Passenger List Names Schw – Segu
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Name | Arrived | Ship | Page | Age | Country | Reel | Port | Notes |
Schwazer, Adolf | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | infant | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazer, Filipina | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 27 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazer, Francesca | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 4 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazer, Jacob | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 30 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazer, Johan | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 3 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazer, Rudolf | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 007-006 | 8 | Russian German | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazky, Annie | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 30 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazky, Israel | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 3 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazky, Marko | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 7 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwazky, Morris | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 013-012 | 4 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwec, Michal | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 029-027 | 24 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwecker, Magdal | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 005-004 | 37 | Germany | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwed?sky, Lowrentz | 06 August,1904 | Montrose | 002-002 | 32 | German | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweda, Johann | 22 August,1905 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 22 | German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweder, Chune | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 007-007 | 23 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwedoniak, Georgi | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 023-023 | 46 | Buckovina | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweer, Irene F. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 005-005 | 19 | U.S.A. | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwegel, John C. | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 007-005 | 34 | Austria | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweida, Rifka | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 006-006 | 24 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweiderman, Ohane | 16 October,1903 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 22 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweifert, maid | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | 2 | |
Schweifert, Miss | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 029-020 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Schweigeit, Anna | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 58 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Amalie | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 11 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Dorothea | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 37 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Dorothea | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 8 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Eduard | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 20 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Emelie | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | infant | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Friedrich | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 3 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Georg | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 2 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Heinrich | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 3 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Heinrich | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 4 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Jegar | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 60 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Johann | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 34 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Johann | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 4 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Julianna | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 9 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Kata | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 35 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Katarina | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 10 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Katha | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 11m | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Katha | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 60 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Lisbeth | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 20 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Louise | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 11m | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Sofia | 18 August,1909 | Laurentic | 032-010 | 11 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweigert, Sophie | 03 November,1908 | Kensington | 006-006 | 7 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweinitz, Jon | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 002-000 | 21 | illegible | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweinsberg, Baron Schenkzer | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 008-007 | 36 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweis, Ruben | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 004-004 | 19 | Austrian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Anna | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 024-024 | 19 | Buckowinian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Carl | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 021-021 | 22 | Galicia Aust | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Daniel | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 15 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Ethel | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 025-010 | a | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Heinrich | 21 August,1907 | Montezuma | 006-006 | 38 | Austria | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Josef | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 19 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Karoline | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 51 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Levi | 25 September,1903 | Lake Erie | 005-005 | 32 | Russian | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Maria | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 16 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Peter | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 010-008 | 11 | Germany | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweitzer, Rev. Y. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 029-029 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Schweizer, Berthe | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 014-000 | 22 | Switzerland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweizer, Itze | 22 August,1909 | Montreal | 015-007 | ? | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweizer, Josif | 18 October,1905 | Mount Temple | 002-002 | 24 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweizer, Katha | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 036-034 | 26 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweizer, Robert | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 24 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweltzer, Otto | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 019-017 | 15 | T-491 | Quebec Ports | ||
Schwendiman, R.J. | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 014-014 | 30 | Switzerland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwenger, J. | 01 May,1909 | Canada | 015-015 | 21 | German | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwengler, D. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 3 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwengler, F. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 35 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwengler, Marie | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 2 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwengler, P. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 020-002 | 31 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwenk, Grace | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 036-035 | 23 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwenker, Heinrich | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 015-013 | 18 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwentzer, Naskane | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 014-013 | 17 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweppl, Anna | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 036-032 | 33 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweppl, Georg | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 036-032 | 34 | Austria | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweps, Marie | 08 November,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-020 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwerdlaw, Selig | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 026-026 | 20 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwerhuis, Garrat | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 040-039 | 25 | Holland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwerlewsky, Judel | 29 October,1907 | Montreal | 002-001 | 40 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweroff, Mr. | 22 August,1908 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 56 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwertze, Albert | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 017-016 | 9 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Schwester, Eugenie | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 027-027 | 30 | German | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwet, Auton | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 012-011 | 18 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwettenbrunen, Anna | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 022-011 | 70 | Germany | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwetz, Josel | 28 July,1907 | Montreal | 001-001 | 28 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwewska, Matalka | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 2 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwewska, Ofna | 06 November,1907 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 26 | Galicia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schweyer, Conrad | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 010-008 | 43 | Germany | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwez, Jakob | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 003-002 | 47 | Galacia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwez, Sarah | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 003-002 | 18 | Galacia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwezinger, Karl | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 007-000 | 28 | Germany | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwick, Franz | 08 August,1909 | Mount Temple | 009-008 | 29 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwick, Klara | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 036-036 | 18 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwiefert, Miss | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 027-020 | a | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwiekert, Henry | 28 August,1909 | Dominion | 011-011 | 32 | USA | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwier, Ralph | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 17 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwietz, Sunche | 10 September,1905 | Montreal | 006-005 | 26 | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwiffel, Franz | 16 May,1909 | Prinz Adalbert | 002-001 | 18 | Austria | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Schwig, Heinrich | 22 July,1907 | Mount Temple | 001-001 | 25 | German | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwilik, Melaundo | 25 June,1910 | Montfort | 018-018 | 18 | Russia | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwilzki, Gregor | 04 October,1905 | Montezuma | 012-011 | 22 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, Anna | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 28 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, Anna | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 4 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, Betti | 05 September,1904 | Lake Simcoe | 002-00B | 23 | Roumania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, David | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 1 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, David | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 35 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwimmer, Jacob | 01 August,1903 | Mount Temple | 011-011 | 1 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwin, Martin | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 005-004 | 26 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwin?, Jacob | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 005-004 | 23 | USA | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwinds, Josef | 10 July,1909 | Canada | 015-014 | 25 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwindt, Albert | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 042-029 | 26 | Germany | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwindt, August | 29 May,1909 | Prinz Oskar | 006-005 | 29 | Germany | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwiransky, Pese | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 018-017 | 11 | Russian | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwirgalski, Walesti | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 018-019 | 50 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Aron | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 024-004 | 26 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Barrel | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 009-000 | 21 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Howard | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 016-015 | infant | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Howard | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 025-023 | 3 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, J. C. | 22 October,1909 | Canada | 024-022 | 29 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Maki | 12 September,1907 | Ottawa | 007-006 | 16 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Mr. T. H. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 019-003 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Mrs. | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 016-015 | 27 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Mrs. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 019-003 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, Sarah | 11 May,1909 | Montfort | 003-003 | 34 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwitzer, T. H. | 18 October,1907 | Ottawa | 016-015 | 28 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwjalina, Joseph | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 7 | Poland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwjalina, Madonna | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 11 | Poland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwjalina, Waje | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | 5 | Poland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwjalina, Wisemly | 24 September,1904 | Ionian | 011-011 | infant | Poland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwob?, Henry | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | a | illegible | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwock?, John | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwonn, August | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 026-024 | 2 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwonn, Edmund | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 026-024 | 4y6m | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwonn, Ernestine | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 026-024 | 4y6m | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwonn, Julius | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 026-024 | 30 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwonn, Olga | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 026-024 | 26 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Schwood, Henry | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 005-005 | 40 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworguk, Branne | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 42 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworguk, Chaim | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 11 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworguk, Chaja | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 9 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworguk, David | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 6 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworguk, Moische | 20 October,1909 | Lake Michigan | 017-016 | 14 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworken?, Iwan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 017-016 | 33 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Schworkicn, Matwz | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 019-018 | 37 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyburer, Anna | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 038-036 | 35 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyburer, Anna | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 039-037 | 10 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyburer, Maria | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 038-036 | 11 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyburer, Victoria | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 039-037 | 3 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyelduup, Karl | 04 November,1904 | Canada | 005-005 | 28 | Norway | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyga, Maf | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 29 | Austria | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyllerstrom, Gustav | 06 September,1908 | Vancouver | 008-008 | 55 | U.S. Citz | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyman, Kristine G | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 053-00C | 24 | Sweden | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Schymanski, Teresa | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 037-025 | 18 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Schymer?, Anna | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 006-006 | 16 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Schymer?, Hyre | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 006-006 | 50 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Schymer?, Pascha | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 006-006 | 24 | Galicia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Schypulla, Antonie | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 29 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Emilie | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 3 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Franz | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 27 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Gertrude | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 5 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Pauline | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 23 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Peter | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 30 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schypulla, Richard | 12 May,1908 | Montezuma | 006-005 | 2 | Germany | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Schyshenan, Mordko | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 003-002 | 18 | Russia | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Schytock, Ivan | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 028-014 | 22 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schytock, Michael | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 028-014 | 23 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Schzirt, Schiendel | 27 September,1906 | Montrose | 009-007 | 50 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciaceo, Francesco | 15 September,1910 | Corinthian | 014-000 | 32 | Italy | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scialli, Primiano | 01 September,1910 | Sicilian | 010-003 | 57 | Italy | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scian, Antoni | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 023-023 | 43 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scian, Fco. | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 023-023 | 38 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciascia, Luigi | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 009-008 | 29 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciatti, Primiani | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 011-011 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scibvoici, Berta | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 014-015 | 33 | Roumania | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scicchitani, Pietro | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 013-00M | 41 | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scicluna, Annunjiato | 17 September,1909 | Corinthian | 009-009 | 33 | Italy | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scida, Vine | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 024-024 | 44 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciechitano, Raffaele | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 019-018 | 43 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scigliano, Pietro | 19 June,1905 | Montreal | 005-005 | 26 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scillieri, Rosoline | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 034-032 | 48 | Italy | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scillitiere, Arthur | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 011-00A | 37 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scilly, David | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 027-017 | 18 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scilowski, Vicenti | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 030-030 | 55 | Russia Pole | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciolla, Filippo | 15 May,1907 | Montrose | 038-037 | 18 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scipes, Johana | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 20 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scipes, Lisbert | 05 July,1907 | Ottawa | 014-014 | 17 | Russia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scipione, Donato | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 022-021 | 19 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scipione, Lorenzo | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 022-021 | 47 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciqione, Lorenzo | 03 May,1909 | Sicilian | 005-001 | 48 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scirfider, Wojcieck | 22 August,1910 | Cassandra | 015-005 | 38 | Russia | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scirko, Josef | 04 July,1910 | Lake Michigan | 009-009 | 42 | Austria | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scisser, Karl P. | 10 October,1903 | Mount Temple | 003-003 | a | Fin. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scissors, D. | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 060-038 | 20 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciteff, Peter | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 019-018 | 37 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Sciven, Alfred | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 038-037 | 26 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckabaumacher, Moses | 14 November,1907 | Montezuma | 002-002 | 28 | Russia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckadek, Wilhelm | 02 May,1910 | Montreal | 011-012 | 17 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckakotki, Anna | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 005-005 | 20 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckakotki, Pawel | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 005-005 | 26 | Russian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckame, ???tez | 05 September,1909 | Lake Michigan | 018-019 | 26 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | (m) |
Sckaunowitsky, Gragen | 16 May,1909 | Dominion | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckirski, Jan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 50 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckirski, Katrina | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 9 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckirski, Marga | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 044-042 | 31 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckleger, Adolf | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 009-008 | 36 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckleger, Hulda | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 009-008 | 5 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckleger, Juliana | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 009-008 | 26 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckleger, Mathilda | 18 June,1909 | Dominion | 009-008 | 20 | Germany | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scknes, Sarah | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 004-00D | 20 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Chaie | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 8 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, David | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 11 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Judes | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 14 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Koppel | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 9 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Mordake | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 17 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Nicke | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 26 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Riwe | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 45 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckoichet, Sore | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 014-014 | 3 | Russian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckon, Anders | 01 July,1906 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 20 | Denmark | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckondiak, Anna | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 003-003 | 8 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckondiak, Josef | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 003-003 | 6 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckondiak, Katarzzina | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 003-003 | 21 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckondiak, Michael | 09 July, 1910 | Willehad | 003-003 | Russia | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | ||
Sckop, Izak | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 013-013 | 15 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckop, Rewka | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 013-013 | 16 | Russia | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckownski, Nikolaus | 19 June,1906 | Lake Michigan | 011-009 | 44 | Bucko | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckowonska, Wasylena | 15 June,1910 | Royal Edward | 018-00E | 60 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckwala, Marie | 29 August,1910 | Mount Temple | 006-006 | 29 | Galacia | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Sckwartzbar, Basse | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 004-004 | 46 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclafer, Madame | 01 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 007-007 | 55 | France | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclanders, Rob. | 20 June,1909 | Hesperian | 004-004 | 35 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclanders, William | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 006-014 | 41 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclanders, Wm. | 11 October,1904 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 35 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclas?off, Ioan Tranoff | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 009-008 | 31 | Bulgarian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Alexr. | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 015-015 | a | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Arthur Norman | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 15 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Charles Henry | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 17 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Ethel | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 015-015 | a | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Harry S. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 63 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Harry Sherlock | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 014-014 | 58 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Henry | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 031-032 | 40 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Henry | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 59 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Henry Sherlock | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 62 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, James S. | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 012-012 | 8 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Mary | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 012-012 | 31 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Miss | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 032-023 | a | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Mr. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 029-029 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Sclater, Mr. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 032-023 | a | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Mrs. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 029-029 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Sclater, Mrs. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 032-023 | a | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, Peter | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 010-004 | 33 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclater, William S. | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 012-012 | 4 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclazo, Francesco | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 012-006 | 42 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclazo, Luigi | 08 November,1906 | Sardinian | 012-006 | 50 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scleidel, Philip | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 025-024 | 39 | German | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, Andrea | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 6 | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, Anny | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 2 | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, Elizabeth | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 28 | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, Fanny | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 4 | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, Filip | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 8m | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclerling, John | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 016-007 | 8 | Hungary | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scliar, Jacob | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 004-002 | 27 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclifosie, Nisen | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 014-013 | 17 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclint, Bronislaw | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 019-001 | 18 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclint, Iwan | 11 June,1910 | Montreal | 019-001 | 46 | Russia | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scllugleit, Pajie | 07 November,1909 | Montfort | 005-005 | 13 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Sclmoin, Meilash | 21 September,1905 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 18 | Russian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scltzer, David | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 019-012 | 25 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scmaniw, Hryn | 21 August,1910 | Montezuma | 005-000 | 23 | Austria | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scmijke, Jacob | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 027-027 | 49 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scmysgyn, Wasyl | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 012-011 | 18 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sco??orthy, R. G. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 019-000 | 9 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Sco?es, Geo. M. | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 001-000 | 20 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobbie, James | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 012-012 | 25 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobbie, Margt | 10 August,1909 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 31 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobbie?, May | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 042-019 | 17 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobel, George | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 15 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scobel, Robert | 12 June,1909 | Tunisian | 008-008 | 13 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scobell, Master | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 3 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobell, Mrs. | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 22 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobell, S. B. | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 34 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, ? | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 011-006 | 15 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Alexr. | 20 August,1906 | Athenia | 012-012 | 38 | Scotch | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Ang. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 017-008 | 24 | Scotld | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Anne | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 015-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Dan | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 015-015 | 23 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Daniel | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 19 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, David | 21 August,1910 | Ionian | 016-004 | 24 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Duncan | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 026-026 | 31 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, George | 21 October,1908 | Athenia | 005-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Isabel B | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 8 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, James | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 034-034 | 25 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, James | 25 September,1906 | Mongolian | 004-004 | 26 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Jas. | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 10 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Jas. | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 38 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, John | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 16 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, John | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 35 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, John | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 018-012 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Mabel W. | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 3 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Margt. | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 39 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Mary | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 38 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Mary | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 011-006 | 41 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Peter | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 062-035 | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Peter | 22 June,1906 | Lake Champlain | 009-008 | 18 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, Thos. | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 12 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobie, William | 30 May,1910 | Athenia | 012-001 | 23 | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scobil, Jessie Taylor | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 016-007 | 20 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoble, Alfred | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoble, George H. | 15 September,1906 | Ionian | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoble, Henry | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 022-010 | 23 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoble, Solomon | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 013-014 | 23 | Russia | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scobosarro, Francesco | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 015-000 | 37 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoccia, Nunzio | 14 November,1906 | Pomeranian | 006-006 | 53 | Italian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scocera, Cioffari Lucia | 26 May,1910 | Tortona | 004-003 | 37 | Italy | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scocera, Domenico | 26 May,1910 | Tortona | 004-003 | Italy | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scocera, Romes | 26 May,1910 | Tortona | 004-003 | 9 | Italy | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scocera, Rugguo | 26 May,1910 | Tortona | 004-003 | 16 | Italy | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scod?, Wm. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 24 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scodeller, Antonio | 29 May,1910 | Willehad | 025-001 | 24 | Italian | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoffin, Edward | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 004-004 | 48 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoffins, F. B. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 032-022 | 15 | British | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Scofield, Ada Ellen | 19 June,1910 | Megantic | 031-014 | 27 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scofield, Annie | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 007-004 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scofield, Edith | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 063-038 | 29 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scofield, W. L. | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 022-019 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoggins, Laura L. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 039-023 | 30 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoging, James P. | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 22 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoist?es, Dmytro | 28-May-05 | Lake Michigan | 019-019 | 20 | Bukowina | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolby, Mrs. | 18 October,1903 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 70 | Kent | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoles, George | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 028-027 | 58 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoles, Walter H. | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 001-001 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoley, Master R. | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 036-036 | 17 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoley, Miss M. | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 036-036 | 18 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoley, Mrs. M. | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 036-036 | 56 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scollan, John J. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 30 | Irish | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolland, Andrew D. | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 007-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolland, Thos. | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 020-011 | 15 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scollen, George H. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 34 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley, David | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 019-009 | 7 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley, James | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 019-009 | 8m | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley, Jemima | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 019-009 | 11 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley, Margt. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 019-009 | 41 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley, Margt. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 019-009 | 9 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolley?, Jno. | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 018-008 | 36 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scolund, N | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 043-020 | 31 | Sweden | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconardis, Francesco | 01 September,1910 | Sicilian | 010-003 | 29 | Italy | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconathein, Kajmiera | 04 July,1906 | Montezuma | 012-010 | 28 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconcroft, William | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 59 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconlar, Andrew F. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 011-00C | 29 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scons, Ernest G. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 006-004 | 24 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconse, Alexander | 23 July,1910 | Saturnia | 009-009 | 34 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Sconse, Maggie | 23 July,1910 | Saturnia | 009-009 | 31 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoo?, J. A. | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | 15 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoogie, Alfred | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 25 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoon, Cpl. William | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 027-026 | 24 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoon, Samuel | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 024-024 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scoones, B. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 003-003 | 19 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoones, F. B. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 001-000 | 21 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoones, Jno. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 007-006 | 19 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoones, K. L. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 001-000 | 19 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoones, Katie | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 022-022 | 29 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoones, Lawrence | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 013-013 | 18 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoot, Gin. | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 001-001 | 24 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoot, Matta | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 001-001 | 11m | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoot, Matta | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 001-001 | 25 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scop, Ettie | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 015-007 | 45 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scop, Feigo | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 015-007 | 2 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scop, Judie | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 015-007 | 8 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scop, Latie | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 015-007 | 4 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scop, Sarah | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 015-007 | 11 | Russia | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scopacasa, Bru? | 27 May,1906 | Montreal | 032-032 | 34 | Hungary | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoper, Rudolf | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 011-009 | 25 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scopes, Arthur | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 41 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scopes, Laura | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 017-017 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorca, Berriccia | 02 September,1907 | Mount Temple | 007-007 | 56 | Italy | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scordo, Sam? | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 014-000 | 39 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scordrevity, Adam | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 016-016 | 33 | Pole | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorey, Harry | 17 September,1909 | Corsican | 022-00F | 38 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorey, Henry | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 032-014 | 38 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Catherine | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 007-007 | 1 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, George | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 22 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Isabella W. | 22 July,1907 | Sicilian | 010-009 | 28 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, James | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 016-012 | 14 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, James | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 016-012 | 48 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Jas. | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 007-007 | 32 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Jessie Ann | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 009-008 | 23 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, John | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 21 | Scot | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Marjory | 20 May,1910 | Victorian | 016-012 | 48 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Mary | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 007-007 | 26 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorgie, Robin | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 007-007 | 2 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorranese, Antonia | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 011-006 | 51 | Italy | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scorreletta, Maris | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 009-008 | 17 | Italy | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scory?, Harry | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 013-013 | 35 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scot, W. E. Boog | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 032-023 | a | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scot?, David | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 021-021 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Scotald, Anna | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 014-014 | 27 | Finland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotch, Jack | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 30 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotchbrook, Robert | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 20 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotches, Eleanor | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 34 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotches, Grace | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 4 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotches, Reuben M. | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 007-007 | 30 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotchman, Charles | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 016-015 | 36 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotchman, Mrs. C. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 016-015 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotese, Luigi | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 45 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scothern, Sam | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 29 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scothorn, Alice | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 42 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scothorn, George | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 39 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scothuier?, James | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 019-019 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotia, Max | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 027-026 | 16 | Sweden | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotine, Mang?do | 06 June,1904 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 30 | Italy | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Alex | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 2y6m | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Alexr. | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 8 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Andrew | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 31 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Cornelius | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 015-014 | 15 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Elizabeth | 22 July,1902 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 24 | Scotland | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Georgina | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 25 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Georgina | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 010-010 | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, James | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 008-008 | 40 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, James | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 018-009 | 35 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, James | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 4 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, James | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 009-00I | 17 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, James S. | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 016-015 | a | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, John | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 005-004 | 20 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, John | 09 October,1910 | Hesperian | 020-008 | 25 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, John | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 008-008 | 30 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Lizzie | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 010-010 | 19 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Louisa | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 3 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Louise | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 28 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Matthew | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 003-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Mrs. | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 29 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Robert | 12 September,1905 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 27 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Rosina | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 3y6m | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Thomas | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 006-002 | 22 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotland, Wm. | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 5 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotliski, Golde | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 016-016 | 17 | Russia | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotney, A. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 021-014 | 20 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotney, Reginald M. | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 018-018 | 29 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotney, Reuben | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 009-009 | 20 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotson, Henry | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 032-031 | 27 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotson, John | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotson, Robt. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 009-002 | a | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | Crossed out |
Scott | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 010-000 | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | Crossed out. | ||
Scott Dalgleish, Ian | 29 July,1910 | Virginian | 003-00C | 28 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott Moore, John | 07 October,1909 | Megantic | 014-009 | 28 | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott Napier, H ? F. W. | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 002-002 | 29 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott Sims (?), Mr E | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 024-009 | 21 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott Smith, Frank | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 009-00H | a | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 028-00D | 32 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 019-019 | 47 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 17 May,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 023-017 | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 026-025 | 24 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. | 30 October,1903 | Ionian | 005-005 | 21 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. A. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 42 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. H. | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 043-000 | a | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. Hy. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 014-010 | 24 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. J. | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 002-002 | 16 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. J. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 013-012 | 43 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. J. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 020-020 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. R. | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 46 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. W. | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 001-001 | illegible | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A. W. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 016-000 | a | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, A.B.B. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 003-002 | a | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Abner A | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 45 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 6 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 004-004 | 1 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 47 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 010-010 | 37? | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 004-00D | 4 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ada | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 31 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 017-008 | 29 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 021-021 | 23 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 034-021 | 47 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 64 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam | 20 October,1908 | Hesperian | 003-002 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Adam | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 019-020 | 69 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adam H. | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 20 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Adelia | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 5 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 34 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 18 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 05 November,1907 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 22 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 07 June,1908 | Ionian | 010-00C | 17 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 027-020 | 18 | Ireland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 09 October,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 53 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 002-00B | 26 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 48 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 026-026 | 56 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 024-024 | 11 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | 26 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | c | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 25 September,1909 | Grampian | 007-004 | 43 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 003-00C | 4 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Agnes Annie | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 012-011 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 021-011 | 11 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | Home children |
Scott, Albert | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 012-012 | 10 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Albert | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-015 | 25 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 28 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 020-022 | 38 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 30 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 11m | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 014-014 | 22 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Albert W. | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 009-009 | 31 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 13 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 48 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 19 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 31 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 6m | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 05 September,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 21 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 015-005 | 45 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 14 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 15 June, 1905 | Corinthian | 004-00D | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 008-007 | 19 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 012-012 | 18 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 18 November,1908 | Numedian | 005-004 | 55 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 021-008 | 18 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 29 May,1910 | Ionian | 025-013 | 14 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 025-023 | 25 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex Wallace | 19 July,1909 | Hesperian | 006-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 009-009 | 31 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. | 07 August,1910 | Athenia | 004-011 | 27 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 020-011 | 19 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. | 15 September,1907 | Athenia | 002-001 | 17 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 005-000 | 2 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alex. G. | 13 August,1907 | Corinthian | 003-00C | 40 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 10 October,1909 | Hesperian | 012-012 | a | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 023-023 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 005-005 | 23 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 005-005 | 24 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 18 June,1910 | Victorian | 012-009 | 42 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 27 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexander G. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 030-014 | 31 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexandria | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 34 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexd. | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 26 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexr. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 051-035 | 27 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexr. | 20 July,1908 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 33 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alexr. T. | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 013-012 | 21 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alf. J. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alfred | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 4 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alfred | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 024-018 | 38 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alfred | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 029-016 | 24 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alfred | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-032 | 21 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alfred James | 27 May,1905 | Southwark | 010-010 | 22 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 011-00H | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Alice | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 020-00E | 19 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 25 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 12 August,1909 | Canada | 014-014 | 24 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 8 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 46 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 38 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 5 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 012-00I | 34 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-022 | 32 | English | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 016-016 | 33 | U.S.A. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 017-017 | 1 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 027-026 | 20 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice M. | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 38 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alice Mabel | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 008-004 | 23 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Alicia | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 002-002 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Allan | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 6 | Eng. | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allan | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 003-002 | 35 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allan | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 001-00A | 35 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allan | 12 May,1908 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 8 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allan B. | 12 May,1908 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 3 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allan Mrs. | 12 May,1908 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 35 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allie | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 4 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Allison | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 033-025 | 4 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amelia | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 031-030 | 29 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amelia | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 28 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amelia | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 3 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amelia | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 019-019 | 41 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amelia Bain | 11 June,1907 | Pretorian | 011-00A | 27 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amizeby | 31 May,1905 | Mongolian | 002-00B | 21 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amy | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 010-010 | 20 | Ireland ? | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amy | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 7 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Amy | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 11 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 23 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 35 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 7 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 032-019 | 37 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 010-010 | 27 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 010-010 | 39 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 49 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 010-010 | 13 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 11 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 023-014 | 25 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 13 November,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 30 | Ireland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 012-011 | 35 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 8y6m | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew J. | 09 May,1906 | Athenia | 007-007 | 27 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew Jr. | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 25 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andrew W. | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 4y6m | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Andw. | 05 July,1908 | Athenia | 003-003 | 23 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ang.Fredk. | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 014-014 | 27 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Angus | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Angus | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 5 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ann | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 49 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Anne | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 20 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 38 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 03 November,1903 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 30 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 03 November,1903 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 6 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 05 September,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 11 | U.S.A. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 35 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 003-003 | 23 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 032-031 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 19 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 030-029 | 48 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Annie | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 003-003 | 23 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 58 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 007-007 | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 012-012 | 24 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 032-032 | 17 | Ireland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 10 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 19 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie | 28 September,1908 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 36 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Annie H. | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 002-006 | 21 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Archd. | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 013-013 | 45 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arnold | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 015-015 | 2 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arth | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 011-010 | 9 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arth. H.. | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 031-030 | 34 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 16 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 008-007 | 32 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 031-030 | 6 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 16 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 8 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 20 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-020 | 21 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 17 September,1908 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 4 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 011-011 | 27 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 017-017 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 002-00B | 21 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 008-007 | 49 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Arthur Hugh | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 32 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Aubrey | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 10 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Austin | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 49 | English | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Scott, B. | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 32 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, B. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 026-025 | 25 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, B?is | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 33 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Barbara | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 2 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Barbara | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 002-001 | 56 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Barbara | 12 September,1905 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 8 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Barbara | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 017-017 | 19 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Beatrice | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 012-002 | 18 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Beatrice | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 27 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Beatrice | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 15 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bella | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 006-00F | 31 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ben W. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 006-00F | 30 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Benj. | 15 May,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 20 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Benjamin | 15 June, 1905 | Corinthian | 008-00H | 25 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Benjamin | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 019-018 | 33 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Benjamin | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | infant | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bernard | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 004-003 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bernard | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 2 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bertha | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 11 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bertha | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 025-012 | 20 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bertha | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 016-015 | 40 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bertram | 28 September,1906 | Canada | 009-009 | 19 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 01 May,1908 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 28 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 019-018 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 3 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 033-033 | 2 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 038-037 | 3 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bessie | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 025-006 | 38 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Betsy | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 002-002 | 70 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Blanch | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 11 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bridget | 03 October,1906 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 25 | Irish | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Bruce | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 011-010 | 17 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C. | 03 May,1904 | Dominion | 017-017 | 24 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C. | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 023-021 | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C. B. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 008-002 | 26 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C. Maxwell | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 004-00D | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, C. Miss | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 003-002 | 28 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C. W. L. | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 26 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, C.A. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 033-017 | 24 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Capt. R. J. W. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 011-000 | a | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Caroline | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 4 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Caroline | 06 November,1908 | Canada | 003-003 | 41 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Caroline | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 016-017 | 39 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cath | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 002-00B | 45 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cath. | 07 June,1908 | Ionian | 013-00F | 2y6m | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Catherine | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 017-016 | 19 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Catherine | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 16 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Catherine | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 49 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cecilia | 01 November,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 10 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 22 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 006-006 | 25 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 002-001 | 21 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 51 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 20 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 024-000 | 25 | Wales | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 002-002 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 027-027 | 42 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 17 October,1905 | Sicilian | 006-0IV | 27 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 039-038 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 24 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 003-003 | 43 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 025-022 | 29 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles A. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 50 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles C. | 25 June,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-009 | 21 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles G. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 028-027 | 33 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charles S. | 01 June,1907 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charlotte | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 20 | American | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Charlotte | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 009-009 | 10 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Chas | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 009-001 | 25 | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 021-021 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 08 August,1903 | Pretorian | 009-000 | a | Canada | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 12 November,1903 | Sardinian | 001-000 | 17 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 017-017 | 30 | Irish | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 021-020 | 35 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 011-005 | 50 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. A. | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 028-027 | 1y3m | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. Arch. | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 20 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. M. | 30 October,1907 | Marina | 001-001 | 28 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas. T. | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 028-027 | 26 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chas? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | a | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chester | 22 September,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 013-013 | 30 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chris | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 040-022 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chrisrtopher | 12 July,1902 | Tunisian | 015-000 | 18 | England | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chrissie | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 22 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Chrissie | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-033 | 28 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 22 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 03 November,1903 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 6 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 28 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 8 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 003-000 | 4 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christina | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 28 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Christopher | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 23 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cissie | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 002-006 | 12 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Clair Osborn | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 006-000 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Clara | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 020-022 | 34 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Clara | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 019-012 | 29 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Clara | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 005-000 | 23 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Clara | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 26 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Claude | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 003-003 | 26 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Clifford | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 033-033 | 4 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Col. B.A. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 036-028 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Col. T. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 025-010 | 50 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cornelius | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 22 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Corpl. B.B. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 029-013 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Cosmo | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 6 | France | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Cristina | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 16 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, D. Mrs. | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 002-000 | 27 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, D. N. | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 50 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, D.G. | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 003-00C | 62 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Daisy | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 013-008 | a | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Daniel | 21 June,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | infant | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Darius B. | 30 August,1907 | Southwark | 025-025 | 63 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 16 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 20 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 018-018 | 73 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 05 September,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 9 | U.S.A. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 010-010 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 023-023 | 33 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 7 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 07 August,1905 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 50 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 015-015 | 29 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 015-00E | 52 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 23 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 15 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 37 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 19 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 012-012 | 25 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 13 May,1904 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-000 | 33 | Scot | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 26 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 012-00K | 25 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 16 October,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 31 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 27 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 016-016 | 22 | Scot'd | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 9 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 009-008 | 69 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 039-036 | 28 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 24 October,1906 | Numidian | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 26 June,1905 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 005-00E | 23 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 28 June,1909 | Ionian | 006-000 | 59 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 003-000 | 7 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 041-018 | 10m | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 30 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David J. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 35 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David Reid | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 6 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, David S. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 006-006 | 34 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dinah | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 37 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Donald | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 29 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Donald | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 029-013 | 21 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dora | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 003-003 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dora | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 007-006 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Doris | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 6 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothea | 21 June,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 33 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 025-025 | 18 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 010-010 | 5 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 9 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 004-020 | a | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Dorothy | 25 July,1909 | Dominion | 002-002 | 17 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy A. | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 004-003 | 30 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dorothy C. | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 009-008 | 20 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Douglas | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 007-007 | 10 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Douglas | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 014-015 | 20 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Douglas | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 002-002 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Dr. J. G. | 06 August,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | 50 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Duncan | 04 August,1903 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 16 | Lanarkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Duncan | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 026-014 | 20 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. | 23 October,1905 | Mongolian | 004-000 | 30 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 012-002 | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 004-003 | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. E. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 013-013 | 35 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E. M. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 002-001 | 30 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E.J. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 027-011 | 18 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, E.M. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 010-000 | 30 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Scott, E.M. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 013-012 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Scott, E.S. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 45 | Eng. | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ed. Gilfillan | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 043-041 | 43 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Edith | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 022-022 | 29 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 010-003 | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 26 | U S A | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 06 November,1908 | Canada | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 012-002 | 10 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 4 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 002-000 | 32 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edith Hope | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 001-00A | a | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edw. | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 043-000 | 32 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edw. F. | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 013-013 | 19 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 01 August,1910 | Grampian | 007-005 | 25 | Sweden | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 026-014 | 3 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 028-021 | 28 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 010-010 | 20 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 008-007 | 36 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 24 May,1907 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 22 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward C. | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 020-000 | 24 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward J. | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 006-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edward V. | 01 June,1907 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edwd. | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 001-001 | 22 | Irish | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Edwin | 02 October,1910 | Saturnia | 009-017 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Edwin | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 2m | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Effie | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 007-003 | 47 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eleanor | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 019-018 | 30 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eli | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 39 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliz. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 041-00B | 2 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliz. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 041-00B | 28 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliz. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 25 | Irish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliz. R. | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 020-019 | 23 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliza | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 039-039 | 62 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliza | 16 July,1910 | Megantic | 008-00B | 29 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eliza | 22 August,1910 | Cassandra | 005-010 | 23 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 01 October,1906 | Cassandra | 001-001 | 27 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Elizabeth | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 036-035 | 40 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-006 | 36 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 58 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 18 November,1908 | Numedian | 005-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 18 November,1908 | Numedian | 005-004 | 27 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 006-00F | 22 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 28 August,1909 | Dominion | 011-011 | 60 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 011-011 | 19 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 011-011 | 25 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizabeth | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 001-00A | 24 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizth | 03 May,1908 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 27 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizth | 28 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 023-000 | 27 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizth. | 14 August,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 013-013 | 44 | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizth. | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 028-028 | 6m | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elizth. | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 033-033 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ella | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 015-008 | 25 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ella | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 040-013 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ella Osborn | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 006-000 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 32 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 12 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 32 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 003-00C | 40 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 019-012 | 21 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ellen C. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 007-007 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elsie | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 6 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elsie | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 15 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elsie | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 8 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Elsie | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 16 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 02 November,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 25 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 025-025 | 49 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 10 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 017-017 | 28 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 030-014 | 26 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 017-016 | 33 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emily S. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 029-027 | 46 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emma | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 007-003 | 11 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emma | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 48 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Emma | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 3 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ena | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 011-011 | 6m | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Enid | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 032-031 | 29 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Enid | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 7 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ephamia | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 11 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ephrain | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 2 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Erik | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 23 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ern. | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 012-004 | 17 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 003-003 | a | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 024-024 | 2 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 022-00Y | 14 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Ernest | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 32 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 015-015 | 25 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 28 September,1908 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 40 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 32 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 011-011 | 22 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest C | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 25 | South Africa | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ernest H. | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 023-021 | 18 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Errington | 23 September,1905 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 22 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Esther | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 003-003 | 8 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Esther | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 6 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Esther | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 11 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Esther | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 006-006 | 11 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ethel | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 6 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ettie | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 029-028 | 30 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Eva | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 27 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eva | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 9 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Eva | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 019-006 | 3 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 026-014 | 10m | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 3 | France | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 3 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 008-008 | 3 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Evelyn May | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 020-020 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F. | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 48 | United States | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F. | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 013-013 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F. | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 015-009 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F. G. | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 46 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F.H. | 31 July,1908 | Tunisian | 021-00H | a | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, F.J. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 027-011 | 25 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fanny | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 026-014 | 26 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fdk. H. | 17 August,1906 | Southwark | 009-009 | 30 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fletcher | 28 August,1910 | Saturnia | 004-004 | 22 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 11 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 03 July,1905 | Mongolian | 006-00E | 37 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 036-036 | 31 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 6 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 20 October,1908 | Hesperian | 003-002 | 6 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Flora | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 4 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-003 | 2m | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 012-002 | 23 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 12 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 020-019 | 11 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Florence | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 031-031 | 26 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Florence | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 019-018 | 6 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Forbes W. | 20 August,1906 | Mongolian | 006-006 | 28 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 3 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 015-00E | 52 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 014-014 | 25 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frances | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 016-015 | 15 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Francis | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 3 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Francis | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 16 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Francis | 18 May,1904 | Pretorian | 009-008 | 28 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Francis C. | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 004-004 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Francis J. | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 010-003 | 26 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frank | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 017-017 | 55 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frank | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 54 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frank | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 016-015 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frank | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 012-000 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Frank | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 009-009 | 24 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frank | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 002-002 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Fred | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 003-003 | infant | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 002-00I | 10 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 15 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 036-35F | 27 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 4 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 9 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred C. | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 003-003 | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred. | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 11 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fred. Jos. | 08 August,1903 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 42 | Yorkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frederick | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 38 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frederick | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 17 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frederick | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 004-004 | 17 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frederick G. | 01 July,1905 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 23 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Frederick William | 04 August,1910 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 007-007 | 8 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 13 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk Ernest | 07 May,1910 | Virginian | 036-016 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk. | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 004-020 | 10 | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Fredk. | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 040-024 | 23 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk. | 25 October,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 003-003 | 23 | Eng | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fredk. Edwd. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Fulton A. B. | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 006-000 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, G. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 027-011 | 21 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 013-004 | 21 | Engd. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. | 20 July,1906 | Canada | 023-022 | 53 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 19 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 002-002 | 18 | Eng | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. C. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 45 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. G. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 008-008 | 12 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, G. H. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 008-008 | 45 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. W. | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 009-009 | 45 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, G. W. | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 029-001 | 20 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 002-00I | 8 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo K. | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 030-017 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 007-006 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 02 August,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 21 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 26 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 004-001 | 25 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 10 July,1906 | Numidian | 006-006 | 21 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 003-001 | 19 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 15 June,1907 | Kensington | 011-010 | 42 | British | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 041-021 | 24 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 029-027 | 24 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 002-002 | 6 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. D. | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 020-010 | 22 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. Douglas | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 031-015 | 59 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. E. | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 010-010 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. Milne | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 012-012 | 26 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. R. | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 016-016 | 26 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. W. | 06 November,1909 | Hesperian | 003-003 | 26 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Geo. Wm. | 21 May,1904 | Parisian | 006-00F | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 40 | U S A | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 64 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 031-018 | 24 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 007-007 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 05 September,1910 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 62 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 08 June,1909 | Grampian | 006-005 | 18 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 53 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 09 June,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 041-041 | 22 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 43 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 09 September,1905 | Southwark | 002-000 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 27 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 009-00I | 22 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 10-Jun-05 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 10 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 11 July,1908 | Grampian | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 59 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 2 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 008-008 | 8 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 28 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 028-028 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 038-000 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 008-000 | 52 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 14 September,1908 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 49 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 017-017 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 20 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 30 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 026-011 | 25 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 017-013 | 22 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 013-013 | 32 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 23 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 2 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 011-015 | 30 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 7 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 012-00D | 1y6m | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 003-000 | 3 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 30 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George A. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 45 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George E. | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 016-007 | 18 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George E. | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George G. | 02 July,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 17 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George R. | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 023-022 | 33 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, George W. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Georgina | 10 October,1906 | Sicilian | 005-006 | 24 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Georgina | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-008 | 28 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gertrude | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 020-018 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gertrude | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 028-027 | 38 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gideon | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 004-00D | 30 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gilbert | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 008-00H | 21 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gilbert | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 020-020 | 17 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Scott, Gilbert | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 26 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gilbert | 23 July,1910 | Saturnia | 008-008 | 23 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gladys | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 6 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Glendimming | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 006-006 | 22 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gordon | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 015-015 | infant | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Grace | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 9 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Grace | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 25 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gregor | 31 May,1905 | Mongolian | 007-00F | 25 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gregor J. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 003-002 | 29 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Griffin Mrs. | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 002-002 | 38 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Gwendoline | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 016-015 | 1 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 044-044 | a | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 019-000 | 12 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, H. F. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 40 | America | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. G. | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 023-014 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, H. J. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 024-015 | 21 | Engd | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. J. | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 016-016 | 28 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. J. | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 006-006 | a | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, H. Kilburn | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 045-044 | 38 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H. W. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 001-000 | 31 | Scotld | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, H.C. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 023-015 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, H.T. | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 33 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hannah | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 009-009 | 8 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Harold | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 005-005 | 20 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harold | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 025-012 | 32 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harold | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 016-016 | 2 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harriet | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 030-023 | 11 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harriet | 13 August,1909 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 19 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 025-025 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 012-002 | 11 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 11 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 8 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 001-001 | 13 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Scott, Harry | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 33 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 3 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 008-007 | 16 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Harry Easter | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-007 | 17 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hazel | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 3m | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 46 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 06 September,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 36 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 006-005 | a | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 15 August,1904 | Corinthian | 009-009 | 19 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 34 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 013-000 | 43 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 24 October,1908 | Tunisian | 009-00B | 26 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 016-015 | 40 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen Elliott | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 004-003 | 20 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Helen Russel | 10 July,1910 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henrietta E. | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 013-013 | 48 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henriette | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 36 | France | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 031-018 | 26 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 19 | United States | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 08 July,1906 | Dominion | 010-009 | 22 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 13 August,1907 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 19 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 015-008 | 6 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 15 June, 1905 | Corinthian | 007-00G | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 002-002 | 34 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 18 May,1906 | Lake Champlain | 025-024 | 30 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 6 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 034-016 | 19 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 29 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 3 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry E. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 014-012 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry H. | 26 June,1907 | Numidian | 002-002 | 34 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Henry Wm. | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 016-016 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hensley | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 6 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Herbert | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 004-001 | 39 | Irish | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Herbert | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 008-008 | 11 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Herbert J. | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 015-00O | 21 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Herbert R. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 043-020 | 29 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hero M. | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 21 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hilda | 01 November,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 12 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hilda | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 014-014 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hilda | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 015-008 | 17 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Honona Renee | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 2 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hope | 30 July,1910 | Laurentic | 005-000 | 23 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Horace | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 9 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Horace | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 009-009 | 35 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Horatio | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 010-010 | 28 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hugh | 03 May,1909 | Ionian | 013-00G | 21 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hugh | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 30 | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hugh | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 007-007 | 32 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hugh | 23 July,1910 | Saturnia | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Hugo | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 4 | America | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ian | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 4 | France | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, illegible | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 002-002 | illegible | illegible | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, illegible | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 1 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Illegible | 10 July,1910 | Pretorian | 012-005 | 30 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, infant | 22 October,1907 | Corinthian | 001-001 | infant | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, infant | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 11m | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Infant | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 029-014 | infant | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Infant | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | c | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Irene | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 019-018 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Irene | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 1 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isa | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 23 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isa | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 16 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isa | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 17 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isa. | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 11 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabel | 03 October,1908 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 24 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 003-003 | 30 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 029-00C | 17 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 015-016 | 33 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 12 September,1905 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 003-003 | 27 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 035-017 | 16 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella D. | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 002-002 | a | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Isabella J. | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 012-012 | 21 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ivison | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 051-046 | 32 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ivy | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 030-029 | 20 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Iza | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 14 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 028-010 | 22 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 23 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. | 20 May,1905 | Canada | 018-018 | 27 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. | 26 August,1904 | Canada | 009-009 | a | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 39 | Scottish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. A. | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 004-020 | a | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, J. A. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 004-004 | 27 | Yorks | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. G. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 025-019 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, J. G. Mrs. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 023-019 | a | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. H. | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 023-014 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, J. M. | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 021-021 | a | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. Robert | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 4 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J. T. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 041-041 | a | T-491 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, J. W. | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 001-000 | 23 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J.M. | 08 August,1904 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 6 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, J.R. | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 021-021 | 34 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jack | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 9 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 01 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 014-009 | 46 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 02 July,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 18 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 02 October,1906 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 42 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 010-010 | 43 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 37 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 017-008 | 28 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 03 November,1903 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 22 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 03 October,1909 | Pretorian | 007-007 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, James | 04 August,1903 | Sicilian | 004-004 | 33 | Lanarkshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 04 August,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 27 | Wales | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 009-009 | 34 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 007-007 | 28 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 010-010 | 28 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 006-005 | 39 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 015-014 | 60 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 21 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 08 July,1907 | Athenia | 007-007 | 31 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 005-002 | 20 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 030-023 | 14 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 28 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 011-00B | a | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 51 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 4 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 031-019 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, James | 10 October,1906 | Sicilian | 005-006 | 1y6m | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 023-008 | 19 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 11 June,1907 | Pretorian | 007-006 | 20 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 026-026 | 7 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 006-006 | 57 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 022-013 | 35 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 034-034 | 23 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 38 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 016-014 | 21 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 034-034 | 53 | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, James | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 22 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 013-050 | 31 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 006-004 | 26 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 11 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 022-00U | 28 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 012-011 | 28 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 31 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 010-000 | 28 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 17 May,1909 | Athenia | 005-004 | 34 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 17 May,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 32 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 18 October,1909 | Ionian | 002-00B | 42 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 017-017 | 39 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 031-031 | 24 | Ireland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Scott, James | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 044-044 | 24 | Ireland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 004-004 | 28 | Ireland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 010-010 | 9 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 20 August,1906 | Mongolian | 007-007 | a | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 20 June,1909 | Hesperian | 009-009 | 23 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 20 September,1909 | Cassandra | 007-007 | 32 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 019-003 | a | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 033-033 | 43 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | 28 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 011-011 | c | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 001-001 | 23 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 013-013 | 31 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 037-036 | 27 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 041-038 | 29 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 25 June,1909 | Sardinian | 001-001 | 35 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 008-008 | 35 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 11 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 013-017 | 36 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 009-008 | 4 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 043-042 | 45 | Canadian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 043-020 | 36 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 004-004 | 3 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 29 September,1907 | Grampian | 016-16O | 26 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 31 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 30 September,1902 | Sicilian | 002-000 | 41 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 23 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 014-013 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James B. | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 002-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James C. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 3 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James H. | 06 August,1909 | Tunisian | 006-002 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James H. | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 014-013 | 34 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James Harley | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 014-014 | 26 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James Herbert | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 013-013 | 34 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James Metcalfe | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 3 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James R. | 18 May,1908 | Grampian | 014-014 | 29 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, James W. | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 020-020 | 23 | Scot'd | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 25 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 003-003 | 32 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 33 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 022-00M | 62 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 3 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 23 August,1909 | Ionian | 012-00F | 23 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 021-009 | 28 | Ireland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 033-025 | 25 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 014-00L | 39 | Eng | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 28 June,1908 | Hesperian | 003-003 | 65 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 67 | Irish | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jane M. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 48 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 47 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-006 | 3 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 07 August,1905 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 17 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Janet | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 18 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 016-014 | 25 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 017-017 | 22 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | infant | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 22 June,1908 | Pretorian | 006-005 | 26 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 013-008 | 50 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janet | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 016-016 | 5 | U.S.A. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Janie | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 014-00N | 21 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 014-008 | 23 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 012-012 | 11 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Jas. | 06 October,1903 | Sardinian | 002-000 | 23 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 06 September,1903 | Mount Temple | 001-00A | 23 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 15 September,1907 | Athenia | 002-001 | 28 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 16 September,1903 | Canada | 002-000 | 28 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 010-009 | 10 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 002-00B | 21 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 041-00B | 26 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 20 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 012-012 | 18 | British | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. Geo. | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 21 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. H. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 018-011 | 32 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. H. | 18 May,1904 | Pretorian | 009-008 | 30 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. H. | 23 August,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 27 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jas. M. | 24 September,1907 | Pretorian | 008-008 | 23 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jean | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 004-003 | a | Canada | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jean | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Jean | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 036-035 | 39 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jean | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 6 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jean | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 18m | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jean G. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 3 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanetta | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-014 | 25 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanette | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 020-018 | a | US Citizen | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie | 04 July,1907 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 28 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie | 07 June,1908 | Ionian | 010-00C | 27 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie | 09 October,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 17 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 6 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie | 21 June,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 4 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeanie B | 18 September,1910 | Ionian | 005-004 | 34 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 007-05A | 22 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 5 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 15 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 038-037 | 34 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 020-013 | 23 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 003-00C | 28 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jeannie W. | 19 September,1905 | Athenia | 014-014 | 23 | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jemima | 05 July,1909 | Grampian | 014-006 | 15 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jemima | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 28 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jemima | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 016-007 | 24 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jemina B. | 10 July,1907 | Corinthian | 006-00F | 27 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jennie | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 023-021 | 40 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jennie | 29 July,1905 | Sarmatian | 004-004 | 29 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jennie | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 041-018 | 36 | Wales | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jenny | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 018-016 | 40 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 11 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 04 November,1905 | Canada | 003-00A | 14 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 5 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 20 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 005-005 | 12 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 10 July,1910 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 31 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 53 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 008-008 | 3y6m | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 13 August,1907 | Corinthian | 003-00C | 21 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 14 September,1906 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 78 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 20 October,1908 | Hesperian | 003-002 | 2 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 24 August,1908 | Cassandra | 007-007 | 21 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 32 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 002-002 | 41 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie Mrs. | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 010-010 | 25 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jessie P. | 28 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 043-042 | 44 | Canadian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 012-012 | 10 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Jno. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 24 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 58 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 14 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 23 August,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 012-00I | 2y6m | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Jno. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 21 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 01 August,1910 | Grampian | 003-001 | 28 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 004-004 | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 003-00C | 25 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 02 October,1910 | Saturnia | 009-017 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, John | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 28 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 014-014 | 30 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 007-007 | 25 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 001-000 | 24 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 June,1904 | Lake Champlain | 006-006 | 30 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 48 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 007-006 | 18 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 009-002 | 38 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 013-00K | 27 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 010-008 | 46 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 005-004 | 36 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 06 June,1905 | Ionian | 009-009 | 69 | Scotch | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 37 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 07 August,1910 | Athenia | 013-003 | 32 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 021-022 | 29 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 005-005 | 50 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 08 June,1909 | Grampian | 006-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 008-000 | 35 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 008-00H | 20 | Canadian | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 08 October,1909 | Victorian | 018-018 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, John | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 024-024 | 43 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 40 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 004-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 16 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 14 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 30 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 11 June,1907 | Pretorian | 003-002 | 24 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 11 September,1903 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 23 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 11 September,1910 | Athenia | 002-000 | 21 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 11 September,1910 | Athenia | 002-000 | 38 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 40 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 017-017 | 48 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 022-021 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 13 August,1905 | Ionian | 001-001 | 23 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 13 August,1909 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 005-003 | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 14 July,1907 | Dominion | 019-018 | 43 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 15 June, 1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 23 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 4 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 039-039 | 65 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 010-010 | 26 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 15 May,1909 | Empress of Britain | 013-012 | 33 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 003-003 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, John | 16 June,1904 | Sardinian | 005-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 009-008 | 26 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 023-024 | 27 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 015-00N | 24 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 016-00O | 25 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 009-00I | 27 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 005-000 | 9 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 003-003 | 3 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, John | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 40 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 2 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 22 August,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 35 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 038-037 | 32 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 22 October,1904 | Lake Champlain | 010-010 | 30 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 22 September,1907 | Dominion | 018-017 | 42 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 23 July,1910 | Ionian | 005-002 | 57 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 23 October,1905 | Mongolian | 004-000 | 21 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 019-019 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, John | 24 October,1909 | Grampian | 005-004 | 31 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 012-007 | 26 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 25 July,1904 | Sicilian | 001-00A | 21 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 018-006 | 33 | USA | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 62 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 038-000 | 28 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 008-008 | 30 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 27 May,1910 | Empress of Britain | 044-021 | 20 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 28 August,1910 | Lake Champlain | 019-011 | 34 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 22 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 65 | Irish | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 4 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 043-020 | 19 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-014 | 35 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 009-009 | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 007-006 | 19 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 33 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 33 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 30 May,1910 | Athenia | 017-006 | 31 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 15 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 002-002 | 41 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 29 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John A. | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 011-000 | 40 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John A. | 17 October,1905 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 25 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John C. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 37 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John C. | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 006-006 | 27 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John C. | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 026-026 | 30 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John C. | 26 June,1906 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 23 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John G. | 22 September,1903 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | infant | Kincardine | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John George | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 041-016 | 46 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John H. | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 031-031 | 3 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John Hy. | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John James | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 005-005 | 24 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John K. | 23 July,1910 | Ionian | 017-007 | 48 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John M. | 10 August,1905 | Virginian | 008-00H | 14 | USA | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John McPherson | 01 August,1910 | Grampian | 002-001 | 52 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John R. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 015-00I | 55 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John R. | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 008-00B | a | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John R. | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John Robert | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 049-027 | 35 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, John Thompson | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 13 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 03 May,1909 | Ionian | 013-00G | 26 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 036-023 | 25 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 42 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 017-016 | 39 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 43 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 17 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 003-003 | 28 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 27 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 21 June,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 5 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 24 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 016-015 | 52 | American | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 011-006 | 30 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 001-001 | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 026-024 | 22 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 011-005 | 9 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Joseph M. | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 004-004 | 62 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Julia | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 001-001 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Julia Annie | 29 October,1909 | Laurentic | 007-002 | 36 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Julian | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 017-015 | 30 | Australia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, K. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 014-00N | 25 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, K. D. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 019-000 | 8 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Kartinger | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 050-045 | 21 | U. S.A. | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Kate | 23 May,1909 | Hesperian | 016-016 | 28 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Katherine | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Katherine | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 036-035 | 36 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Katherine | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 002-002 | 29 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Katherine | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 48 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Katherine | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 012-00A | 30 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Katie | 03 July,1905 | Mongolian | 006-00E | 14 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Keith | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 15 | Eng. | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Kenneth | 01 November,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 5 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Kenneth | 27 August,1908 | Canada | 011-010 | 18 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Kilburn | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 37 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, L. | 27 July,1906 | Virginian | 023-022 | a | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, L. C. | 31 May,1909 | Ionian | 006-00F | 20 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, L. E. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 021-021 | 40 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, L. G. | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 010-010 | 50 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, L. M. | 11 September,1904 | Kensington | 009-008 | 30 | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Laura | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 017-017 | 21 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lawrence | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 006-00F | 50 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lelian | 03 August,1906 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 36 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Leonard | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 15 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Leonora | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Leonora | 09 July,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Leslie | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-014 | 34 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lewis | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 3 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lewis | 08 July,1904 | Lake Champlain | 011-011 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lewis I. | 24 July,1908 | Hesperian | 009-009 | 36 | Irish | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lilian | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 018-018 | 28 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lillias | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 4 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lily | 08 June,1909 | Grampian | 006-005 | 25 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lily | 11 July,1908 | Lake Champlain | 007-006 | 38 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lily | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 016-016 | 5 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lily | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 015-010 | 20? | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Scott, Lily | 29 June,1910 | Royal George | 017-012 | 32 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lina | 22 October,1904 | Lake Champlain | 013-013 | 30 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 005-004 | 25 | Ireland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 05 November,1909 | Victorian | 006-004 | 26 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 9 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 29 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 021-009 | 27 | Ireland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie A. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 30 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lizzie B. | 25 September,1906 | Mongolian | 005-005 | 22 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Logan W. | 11 June,1904 | Southwark | 007-007 | 18 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Louis | 11 June,1909 | Laurentic | 017-016 | 21 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Louisa | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 027-015 | 37 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Louisa | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 030-023 | 2 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Louisa | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 29 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Louisa | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 028-027 | 10 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lucretia | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 015-00L | 34 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lucy | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 019-012 | 26 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Lyall | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 029-029 | 22 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 029-016 | 19 | Engd | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | 10 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 07 June,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 40 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 005-005 | 15 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 009-008 | 54 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 13 July,1907 | Lake Erie | 016-016 | 20 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. | 19 October,1908 | Dominion | 018-018 | 20 | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. Miss | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 023-019 | a | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M. W. | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 024-024 | 60 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, M.M. | 08 August,1904 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 32 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mabel | 13 November,1909 | Corsican | 012-000 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mabel | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 010-009 | 5 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mabel | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 008-002 | 18 | Wales | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mabel Ellen | 23 October,1909 | Virginian | 006-00C | 17 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Madge | 29 September,1908 | Ionian | 004-00B | 19 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Madge R. | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 34 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Magdalane | 15 August,1909 | Hesperian | 008-008 | a | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Magdalene | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 27 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 16 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 08 June,1909 | Grampian | 009-009 | 11 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 09 May,1906 | Mongolian | 015-015 | 28 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 015-008 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 18 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 10 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 15 September,1910 | Corsican | 022-002 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Maggie | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 34 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 010-009 | 32 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 20 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 007-00G | 15 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Maggie | 17 October,1905 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 40 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 20 July,1908 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 33 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 20 October,1908 | Hesperian | 003-002 | 45 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 8 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 24 October,1909 | Grampian | 010-009 | 18 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 013-008 | a | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 002-000 | 5 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-010 | 28 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maggie W. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 46 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maid | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-018 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | 2 | ||
Scott, Maid | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 023-014 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | 2 | |
Scott, Maiser | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 002-002 | 10 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Major | 07 September,1906 | Victorian | 031-031 | a | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Major | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | a | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Major | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 029-029 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Major H. | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 016-000 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Major N. A. W. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 036-035 | a | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Major R. K. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 012-012 | a | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Malcolm D. | 02 July,1909 | Virginian | 006-00F | a | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, marcue | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 01 November,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 3 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 058-054 | 37 | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-029 | 62 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-014 | 26 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 30 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 020-018 | a | US Citizen | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 026-00B | 31 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 39 | Scotch | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 29 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 10 May,1907 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 54 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 10 September,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 3 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 40 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 017-000 | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, Margaret | 21 September,1908 | Hesperian | 007-008 | 30 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 24 October,1909 | Grampian | 005-004 | 29 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 11 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 010-009 | 41 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 010-009 | 29 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret Elliot | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 014-006 | 26 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret F. | 09 November,1909 | Athenia | 002-002 | 26 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret J | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 035-00J | 60 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margaret W. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 044-021 | 11m | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt | 18 November,1908 | Numedian | 005-004 | 35 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 35 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 002-002 | 29 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 015-00I | a | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 38 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 07 June,1908 | Ionian | 013-00F | 29 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 024-024 | 43 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 010-009 | 30 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | infant | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 010-009 | 1 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 17 August,1906 | Ionian | 014-015 | 45 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 5 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 005-000 | 36 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 011-009 | 36 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 35 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 48 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 11 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 23 May,1908 | Corsican | 015-014 | 11 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 008-007 | 35 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt. | 28 September,1903 | Corinthian | 003-000 | 29 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Margt? | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 010-006 | 26 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maria | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 5m | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maria | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 040-024 | 2 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maria | 17-May-05 | Athenia | 001-000 | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marian | 16 July,1909 | Laurentic | 003-003 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Marian | 24 July,1908 | Canada | 002-002 | 27 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marian | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 16 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 02 October,1910 | Saturnia | 009-017 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Marion | 04 July,1907 | Mongolian | 004-004 | 24 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 17 | United States | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 013-010 | 18 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 24 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 012-012 | 18 | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marion | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 23 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marjorie | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 002-00B | 14 | Eng. | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marjorie | 05 August,1909 | Ottawa | 008-007 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marjory | 04 October,1908 | Grampian | 001-000 | 40 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Marjory J. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 18 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mark | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 004-001 | 24 | Irish | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Martha | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 009-009 | 5 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Martha | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 028-028 | 3 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Martha | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 013-017 | 40 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Martin | 04 October,1907 | Victorian | 025-025 | 21 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 01 July,1909 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 26 | Ireland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 01 May,1908 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 27 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 007-007 | 2 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 28 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 12 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 24 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 04 October,1908 | Grampian | 001-000 | 11 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 05 July,1909 | Grampian | 005-004 | 8m | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 006-005 | 21 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 07 November,1904 | Sicilian | 002-00B | 18 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 020-018 | a | US Citizen | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-031 | 34 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 020-019 | 10 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Mary | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 20 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 024-023 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 14 November,1909 | Ionian | 001-00A | 21 | Canada | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 15 June,1908 | Cassandra | 010-010 | 22 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 016-00P | 55 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 019-010 | 14 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 20 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 16 May,1910 | Pretorian | 006-005 | 22 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 3m | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 23 August,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 2? | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 23 July,1910 | Ionian | 017-007 | 32 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 27 August,1906 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 34 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 52 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 007-006 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 016-016 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 36 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 001-00A | 23 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 3 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 31 May,1907 | Virginian | 005-004 | 28 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary | 31 May,1909 | Ionian | 002-00B | 22 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary Ann | 11 October,1904 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 30 | English | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary B. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 36 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary E. | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 006-006 | 36 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary E. | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 009-009 | 24 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary E. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 020-005 | a | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary Elliott | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 004-003 | 45 | Canada | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary G. | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 012-010 | 26 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary Isa | 05 September,1910 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 43 | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary J. | 10 September,1910 | Megantic | 029-00C | 56 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary J. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 005-004 | 17 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary J. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 016-044 | 28 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary J. | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 011-011 | 39 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary Jane | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 34 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary L. | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 039-039 | 9 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary L. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 4 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary L. | 15 October,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 017-015 | 71 | Ireland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary M. | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 004-004 | 56 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary W. | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 43 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary Wallace Oliver | 27 August,1910 | Grampian | 014-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mary. | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 016-015 | 72 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Master G. | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 010-010 | 2 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Matilda | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 004-020 | a | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Matilda | 16 July,1910 | Hesperian | 008-006 | 30 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Matthew | 19 May,1905 | Pomeranian | 005-005 | 36 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maud | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 012-011 | 30 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Maud | 11 August,1906 | Dominion | 020-019 | 12 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, May | 03 October,1910 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 3 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, May | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 038-038 | 10 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, May | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 019-018 | 4 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Minnie | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 002-002 | infant | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Minnie | 10 May,1905 | Sarmatian | 006-000 | 25 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Minnie | 21 June,1904 | Sicilian | 005-00E | 2 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Minnie | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 021-015 | 34 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Minnie | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 18 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 01 October,1906 | Cassandra | 001-001 | 4 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-018 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, Miss | 02 September,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 011-011 | 47 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 011-011 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 07 October,1905 | Virginian | 023-014 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Miss | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 003-000 | a | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 015-015 | a | T-484 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Miss | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 023-019 | a | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 032-031 | 39 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 036-035 | c | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Miss | 31 July,1903 | Parisian | 011-000 | 19 | Eng | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss A. M. | 22 October,1907 | Corinthian | 001-001 | 3 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss Annie | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 005-007 | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss B. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-006 | 8 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss D. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 15 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss E. | 29 September,1905 | Bavarian | 014-014 | 23 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss E. G. | 20 October,1906 | Virginian | 002-002 | 27 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss F. M. | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 032-036 | 21 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss Irene | 24 August,1906 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 2 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss J. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-018 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, Miss J. L. | 06 July,1904 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 23 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss K. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-018 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, Miss M. | 07 May,1905 | Victorian | 003-003 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Scott, Miss M. | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 011-011 | a | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss M. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 003-003 | 50 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss M. D. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss M. M. | 30 September,1904 | Bavarian | 024-017 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Miss Nellie | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 002-00B | 27 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss Phylis | 24 August,1906 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 3 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss S. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 001-00A | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss S. B. M. | 01 November,1903 | Southwark | 002-002 | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss. C. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 013-012 | 53 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss. J. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 013-012 | 53 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Miss. M. Robertson | 22 October,1907 | Corinthian | 001-001 | 2 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mona | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 001-001 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mona | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 001-001 | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Montagu | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 24 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mora? | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 003-003 | 4 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Morris | 04 October,1908 | Grampian | 001-000 | 16 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Morris | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 33 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 013-00J | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mr. | 08 November,1903 | Lake Manitoba | 013-000 | 31 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 001-001 | 55 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. A. H. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 017-00A | 32 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. A. J. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 007-007 | 25 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. C. H. | 25 September,1903 | Ionian | 010-010 | a | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mr. F. H. | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 028-028 | Canada | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mr. Fredk. J. | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 017-018 | 45 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. J. A. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 017-000 | a | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mr. P. D. | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 67 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. Sam | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 023-023 | 30 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr. W. A. | 03 September,1904 | Southwark | 008-007 | 35 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mr.? Irwin | 03 July,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00G | a | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 46 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 06 August,1905 | Montrose | 006-006 | 42 | Canadian | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 11 September,1908 | Corsican | 018-002 | 32 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 16 August,1909 | Cassandra | 002-006 | 40 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 23 September,1910 | Virginian | 007-006 | a | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs | 29 August,1909 | Athenia | 004-004 | 29 | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 010-008 | 24 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 004-004 | 33 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 036-028 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 03 August,1904 | Pretorian | 007-00G | 35 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 03 July,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00G | a | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 03 July,1910 | Southwark | 007-007 | 26 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 017-000 | a | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 46 | United States | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 006-006 | 35 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 023-023 | 33 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 004-004 | 27 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Scott, Mrs. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 016-000 | a | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 51 | Ireland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 37 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 006-005 | a | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 13 August,1905 | Ionian | 003-003 | 51 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 024-023 | 58 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 005-005 | 33 | America | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 14 August,1904 | Dominion | 010-010 | 48 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 55 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 013-013 | 45 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 17 May,1907 | Victorian | 043-000 | a | Canada | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 003-003 | 35 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 18 October,1909 | Ionian | 002-00B | 38 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 023-017 | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 003-003 | 25 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 023-015 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 21 June,1907 | Empress of Britain | 033-033 | 42 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 001-001 | 50 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 21 September,1906 | Virginian | 012-011 | 26 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 22 August,1903 | Ionian | 012-012 | a | T-482 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 23 August,1908 | Hesperian | 002-007 | 75 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 23 July,1910 | Ionian | 005-002 | 56 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 23 October,1905 | Mongolian | 004-000 | 33 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 019-018 | 59 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 006-006 | 34 | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 025-010 | 46 | U.S.A. | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 24 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 31 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 012-00D | 24 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 28 September,1906 | Tunisian | 015-015 | 19 | Canadian | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 001-000 | 47 | Tasmania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | a | T-490 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 020-020 | 54 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 025-025 | 56 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. ? A. | 03 July,1908 | Tunisian | 016-00G | a | Ireland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. A. | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. A. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 018-000 | a | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. A. | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 006-006 | 47 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. A. | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 018-00C | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. A. | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 25 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. A. | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 010-010 | 34 | Ireland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Ada | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 030-012 | 36 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Annie | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 003-003 | a | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. C. | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 007-007 | 70 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. D. B. | 05 September,1905 | Buenos Ayrean | 002-002 | 35 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. E. | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 42 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. E. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 34 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. E. J. | 21 August,1910 | Ionian | 011-011 | a | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. E.F. | 18 May,1908 | Grampian | 014-014 | 25 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Ed. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 008-008 | 30 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Eli | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 38 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Eliz. | 09 May,1906 | Athenia | 011-011 | 54 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Eliz. | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 008-008 | 25 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. G. | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 029-014 | 23? | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. G. | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 004-004 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. G. | 10 August,1907 | Lake Champlain | 023-022 | 33 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. G. | 11 June,1907 | Pretorian | 014-00D | 40 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Isa | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 006-006 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. J. | 03 November,1905 | Virginian | 019-015 | a | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. J. | 05 July,1908 | Ionian | 007-00A | 36 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. J. | 06 May,1908 | Hesperian | 015-014 | 55 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. J. | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 026-026 | 34 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. J. | 22 September,1903 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 68 | Aberdeenshire | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. J. G. | 22 September,1903 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 32 | Kincardine | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. J.G. | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 033-032 | 41 | R | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Jamesy | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 044-021 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Jane E. | 01 November,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 37 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Janet | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 005-00E | a | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Kate | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 003-003 | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. L. | 17 September,1908 | Ottawa | 008-008 | 33 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. L. | 24 August,1906 | Pomeranian | 001-001 | 25 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. M. | 04 June,1910 | Laurentic | 050-028 | 35 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. M. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 31 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. M. B. | 22 October,1907 | Corinthian | 001-001 | 25 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. M.L. | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 011-001 | 73 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Margt. | 06 September,1909 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 26 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Mary | 27 May,1905 | Tunisian | 029-00F | 45 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. P. | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 002-002 | 25 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. P. D. | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 57 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. R. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 008-008 | 45 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. S. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 27 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. S. | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 30 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. T. | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Thos. | 17 July,1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 32 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. V. | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 005-005 | 67 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. W. | 05 July,1909 | Grampian | 005-004 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Mrs. W. A. | 03 September,1904 | Southwark | 008-007 | 38 | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. W. G. | 15 October,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 016-016 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. William | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 025-025 | 40 | American | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs. Wm C. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 001-00A | 23 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs.E. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 40 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Mrs.E. | 24 July,1908 | Virginian | 009-002 | 35 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Munro | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Neil | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 11 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 14 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 024-024 | 11 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 09 June,1909 | Cassandra | 005-005 | 19 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 013-010 | 29 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 008-008 | 28 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 27 August,1907 | Sicilian | 009-009 | 30 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nellie | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 007-007 | 16 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nettie P? | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 009-00A | 7 | Scotch | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nora | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 18 | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Nora | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 027-026 | 27 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nora | 28 September,1908 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 3 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 3 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 007-007 | 11 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 011-011 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 3 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman A. | 23 June,1910 | Empress of Britain | 020-013 | 16 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Norman J. | 19 June,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 003-003 | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Nurse | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 035-034 | a | T-490 | Quebec Ports | 2 | |
Scott, Olaf P. | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 047-046 | 65 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Olive | 07 July,1908 | Sicilian | 002-00I | 38 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Olive | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 11 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Olive | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 8 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Oliver | 23 July,1910 | Ionian | 017-007 | 39 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, P. G. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 009-010 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Patrick | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 032-019 | 40 | India | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Paul | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 003-003 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Paul | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 8 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Pearl | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 5 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Pella | 16 August,1907 | Empress of Britain | 002-002 | 19 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percival P. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 008-020 | 21? | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 020-020 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 9 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 010-009 | 1 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 19 June,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 10 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 24 August,1908 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 45 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Percy | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 013-002 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 01 October,1906 | Cassandra | 008-008 | 18 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 06 September,1909 | Pretorian | 001-0II | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Peter | 07 June,1908 | Ionian | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 57 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 20 August,1906 | Mongolian | 003-003 | 32 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 22 August,1905 | Corinthian | 004-000 | 29 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 002-002 | infant | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Peter L. | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 009-009 | 23 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Priscilla | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 032-010 | 29 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Private C. S. | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 013-013 | a | Canada | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Pte. E. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 026-010 | 28 | Ret'd. Canadian England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Queenie | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 010-010 | 7 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. | 10 July,1908 | Ottawa | 006-006 | 69 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 026-025 | 3 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 021-021 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. F. M. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 016-000 | a | Canadian | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. J. | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 021-022 | 32 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. Morris | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 010-010 | 27 | Irish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. Nelson | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 007-007 | infant | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, R. W. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 034-033 | 19 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ray | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 1 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Raymond | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 030-023 | 9 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rebecca | 10 September,1906 | Pretorian | 003-003 | 21 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rebecca | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 007-007 | 26 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | crossed out |
Scott, Rebecca | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 013-013 | 27 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Reg. | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 010-009 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Reginald | 06 October,1910 | Royal Edward | 008-004 | 4 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Reginald | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 8 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Reta | 05 August,1909 | Ottawa | 008-007 | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rev. F. G. | 26 August,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | a | T-483 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Rev. H. S. | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 027-027 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rev. J. B. | 02 October,1906 | Corinthian | 008-008 | a | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rev. W. J. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 024-023 | 58 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rich. | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 012-00L | 17 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rich. | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 008-008 | 4y6m | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard | 02 October,1903 | Dominion | 013-013 | 11 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Richard | 05 September,1908 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 12 | United States | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 21 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 009-008 | 27 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard | 28 August,1910 | Saturnia | 004-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 014-014 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richard C. | 21 July,1910 | Corsican | 001-00A | a | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richd. | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 022-022 | 33 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Richd. | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 003-002 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rita | 01 June,1904 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 9 | Australia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rita | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 19 | Canadian | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 01 August,1910 | Grampian | 002-001 | 17 | Canada | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 02 November,1906 | Mongolian | 003-003 | 32 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 005-003 | 4 | Scot | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 001-000 | 17 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 008-008 | 29 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 07 August,1903 | Lake Champlain | 007-007 | 25 | London | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 08 August,1908 | Dominion | 007-007 | 9 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 006-00F | 33 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 09 May,1905 | Pretorian | 003-00C | 22 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 22 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 60 | Canada | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 022-013 | 27 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 12 June,1910 | Pretorian | 020-011 | 26 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 12 May,1908 | Cassandra | 009-009 | 11 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 12 September,1905 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 4 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 008-008 | 35 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 13 May,1904 | Buenos Ayrean | 003-00C | 21 | Scot | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 024-025 | 29 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 19 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 17 October,1905 | Sicilian | 006-0IV | 25 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 18 July,1906 | Mongolian | 003-003 | 10 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Robert | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 005-001 | 35 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 51 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 20 May,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 36 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 010-00J | 15 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 38 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 24 August,1908 | Cassandra | 006-006 | 9 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 019-007 | 26 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 25 September,1906 | Mongolian | 004-004 | 45 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 019-119 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 27 August,1906 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 19 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 36 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 22 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 003-00C | 7 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 007-00G | 48 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 007-007 | 26 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 025-025 | 58 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 008-00H | a | Scotland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert A | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Robert B. | 25 September,1907 | Lake Champlain | 016-016 | 33 | U.S.A. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert C. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 042-019 | 30 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert G. | 13 July,1904 | Corinthian | 008-008 | 2 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert H. | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 016-001 | 25 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert J. | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 043-020 | 30 | Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robert Percy | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 026-026 | 32 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robinson | 15 September,1910 | Empress of Britain | 046-021 | 35 | English | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt J. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 035-033 | 25 | English | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 03 November,1903 | Corinthian | 003-003 | 8 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 027-021 | 37 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 007-00F | 26 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 014-000 | 15 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scott, Robt. | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 040-038 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 010-009 | 3 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 19 July,1904 | Sardinian | 002-002 | 23 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 33 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 007-006 | 35 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 24 May,1904 | Vancouver | 014-014 | 29 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 24 October,1906 | Numidian | 003-003 | 16 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 013-012 | 2 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. | 31 May,1907 | Mongolian | 015-015 | 25 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. A. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 005-00E | a | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. B. | 29 June,1906 | Virginian | 010-00J | 40 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. L. | 16 June,1906 | Carthaginian | 009-008 | 38 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Robt. L. | 29 June,1906 | Ottawa | 019-014 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |||
Scott, Robt. W. | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 008-036 | 21 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rosa | 07 July,1905 | Bavarian | 021-022 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rose | 05 July,1908 | Ionian | 005-004 | 12 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rose | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 040-015 | 35 | Ireland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rose | 25 September,1908 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 14 | Irish? | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rose | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 016-016 | 4 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rose | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 028-027 | 25 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Roseanna | 25 September,1909 | Lake Champlain | 010-004 | 34 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Rt. C. | 04 June,1904 | Ionian | 007-007 | 20 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ruby | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 013-010 | 21 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ruby | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 9 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Ruby? | 13 August,1910 | Hesperian | 020-015 | 11 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Russell | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 020-021 | 21 | United States | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, S, | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 40 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, S. | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 002-002 | 27 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, S. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 026-025 | 20 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, S. O. | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 002-000 | 21 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, S.H. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 002-021 | 33 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sam | 06 November,1906 | Cassandra | 004-004 | 23 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sam | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 28 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Saml | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 015-015 | 24 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 006-006 | 24 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 019-010 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 023-023 | 38 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 029-029 | 55 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 32 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 040-039 | 50 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 001-001 | 22 | Ireland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Samuel | 28 July,1906 | Kensington | 010-009 | 1 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sara | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 024-023 | 21 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sara | 14 August,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 45 | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 017-011 | a | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 09 May,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 026-026 | 21 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 015-008 | 37 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 24 | Eng. | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 028-028 | 25 | Ireland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 026-026 | 21 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 20 October,1908 | Hesperian | 007-006 | 13 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah | 9 July,1904 | Bavarian | 011-005 | 41 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sarah M. | 04 September,1906 | Sicilian | 003-001 | 60 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Shena | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 004-004 | 8 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Shila | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 010-008 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Stanley | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 001-001 | 34 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Susan | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 7 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Susan | 07 September,1910 | Royal Edward | 012-002 | 50 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sydney | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 003-003 | 4 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Sydney | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 16 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, T. | 10 May,1905 | Vancouver | 019-019 | 47 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, T. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 023-014 | 27 | Irld | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, T. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 25 | Irish | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thom. F. | 21 September,1904 | Corinthian | 001-000 | 26 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 017-011 | a | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 14 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 058-054 | 8 | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 009-00G | 38 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 024-00V | 20 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 06 September,1907 | Canada | 014-014 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 06 September,1908 | Grampian | 003-003 | 28 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 07 July,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 004-004 | 45 | Canada | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 08 August,1903 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 31 | Durham | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 09 June,1909 | Cassandra | 013-013 | 30 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 09 May,1909 | Grampian | 015-00E | 30 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 27 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 14 July,1910 | Royal Edward | 008-000 | 13 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 14 November,1908 | Corsican | 003-000 | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 009-009 | 30 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 17 June,1907 | Cassandra | 028-028 | 20 | Scotch | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 009-009 | 23 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 11m | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 006-006 | 36 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 014-012 | 83 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 18 September,1910 | Ionian | 018-005 | 17 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 010-00J | 27 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 24 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 23 July,1906 | Corinthian | 005-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 27 September,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 38 | Eng. | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 28 September,1908 | Cassandra | 003-003 | 22 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 29 June,1907 | Canada | 027-026 | 21 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 29 June,1907 | Virginian | 001-000 | 59 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 001-00A | 29 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 30 June,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 38 | Scotland | T-481 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas | 31 July,1906 | Lakonia | 001-000 | 21 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas A. | 04 August,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 058-054 | 34 | Ireland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas A. | 21 August,1903 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 23 | Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thomas F. | 07 November,1904 | Sicilian | 003-00C | 30 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 022-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 013-013 | 50 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 005-004 | 2 | Wales | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 014-011 | 35 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 035-014 | 22 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 11 May,1904 | Southwark | 005-00E | 20 | Falkland Isles | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 19 September,1906 | Numidian | 002-00B | 18 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 006-006 | 32 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 001-001 | 27 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 28 July,1905 | Canada | 004-000 | 29 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 19 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. | 3 June,1905 | Victorian | 007-007 | 22 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. H. | 07 September,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 003-002 | 26 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. M. | 15 June, 1905 | Corinthian | 005-00E | 23 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. N. | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 26 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. S. | 03 July,1905 | Mongolian | 006-00E | 45 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. W. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 008-008 | 48 | Canada | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Thos. W. | 29 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 022-021 | 43 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Tom | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 010-010 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Tom W. | 12 August,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 25 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Victor | 10 May,1905 | Lake Champlain | 020-020 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec ports | |
Scott, Victoria | 15 May,1910 | Canada | 040-024 | 22 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Viola | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 55 | USA | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Violet | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 11 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Violet | 28 September,1908 | Kensington | 017-016 | 9 | British | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Violet | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 11 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 18 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 015-017 | 43 | Eng | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 001-001 | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 06 May,1906 | Sarmatian | 008-00H | 20 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 025-025 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, W. | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 031-030 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 25 May,1907 | Canada | 026-025 | 30 | English | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 27 June,1904 | Pretorian | 002-002 | 23 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 27 October,1905 | Bavarian | 015-019 | a | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 034-034 | a | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W. M. | 13 September,1907 | Corsican | 032-031 | 29 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W.D. ? | 12 September,1909 | Hesperian | 013-013 | a | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, W.R. | 12 August,1909 | Canada | 012-012 | 48 | America | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walker | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 36 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 02 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 019-019 | 25 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 032-019 | 25 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 05 November,1904 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 23 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 06 August,1906 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 73 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 004-004 | 38 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 09 August,1907 | Victorian | 024-024 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 006-005 | a | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 14 June,1908 | Kensington | 007-007 | 19 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 007-007 | 14 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 17 August,1905 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 19 September,1903 | Bavarian | 016-017 | 11 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 014-014 | 15 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 20 May,1906 | Sardinian | 010-00J | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 21 July,1905 | Tunisian | 016-00A | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 001-000 | 22 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 008-006 | 17 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 23 June,1910 | Corsican | 012-00I | 2y6m | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 030-032 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 27 September,1907 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 24 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter | 28 May,1906 | Pretorian | 005-005 | 27 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter E. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter G. | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 006-005 | a | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter G. | 11 May,1907 | Parisian | 013-011 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter J. | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 014-012 | 44 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter J. | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 016-015 | 11 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter Mr. | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 18 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Walter Mr. | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 018-018 | 50 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wilfred | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 034-013 | 19 | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wilfred D. | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 012-012 | 20 | India | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willard | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 012-012 | 60 | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 018-005 | 20 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 02 July,1906 | Pretorian | 006-006 | 25 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 02 July,1910 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 35 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 02 June,1910 | Royal George | 009-004 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 03 May,1910 | Ionian | 010-010 | 15 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 19 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 002-000 | 34? | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 06 May,1907 | Corinthian | 016-016 | 25 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 012-015 | 24 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 08 May,1908 | Empress of Britain | 029-031 | 39 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 019-010 | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 10 July,1910 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 29 | Scotland | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 023-023 | 11m | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 10 May,1908 | Ionian | 012-00C | 40 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 10 May,1908 | Kensington | 011-011 | 29 | British | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 030-029 | 58 | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, William | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 039-038 | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 19 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 030-014 | 20 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 12 June,1910 | Cassandra | 023-014 | 21 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 004-002 | 22 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 003-003 | 32 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 024-025 | 23 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 032-033 | 45 | Canadian | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 032-032 | 44 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 8 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 15 June,1909 | Pretorian | 009-009 | 19 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 013-013 | 33 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 16 June,1906 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 4 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 002-00B | 30 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 16 September,1907 | Corinthian | 009-008 | 21 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 003-002 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 17 July,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 012-000 | 22 | New Zealand | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 17 May,1904 | Sicilian | 009-00I | 34 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 010-010 | 47 | Scot'd | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 20 August,1906 | Mongolian | 001-001 | 28 | Scotland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 21 July,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-007 | 58 | U.S.A. | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 21 June,1909 | Athenia | 013-000 | 43 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 21 May,1907 | Numidian | 004-004 | 22 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 003-002 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, William | 24 September,1909 | Virginian | 012-00G | 35 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 25 May,1906 | Lake Erie | 022-023 | 34 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 27 August,1905 | Kensington | 004-004 | 8 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 29 August,1904 | Sicilian | 003-00C | 9 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 032-010 | 1y2m | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 30 April,1906 | Parisian | 001-001 | 1 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 019-018 | 21 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 021-021 | 44 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William | 31 July,1908 | Empress of Britain | 025-025 | 57 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William ? | 18 August,1910 | Empress of Britain | 007-006 | 50 | Canadian | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William B. | 18 June,1910 | Hesperian | 011-009 | 25 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William C. W. | 29 July,1907 | Ionian | 001-001 | 22 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William Edward | 18 August, 1905 | Lake Champlain | 012-012 | 33 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William G. | 10 July,1909 | Cassandra | 009-008 | 28 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William H. | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 032-031 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William Hy. | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 018-0B2 | 12 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child | |
Scott, William J. | 05 July,1909 | Grampian | 008-007 | 33 | Canada | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, William T. | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 013-013 | 23 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willie | 03 July,1910 | Athenia | 013-004 | 15 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willie | 03 November,1907 | Grampian | 008-007 | 11 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willie | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 8 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willie | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 027-015 | 11 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Willie | 12 June,1906 | Athenia | 003-003 | 8 | Scotch | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wilson | 15 August,1908 | Corsican | 004-003 | 30 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Winfield L. | 05 October,1907 | Southwark | 031-030 | 60 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Winifred | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 007-007 | 16 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Winifred | 15 June,1908 | Grampian | 007-007 | 40 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Winnifred | 09 June,1907 | Dominion | 028-027 | 15 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 36 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 008-008 | 2 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm | 18 November,1908 | Numedian | 005-004 | 36 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 013-000 | English | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Wm | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 005-005 | 38 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 02 May,1906 | Numidian | 001-00A | 19 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 02 September,1907 | Ionian | 004-003 | 42 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 017-017 | 22 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 03 September,1909 | Tunisian | 027-021 | 30 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 030-020 | 19 | Eng | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 08 July,1907 | Athenia | 004-004 | 24 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 008-000 | 26 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 10 July,1906 | Numidian | 006-006 | 28 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 10 May,1905 | Sarmatian | 006-000 | 35 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 12 May,1906 | Canada | 015-014 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 12 September,1907 | Mongolian | 007-007 | 39 | Scotch | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 15 June,1906 | Victorian | 009-009 | 21 | Ireland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 15 November,1907 | Sicilian | 002-001 | 26 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 010-011 | 23 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 17 May,1905 | Sicilian | 005-000 | 4 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 041-00B | 4 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 19 July,1904 | Sardinian | 005-005 | 30 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 11 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 005-005 | 25 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 19 May,1905 | Virginian | 008-00H | 27 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 003-000 | Canadian | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scott, Wm. | 20 June,1908 | Corsican | 002-002 | 10 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 21 July,1907 | Cassandra | 011-011 | 4 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 22 May,1906 | Sicilian | 011-009 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 038-037 | 1 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 23 August,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 23 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 23 August,1904 | Sardinian | 004-004 | 31 | Scotch | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 003-003 | 27 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 26 August,1910 | Virginian | 024-005 | 39 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 28 August,1903 | Tunisian | 005-005 | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 23 | Scotch | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 28 May,1904 | Tunisian | 022-021 | 22 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 28 September,1907 | Kensington | 005-005 | 53 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 30 April,1908 | Corinthian | 009-008 | 24 | Scotch | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 045-026 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 4 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 017-016 | 30 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. A. | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 033-025 | 20 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. A. | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 016-016 | 6 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. C | 06 July,1904 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 21 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. C. | 10 May,1910 | Grampian | 059-043 | 28 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. C. | 27 June,1910 | Dominion | 016-016 | 28 | England | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. E. | 02 August,1904 | Ionian | 002-000 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. Fisher | 19 September,1909 | Ionian | 011-001 | 3? | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. G. | 16 May,1906 | Corinthian | 001-00A | 21 | Scotland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. H. | 05 August,1905 | Bavarian | 019-019 | 28 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. H. | 25 June,1904 | Tunisian | 013-000 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. J. | 29 May,1907 | Ionian | 033-032 | 26 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. J. G. | 09 October,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 31 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. Paul | 21 September,1908 | Hesperian | 008-009 | 38 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott, Wm. W. | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 014-013 | 31 | Scotch | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott-Walker, Lydia Eliza | 25 June,1909 | Megantic | 015-015 | 47 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott-Walter, William | 25 June,1909 | Megantic | 015-015 | 52 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott?, Ethel | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 036-036 | 35 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott?, George | 01 July,1905 | Southwark | 021-0B5 | 11 | T-485 | Quebec Ports | crossed out | |
Scott?, Jas. | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 017-007 | 27 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scott?, Nancy | 05 June,1908 | Empress of Britain | 036-036 | 2 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotta, Luigi | 21 October,1906 | Sarmatian | 007-007 | 20 | Italy | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotten, Ernest H. | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 027-00E | 29 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotter, Fred | 26 June,1908 | Virginian | 012-002 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotterstad, Konrad | 07 May,1909 | Laurentic | 020-020 | 31 | Norway | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotti, Giacomo | 26 May,1907 | Pomeranian | 013-012 | 44 | Italian | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotting, Annie | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 023-007 | 4 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotting, Lillian | 31 August,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 010-009 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotting, Martha | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 023-007 | 11 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotting, Martha | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 023-007 | 39 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotting, Nellie | 20 August,1909 | Corsican | 023-007 | 3 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scottney, Harry | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 015-006 | 20 | Engd. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, A. G. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 29 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, A. G. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, H. J. | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 008-008 | 39 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, Mrs. | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 008-008 | 34 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, Mrs. R. H. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 35 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, R. H. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 4 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, S. E. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 2 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, V. U. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 4m | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotton, W. L. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 016-015 | 5 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotts, Basil | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotucy, Mar.Spencer | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 022-021 | 1 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotucy, Mrs. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 022-021 | 31 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scotucy, Walter B. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 022-021 | 22 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scougall, Adam | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 033-025 | 35 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scougall, John | 20 September,1909 | Cassandra | 007-007 | 34 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scougall, Mary J. | 10 July,1906 | Numidian | 004-004 | 25 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, James | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, John | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 23 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, John | 13 June,1906 | Mongolian | 016-014 | 20 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, Laubor | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 25 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, Mrs. | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 017-016 | 50 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, Osborne | 10 May,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 026-026 | 3 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoular, Wm. M. | 26 August,1907 | Cassandra | 017-016 | 54 | USA | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouler, John | 08 May,1905 | Corinthian | 013-00M | 12 | Scotland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scouler, John | 18 August,1910 | Corsican | 032-014 | 23 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouler, M. | 01 May,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 032-030 | 31 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouler, Nan | 27 July,1905 | Pretorian | 004-00D | 27 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouler, Thomas | 07 August,1910 | Pretorian | 002-002 | Scotland | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scoullar, Agnes | 19 June,1906 | Corinthian | 013-00M | 10 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scouller, A. H. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 55 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouller, James L. | 26 April,1910 | Athenia | 006-005 | 42 | Scotland | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouller, Mrs. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 028-028 | 35 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouller, Thomas | 26 October,1906 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 24 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoups, Henri | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 012-00H | 27 | Belguim | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoups?, Charlotte | 13 August,1910 | Megantic | 017-00I | 52 | Belgium | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scourfield, Frances K. | 09 July,1909 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scouse, John | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 48 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouse, Mrs. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 40 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouse, Nettee | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 015-016 | 8 | Scotland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouteten, E. | 01 August,1907 | Parisian | 012-011 | 29 | France | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scouteton, Emile | 12 June,1909 | Sicilian | 007-003 | 31 | France | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovell, Frank | 08 June,1906 | Tunisian | 015-015 | 31 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovell, Rose | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 013-013 | 9 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovell, Victor | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 021-026 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovill, Alfred | 13 September,1907 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 34 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovill, Bessie Lottie? | 19 June,1910 | Saturnia | 010-009 | 49 | illegible | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovill, Flo. | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 005-005 | a | U.S.A. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scovill, James | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 031-031 | 26 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoville, J. S. | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 010-005 | 25 | America | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scoville, Robert | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 031-031 | 32 | USA | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Alfred | 28 July,1910 | Royal George | 010-005 | 36 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Geo | 30 July,1909 | Virginian | 003-00C | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Hilda | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 007-007 | 11 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Jno. | 04 November,1906 | Victorian | 011-012 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Mr. S. | 30 August,1907 | Tunisian | 025-025 | 38 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Mrs. | 25 September,1904 | Vancouver | 007-007 | 41 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowcroft, Nellie | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 018-014 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scowcroft, Sarah | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 018-014 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scowen?, A. | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 27 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowen?, Mrs. | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 26 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowen?, Phillip | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 3 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowen?, Rowland | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 2 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scowercroft, Thomas | 15 November,1906 | Kensington | 009-009 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scown, Kate | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 027-011 | 33 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scown, Richard | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 030-008 | 34 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scown, Richard | 30 September,1910 | Tunisian | 027-011 | 4 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scozza, Guiseppe | 19 June,1910 | Sardinian | 008-008 | 47 | Italy | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scozzufara, Luigi | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 004-003 | 18 | Galacia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scpiveingort, Sune | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 008-008 | 19 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrafcz, Stanislaw | 13 May,1906 | Montrose | 032-001 | 44 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrafton, Thomas G. | 29 September,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 036-014 | 28 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrafton, Thomas G. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 021-021 | 24 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Alice | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 59 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Edith | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 30 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Edward T. | 23 September,1906 | Lake Erie | 012-012 | 23 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Fredk. | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 015-015 | 22 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Geo. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 017-00H | a | Canada | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Geo. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 017-00H | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Job | 06 May,1907 | Virginian | 015-015 | 23 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, John | 08 May,1908 | Tunisian | 028-00E | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Miss | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 008-007 | 19 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Mrs. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 008-007 | 38 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Mrs. | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 017-00H | a | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, R. | 15 September,1905 | Tunisian | 008-007 | 17 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Robt. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 003-00C | 21 | Engd | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scragg, Thos. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 009-002 | 30 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scraggie, Pte. J. | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 033-017 | 22 | Ret'd. Canadian | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scraggs, Henry | 05 May,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 020-021 | 28 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scraggs, W. | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 015-012 | 35 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrambler, Henry | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 2y10m | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrambler, Henry | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 32 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrambler, Sarah | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 36 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrannage, Thos. | 14 July,1907 | Victorian | 018-016 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, Beatrice | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 021-00F | 35 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, G. H. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 38 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, Geo. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 014-016 | 39 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, Geo. E. | 29 July,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-003 | 19 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, Laurier | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 014-016 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scrase, Mary | 25 July,1909 | Corsican | 021-00F | 9 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, Mrs. | 14 July,1906 | Victorian | 014-016 | 39 | Canada | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrase, William | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scravola, Anna | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 025-025 | 9m | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scravola, Jacob | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 025-025 | 8 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scravola, Josef | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 025-025 | 4y6m | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scravola, Katharyna | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 025-025 | 29 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrazky, Marie | 28 June,1909 | Montfort | 009-008 | 18 | Russia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Screa, Alice | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 032-032 | 23 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Screbruck, Hen?k | 01 September,1908 | Mount Royal | 001-000 | 27 | Russian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Screech, Bert W. | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 030-030 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Screen, Mary | 29 April,1909 | Corinthian | 006-005 | 36 | Scotch | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Screen, William | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 006-005 | 18 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Screene, Cecilia | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 036-023 | 20 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Screene, Janet | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 036-023 | 25 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Screngeown, Alex. | 22 May,1910 | Megantic | 020-014 | 21 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Screnton, Henry | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 050-023 | 41 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Screycz, Myckajlo | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 039-037 | 28 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriak, Pavel | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 023-009 | 22 | Russia | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribbans, Ruth | 02 July,1910 | Laurentic | 010-004 | 29 | Spain | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribbens, Florence M Mrs. | 01 September,1905 | Lake Erie | 009-009 | 24 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribbins, Mrs. F.G. | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 26 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribbins, W.J. | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 013-013 | 26 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribner, Dr. Roby. B. | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 016-016 | 29 | Irish | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribner, Harrett | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 35 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribner, Roger | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 36 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scribua, Marya | 08 July,1907 | Montezuma | 007-008 | 37 | Galicia | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimager, Miss M. | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 009-009 | 22 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimager, Mr. J. | 13 November,1905 | Kensington | 009-009 | 45 | Canadian | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgeon, ? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-010 | 20 | Scotland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | (m) |
Scrimgeour, Agnes | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 025-010 | 43 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgeour, John | 26 June,1905 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 32 | Scotland | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgeour, Margt. | 07 June,1910 | Southwark | 010-009 | 28 | Scotland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgeour, William | 10 September,1910 | Hesperian | 025-010 | 24 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgeous, William | 25 June,1910 | Ionian | 019-007 | 22 | Scotland | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimger, Frances H. C. | 04 September,1910 | Canada | 005-019 | 29 | Canada | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimger, Francis A.C. | 24 July,1908 | Hesperian | 009-009 | 26 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimgrove, Rachel | 23 May,1910 | Hesperian | 019-016 | 21 | Scotland | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Alfred | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 18 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Ernest | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 11 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Harold | 18 June,1907 | Vancouver | 014-014 | 24 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Herbert | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 10 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Mabel | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 4 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Maud | 23 September,1910 | Laurentic | 018-004 | 21 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrimshaw, Thomas | 12 October,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 8 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scring, A. | 26 April,1908 | Corsican | 039-00M | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scringeour, Isa | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 007-007 | 31 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scringeour, Jas. | 19 June,1907 | Sicilian | 007-007 | 6 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scringersen ?, Charles Ernest | 24 September,1910 | Cervona | 001-007 | 26 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scripp, E. | 21 August,1908 | Virginian | 023-015 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scripps, Catherine | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 002-002 | 55 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scripps, Daisey | 12 August,1904 | Lake Champlain | 009-010 | 9 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scripps, Wm. A. | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 002-002 | 71 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Alfred | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 031-016 | 16 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, B. E. | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 30 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Emma | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 031-016 | 58 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Ethel | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 031-016 | 20 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Frances | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 009-008 | 15 | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scriven, Geo. | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 043-24A | 6 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Herbert | 18 November,1907 | Lake Erie | 002-002 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Horace | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 032-015 | 33 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, I. | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 4 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, J. | 21 October,1906 | Dominion | 014-014 | 29 | Canada | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Joseph | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 29 | Can. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Millie? | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | 30 | Can. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Miss | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 24 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Mrs. | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 018-00C | 21 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Nellie | 02 October,1908 | Victorian | 004-004 | 26 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Reginald | 01 August,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 027-026 | c | Can. | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Richd. | 05 June,1908 | Tunisian | 018-00C | 28 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriven, Samuel | 05 August,1910 | Tunisian | 031-016 | 37 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, A. | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 018-00R | 11m | British | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Ada | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 015-005 | 29 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Albert | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 5 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Alf | 20 September,1907 | Virginian | 016-015 | 24 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Alf Louis | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 007-00C | 27 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Alf. | 10 June,1910 | Tunisian | 043-029 | 46 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Edward | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | infant | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Frederick | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 4 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, George | 07 July,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 008-008 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scrivener, George | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 26 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Horace A. | 27 May,1910 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | Egypt | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scrivener, Jessie | 17 July,1909 | Victorian | 015-005 | 2m | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Kate | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 27 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Master A. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 018-018 | 1 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Mr. B. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 018-018 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Mrs. | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 018-00R | 24 | British | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Mrs. B. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 018-018 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, R. J. | 25 August,1905 | Victorian | 014-014 | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Rebecca | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 25 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Rebecca | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 006-006 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Robt. | 30 June,1907 | Lake Champlain | 017-016 | 19 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Rose | 10 July,1909 | Tunisian | 012-012 | 7 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivener, Rose | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | 4m | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivens, Emily | 06 October,1910 | Pomeranian | 002-002 | 21 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivens, John | 09 September,1904 | Parisian | 001-001 | 27 | Eng | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrivens, William | 23 September,1906 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 25 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scriver, Peter C. | 04 November,1909 | Megantic | 003-001 | 50 | Canadian | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrkoz, Hrynis | 11 May,1906 | Montezuma | 025-023 | 20 | Galicia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroda, Wasyl | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 006-007 | 37 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrofton?, Jennie? | 30 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 039-016 | 21 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroggie, Samuel | 30 July,1906 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 29 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroggie, Wm. | 30 September,1907 | Cassandra | 006-005 | 20 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroggs, Ernest | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 25 | Scotland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroggs, Helen | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 012-012 | 23 | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroggs, R. | 05 September,1903 | Parisian | 008-000 | 37 | Middlesex, Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scroope, A. | 08 May,1909 | Virginian | 017-007 | 40 | Ireland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruby, Edward | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 38 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruby, Ernest | 02 September,1909 | Empress of Britain | 040-016 | 40 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruby, Joseph | 15 June,1907 | Sardinian | 009-008 | 27 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruby, Josephine | 27 August,1910 | Laurentic | 019-004 | a | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruby, N. | 08 November,1907 | Corsican | 010-009 | 18 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruen, Pawel | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 19 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruen, Pawlo | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 35 | Russia | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruggs, Martha | 22 September,1906 | Southwark | 015-015 | 28 | USA | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Constance | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 2 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Fred | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 17 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Kenneth | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 6m | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Mrs. | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 34 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Mrs. Chas. | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 22 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruly, Phillys | 04 July,1904 | Kensington | 010-010 | 4 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumel, Carolina | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 024-022 | 17 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumel, Clara | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 024-022 | 15 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumel, Frieda | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 024-022 | 21 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumel, H. | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 024-022 | 45 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumel, Rachel | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 024-022 | 42 | Roumania | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrumstad, Peter | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 020-020 | 36 | Norway | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutcher, Amelia | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 013-013 | 31 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutcher, James | 09 Septermber,1905 | Virginian | 013-013 | 35 | Engd | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruton, Clifford | 28 July,1909 | Ionian | 007-002 | 23 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruton, D. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 014-004 | 5 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruton, H. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 014-004 | infant | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruton, John J. | 29 April,1910 | Empress of Britain | 019-013 | 28 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scruton, Mrs. C. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 014-004 | 33 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Basil | 07 October,1906 | Victorian | 018-019 | 21 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Elizabeth | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 010-010 | 32 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, G. S. | 30 May,1907 | Ottawa | 011-010 | 44 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Lizzie | 25 September,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 37 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Miss B. V. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 003-003 | a | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Mr. F. | 10 August,1910 | Royal Edward | 003-003 | 17 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Samuel | 13 May,1906 | Empress of Britain | 010-010 | 33 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrutton, Samuel | 25 September,1908 | Empress of Britain | 008-008 | 37 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrymgeour, Christina | 05 September,1910 | Pretorian | 013-005 | 29 | Scotland | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrymgeour, J. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 030-021 | a | T-485 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scrymgeour, Peter | 24 September,1910 | Grampian | 021-008 | 21 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrymgeour, Robert | 15 May,1907 | Sicilian | 011-011 | 30 | Scotland | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrymgiour, Robina | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 014-014 | 45 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scrymgour, Annie | 05 August,1909 | Empress of Britain | 018-008 | 30 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scu?e, Mrs. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 009-021 | 29 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scu?e, Mrs. S. L. M. | 25 June,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 012-012 | 23 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scu?e, Sidney H. | 07 August,1910 | Canada | 009-021 | 29 | Eng | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scud?more, Clara M. | 29 July,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 005-005 | 18 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudamore, Cora Helen | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 33 | Ireland | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudamore, Fredk Wm. | 19 August,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 005-003 | 52 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudamore, Thos V. | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 001-000 | 19 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Daisy | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 9 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Francis | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 8 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, George | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 3 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Gladys | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 11m | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, James | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 5 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Jane | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 29 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, John | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 4 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Louisa Henrietta | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 008-008 | a | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scudder, May | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 7 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Mrs. F. | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 42 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Richard | 26 July,1907 | Southwark | 023-022 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, W. S. | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 45 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudder, Wilbert | 12 October,1903 | Sicilian | 002-002 | 7 | Scotland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudding, Beatrice | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 030-030 | 45 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudding, H.C. | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 030-030 | 45 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudding, Margt | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 030-030 | 11 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudds, Mary | 04 September,1908 | Victorian | 005-005 | 27 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudiero, Antone | 23 May,1907 | Montezuma | 011-011 | 24 | Italy | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudlo, Julian | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 017-016 | 25 | Poland | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scudlo, Poitr | 07 June,1909 | Lake Erie | 017-016 | 40 | Poland (Iona) | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scuglia, Doni | 06 May,1905 | Montreal | 027-027 | 24 | Italy | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scuipider, Jakob | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 015-007 | 32 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scules, Guiseppe | 02 June,1907 | Mount Temple | 004-004 | 29 | Italy | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculies, Louis | 02 November,1906 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 27 | France | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullard, Harry | 08 July,1910 | Tunisian | 009-00G | 28 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullery, Wm. | 10 June,1905 | Bavarian | 013-013 | 28 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculley, H. | 22 June,1906 | Lake Champlain | 011-010 | 41 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculli, Vincenzo | 26 May,1910 | Tortona | 008-007 | 23 | Italy | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullin, Miss A. | 16 September,1904 | Tunisian | 007-007 | 18 | Ireland | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullin, Susan | 03 October,1909 | Athenia | 002-002 | 26 | Ireland | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, Edward | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 002-002 | 34 | Scotch | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, George | 15 November,1907 | Sicilian | 002-001 | 20 | Scotland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, John | 01 June,1908 | Hesperian | 003-003 | 32 | T-493 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scullion, John | 04 June,1907 | Corinthian | 021-00S | 21 | Scotland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, John | 17 July,1906 | Athenia | 006-006 | 28 | Scotland | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, Mrs. P. | 05 July,1907 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 34 | Ireland | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, P. | 14 August,1903 | Bavarian | 004-004 | 38 | Co. Derry | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scullion, Patrick | 05 June,1910 | Lake Champlain | 029-022 | 22 | Ireland | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Alfred | 25 October,1907 | Tunisian | 009-008 | 15 | T-492 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scully, Arthur | 12 August,1907 | Athenia | 012-012 | 13 | Scotland | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Bella | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 007-006 | 18 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Bessie | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 007-006 | 20 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Bridget | 13 June,1908 | Lake Erie | 004-004 | 26 | Ireland | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Ed | 09 October,1908 | Corsican | 002-002 | 46 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Edward | 13 October,1906 | Ionian | 008-007 | 42 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Emily | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 021-00C | 34 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scully, Harold N. | 09 May,1910 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scully, James | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 002-002 | 20 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Jas. O. B. | 24 August,1907 | Kensington | 006-005 | 61 | Canada | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Kale H. | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 015-014 | 45 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Mamie | 18 August,1908 | Sicilian | 005-000 | 24 | U S A | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Martha | 02 September,1910 | Tunisian | 008-00B | a | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Mary | 02 September,1909 | Megantic | 021-00C | 44 | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scully, Mary | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 007-006 | 45 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Mary | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 002-002 | 20 | Ireland | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Mr. W. | 16 June,1905 | Virginian | 025-017 | Engd. | T-484 | Quebec Ports | ||
Scully, Nora | 31 August,1906 | Tunisian | 019-020 | 24 | Ireland | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Peter | 07 August,1905 | Athenia | 007-006 | 50 | Scotch | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Thos. | 02 May,1908 | Virginian | 015-00I | 20? | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Vincent | 09 October,1910 | Megantic | 004-00D | a | Ireland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Vincent | 28 July,1905 | Victorian | 021-021 | a | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Scully, Wm. | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 038-038 | a | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Sculpham, Frank | 19 October,1909 | Sicilian | 010-006 | 8 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculpham, Thomas | 19 October,1909 | Sicilian | 010-006 | 14 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculpher, Fredk. | 06 August,1908 | Victorian | 004-004 | 21 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scult, Frank | 19 October,1908 | Virginian | 001-00A | 29 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculthorpe, A. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 025-024 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculthorpe, Charles | 16 May,1908 | Canada | 007-007 | 21 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculthorpe, Edgar | 02 August,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 19 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculthorpe, Thos | 09 May,1910 | Laurentic | 051-024 | 20 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Sculthorpe?, John | 27 September,1907 | Tunisian | 030-029 | 50 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Scumik, Semen | 14 July,1909 | Mount Royal | 004-003 | 19 | Galicia | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Scummell, Alice | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 9 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scummell, Jane | 17 June,1904 | Lake Erie | 010-010 | 12 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Scun, Mary | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 18 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scunco, Francisco | 18 May,1910 | Royal Edward | 019-00E | 23 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scunik, Dmytro | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 048-029 | 27 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurd?, Catherine | 22 August,1908 | Kensington | 010-010 | 55 | Canada | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurlo, Antoinetta | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 014-008 | 9 | Italian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurlo, Salvatore | 07 May,1908 | Sardinian | 014-008 | 11 | Italian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurlock, Arch. Stan. | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 010-010 | 11m | Wales | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurlock, Mrs. M. | 20 June,1908 | Canada | 010-010 | 25 | Wales | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurr, Wm. | 11 August,1910 | Victorian | 019-012 | 22 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurrah, F. B. | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 003-000 | 23 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurrah, Hilda | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurrah, Mark | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 003-000 | 24 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurrah, Robt. | 12 June,1908 | Victorian | 007-006 | 23 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurrah, Thos. | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 035-019 | 19 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurton, Mr. | 24 June,1906 | Kensington | 010-010 | 40 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Scurvah, Gladys | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 003-003 | 2 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Scuse, James F. | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 009-008 | 25 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Chrissie | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 007-007 | 6 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Florrie | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 023-022 | 3 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Harry | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 007-007 | 11 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Herbert H. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 007-007 | 1 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Ida K. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 023-022 | 1 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Mary | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 023-022 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Mrs. | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 007-007 | 39 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Richd. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 023-022 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, Saml. | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 035-031 | 24 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutchings, William | 07 October,1906 | Kensington | 007-007 | 9 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutieri, Teodors | 14 September,1908 | Parisian | 008-008 | 29 | Italy | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutt, S. W. | 15 November, 1903 | Parisian | 009-009 | 22 | Dorset, Eng. | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Scutter, Fred | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 007-00D | 21 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Scweneozyn?, Iwan | 26 September,1909 | Montfort | 017-016 | 20 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Scyerbanowski, B. | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 010-009 | infant | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scyerbanowski, Karolina | 07 May,1905 | Ottawa | 010-009 | 25 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scywczuk, Iwan | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 048-029 | 30 | Russia | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Scz?ha, K. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 015-015 | 10 | Galacia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Scz?nuk, Chane | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scz?nuk, Leibsh | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 19 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Scz?nuk, Nochman | 06 September,1906 | Ottawa | 005-005 | 20 | Russia | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczczafa?a, Tomasso | 26 June,1906 | Montrose | 003-003 | 26 | Italy | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Anna | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 42 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Jan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 16 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Jan | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 49 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Justina | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 6 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Marya | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 11 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Oleska | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 3 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczebal, Sinera | 16 June,1907 | Montreal | 005-003 | 8 | Galician | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczepkowski, Julian | 22 May,1906 | Mount Temple | 030-030 | 36 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczkiriewicz, Andrej | 26 May,1908 | Montreal | 003-002 | 38 | Galicia | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczonsky, Pe? | 09 May,1904 | Montreal | 002-000 | 28 | Galicia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczuban, Alesa | 10 May,1905 | Montrose | 003-003 | 29 | Galicia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczuk, Anna | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 46 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Audrjy | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 48 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Dmytro | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 16 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Marya | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 4 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Michajlo | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 11m | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Parasyka | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 11 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Stefan | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 9 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczuk, Wasyl | May,1909 | Konig Adalbert | 001-00A | 7 | Galicia | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | 1 |
Sczybdek, Paulina | 10 July,1905 | Montezuma | 011-011 | illegible | Russia | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sczybulski, Josef | 01 May,1910 | Prinz Oskar | 023-022 | 32 | Austria | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Sdanwietz, Donat | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 036-15a | 10 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Sdanwietz, Donat | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 036-15a | 41 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Sdanwietz, Ossep | 21 September,1910 | Royal George | 036-15a | 11 | Russia | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Sdimowsk, Maria | 01 September,1909 | Mount Royal | 021-020 | 21 | Russia | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Sdwiefert, Miss | 26 July,1907 | Virginian | 038-038 | a | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, B | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 006-000 | 4 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, Florentina | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 013-013 | 30 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, Jacob | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 013-013 | 29 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, Josephine | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 013-013 | 4 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, Marie | 18 June, 1905 | Kensington | 013-013 | 3 | Russia | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?, S? | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 006-000 | Russia | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Se?ireg, Gustav | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 024-023 | 22 | Russia | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?ley, Albert | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 011-00K | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Se?zafara, Rosa | 18 July,1904 | Montezuma | 002-000 | 31 | Italy | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Sea, Helen | 11 September,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 011-010 | 19 | USA | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Sea, Louisa | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 030-027 | 71 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sea, Samuel | 10 September,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 030-027 | 71 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sea?wright, Saml. | 30 April,1908 | Athenia | 007-007 | 45 | Irish | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaansky, Piatras | 21 October,1905 | Parisian | 013-013 | 21 | Russia | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaberg, Hans | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 015-014 | 38 | Sweden | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabodeski, Chays | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 28 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabodeski, Leon | 22 September,1903 | Lake Michigan | 005-005 | 30 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabon, Walter | 20 July,1907 | Kensington | 009-009 | 11 | British | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaborn, Anna | 29 September,1910 | Lake Erie | 001-001 | 45 | Canada | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaborn, George | 16 September,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 035-035 | 23 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaborne, William W. | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 016-016 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabourn?, Arth. George | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 031-013 | 24 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabourn?, Mabel Alice | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 031-013 | 25 | England | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabourne, Ellen | 16 June,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 22 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabourne, F. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 011-011 | 15 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Seabourne, G. | 05 June, 1905 | Dominion | 011-011 | 11 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Seabridge, Jack | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 009-009 | 1 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabridge, Mrs. Kate | 07 August,1904 | Kensington | 009-009 | 26 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabright, Alexia | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 038-026 | 2 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabright, Eliz. | 08 October,1903 | Kensington | 001-001 | 11 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabright, James | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 038-026 | 40 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabright, Mary | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 038-026 | 30 | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabright, Sydney | 10 May,1910 | Cassandra | 038-026 | 6m | Scotland | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Alexr. | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 003-003 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Bella | 27 May,1910 | Corsican | 050-031 | a | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, C. | 30 May,1904 | Kensington | 019-000 | 8 | English | T-482 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Seabrook, Emily | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 015-008 | 64 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, F. | 18 June,1904 | Parisian | 012-012 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Fred | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 22 | Eng | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Frederick | 01 July,1905 | Victorian | 001-001 | 23 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Geo. B. | 10 August,1906 | Victorian | 014-014 | 23 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Herbert | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 010-029 | 24 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Herbert | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 18 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Kathleen | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Leonard | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 005-00E | 19 | Eng | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Mabel | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 47 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Rosa | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 20 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Violet | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 16 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, W. R. | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 029-034 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seabrook, Winifred | 29 June,1908 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 11 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaby, Jemmel | 17 August,1906 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 24 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaby, Mrs. A. | 03 May,1904 | Ionian | 022-026 | 29 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaby, Thomas | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Catherine | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 10m | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Corentin | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 36 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Francois | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 000-001 | 11 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Jeanne | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 000-001 | 9 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Marie Anne | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 000-001 | 8 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Marie Anne | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 38 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Marie Jeanne | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 000-001 | 6 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seach, Pierre | 2 July,1906 | Sardinian | 002-001 | 3 | France | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seachi, Felice | 17 July,1910 | Cairnrona | 008-00H | 44 | Italy | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Seacole, Maria | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 017-00D | 32 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Seacombe, Thomas | 07 November,1903 | Tunisian | 009-009 | 44 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seador, Thos. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 21 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seador, Wm. | 21 October,1906 | Lake Champlain | 002-002 | 18 | Irish | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seadredge, Bernard | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 24 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seadredge, Francis | 25 May,1906 | Ottawa | 003-003 | 20 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaford, William | 05 November,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 002-000 | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaforth, Andrew | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 004-011 | 44 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaforth, Mary | 25 September,1910 | Cassandra | 004-011 | 30 | Scotland | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Daniel | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 24 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Elisabeth | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 22 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Karoline | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 18 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Margareth | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 17 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Wilhelm | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 7 | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seafried, Wilhelm | 15 May,1910 | Prinz Adalbert | 011-009 | 7m | Romania | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagar, Lily | 23 June,1905 | Lake Erie | 015-015 | 20 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagell, Sidney | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 026-024 | 20 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagell, Thomas | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 026-024 | 21 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Clara | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 009-00F | 42 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, E. | 31 October,1908 | Grampian | 010-007 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seager, Ed. Jas. | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 010-010 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Frank | 15 June,1907 | Victorian | 017-017 | 45 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Henry | 09 June,1909 | Cassandra | 007-007 | 23 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Kate. | 20 October,1907 | Lake Manitoba | 008-008 | 33 | Ireland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Sarah | 22 May,1909 | Lake Manitoba | 006-006 | 30 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Walter Robt. | 25 August,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 008-007 | 29 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seager, Wm. F. | 31 May,1908 | Dominion | 011-011 | 8 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagram, J.H. | 24 October,1908 | Tunisian | 013-00F | Canada | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seagram, Mr. | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 007-007 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagram, Mrs. | 24 August,1910 | Royal George | 007-007 | a | Canada | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagrave, Alfred | 04 May,1910 | Montrose | 023-023 | 37 | Eng | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagrave, Anna | 22-Jul-04 | Lake Erie | 001-000 | 14 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagrave, Stanley | 14 July,1910 | Victorian | 026-013 | 15 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagrim, Herbt. | 03 June,1906 | Dominion | 021-020 | 20 | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seagrove, Eleanor | 27 August,1909 | Virginian | 022-002 | 26 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagwick, Albert | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 4 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagwick, Elizth. | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 2 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagwick, Grace | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 32 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seagwick, Grace | 09 June,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 016-015 | 6 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaham, Arthur | 23 June,1905 | Canada | 003-00C | 31 | English | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seahan, Eliza | 03 June,1910 | Virginian | 026-005 | a | Eng | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Seahouse, Edward | 23 July,1909 | Empress of Ireland | 034-000 | 58 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaker, George | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 016-014 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaker, W.H. | 12 September,1907 | Parisian | 016-014 | 49 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaker, Wm. H. Coren | 12 June,1910 | Canada | 030-014 | 48 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, A. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 006-006 | 23 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Agnes | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 3 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Albert | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 018-005 | 9m | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Alfred | 10 June,1910 | Sicilian | 011-005 | 17 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Carolyn | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 10 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Edward | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 48 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Eliz | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 13 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Eliz. R. | 05 September,1910 | Pretorian | 004-004 | 27 | U.S. | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Elizth | 30 October,1908 | Victorian | 003-003 | 25 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Francis | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 017-006 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Frank | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 028-033 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Frank | 22 May,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 027-027 | 29 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Geo. Hy. Cecil | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 10 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Gladys | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 010-011 | 6 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Harry | 13 October,1910 | Empress of Britain | 004-004 | 37 | England | T-4772 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Henry | 09 May,1910 | Corinthian | 020-000 | 34 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Horace | 15 September,1906 | Ionian | 015-015 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Hy. | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 33 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, John | 21 October,1907 | Athenia | 008-008 | 40 | Scotland | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Julia | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 11 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, M. | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 007-00D | 25 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Mabel | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 017-006 | 3 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Marjorie | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 010-011 | 8 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Mary | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 017-006 | 35 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Maud | 01 October,1909 | Tunisian | 018-005 | 23 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Maude | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 010-011 | 20 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Miss M. | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 016-006 | 22 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Mrs. | 24 August,1906 | Virginian | 006-006 | 21 | Eng | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Mrs. M. A. | 15 October,1904 | Tunisian | 019-000 | 40 | Wales | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Mrs. W. E. | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 010-011 | 45 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, P. | 15 October,1909 | Corsican | 007-00D | 25 | England | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Percy | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 017-006 | 6 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Percy Leonard | 11 August,1906 | Lake Erie | 008-008 | 22 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Samuel | 19 July,1907 | Empress of Britain | 011-011 | 30 | English | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Thomas | 07 June,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 007-006 | 18 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Vida Annie | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 31 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Vida Garnet | 09 October,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 14 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Violet | 21 June,1907 | Parisian | 010-011 | 12 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, William | 19 May,1907 | Lake Champlain | 012-013 | 20 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Wm | 25 June,1909 | Corsican | 005-005 | 28 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Seal, Wm. | 22 July,1904 | Tunisian | 017-006 | 35 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealbourne, Harvey | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 35 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealbourne, Margaret | 17 November,1905 | Lake Manitoba | 010-010 | 30 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Annie | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 030-029 | 25 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Arthur H. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 023-017 | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Emily | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 030-029 | 2 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Ethel | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, George | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seale, Harry | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 39 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Ivy | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 9m | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Mary | 19 July,1906 | Empress of Britain | 012-012 | 25 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Reginald | 24 August,1907 | Lake Erie | 006-006 | 36 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seale, Thomas | 17 August,1907 | Corsican | 030-029 | 4 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Arthur | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 22 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Chas. | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 013-012 | 24 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Frank | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 006-006 | 20 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, G. | 15 May,1904 | Canada | 029-0AA | 27 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, George | 16 July,1906 | Lake Manitoba | 005-003 | 28 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Margaret | 04 July,1908 | Dominion | 003-003 | 19 | Scotland | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Mary | 20 May,1906 | Kensington | 013-012 | 26 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Mr. John Chas. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 23 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Mrs. Cath. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 20 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Richd. | 11 June,1904 | Bavarian | 020-013 | 23 | Ireland | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seales, Saveris | 12 October,1909 | Mount Royal | 008-007 | 31 | Italy | T-4764 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, A | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | infant | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, A. W. | 04 August,1904 | Bavarian | 018-011 | 24 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Annie | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 38 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Annie | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 6 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, B. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 27 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Catherine | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 004-004 | 36 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, E. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 34 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Edward | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 026-016 | 19 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Flonce. | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 14 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, George | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 8 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, James | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 042-026 | 13 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Martin | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | 2 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Mary | 15 June,1906 | Canada | 024-023 | infant | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Mr. Alb. Edwd. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 30 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Mrs. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 57 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, Mrs. | 24 September,1905 | Parisian | 003-003 | 32 | English | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealey, R. | 23 August,1906 | Canada | 019-018 | 21 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealing, William | 15 May,1909 | Sardinian | 010-009 | 20 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seals, Annie | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 017-017 | 34 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seals, Ethel | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 003-002 | 24 | English | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Seals, Thomas | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 017-017 | 11 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Seals, William | 26 October,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 017-017 | 9 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Anna | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 031-029 | 36 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Clifford | 01 May,1905 | Ionian | 002-002 | 30 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Clifford | 03 November,1907 | Kensington | 008-007 | 33 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Douglas | 23 September,1909 | Laurentic | 029-007 | 18 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Frank | 04 May,1909 | Cassandra | 013-013 | 18 | Scotland | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, George H. | 14 August,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 005-005 | 62 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Harry | 17 September,1909 | Canada | 009-009 | 22 | England | T-4763 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Henry A. | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 20 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, James | 16 July,1908 | Empress of Ireland | 031-029 | 49 | Canadian | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, John | 03 June,1905 | Sardinian | 002-002 | 24 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, Thos. L. | 22 October,1904 | Ionian | 013-013 | 23 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sealy, William | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 027-00B | 20 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Alfred | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 63 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Alice | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 40 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Anne | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 015-000 | 55 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Annie | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 62 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Charles | 12 August,1909 | Victorian | 025-021 | 66 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Charles | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 38 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Dorothy | 06 October,1905 | Canada | 010-00J | 9 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | Home child |
Seaman, Eliza | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 023-021 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seaman, Eliza L. | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 023-021 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seaman, Eric R. | 11 October,1907 | Canada | 003-003 | 16 | English | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Ernest | 12 May,1906 | Tunisian | 006-006 | 17 | English | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Eva | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 11 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, F. B. | 02 September,1904 | Bavarian | 027-021 | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |||
Seaman, Florence | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 28 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Frederick | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 011-011 | 23 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Fredk. | 22 May,1910 | Lake Manitoba | 009-008 | 33 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Hadena | 21 August,1910 | Dominion | 012-012 | 70 | USA | T-4770 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Hazel | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 9 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Henry | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 18 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, J. A. | 28 October,1904 | Bavarian | 006-002 | 21 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Jane | 28 September,1906 | Empress of Ireland | 016-016 | 65 | England | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Jas. T. | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 012-012 | 9 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Seaman, John | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 023-021 | 48 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, John F. | 30 September,1904 | Canada | 015-000 | 60 | USA | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Maud | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 23 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Mrs. A. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 49 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Mrs. Frederick | 05 August,1905 | Southwark | 011-011 | 25 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Mrs. M. | 15 July,1905 | Virginian | 007-00G | 46 | Engd. | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, S. H. T. D. | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 49 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Sidney | 12 November,1904 | Tunisian | 001-001 | 3 | Eng | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaman, Winifred | 30 April,1906 | Dominion | 004-004 | 6 | England | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamark, Harriet | 12 August,1903 | Canada | 001-00A | 32 | Middlesex | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, Ethel | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 037-00L | 4 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, F. | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 037-00L | 9 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, F.J. | 03 October,1908 | Lake Champlain | 005-005 | 24 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, H | 13 May,1910 | Empress of Ireland | 015-015 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | ||
Seamen, John | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 037-00L | 11 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, John | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 037-00L | 37 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamen, Laura | 01 May,1909 | Corsican | 037-00L | 35 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamer, Charles | 30 May,1910 | Dominion | 026-024 | 47 | England | T-4767 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamer, Chas. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 031-031 | 24 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamer, Chas. John | 31 July,1904 | Southwark | 004-004 | 28 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Seamer, Mrs. | 20 July,1907 | Corsican | 031-031 | 24 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Seames, Miss F. | 09 October,1903 | Parisian | 006-00F | 25 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Sean, Emily | 10 July,1910 | Canada | 023-011 | 17 | England | T-4769 | Quebec Ports | |
Seaney, George | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 005-005 | 26 | Irish | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Seapils, Wasyl | 29 May,1907 | Mount Royal | 016-015 | 19 | Bucko | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Alf | 22 August,1908 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 34 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Archie | 09 June,1905 | Ottawa | 002-000 | 18 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Buzi | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 9 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Harry | 28 May,1909 | Corsican | 011-011 | 21 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, John | 09 June,1906 | Southwark | 030-028 | 23 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Julia | 14 July,1905 | Lake Champlain | 009-009 | 52 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Mr. | 28 August,1908 | Tunisian | 018-00K | a | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Naftali | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 35 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Rachael | 15 August,1903 | Lake Michigan | 003-003 | 32 | Russia | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Sear, Wm. | 15 May,1910 | Tunisian | 012-000 | 17 | England | T-4766 | Quebec Ports | |
Searby, Mary A. | 16 May,1908 | Victorian | 022-022 | 68 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searcy, Percy | 27 June,1908 | Southwark | 001-000 | 24 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Seare, James | 04 May,1906 | Virginian | 024-014 | 23 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Seare, Thos. | 07 June,1907 | Tunisian | 024-023 | 30 | England | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Seares, Leonard | 01 May,1910 | Dominion | 009-008 | 22 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Annie E. | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 016-001 | 15 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Ellen | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 47 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Emma | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 45 | U.S.Citizen | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, G. A. | 30 April,1910 | Corsican | 044-025 | 32 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Grace | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 13 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Harriett | 01 July,1910 | Virginian | 016-001 | 14 | Eng | T-4768 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, John | 05 July,1907 | Empress of Ireland | 001-001 | 38 | Eng | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, John | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 42 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, John | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 50 | U.S.Citizen | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, John | 27 August,1908 | Empress of Britain | 028-028 | 75 | U.S.Citizen | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Rosalie | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 17 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Searl, Violet | 09 September,1910 | Victorian | 032-013 | 19 | England | T-4771 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, A. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 014-014 | 13 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Searle, Albert | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 011-010 | 28 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Albert G. | 27 April,1910 | Sicilian | 015-007 | 47 | England | T-4765 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Alf | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 3 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Alf. Jas. | 17 November,1907 | Virginian | 039-012 | 18 | England | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Alfred | 13 August,1904 | Parisian | 005-005 | 31 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Amy K. | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 003-001 | 26 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Annie | 12 October,1907 | Corsican | 002-001 | 23 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Annie | 20 May,1907 | Southwark | 008-005 | 20 | British | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Arthur | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 15 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Arthur B. | 10 September,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-00C | 31 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, B. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 013-003 | 37 | England | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Blanche | 06 September,1907 | Victorian | 013-013 | 26 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, C. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 006-006 | 13 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Searle, Charlotte | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-010 | 44 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Charlotte | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-010 | 5 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Charlotte | 18 August,1905 | Tunisian | 003-001 | 4 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Chas. | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 5 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Child | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 010-000 | 2 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Daisy | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 11 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Edith | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 20 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Edwrd. | 11 May,1907 | Tunisian | 024-024 | 18 | T-489 | Quebec Ports | ||
Searle, Emmeline | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 034-024 | 31 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Ernest | 02 July,1904 | Ionian | 001-000 | 21 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Ernest | 02 September,1906 | Kensington | 007-009 | 23 | English | T-488 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Eva | 01 June,1906 | Virginian | 034-024 | 7 | England | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Frank | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | 29 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Fred | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 9 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Fredk. | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 9 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Geo. | 30 May,1908 | Virginian | 007-00G | 24 | Canadian | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, George | 11 October,1907 | Empress of Britain | 022-022 | 14 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Grace | 10 September,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-00C | 1 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, H. D. | 20 October,1905 | Sarmatian | 001-001 | 40 | T-486 | Quebec Ports | ||
Searle, Hannah | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 45 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Harold | 12 July,1902 | Tunisian | 005-002 | 25 | England | T-480 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Harold | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 010-000 | 31 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Harry | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 033-005 | 29 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Harry | 21 May,1904 | Lake Manitoba | 004-004 | 26 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Harry | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 014-012 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | ||
Searle, Henry | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 14 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Henry | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 60 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Henry | 17 August,1907 | Dominion | 005-004 | 18 | England | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Henry J. | 17 May,1905 | Kensington | 006-000 | 45 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Herbt. Alfd | 30 July,1909 | Megantic | 018-004 | 19 | England | T-4762 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Isabella | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 39 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, J. W. | 23 October,1904 | Dominion | 006-006 | 45 | England | T-484 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Jack | 06 October,1907 | Lake Erie | 010-009 | 20 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Jane | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-010 | 4 | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Jas | 02 November,1907 | Victorian | 018-018 | 47 | England | T-492 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Jas. | 19 August,1904 | Tunisian | 003-003 | 17 | England | T-483 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, John | 26 May,1906 | Ionian | 016-016 | 28 | Ireland | T-486 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Kathleen | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 2 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Kathleen | 11 June,1909 | Empress of Britain | 020-019 | 3 | England | T-4761 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Lilian | 02 August,1907 | Tunisian | 017-015 | 22 | Wales | T-491 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Lillie | 10 November,1907 | Pomeranian | 010-010 | infant | English | T-493 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Lucy M. | 10 September,1905 | Sarmatian | 003-00C | 24 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, M. | 12 August,1905 | Dominion | 014-014 | 11 | England | T-485 | Quebec Ports | home child |
Searle, Maggie | 01 September,1905 | Canada | 006-00F | 17 | British | T-485 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Marion | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 011-010 | 26 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Mary | 08 May,1904 | Bavarian | 033-005 | 33 | England | T-482 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Mary A. | 23 June,1906 | Ionian | 014-012 | 30 | English | T-487 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Mary Ann | 10 November,1906 | Empress of Britain | 006-005 | 49 | England | T-489 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Maud | 14 November,1908 | Corsican | 008-000 | 26 | England | T-4760 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Maud M. | 23 June,1907 | Southwark | 011-010 | 3 | English | T-490 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Mrs. | 19 September,1908 | Virginian | 010-000 | 31 | USA | T-4759 | Quebec Ports | |
Searle, Mrs. Emma | 02 October,1910 | Canada | 015-034 |