011 | 34 | Gt. Britain | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Margt. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 55 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mary | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 2 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Matilda | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 005-004 | 33 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mitchell | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 29 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mr. E. B. | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 009-00I | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mrs. | 03 May,1909 | Ionian | 007-00A | 58 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mrs. | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 020-00E | 45 | Scots | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mrs. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 54 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Mrs. G. | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 34 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Olive D. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 028-027 | 3 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Percy | 25 September,1903 | Southwark | 001-000 | 22 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, R. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 024-024 | infant | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Robert | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 017-016 | 32 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Robt. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 012-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Sarah F. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 028-027 | 27 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Sidney | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00C | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Thomas | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 026-026 | 36 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, W. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 22 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Walter | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 015-014 | 31 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Walter G. | 06 October,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 007-006 | 24 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, William | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 014-002 | 36 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, William | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 10 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Wm | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 024-003 | 27 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Wm. | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 018-018 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyth, Wm. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 023-026 | 55 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, A. E. | 09 July,1905 | Dominion | 001-001 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Adam | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 13 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | Dr Barnardo's Party |
Blythe, Alford | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 001-001 | 44 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Ella M. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 038-036 | 40 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Fredk. | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 007-00A | a | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Geo | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 009-009 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Blythe, Grace | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 029-028 | 11 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | Dr Barnardo's Party |
Blythe, Hedley | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 2 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, James | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 47 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Jas. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 017-017 | 50 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Jessie | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 007-006 | 30 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, John | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 014-00N | infant | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Joseph | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 26 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Lizzie | 07 May,1904 | Sardinian | 001-001 | 30 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Mrs. P. | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 037-037 | 40 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Percy | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 037-037 | 42 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Samuel | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 31 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Sarah | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 007-00A | a | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Sarah | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, W. E. | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 021-012 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Blythe, Walter | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 014-00N | 33 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythe, Wm. Robt. | 28 July,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Blytheway, Thomas | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 35 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythie, Algernon | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 004-003 | 22 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythman, E | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 020-020 | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythman, Frank | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 005-00A | 43 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythman, John | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 005-00A | 70 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythman, John | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 009-009 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Blythman, Thomas | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 005-004 | 26 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Blyzinuk, Stefan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 034-033 | 24 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bnczak, Wajciech | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 004-004 | 38 | Galacian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bnut, Jure | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 017-010 | 18 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, ? | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 001-001 | ?9 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, F.A. | 14 August,1908 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 28 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, Harry | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 006-005 | 36 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, Joan | 14 August,1908 | Ottawa | 005-005 | infant | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, Josefine | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 014-015 | 21 | Norway | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?, Winifred | 14 August,1908 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?cock, Jno. | 16 July,1904 | Parisian | 003-003 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?er, David | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 35 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?et, A. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 002-000 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?et, R. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 002-000 | 34 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?kes, Henry | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 018-002 | 58 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?kes, Henry Jas. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 018-002 | 20 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?le, Mrs. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 007-000 | 25 | Antrim, Ire. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?le, Saml. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 007-000 | infant | Antrim, Ire. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?len?n, William | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 22 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Bo?lt, Amelia | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 034-014 | 28 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?lt, Millicent | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 034-014 | 4 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?lt, Wm. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 034-014 | 2 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?ring, E. | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 016-015 | 38 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?ring, Mrs. E. | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 016-015 | 38 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?stocke, Katherine | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 37 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?stocke, Leslie C. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 34 | Wales | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?thwick, D. | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 001-000 | 20 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?thwick, John | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 001-000 | 35 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bo?thwick, Wm. | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 001-000 | 23 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Andrew | 16 July,1907 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 29 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Barbara | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 001-000 | 27 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Donald | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 051-048 | 38 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Edward | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 051-048 | 1 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Isabella | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 051-048 | 2 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, James | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 001-000 | 4 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Jessie | 16 October,1906 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 29 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, John | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 051-048 | 4 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Margaret | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 024-026 | 27 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Margt. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 051-048 | 37 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, R. | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, William | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 001-000 | 3 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, William A. | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 24 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa, Wm. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 009-008 | 24 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boa?, Alexander | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 24 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boad, Caesar | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 020-020 | 18 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, Annie | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 002-001 | 31 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, Frederick | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 002-001 | 3 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, George | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, John | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 002-001 | 35 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, Margt | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 001-000 | 26 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, Mary | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 002-001 | 2 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaden, Percival | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 002-001 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boadiczak, Gregor | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 33 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Allan | 01 August,1910 | Grampian | 003-001 | 52 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Annie | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 015-015 | 13 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Boag, Fanny | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 015-015 | 11 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Boag, Fanny | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 015-015 | 42 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Boag, George | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 012-011 | 37 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Henry G. | 15 August,1906 | Marina | 001-000 | 37 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, James | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 024-014 | 28 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Jemima | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 015-015 | 7 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Boag, John | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 021-008 | 35 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, John A. | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 013-013 | 56 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, John A. | 15 August,1906 | Marina | 001-000 | 55 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, John A. | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 004-008 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Lizzie | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 004-004 | 26 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Maggie | 06 October,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 24 | Irish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Maggie | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 015-015 | 19 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Boag, Peter | 20 June,1909 | Hesperian | 007-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Peter | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 024-021 | 23 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Stenhouse H. | 15 August,1909 | Hesperian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Thomas | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Thos. | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 006-006 | 65 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, Walter | 27 October,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, William | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 008-007 | 61 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, William | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 022-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag, William | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 032-006 | 26 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag?, Jane | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 014-014 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boag?, Walter | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 014-014 | 29 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boags, William | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 015-015 | 40 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaham, Alfred | 18 November,1907 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, child | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 036-027 | c | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Eliz. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 007-006 | 48 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Henry | 26 June,1907 | Numidian | 005-005 | 24 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Henry | 6 June,1906 | Numidian | 006-00F | 23 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Mr. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 036-027 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Mrs. | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 036-027 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Mrs. A. B. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 026-025 | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Boak, Mrs. Robert | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 034-033 | 35 | U.S.A. | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, Robert | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 034-033 | 36 | U.S.A. | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boak, William | 26 June,1907 | Numidian | 005-005 | 19 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boake, Chas | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 005-001 | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Boake, E. J. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 012-00L | 35 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boake, Mrs. | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 012-00L | a | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boakes, Henry | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 018-017 | 54 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, David | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 017-018 | 22 | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Joseph | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 002-001 | 33 | Ireland? | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Mary | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 001-00A | 21 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Mary Jane | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 30 | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Norman | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 11y6m | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Robt. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 21 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boal, Thos. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 23 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boalain, G. H. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 008-008 | 23 | Channel Isles | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boalch, Mr.F | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 016-001 | 24 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaler, Arelia | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boales?, A. E. | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 016-012 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Boales?, E. E. | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 016-012 | 11 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Boalt, Marian | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 016-015 | 35 | America | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boalton, C. J. | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 012-001 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boalton, F. C. | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 012-001 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boam, Jacob | 07 October,1910 | Victorian | 011-006 | 33 | USA | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boar, Schulim | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 012-004 | 29 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Boar, William | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 009-00I | 32 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, A. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 030-028 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Alfred | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 014-002 | 29 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Benjamin | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 24 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Hyman | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 014-013 | 18 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, J.E. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 020-004 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, James | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 25 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Leah | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 024-024 | 60 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Miss | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 036-027 | a | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Miss F. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | 7 | Berkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Miss May | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | a | Berkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, P?cus | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 024-024 | 66 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Robert | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 28 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, S. W. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | a | Berkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Sarah | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 27 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, Thos. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | 27 | Berkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, W. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 008-008 | 32 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, W. J. | 23 October, 1903 | Bavarian | 012-013 | a | Berkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, William | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 006-001 | 26 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Board, William | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 10m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardbent, Mr. J. M. | 27 August,1903 | Lake Simcoe | 005-000 | 52 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boarder, Albert H. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 38 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boarder, Gertrude A. E. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 33 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardley, Amy | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 012-011 | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardley, Emma | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 012-011 | 33 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardley, Herbert F. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 028-020 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardley, John | 23 August,1907 | Virginian | 029-020 | 32 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardley, Richd | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 019-003 | 39 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Alice | 04 August,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 2 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Bertha | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Bertha | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 016-015 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Catherine | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 025-003 | 26 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Charles | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 025-003 | 29 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Child | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 029-00F | c | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, E. | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 034-00I | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Edgar N. | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 010-001 | 25 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Elizabeth | 04 August,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 40 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Emily | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 006-005 | 2 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Emma | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 022-00T | 20 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Freda | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 4 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Geo. | 20 July,1908 | Cassandra | 002-002 | 28 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, George | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, H. W. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 013-013 | 20 | Eng | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Harriet | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 012-011 | 40 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Hattie | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 30 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Isabel | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 2 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Isabella | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 025-025 | 42 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, J. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, J.E. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 009-00B | 1 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Jas | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 009-00B | 20 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Jas. R. | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 25 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, John | 19 September,1905 | Athenia | 002-002 | 25 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, John L. | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 26 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Kinch | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 2 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Lily | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 014-014 | 18 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Lizzie | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 006-005 | 4 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Louise | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 017-017 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Mary | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 006-005 | 32 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Mary A. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 21 | Engd. | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Mend | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 8 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Morris | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 033-031 | 9? | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Mrs. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Mrs. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 009-00B | 28 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, R. W. | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 019-019 | 22 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Richd. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 025-025 | 43 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Ross | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 64 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Sarah | 25 September,1910 | Lake Champlain | 007-002 | 22 | Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Sophia | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 53 | Canada | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Sor | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 10 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, T. | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 29 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Thomas | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 006-005 | 8m | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Thos. | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 011-010 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Thos. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 006-005 | 35 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Violet | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 029-029 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, William | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 021-020 | 34 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardman, Wm. R. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 023-013 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boardsley, Saml | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 006-006 | 14 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boarer, Abner | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 009-003 | 50 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boarer, Abner | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 005-00E | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boarn, W. J. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 010-010 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boas, David | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 023-023 | 34 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, George | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 29 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, H. C. | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, James | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 52 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, Maria | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 51 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, Walter E. | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 012-005 | 20 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, William | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 010-009 | 24 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boast, William J. | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 012-005 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaster, Fred | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaster, Fred | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 29 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaster, Mrs. F. | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | 29 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boatfield, Wm. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 029-028 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boatflower, Edith | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 014-001 | 24 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boatflower, Edith Jr. | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 014-001 | 4 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boatflower, Nellie | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 014-001 | 2 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath, Prudence | 28 August,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 20 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath?n, Bella C. | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 16 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath?n, Eva | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 3 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath?n, Maggie | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 14 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath?n, Mrs. M. | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 50 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boath?n, Nellie | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 11m | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boatti, Matilda | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 017-011 | 44 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boax, Henri | 10 July,1909 | Canada | 004-003 | 17 | Belgium | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boax, Louis | 10 July,1909 | Canada | 004-003 | 19 | Belgium | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boay, Wm | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 011-011 | 55 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, C. F. | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, Ernest | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 048-023 | 33 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, Henry | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 032-032 | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, Louise | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 019-003 | 11 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, Mary | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 019-003 | 34 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boaz, Wm J. | 04 October,1908 | Grampian | 008-004 | 21 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boazman, Ella | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 25 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boazzelli, Annie | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 31 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bob?, Edward | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 013-004 | 43 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bob?, Mabel | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 013-004 | 33 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boback, Elvira | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 015-016 | 19 | Sweden | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobak, Emilian | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 002-002 | 41 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobanik, Roman | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 011-010 | 27 | Russia Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobart, Madame | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 018-016 | 60 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobawski, Jendrzej | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 43 | Rutheman | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobb, Leon | 20 October,1905 | Sarmatian | 002-002 | 22 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Constance T. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 003-040 | 16 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Elsie | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 003-040 | 52 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Elsie May | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 003-040 | 25 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Elsie May | 28 October,1906 | Southwark | 014-014 | 23? | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Florence | 18 July,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-001 | 21 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Frank | 18 July,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-001 | 23 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, M. A. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 034-033 | 20 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Mrs. | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 014-014 | 45 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbett, Stephen J. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 003-040 | 49 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbeu, Albert | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 013-012 | 19 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbin, George M. | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 009-001 | 34 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbince, Paul | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 028-028 | 59 | France | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbins, Audrey | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 007-000 | 28 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobby, Caroline | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 002-001 | 28 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobby, Wilfred | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 002-001 | 11m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobby, William | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 019-019 | 22 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobbyn, Wm. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 018-014 | 14 | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Bobcyk, Josef | 07 October,1905 | Lake Michigan | 001-001 | 36 | Galacia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobe, Donald | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 021-019 | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobe, Jane | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 021-019 | 25 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobe, M. | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 021-019 | 4 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobeff, Christo | 29 October,1907 | Parisian | 015-015 | 2? | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobek, Iwan | 09 October,1910 | Willehad | 007-006 | 33 | Galicia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobeldyk, P. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 022-022 | 22 | Holland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boben, William | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 016-016 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobencko, Huat | 29 June,1908 | Montrose | 002-002 | 39 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bober, Anna | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 28 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bober, Bronislawa | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 3 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bober, Stanislaw | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 2 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bober, Walcya | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 9m | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberfeldt, Antonia | 01 September,1908 | Mount Royal | 001-000 | 15 | German | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Axel G. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 022-015 | 13 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Geo. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 032-032 | 48 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Gustaf | 01 May,1908 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 18 | Sweden | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Johan A. E. | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 038-037 | 38 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Marta | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 022-015 | 9 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Miss | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 032-032 | 13 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Mrs. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 032-032 | 36 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boberg, Per A. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 022-015 | 49 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobesink, Lucko | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 019-017 | 24 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobesiuk, Prokop | 30 July,1909 | Mont Rose | 004-003 | 18 | Galician | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobesse, Adrien | 01 June,1906 | Pomeranian | 006-004 | 20 | French | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobezuk, Pawll | 28 October,1907 | Pretorian | 008-008 | a | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobianak, Profira? | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 26 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobic, Jovo | 03 May,1909 | Sicilian | 012-012 | 25 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobier, James | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 010-010 | 53 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobier, Margaret | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 010-010 | 51 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobier, Rev. J.E. | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 017-010 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bobiloys, Iaku | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 018-015 | 20 | Greek | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobin, Jonas | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 011-010 | 25 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinicz, Ilko | 15 July,1905 | Lake Michigan | 002-000 | 33 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinka, Jan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 3 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinka, Josfa | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 16 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinka, Leopold | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 14 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinka, Marcela | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 7 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinka, Teresa | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bobinka, Wlad | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 4 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinska, Josef | 05 July,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 22 | Galicia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinska, Maria | 05 July,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 40 | Galicia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinska, Wojciech | 05 July,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 24 | Galicia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinski, Georg | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 013-012 | 19 | Bukovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinski, Georg | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 19 | Bucko | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobinsky, Solomon | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 018-018 | 48 | Russia Poland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobionski, Ewa | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 012-011 | 19 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobis, Kazimir | 14 August,1909 | Montfort | 013-013 | 19 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobko, Iwan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 025-024 | 24 | Germany | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobkowski, Kasimir | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 002-002 | 49 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boblis, Michalina | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 009-008 | 25 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boblis, Osip | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 009-008 | 22 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boboff, Christo | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 019-017 | 18 | Bulgaria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobojar, Izko | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 013-012 | 25 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boboryk, Sofia | 16 May,1910 | Montfort | 005-005 | 21 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobowski, Josef | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 012-011 | 40 | Galacia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobowsky, Jan | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 010-010 | 28 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobra, Master Elka | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 011-000 | 14 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobra, Miss Chaim | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 011-000 | 18 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobraiski, Paul | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 002-002 | 21 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrawolski, Wadislaw | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 034-033 | 47 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobriczki, Stanislaw | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 016-008 | 17 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowetz, Davis | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 010-010 | 34 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowska, Anna | 28 October,1909 | Montezuma | 015-014 | 21 | Germany | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowski, Auton | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 009-009 | 26 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowski, Felisa | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 009-009 | 20 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowski, Gregori | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 42 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowski, Jendrzej | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 28 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowski, Wiesili | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 20 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobrowsky, Chas. | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 007-003 | 25 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobryk, Wasyl | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 039-017 | 33 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobryski, Mikola | 23 June,1908 | Montezumia | 003-003 | 24 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobter, Nichemic | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 008-008 | 20 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobucia, Jedrey | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 30 | Austria | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobula, Loryis | 08 June,1909 | Montrose | 005-005 | 31 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Gregory | 02 October,1910 | Montezuma | 007-005 | 32 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Halke | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 38 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Hanka | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 8 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Michal | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 007-007 | 34 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Nikolay | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 42 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Stefan | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 11m | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boby, Wasyl | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 3y6m | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Hanna | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 14 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Iwan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 18m | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Katryna | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 6 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Matrona | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 38 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Onifrey | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 42 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobyk, Wasyl | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 018-016 | 10 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bobziuk, Wasyl | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 038-036 | 18 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Anna | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 020-012 | 40 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Illegible | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 7 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Niwke | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Schole? | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 16 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Terue | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 9 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boc, Tziwy | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 18 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boca?, Fillippo | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 017-017 | 47 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocbet, Joseph | 29 May,1904 | Malou | 002-002 | French | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Boccalea?, William | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 018-018 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bocci, D. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 002-002 | 30 | Roumanian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boccia, Guiseppe | 24 July,1905 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 51 | Italy | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocco, Francesco | 23 June,1910 | Corinthian | 013-009 | 23 | Italy | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek de, E. M. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 013-00D | a | Belgium | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek de, Mrs. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 013-00D | a | France | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, Anna | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 6 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, Elizbreta | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 28 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, Elizbreta | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | infant | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, F. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 013-009 | 23 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, Julia | 17 September,1910 | Montfort | 010-009 | 23 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocek, Michal | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 021-021 | 3 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boch, Christian | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 041-040 | 22 | Denmark | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochain, Joseph | 29 August,1910 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 45 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, David | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 30 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, Eliza | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 30 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, Florrie | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 2 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, Margt. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 1 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, May | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 3 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocham, Percy | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 007-006 | 11 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Anna | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 37 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Antozko | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 15 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Ivan | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 4 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Maria Montreala | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 022-021 | infant | Born on Board | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Semko | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 10 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Tacha | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 2 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Tomko | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 7 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochan, Wasyl | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 016-015 | 40 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochanesky, Nykolaj | 06 June,1905 | Mount Temple | 008-008 | 24 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochanko, Dinyter | 09 October,1910 | Willehad | 003-002 | 18 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochard, Jean | 03 August,1904 | Halifax | 009-009 | 53 | French | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochard, Louis | 03 August,1904 | Halifax | 009-009 | 20 | French | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochawezki, Nikolaj | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 008-008 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bochel, Nellie | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 032-029 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochenck, Anton | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 008-008 | 40 | Polish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochenck, Ignac | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 010-009 | 18 | Galicia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocherg, Iwan | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 9 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocherg, N. | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 10 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocherg, Nikolaj | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 24 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocherg, Paranka | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 024-022 | 20 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochieuska, Jos. | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 034-036 | 26 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochinska, Franz | 18 October,1905 | Mount Temple | 005-000 | 17 | Russia Pole | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochiom, Michal | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 33 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochman, Nison | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 006-007 | 21 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochman, Sam | 05 August,1909 | Ottawa | 004-003 | 32 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmar, Mrs. S. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 029-029 | 40 | German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmer, Carl | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 002-002 | a | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmer, Fred. Wm. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 024-022 | 23 | Germany | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmer, Ilda | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 020-020 | 29 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmer, M. | 08 August,1907 | Ottawa | 020-020 | 59 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochmer, Paula | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 002-002 | a | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochna, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 021-019 | 24 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochna, Szymon | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 033-031 | 28 | Austria Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochner, Blima | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 020-014 | 23 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochner, Frida | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 25 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochniak, Franz | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 030-001 | 34 | Poland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bochsczewer, Hersch | 09 November, 1904 | Mount Temple | 012-012 | 21 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boci, Rev. Mere Lutgarde | 15 July,1906 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 50 | French | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bociak, Franz | 15 August,1904 | Montreal | 001-000 | 26 | Austria | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocian, Eledsz | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 005-004 | 40 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocian, Wasyl | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 030-029 | Galacia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bociar, Piotr | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 029-029 | 33 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocius, Alexander | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 024-024 | 35 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, A. B. | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 019-020 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Abraham | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 006-00F | 35 | Poland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Anton | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00G | 27 | Engl. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Catherine | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 36 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Catherine | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 9 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Jakole | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 002-00B | 52 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Johan | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 008-009 | 11 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Joseph | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 011-001 | 25 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Mrs C.F. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 70 | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Rudolf | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 036-036 | 19 | Belgian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bock, Susanne | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 11 | Hungary | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockanek, Jan | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 016-015 | 18 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockart, Eugene | 05 July,1908 | Montreal | 001-000 | 55 | Belgium | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockas, Miss L. G. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 021-00E | 27 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocker, Pilip | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 003-002 | 25 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocket, Oyer | 17 August,1906 | Southwark | 006-006 | 27 | Belgium | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockhoer, J. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 028-028 | 31 | Holland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Alfred | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 17 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Annie | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-005 | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Beatrice | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 41 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Chas. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 9 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Emily | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 19 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Emily | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 42 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Frank | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 025-024 | 34 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, George | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 16 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Ivy B. | 25 September,1903 | Ionian | 008-008 | 17 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, James | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 45 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Margt. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 42 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Mary | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 14 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Maurice | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 46 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, May | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-005 | 11 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Miss. E. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 012-011 | 37 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Mrs. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 012-011 | 66 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Oliver | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 14 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Rose | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 8 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Sara | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 5 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Sarah | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 002-002 | 47 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Thomas | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 018-018 | 11 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, Vivian | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 5 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocking, W. R. | 25 September,1903 | Ionian | 008-008 | 16 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockko, Stvgtschiff | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 004-005 | 27 | Servia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocklund, O. | 22 August,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00G | 19 | Swede | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockman, Adolf | 15 November, 1903 | Parisian | 005-005 | 26 | Denmark | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockman, J. W. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 021-012 | 48 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockner, Carl | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 015-014 | 31 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockocz, A | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 18 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockoczy, Franz | 29 June,1908 | Montrose | 002-002 | 45 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockowski, Karol | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 006-006 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockowski, Michal | 03 July,1907 | Montrose | 006-006 | 32 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockowski, Simon | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 32 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocks, Andrew | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 47 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bockslam, August | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 029-002 | 19 | Sweden | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocook, William | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 15 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocquet, Grace | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 20 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocquet, Infant | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 7m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocquin, Margte. | 12 June,1909 | Sicilian | 003-002 | 20 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocse, Walter | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocskor, Regina | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 24 | Hungary | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boctor, John | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 026-025 | 30 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocyes, Mrs R. | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 037-036 | 42 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocyes, Robt. | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 037-036 | 46 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocz, Karl | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 007-007 | 17 | Austrian German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczak, illegible | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 024-024 | 38 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczak, Roman | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 015-015 | 30 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczan, Franizck | 17 September,1910 | Montfort | 002-001 | 25 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczan, Petro | 10 May,1910 | Montezuma | 002-000 | 23 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczar, Petro | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 034-032 | 18 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczch, Josef | 09 September,1907 | Montreal | 008-007 | 20 | Hungary | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczewicz, Stanisl | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 34 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczl?, Alfred | 09 May,1904 | Montreal | 007-007 | 28 | Swiss | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bocznlak, Dmytro | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 019-019 | 27 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczser, Semko | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 024-024 | 33 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczulak, Dmytro | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 32 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boczulinski, Georgi | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 005-005 | 35 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Anna | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 11 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Betsy | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 4 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Harry | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 9 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Ilia | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 48 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, illegible | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | infant | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Kata | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 15 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Leah | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | illegible | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Rachel | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 3 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Rosie | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | infant | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Sarah | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 46 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?, Tanbe | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 005-005 | 2 | Russ. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bod?c, Wasil | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 030-030 | 38 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boda, Christina | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 011-00K | 23 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boda, Josif | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 029-029 | 20 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodack, R. J | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 010-00J | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodahl, Anton | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 25 | Norway | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodan, Harry | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 010-006 | 37 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodart, Henri | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 52 | Belgium | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodart, Marie | 17 May,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 57 | Belgium | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodberg, S. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 015-017 | 17 | Norway | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddaert, Aug. | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 007-00G | 44 | Belgium | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddaert, Fernand | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 007-00G | 11 | Belgium | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddam, Eric | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00D | 6 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddam, Grace | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00D | 4 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddam, Mrs. | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00D | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddam, Timpe | 10 November,1905 | Tunisian | 015-00D | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddam, W. W. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 019-019 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddan, Saml. | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 022-021 | 30 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddart, Feois | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 036-032 | 26 | Brazlian? | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodde, Henri E. | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 024-024 | 22 | Dutch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodden, Jas. | 05 November,1907 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 26 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddez, Leonie | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 44 | Belgium | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodding, C. A. | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | 22 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodding, John A. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 033-023 | 18 | Norway | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, A. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 017-016 | 41 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Alice | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 20 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Annie | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 19 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, David | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 16 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Eleanor | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 001-001 | 31 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Elizth. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 001-001 | 26 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, F. | 25 October,1903 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 23 | London Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Florence | 25 October,1903 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 3 | London Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Hannah | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 49 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, Percy | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 030-030 | 13 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddington, S. | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 39 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddis, Master H. | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 019-019 | 9 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddis, Miss Elsie | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 019-019 | 10 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddis, Mrs. Alice | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 019-019 | 34 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Andre | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 3m | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Camille | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 15 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Emerance | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 17 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Fvemin | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 8 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Germaine | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 4 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Hector | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 13 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, M | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 11 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, O | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 7 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Rosanne | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 10 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddiz, Sidonic | 11 September,1910 | Montrose | 002-000 | 38 | Belgium | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Ald. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 043-043 | ? | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Amy Ethel | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 11y6m | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, E. | 09 September,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 012-012 | 30 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Ed. A. | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 013-010 | 44 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Edith Dorothy | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 9y6m | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Edwin G. | 15 November, 1903 | Parisian | 007-007 | 21 | Surrey, Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Elizabeth | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Emmaline | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 37 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Ernest W. | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 009-VIII | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Frances | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Gertrude | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 002-000 | 27 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Gertrude | 24 August,1908 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 45 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Guy D. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | 29 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Guy G. D. | 31 May,1908 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Hammond | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Helena Adelaide | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 38 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Helena Elizabeth | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 16 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Henry Albert | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 005-004 | 38 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Herbert | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 018-005 | 38 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, James A. | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 20 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Jenny | 04 November,1905 | Canada | 003-00A | 21 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, John | 21 October,1906 | Sarmatian | 001-001 | 50 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, John R. | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 024-022 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Mary | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 028-009 | 23 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Mistress | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 005-001 | a | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Mrs.C. | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 005-001 | a | USA | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Percy Ed. | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 013-010 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Robert | 17 September,1904 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 11m | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Sarah | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 019-011 | 60 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Sarah Ann | 21 October,1906 | Sarmatian | 001-001 | 49 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Thomas | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 2 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Walter | 24 August,1908 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 44 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, Wilhelmina | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 25 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, William | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 011-010 | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, William | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 019-011 | 63 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, William | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boddy, William | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 022-002 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bode, Henry | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 005-000 | 23 | Germany | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bode, Marie | 22 August,1908 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 22 | Germany | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bode, Tennis | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 005-001 | 29 | Holland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bode, Theodor | 04 November,1909 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 25 | German | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bode, Winnie | 23 July,1905 | Kensington | 017-017 | 31 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodecker, Kathleen | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 014-013 | 30 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeen, Helen | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 28 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeen, May | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 1 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeen, William | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 8 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodel, James H. | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 009-009 | 19 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Agnes | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 016-016 | 49 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, F. C. G. | 20 May,1905 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 24 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Jas | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 003-00C | 23 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Mary | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 007-000 | 11m | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Mary | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 016-016 | 17 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Mrs. | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 003-00C | 23 | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodell, Mrs. J. | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 007-000 | 24 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodely, Robert | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 006-005 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Arthur | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 018-018 | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Avelina | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 15 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Benjamin | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 31 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Bessie | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 25 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Carrie | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Charlotte | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 31 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Christine | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 031-030 | 26 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Dora | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 11m | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Edward | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Eliz. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 44 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Ethel | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 3m | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Florrie | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 018-018 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Frank | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 22 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, G. R. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 44 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Harry E. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 24 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Herbert | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 021-011 | 19 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Infant | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 003-003 | infant | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, John | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 025-002 | 30 | Sweden | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Letita | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 32 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Mary | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 13 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Mrs. | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 003-003 | a | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Newton | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Nikolit | 20 September,1909 | Mount Temple | 009-008 | 19 | Macedonia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, S. A. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 014-004 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Thos. | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 018-018 | 46 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Violet | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 032-032 | 21 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, W.? | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 001-000 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Walter | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 023-007 | 21 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden, Walter | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 033-008 | 22 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden?, Arthur | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 32 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Boden?, Harriett | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 027-025 | 34 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenez, Noel | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 013-000 | 31 | France | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeng, Katharyn | 15 August,1904 | Montreal | 003-003 | 57 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeng, Wasyl | 15 August,1904 | Montreal | 003-003 | 19 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Albert | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 11 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Alf. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 7 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, James | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 34 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Jas. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 13 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Lilian | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 3 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Millie | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 5 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Minnie | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 33 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Rose | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 1 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Sidney H. | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 002-000 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenham, Wm. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-003 | 9 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodenstein, Michel | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 011-010 | 18 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Boder, Ferdinand | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 18 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boderick, Colin | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 025-025 | 19 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boderick, Eddie | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 013-013 | 3 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boderick, Mrs. Bert | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 013-013 | 30 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boderick, Nora | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 013-013 | 2 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodesch, Rosa | 04 September,1910 | Montreal | 011-000 | 27 | Russia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodeu, Peter Olaf. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 008-007 | 33 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodfish, Joe | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 002-002 | 48 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodfish, Mrs. | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 002-002 | 46 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodganowitz, Josef | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 040-040 | 28 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodge, L. J. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 018-000 | 34 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodge, Mrs. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 018-000 | 33 | American | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodgener, Elsie | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 26 | Eng. | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodgener, Horace | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 28 | Eng. | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodger, F. W. | 08 August,1903 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 46 | Northumberland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodger, J. | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 003-00C | 18 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodger, John | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 002-000 | a | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodi, Victor | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 007-007 | 25 | Maygar? | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiam, Henry | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 004-003 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiam, R. E. | 06 May,1906 | Southwark | 008-008 | 18 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiam, William | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 017-002 | 23 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodian, Iwan | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 30 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiczarski, Christina | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 011-011 | 24 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiczarski, Gregory | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 011-011 | 27 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiczarski, Josef | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 011-011 | 3 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiczarski, Michalina | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 011-011 | 10m | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiczel, Nikolai | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 003-001 | 37 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Annie | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 42 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Chas. A. | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 42 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, E.F. | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 012-001 | a | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bodie, Emma | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 009-007 | 45 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Isabel A. | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 16 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, James | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 001-000 | 20 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Jeanie L. | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 11 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Lena | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 10 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodie, Mrs. J.L. | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 012-001 | a | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bodie, Robt. C. | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 14 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodille, J.Cooper? | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 028-028 | a | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodilly, Blanche | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 001-00A | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bodilly, Hugh | 12 August,1909 | Canada | 008-008 | 20 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodilly, Hugh L. | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 001-00A | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bodin, Albert | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 17 | Sweden | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Anna | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 035-007 | 32 | Sweden | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Anna | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 11 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Aron | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 3 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Axel | 23 September,1910 | Virginian | 043-00E | 23 | Sweden | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Bossia | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 33 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Clara | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 043-040 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, G. | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 017-017 | 35 | Sweden | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Gutal | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 4 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Johan | 27 October,1905 | Lake Champlain | 001-001 | 30 | Sweden | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Karsa | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 017-016 | 69 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Lenin | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 8 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Margit | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 038-037 | 14 | Norway | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Marie | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 038-037 | 38 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Mawcha | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 7 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Per | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 017-015 | 19 | Sweden | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Per Emil | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 047-028 | 20 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Peter | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 035-007 | 32 | Sweden | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Rurke | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | infant | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Saka | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 9 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodin, Schmovel | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 5 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boding, Fredrick | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 027-027 | 26 | German | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodington, Helena B. | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 020-020 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodington, John | 11 November,1906 | Ionian | 008-007 | 19 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodington, O. E. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 020-020 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodington, Percival Jas. | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 006-001 | 33 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodink, Wasyl | 25 September,1910 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 42 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiul, Grigori | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 028-028 | 34 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiul, Kassian | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 008-007 | 26 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodiul, Leonti | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 019-019 | 18 | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodken, Miss | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 035-025 | a | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkin, Claud | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkin, Harry | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 013-009 | 24 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkin, John | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 002-002 | 17 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Bodkin, Sarah | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-020 | 34 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkin, T. W. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 016-006 | 30 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkin, Walter | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 28 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodkis, Con | 05 June,1909 | Canada | 013-013 | 28 | Greek | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodko, Jan | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 009-007 | 30 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodko, Josefa | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 009-007 | 19 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodle, Herbert | 02 November,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 007-007 | 6 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Adeline Miss | 01 September,1905 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 36 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Arthur | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 039-018 | 16 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, E. W. C. | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 001-001 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Elizabeth Miss | 01 September,1905 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 38 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Harry | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 002-002 | 23 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Leslie | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 015-013 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Mrs. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 015-013 | 29 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodley, Winnie | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 015-013 | 3 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodlington, Abt. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 016-006 | 40 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Anne | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 004-003 | 40 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Cuthbert | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 005-004 | 17 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Fred | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 006-005 | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, G. T. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Geoffrey | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 004-003 | 12 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, George | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 007-001 | 35 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Bodman, H. G. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 001-000 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Iwan | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 011-010 | 26 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Leo. Hy. | 14 August,1907 | Manchester Importer | 001-000 | 26 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Marg. E. | 17 June,1906 | Sarmatian | 008-00H | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Mrs. | 17 July,1908 | Corsican | 009-00B | 28 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodman, Stanley | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 002-007 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmar, Mikiela | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 029-029 | 21 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmari, Kost | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 042-040 | 25 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmaruk, Vasilie | 18 June,1910 | Montrose | 002-001 | 23 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmasuk, Iwar | 01 August,1910 | Montrose | 002-001 | 35 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmer, Harold S. | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmin, Adolph | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 011-004 | 24 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodmin, Hilma | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 011-004 | 22 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodna, Erzsebet | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 19 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodna, Karoly | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 31 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnac, A. | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 35 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnac, Hryn | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 36 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnac, Nastaria | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 032-032 | 9 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnacz, Danl. | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 014-015 | 19 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaczuk, Jurko. | 14 November,1909 | Ionian | 010-004 | 38 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaink, Ivan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 037-037 | 50 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnak, Anna | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 009-008 | 46 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnak, Semko | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 009-008 | 35 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnak, Tekla | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 009-008 | 11 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnanewska, Maria | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 004-004 | 18 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnanik, Stefan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 015-014 | 44 | Bukovina | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, A. | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 025-023 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bodnar, Alexander | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 026-026 | 18 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Ambrosi | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 001-001 | 23 | Austria Bucko | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Andras | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 034-021 | 33 | Hungary | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Andrij | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 009-007 | 23 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Andruch | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 28 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Anna | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 019-017 | 16 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Barbara | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 037-036 | 20 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Demeter | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 28 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Dianisuis | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 014-000 | 24 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Dimitre | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 012-011 | 20 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Fed | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 022-021 | 31 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Fed | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 017-000 | 18 | Galacia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Fed. | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 39 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Frank | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 034-034 | infant | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | died on ship |
Bodnar, Frank | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 041-041 | 7w | T-490 | Quebec Ports | died and buried at sea | |
Bodnar, Ilic Georgi | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 008-008 | 20 | Buko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Ilie | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 005-005 | 24 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Ilie | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 035-033 | 19 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, illegible | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 010-009 | 29 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Ivan | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 007-006 | 36 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Iwan | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 007-006 | 19 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Iwan | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 025-024 | 36 | Galician | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Iwan | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 026-026 | 25 | German | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Jaco?a | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | illegible | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Jarks | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 033-033 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Jurko | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 003-003 | 27 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Jwan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 037-036 | 25 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Karolina | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 034-034 | 23 | Austrian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Karolina | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 19 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Kyryls | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 016-016 | 17 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, L. | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 024-024 | 35 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, M. | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 025-023 | 23 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Magda | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 007-006 | 18 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Maria | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 20 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Metro | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 19 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Michailo | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 026-025 | 26 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Michel | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 22 | Austria | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Michel | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 008-007 | 17 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Mihailo | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 001-001 | 24 | Austria Bucko | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Mikolaj | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 28 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Mykolaj | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 004-004 | 23 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, N. | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 002-002 | 20 | Aust | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Nicola | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 002-000 | 28 | Buko | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Nikolai | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 007-006 | 26 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Nykolaj | 10 June,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 010-009 | 34 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Nykolij | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 019-021 | 24 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Oleksa | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 033-031 | 16 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Oleska | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 019-017 | ?6 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Onufry | 17 November,1909 | Montreal | 006-005 | 27 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Pawel | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 009-007 | 28 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Petro | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 028-028 | 25 | Galician | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Philip | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-005 | 27 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Porfin | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 019-019 | 24 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Prokop | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 036-012 | 27 | Galicia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Rosalia | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 019-019 | 24 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Simon | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 007-006 | 30 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Stefan | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Stefan | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 009-009 | 32 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Wasyl | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 33 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Wasyl | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 004-004 | 30 | Galicia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnar, Wasyl | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 006-000 | 17 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarasch, Aleksi | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 004-003 | 24 | Roumania | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarasch, Olesca | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 018-017 | 24 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarch, Teodor | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 016-016 | 43 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarcruz, Wasyl | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 036-034 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczuk, Jan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 011-010 | 24 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczuk, Magda | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 024-024 | 17 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczuk, Nykola | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 018-018 | 27 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczuk, Tatania | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 005-003 | 24 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczuk, Warmara | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 019-020 | 24 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarczus, Iwan | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 006-000 | 18 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Bodnarek, Michal | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 006-007 | 18 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariek, Stefan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 029-028 | 24 | Galicia Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarink, ?dan | 06 August,1910 | Montfort | 002-001 | 34 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarink, Dmitro | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 029-028 | 18 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarink, Mytro | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 011-010 | 50 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnarisck, Georgi | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 013-011 | 18 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Natalia | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 20 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Nikolaj | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 031-007 | 30 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Prokip | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 003-003 | 22 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Stefan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 022-021 | 45 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Tanasko | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 030-006 | 18 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnariuk, Wasyl | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 030-006 | 19 | Bukowina | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruch, Fodor | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 50 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Aksenti | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 004-002 | 25 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Dmytro | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 29 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Ila | 04 July,1909 | Montreal | 012-011 | 52 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Ivan | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 19 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Ivan | 28 September,1908 | Montreal | 003-002 | 47 | Galicia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Iwan | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 027-027 | 17 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Nikolaj | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 031-031 | 37 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Petro | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 026-026 | 19 | Bukowina | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Petro | 17 July,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 33 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Semion | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 031-030 | 31 | Bukowina | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Spiridor | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 022-022 | 30 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaruk, Teodor | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 25 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaryk, Andrej | 29 August,1904 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 28 | Bohemia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnasiuk, Pentelay | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 43 | Austria | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnavuk, Prosnia | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 028-028 | 18 | Bukovina | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnavyle, Georgi | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 031-030 | 31 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaz, Constantin | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 014-013 | 16 | Buckowinia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnaz, George | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 014-013 | 41 | Buckowinia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Andrejg | 17 October,1908 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 34 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Blume | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 006-004 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Chaive | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 006-004 | 21 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Hafya | 27 August,1910 | Willehad | 002-002 | 26 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Kurzlo | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 011-010 | 19 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Wasyl | 01 June,1909 | Lake Michigan | 006-005 | 40 | Galician | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Wasyl | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 009-000 | 38 | Bucko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodner, Wasyl | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 006-004 | 34 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnier, John | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 024-028 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnif, Barnet | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 001-000 | 19 | German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnor, Abraham | 04 June,1904 | Quebec | 002-000 | 22 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnor, Michal | 05 May,1909 | Mount Temple | 006-005 | 28 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnor, Milan | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 007-005 | 34 | Slavonie | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnor, Terino | 02 July,1910 | Tortona | 002-001 | 20 | Galicia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnorsson, Ion | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 40 | Iceland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodnoruk, Teirsim | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 32 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodoczlsa, Petro | 01 June,1910 | Mount Royal | 002-002 | 19 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodon, Stanislaw | 20 September,1909 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 18 | Austria | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodoux, Henri | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 24 | France | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodowicz, Jankel | 03 September,1904 | Southwark | 001-000 | 31 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodr, Frank | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 24 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodrcz, Michal | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 006-004 | 21 | Galicia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodsditch, Miss. L. R. | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 033-033 | a | Canada | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodsen, Louis | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-010 | 41 | Belgium | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodsen, Winanh | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-010 | 17 | Belgium | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodslow, Louise | 29 August,1903 | Dominion | 002-002 | 19 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodsworth, Fredk. J. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 026-007 | 36 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Anna | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 7 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Janina | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 38 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Michal | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 6m | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Mikolaj | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 45 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Oleksa | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 10 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduar, Warwara | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 011-012 | 5 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduaruk, Petro | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 009-009 | 32 | Bucko | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduil, Nikolaf | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 48 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodul, Iwan | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 018-017 | 19 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduroff, Ivan | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 45 | Bulgaria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Boduszek, Josef | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 011-010 | 31 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodwell, Miss | 21 August,1910 | Ionian | 008-008 | a | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodwin, Franz | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 024-023 | 24 | Hungary | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Charles | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 020-020 | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Charles | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 012-007 | 11 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Chas. S. | 21 July,1906 | Ionian | 007-007 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, E. J. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 028-00C | 18 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Edward | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 015-015 | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Ernest | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 19 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Ethel | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 018-018 | 26 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Frances | 24 July,1909 | Sicilian | 012-007 | 8 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Fredk. L. | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 021-021 | 23 | Canada | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Fredrich | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 006-006 | 22 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, George L. | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, J. A. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 010-000 | a | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Body, J. O. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 016-000 | 25 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, James A. | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 014-014 | 49 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, James J. | 23 May,1908 | Southwark | 003-000 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, James T. | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 004-003 | 46 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, John T. | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 004-003 | a | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Mr. F. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 016-000 | 51 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Body, Samuel | 15 May,1904 | Lake Erie | 020-020 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodyarczuk, Gabro | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 006-004 | 42 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodycot, J. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 014-00B | 37 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodycot, Master F. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 014-00B | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodycot, Mrs. E. | 13 October,1905 | Tunisian | 014-00B | 37 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodys, James | 09 June,1909 | Cassandra | 001-001 | 36 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodz, Wassyl | 26 June,1904 | Montreal | 002-002 | 23 | Galacia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bodz, Wasyl | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 002-002 | 26 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Adolph | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 004-004 | 31 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Battolf | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 047-027 | 32 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Birger | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 048-029 | 17 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Harold | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 018-017 | 17 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Nils | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 035-035 | 18 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Rasmus A. | 06 July,1906 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 19 | Scandanavia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe, Theodor | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 050-027 | 24 | Norway | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boe?l?, Stuart E. | 11 September,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 25 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boebet, Jakel | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 008-007 | 24 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boechat, Luali | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-016 | ?4 | Switzerland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boechillet?, Henri | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 35 | France | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boechk, I. C. | 05 September,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 006-00F | a | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boecht, Fredrick | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 004-004 | 33 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeck, Emeric de | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 015-014 | 31 | Belgium | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeck, Mrs. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 015-014 | Belgium | T-488 | Quebec Ports | ||
Boeck-de-, Jennie | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 005-00E | 17 | Belgian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeckh?, E. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 023-023 | 48 | USA | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeckh?, Margaret | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 023-023 | 35 | USA | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeding, Ant | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 10 | Belgian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeding, Cornelius | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 36 | Belgian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeding, Cornelius | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 021-021 | 7 | Belgian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boehcoff, Andrej | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 021-021 | 35 | Bulgarian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boehm, Eliz. | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 010-010 | 40 | American | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boehmer, William | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 046-045 | 25 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Boehr, Joseph | 17 September,1909 | Corinthian | 007-007 | 38 | Moacia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boele, Maria | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 016-015 | 33 | Dutch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Boelen, Elizabeth | 09 September,1909 | Ottawa | 010-001 | 29 | Holland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeleus, Dupries | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 005-005 | infant | born at sea | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Boella, Marcello | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 001-001 | 37 | Italy | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeltgen, Jean P. | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 21 | German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boem, Mark | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 022-021 | 22 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boen, Hans | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 032-020 | 28 | Norway | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boen, Jovel? | 22 September,1905 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 22 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boen, Kristin | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 23 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boen, Liv | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 21 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boen, Nils | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 009-008 | 1 | Norway | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boepple, Magda | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 033-033 | 22 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boer, George L. | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 022-020 | 25 | Holland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Boer?, William | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 26 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeree, Hendrik | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 039-035 | 32 | Dutch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerena, Mrs.Wm. | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 001-021 | 30 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerena, William | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 001-021 | 32 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerosma, Hendrik | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 038-037 | 20 | Holland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Agnes | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 4 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Anton | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 10 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Berend | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 18 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Berend | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 49 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, E?ard | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 3 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Elisa | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 42 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Hend | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 16 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boerrigke, Jan | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 020-019 | 19 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boers, Infant | 01 November,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | infant | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boers, Jokobin | 09 August,1906 | Montrose | 010-008 | 20 | Holland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boers, Miss J. M. | 01 November,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | 21 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boers, Mrs. A. Bubin | 01 November,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | 29 | Holland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boesaert, Aug. | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 009-009 | 21 | Belgium | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boese, G. F. | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 008-008 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boesen, Anna | 29 October,1909 | Empress of Britain | 029-016 | 26 | Denmark | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeser, Catherine | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 56 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeser, Julie | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 20 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boeseran, Lazar | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 003-003 | 25 | Servia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Boettcher, C. | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 005-001 | a | Germany | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofadottis, Ranverg | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 004-004 | 24 | Iceland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofczuk, Maftej | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 22 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofczuk, Ohufry | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 48 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofin, Augtill | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 036-014 | 30 | Macedonia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofitin, Muia | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 19 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofko, Roman | 06 June,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 24 | Galicia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bofles, Wikinz | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 009-009 | 35 | Polish | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boga, Anna | 09 July,1906 | Montreal | 007-005 | 18 | Galician | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogacz, S. | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 030-002 | 27 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaczewski, Kasimir | 19 July,1909 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 44 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaerdt, Emile | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 24 | Belgian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, Aloise | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 006-005 | 20 | Holland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, C. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 020-019 | 25 | Holland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, Hector | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 22 | Belgian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, Marie | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 006-005 | 22 | Holland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, Octave | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 016-015 | 28 | Belgium | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaert, Peine | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 43 | Flemish | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogagin, Benjamin | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 024-008 | 24 | Belgium | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogagin, Gaman | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 024-008 | 71 | Belgium | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogall, Frannska | 26 July,1908 | Montfort | 004-004 | 20 | ? | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogall, Helena | 26 July,1908 | Montfort | 004-004 | 11m | ? | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogalle, Augustine | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 008-001 | 1 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogalle, Maria | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 008-001 | 27 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogalle, Maria | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 008-001 | 5 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogamass, Karil | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 013-00B | 26 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogan, Banir | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 037-037 | 23 | Norway | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogarski, Schmul | 04 September,1905 | Mount Temple | 004-000 | 28 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogart, M.C. | 12 September,1909 | Hesperian | 002-002 | a | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogart, Mrs | 12 September,1909 | Hesperian | 002-002 | a | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogart, Mrs. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bogart?, Carl? Gabrelison? | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 009-008 | 1 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogart?, Dorothy | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 009-008 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogart?, Wesfall | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 009-008 | 29? | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogaslarsky, Allerman | 07 May,1907 | Dominion | 005-005 | 10 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogat, Hene | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 25 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogat, Mariam | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 4 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogat, Orosei | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 010-010 | infant | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogavet, Peter | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 004-004 | 33 | Belgium | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogazewsky, Chage | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 31 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogazewsky, Frume | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 3 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogazewsky, Mordeich | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 32 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogazewsky, Walivel | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 002-002 | 11m | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogazini, Gicola | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 028-028 | 28 | Italian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogda, Anna | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 18 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogda, Fedor | 03 August,1909 | Montezuma | 009-008 | 23 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogda, Maryanna | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 012-012 | 15 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdacrza, Wasil | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 29 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdain, Pavel | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 013-012 | 31 | Bulgaria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdala, Mikolay | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 016-016 | 24 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Frank | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 022-020 | 42 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Georgij | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 19 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Ivan | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 033-011 | 30 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Kost | 23 May,1910 | Lake Michigan | 004-004 | 37 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Leako | 16 May,1904 | Phoenicia | 007-000 | 25 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Peles | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 018-017 | 20 | Turkey | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Terentic | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 015-015 | 40 | Bucko | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Wasyl | 15 June,1909 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 19 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdan, Wasyl | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 023-02A | 21 | Austria | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdanoff, Isosis V. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 016-016 | 24 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdanovetz, Alexander | 14 November,1906 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 25 | Russian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdanovitz, Aron | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 029-029 | 35 | Finland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdansky, Minko | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 024-023 | 16 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdaschowski, Afanasia | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 52 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdaschowski, Hannah | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 007-007 | 9 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdasewycz, Andrej | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 010-009 | 30 | Austria | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdau, Wasili | 09 October,1910 | Willehad | 002-001 | 21 | Hungry | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogden, Bradarias | 09 May,1907 | Lake Michigan | 050-049 | 40 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogden, Ilia | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 036-014 | 39 | Macedonia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogden, L. C. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 023-022 | 39 | American | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdna, Georgi | 21 June,1909 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 19 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogdon, Michely | 29 August,1910 | Tortona | 007-005 | 31 | Slavonie | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogea, Zaco | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 002-001 | 23 | Macedonia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogeanoff, Chitto | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 016-016 | 27 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogecht, Mathilde H. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 011-000 | 26 | Sweden | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogel, Nathan | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 017-017 | 27 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogelenski, Mot | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 013-012 | 25 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogen, Alma | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 027-027 | 36 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogenass, Harold | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 009-006 | 30 | Norway | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogenes, Mikal | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 017-017 | 17 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, Annie | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 029-00D | 31 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, Ferdinand | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 013-013 | 2y6m | France | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, Francois | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 013-013 | 1 | France | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, Francois | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 013-013 | 30 | France | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, H. W. O. | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 008-008 | 37 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Boger, Jeanne | 15 May,1910 | Sardinian | 013-013 | 26 | France | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogers, Gustace | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 003-000 | 37 | Holland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogeruk, Victor | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 009-009 | 19 | Buko | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogevold, Ole | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 021-020 | 18 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogezuk, Angelina | 03 November,1908 | Mount Rose | 002-002 | 20 | Bocko | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogezuk, Mikal | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 032-030 | 41 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, A. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 020-019 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, A. I. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 020-019 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Arthur | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 031-00D | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Cyril | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 10 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Florence | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 7 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, George | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 008-008 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Harold | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 8 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Hild. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 007-00G | 24 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, John | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 1 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Mabel | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Maude | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 11 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Minnie | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Sarah | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 023-023 | 39 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Sydney | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 020-019 | infant | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, Sydney | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 031-00D | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogg, William | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 003-002 | 59 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggan, Mary | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 031-030 | 36 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggan, Nicholas | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 031-030 | 36 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggaust, John | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 016-015 | Sweden | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Boggen, Iver O. | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 038-037 | 20 | Norway | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggett, George | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 011-011 | 21 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggie, James | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 012-012 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Archie | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 12 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Florence | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 16 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Henry J | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 015-013 | 28 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Julia | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 47 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Miss | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 013-014 | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Mrs. | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 013-014 | 52 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, William | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | 8 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggis, Wm. | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 008-00H | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggle, Victor | 06 November,1906 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 20 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggliano, Rous | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 010-010 | 20 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, Christopher | 28 June,1908 | Hesperian | 008-008 | 24 | Irish | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, F. | 04 June,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | 20 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, Francis | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | a | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, Mrs. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 017-017 | a | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, Sarah Jane | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 021-00F | 17 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Boggs, William | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 005-005 | 31 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogh, Asmus | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 029-000 | 16 | Germany | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogic, Tanko | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 036-003 | 19 | Hungary | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, Albert | 03 May,1905 | Dominion | 010-009 | 26 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, Albert | 06 November,1906 | Lake Erie | 011-011 | 28 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Bogie, David | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 012-012 | 65 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, David | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 004-00D | a | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, George | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 020-019 | 24 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, Henry | 26 April,1910 | Athenia | 002-001 | 30 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, John | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 008-008 | 24 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, Marie | 02 August,1909 | Grampian | 003-001 | 29 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogie, May | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 012-012 | 49 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogil, Frank | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogland, Elin | 23 September,1905 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 20 | Norway | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogle, Lizzie | 05 September,1910 | Pretorian | 013-005 | 39 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogle, Lizzie | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 007-007 | 28 | Irish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogle, Mary | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 22 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogle, Wm. | 09 May,1906 | Athenia | 008-008 | 30 | Irish | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogle, Wm. B. | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 006-006 | 43 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognar, Vendel | 22 October,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-003 | 40 | Hungary | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogne, Josh. | 02 August,1907 | Canada | 022-021 | 25 | Welsh | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogne, Walter | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 014-013 | 24 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogner, Adolf | 02 September,1903 | Sardinian | 001-000 | 22 | Austria | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogniki, Jan | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 030-029 | 40 | Galicia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, Annie | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 5 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, Bernard | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 3 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, Dora | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 11 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, Rosie | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 9 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, Sara | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 35 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognlawsky, William | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 002-002 | 4 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognslapk, Berka | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 005-004 | 32 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bognsz, Anna | 24 June,1907 | Lake Michigan | 033-033 | 3 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoeff, Atanar | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 28 | Bulgaria | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoga, Pane | 11 October,1910 | Mount Temple | 002-001 | 18 | Bulgaria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoja, Sotic | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 020-020 | 18 | Macedonian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoko, Ma? | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 012-011 | 29 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogolmny, Isaac | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 024-024 | 31 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogomilu?, Bazse | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 012-012 | 18 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogomilu?, Brande | 19 August,1906 | Montreal | 012-012 | 50 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogonic, Andre | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 024-023 | 21 | Austria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolski, Jankel | 17 October,1908 | Mount Royal | 001-000 | 23 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolsky, Banzinn | 26 June,1904 | Montreal | 002-002 | 52 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolsky, Basic | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 17 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolsky, Chaga | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 45 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolsky, Frume | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 7 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogopolsky, Rachal | 12 September,1906 | Lake Michigan | 002-002 | 9 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoran, Tomas G. | 22 July, 1910 | Montreal | 002-002 | 29 | Austria | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogos, Khadralvorian | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 033-032 | 17 | Syria | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogosian, A. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 021-020 | 45 | Armenian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogosian, H. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 007-007 | 30 | Armenia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogosian, K. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 021-020 | 11 | Armenian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogosian, P. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 021-020 | 16 | Armenian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogosian, Y. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 021-020 | 18 | Armenian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoven, Karim | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 021-020 | 27 | Norwegian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogoya, Gheorge | 07 July,1907 | Pomeranian | 009-009 | 31 | Macedonion | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bograd, Leib | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 010-009 | 18 | Russian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogsewinsky, K? | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 010-000 | 29 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogsmalne, Isaac | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 029-028 | 40 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogstad, Louise | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | Norway | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bogstad, Magdaline | 21 June,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bogstadli, Ole N. | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 064-039 | 34 | Norway | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogstersky, Mascha | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 29 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogstersky, Sova | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 008-007 | 26 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogstrom, Alfred Henry | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 031-000 | 32 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogt, Niels | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 039-039 | 26 | Denmark | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boguchlaw, Leib | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 23 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogucki, Piotr | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 017-017 | 16 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boguik, Adolf | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 019-018 | 19 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boguk, Grigory | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 008-007 | 38 | Russian | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogulit, Bila | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 30 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogulit, Ekia K. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 4 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogulit, Erik J. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 8 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogulit, Nils P. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 42 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogulit, Per A. | 31 October,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 11 | Sweden | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogunovic, Dimitar | 06 November,1909 | Sardinian | 006-006 | 17 | Austria | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogunovic, Nikola | 19 June,1910 | Sardinian | 009-009 | 26 | Aust-Hun | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogunovic, Nikola | 19 June,1910 | Sardinian | 009-009 | 29 | Aust-Hun | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogusch, Casimir | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 029-029 | 19 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogusch, Ksanrri | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 029-029 | 52 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Boguseh, Anton | 13 September,1909 | Montezuma | 010-010 | 31 | Illegible | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Boguslasatki, Abraham | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 017-017 | 20 | Russian | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Algot | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 8 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Emil | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 006-006 | 10 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Hilda | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 4 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Johannes | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 006-006 | 12 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Lille | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 9 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogvist, Pauline | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 006-006 | 33 | Sweden | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogyoff, Nasil | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 018-010 | 24 | Macedonia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogysolski, Ester | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | 16 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogysolski, Isaac | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | 24 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogza, Albert | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 032-000 | im | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogza, Alex | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 032-000 | 30 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogza, Kate | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 032-000 | 4 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogza, Stanislaw | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 032-000 | 28 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bogza, Stanislaw | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 032-000 | 6 | Belgium | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Boh, Johann | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 013-007 | 40 | Austria | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Boh?haren, Camille | 14 July,1906 | Southwark | 001-000 | 52 | Belguim | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohain, James | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 008-007 | 32 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Anna | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 9 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Dmytro | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 7 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Huas | 02 October,1910 | Montezuma | 002-001 | 24 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Jelena | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 17 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Justina | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 40 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Marya | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bohajczuk, Petro | 02 October,1910 | Montezuma | 002-001 | 19 | Austria | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajczuk, Stefan | 03 June,1908 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 60 | Galician | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohajerenk, Marksym | 25 May,1909 | Mount Royal | 001-000 | 34 | Roumania | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohakratz, Tomasi | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 34 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohamos, Jakodua | 27 May,1904 | Montezuma | 005-005 | 18 | Gal | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Henry | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 002-000 | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, James | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 017-016 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bohan, James | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 35 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, James | 07 November,1905 | Pretorian | 005-00E | a | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, James | 12 November,1906 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 31 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, James | 13 November,1904 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 28 | Canadian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, James | 24 October,1909 | Grampian | 002-001 | 33 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, John | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 018-018 | 23 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, John | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 001-000 | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, John | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 002-000 | 26 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, John A. | 21 September,1908 | Hesperian | 010-011 | 36 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Millie | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 19 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Miss C. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 21 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Miss M. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 16 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Miss N. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 26 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Mrs. | 21 September,1908 | Hesperian | 010-011 | 25 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Mrs. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 005-00E | 48 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohan, Nell | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 32 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohar, Istvan | 07 October,1907 | Montrose | 002-003 | 22 | Hungary | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohataritz, Teifil | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 021-020 | 43 | Bucko | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohaterez, Samuel | 26 October,1907 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 17 | Russian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohatyree, Nykola | 20 May,1908 | Montrose | 015-014 | 26 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bohatzrec, Todozi | 04 August,1907 | Lake Michigan | 003-002 | 19 | Galicia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Boheg, A. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 023-023 | 19 | Belgian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Boheg, T. | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 023-023 | 29 | Belgian | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohemia, Francisca | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 2? | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohemia, Gregor | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 21 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohemia, Teresa | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 9 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohemia, Wladsia | 13 October,1907 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 3 | Galician | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohenberger, Anna K. | 01 October,1904 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 43 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohenberger, Wilhelm | 01 October,1904 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 47 | Germany | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Boher, Art? | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 006-000 | 18 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohernicki, Chaje | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-002 | 28 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohernicki, Dawid | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-002 | 8 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohernicki, Freide | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-002 | 4 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohernicki, Jankel | 23 July,1906 | Mount Temple | 004-002 | 10m | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohillier, Rachel | 07 September,1906 | Carthaginian | 012-011 | 22 | France | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohills, Alex | 21 May,1909 | Victorian | 002-000 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bohills, James | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 25 | Eng. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohja, Johan | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 013-014 | 20 | Finland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohl, Eva | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 018-017 | 3 | Polish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohl, Jacob | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 018-017 | 36 | Polish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohl, Jeanette | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 018-017 | 33 | Polish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohl, Katherine | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 018-017 | 4 | Polish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohl, Lizabeth | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 018-017 | infant | Polish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohland, Frederick | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 11 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohland, Frederick J. | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 37 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohland, Juanita | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 7 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohland, Sophia | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 36 | Germany | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohlaszenk, Doris | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 021-023 | 13 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohlaszenk, Stefan | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 021-023 | 16 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohlen, Johan | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 027-027 | 29 | Sweden | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Agnes J. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 6 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Anton | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 18 | Norway | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Beti P. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 39 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Christian | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 14 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Harald | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 8 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Heinrich | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 14 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Jakob | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 53 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Johannes | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 29 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Lidia | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 5 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Margarete | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 035-011 | 20 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Miss | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 001-000 | France | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Bohler, Peta B. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 1 | Norway | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Bohler, Sofia | 29 |